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World War I Centennial

Gun crew from Regimental Headquarters Company, 23rd Infantry, firing 37 mm gun during an advance on German entrenched positions. View in Catalog.

As the largest repository of American World War I records, the National Archives invites you to browse the wealth of records and information documenting the U.S. experience in this conflict, including photographs, documents, audiovisual recordings, educational resources, articles, blog posts, lectures, and events.

April 6, 2017, marks the 100th anniversary of America’s entrance into the Great War. After remaining neutral for three years, the United States reluctantly entered what was supposed to be "The War to End All Wars." By declaring war, President Woodrow Wilson committed the nation to join the other Allied countries in their efforts to defeat the German-led Central Powers.


World War I Topics

Explore more records, information, articles and resources at the National Archives organized by subject area.

More Resources

Begin your research with these World War I overview guides and resources from the National Archives. The records highlighted here represent a small portion of the National Archives holdings, many of which have not yet been digitized. Contact the National Archives to plan a research visit. 


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, best tank games Archives

The Chieftain's Hatch: Archive Oddities

Last year as I was conducting my strenuous and time-consuming effort to dig through the United States National Archives to find the juicy stuff, which I descrbed in The Chieftain's Hatch: US National Archives, I occasionally came across the odd document or two that didn’t warrant an entire article of its own, but was still an interesting find. So I’ve collated some of them here for your viewing pleasure.

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I must admit that I was unaware of artillery ammunition shortages, and I definitely wasn’t aware that they were so bad that the highest echelons were seriously considered to convert captured German munitions. That said, there was some precedence, at least back in the North African campaign, of German 7.5 cm rounds being converted for use in the 75 mm guns of the M3 mediums, but that was more a factor that the US-manufactured rounds just didn’t work, rather than a shortage.

Moving gears a little, some of you may be familiar with the monowheel trailer that the British designed to be towed by the Centurion tank, to extend its rather puny range. Let’s just say that it wasn’t the most popular piece of equipment ever issued.

Even so, the allies willingness to try out other countries’ gear, the United States Army decided to give it a crack on an M47. The report was several pages long and here’s the first and last for the overview.

Taking the idea a bit further, the US then went to Detroit Tank Arsenal and asked them to come up with a monowheel design of their own. After all, if the British could do it, surely America could do better?

A test was undertaken.

Unfortunately, this wasn't American engineering at its best. It was arguably a daft design to begin with, and the results were not impressive

This next document, written a month after D-Day, is an interesting assessment of how hard it was to destroy a Panther. The overall impression is a bit rosier than it should have warranted, but it would've been interesting to know the background information to it. Also this contains further evidence that the US simply didn’t see much need for the 17-pounder..

Oddly, however, I also found this document mentioning the merits of the 17Pr. For those of you who missed it, it might be an opportunity to look back over the two-part  US Guns, German Armor series: (part one, andpart two).

Lastly, some of you have seen these pictures before, but there were tests carried out of the Navy’s ability to land 100 ton tanks in beach assaults.

The Chieftain is Wargaming America's resident tank guru. If you'd like to stay abreast of his comings and goings, feel free to "Like" The Chieftain on Facebook and follow The Chieftain on Twitter.

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best tank games Archives

From the archives: Bears release Tank Johnson

Tank Johnson's time ran out with the Bears on Monday. They abruptly released the troubled defensive tackle before his latest scrape with the law -- police in Gilbert, Ariz., detained him at 3:30 a.m. Friday for speeding and suspicion of driving under the influence -- had time to play out.

Johnson did time and that didn't work. The Bears took time and that didn't work. Johnson was simply taking up too much valuable time. The team finally decided that running a reform school at Halas Hall was infringing on football business.

The Bears already had ample reason to question Johnson's judgment. In December, after police found unregistered weapons and a small quantity of marijuana in a raid on Johnson's Gurnee home, the team announced a zero-tolerance behavior policy for him. Less than 36 hours later he was present at an altercation at a downtown nightspot that resulted in the shooting death of his friend Willie Posey.

They had to be alarmed that another incident occurred just weeks after Johnson was released from Cook County Jail, having served a 60-day sentence for probation violation. He also had received an eight-game NFL suspension for his off-field behavior, and the Bears were adamant that he had exhausted his supply of chances. And he was cruising the streets of Gilbert, Ariz., at 3:30 a.m.?

Before learning any more details of the Friday morning traffic stop, Bears coach Lovie Smith brought Johnson into his office at Halas Hall in Lake Forest Monday and told him the Bears' baby-sitting job was over. Johnson had flown to Chicago from his home in Arizona, already too late to talk his way out of the relatively minor indiscretion.

The Bears had bent over backward for Johnson, and he finally broke their back.

"We are upset and embarrassed by Tank's actions last week," general manager Jerry Angelo said in a team press release. "He compromised the credibility of our organization."

Smith was among the 147 names on Johnson's county jail visitor list and was a strong supporter, frequently referring to Johnson as "a good person." He was particularly disappointed by the latest development.

"A lot of people within our organization gave extra time and energy to support Tank: players, coaches and our front office," Smith said in the release. "We did our best to establish an environment for him to move forward. Ultimately, Tank needed to live up to his side of the deal."

By itself, driving 40 m.p.h. in a 25 zone at 3:30 a.m. and "being impaired to the slightest degree," in the words of Gilbert Police Sgt. Andrew Duncan, would not be enough to terminate employment immediately. But the Bears have been holding Johnson's hand for the last two years, since June 11, 2005, when he was charged with unlawful possession of a handgun after Chicago police found a loaded 9-mm Ruger in his parked car outside a downtown nightclub.

Under terms of his newly established "personal conduct" policy, NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell suspended Johnson for the first eight games of the 2007 season for violation of his probation on the gun charge. The suspension could have been reduced to six games with good behavior.

Carrying Johnson for half a season simply became more trouble than it was worth for the Bears.

"We made it clear to him that he had no room for error," Angelo said. "Our goal was to help someone through a difficult period in his life, but the effort needs to come from both sides. It didn't, and we have decided to move on."

It wasn't that the Bears couldn't use Johnson on the field. A judge allowed him to leave Illinois to play in the Super Bowl in February, and in Smith's defensive scheme, no position is more important than tackle. Pro Bowl star Tommie Harris is coming off a leg injury, reliable Ian Scott signed with Philadelphia and Alfonso Boone signed with Kansas City.

But Johnson wasn't so good that the Bears could afford his perpetual presence on their weekly calendar: Monday, check up on Tank; Tuesday, game plan; Wednesday, practice; Thursday, tuck in Tank; Friday, apologize for Tank.

Cornerback Nathan Vasher signed a five-year contract extension with the Bears on Monday, a positive development quickly overshadowed by the latest Johnson news. Vasher, one of several Bears players who visited Johnson in jail, understood why the team's patience toward his troubled teammate finally ran out.

"It's really hard to see him go through some of the things he has," Vasher said. "But the Bears were kind of pushed into a corner. ... I think you have to be accountable for your actions, and the Chicago Bears had to do what was needed.

"I am surprised," Vasher added. "I was really convinced that Tank had more than thought about the time he did in prison or just every other compromising situation he has been in, not to jeopardize [his career] any further."

Recommended on Chicago Tribune

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