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Minecraft enchantments guide Archives

Enchantments Tier List | Ranking of All Enchantments | Minecraft Dungeons

With a variety of Enchantments available in Minecraft Dungeons, it can be hard to choose between them. Check our handy tier list to learn which Enchantments are best to make your character a powerful force of nature, and which you should avoid!

Tier List of All Enchantments

All rankings in this article are the subjective opinion of Game8's writing staff. Click each Enchantment's icon to read our full guides, including explanations of each Enchantment's ranking!

List of S Tier Enchantments

Enchantments in the S Tier should be prioritized when they appear. Although the effectiveness of all Enchantments depend on your Build, consider changing some of your Weapons, Armor and Artifacts around to better match these Enchantments when you get a chance to use them.

S-Rank Melee Weapon Enchantments

S-Rank Ranged Weapon Enchantments

S-Rank Armor Enchantments

List of A Tier Enchantments

Enchantments in the A Tier are no slouch, and have the potential to significantly improve a Build which needs an extra boost.

When one of these Enchantments appears, consider if it might be the keystone your characters need; that said, they're not quite useful enough to necessitate changing around your whole Build to match them.

A-Rank Melee Weapon Enchantments

A-Rank Ranged Weapon Enchantments

A-Rank Armor Enchantments

List of B Tier Enchantments

The B Tier Enchantments are still fairly usable, but there are other Enchantments which provide similar effects with better results.

As you'll need to Salvage a Weapon or Armor to get its Enchantment Points back, consider waiting to see if you find another gear with an S or A Tier Enchantment first before equipping one of these.

B-Rank Melee Weapon Enchantments

B-Rank Ranged Weapon Enchantments

B-Rank Armor Enchantments

List of C Tier Enchantments

The Enchantments in the C Tier are not unusable, but as Enchantment Points are a scarce resource, and choosing an Enchantment will lock that Weapon or Armor into its effect, you might want to think twice before using one of these.

C-Rank Melee Weapon Enchantments

ChainsHas a 30% chance to chain a cluster of mobs together and keep them bound for a short time.

C-Rank Ranged Weapon Enchantments

Bonus ShotFiring a shot also fires a second shot at a nearby enemy. The second shot has reduced damage.
PunchBoosts arrow pushback.

C-Rank Armor Enchantments

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, Minecraft enchantments guide Archives

List of Enchantments | Minecraft Dungeons

This is a list of Enchantments appearing in the game Minecraft Dungeons. Players can attach Enchantments to their Weapons and Armor to power them up with added effects. With a variety of Enchantments available for all types of Weapons and Armor, a whole new world of versatility opens up with new ways to best your foes!

What are Enchantments?

The Poison Cloud Enchantment in use.

Enchantments are used to grant additional effects to Weapons and Armor. As Minecraft Dungeons has no Classes or Abilities of any type, players will distinguish their play styles by attaching Enchantments to their Weapons and Armor which help them play a certain role on their team.

Upgrading Enchantments


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Every time you level up your character, you receive an enchantment point. This will allow you to power up one of the Enchantments placed on one of your Weapons or Armor.

Enchantments can be upgraded to a maximum level of 3, with each level further enhancing their effects. By upgrading your Enchantments, you can continue to use your favorites throughout the game, even against stronger enemies!

Salvage Weapons and Armor to Respec

As you progress through the game, you'll frequently switch out for superior Weapons and Armor found on your adventures. To avoid letting your Enchantments go to waste, you can salvage old Weapons and Armor to regain their Enchantment Points.

Although you can't remove Enchantments without Salvaging, you'll be able to use the retrieved Enchantment Points to invest in new Enchantments for your new-found Equipment.

List of Enchantments

List of Weapon Enchantments



Melee or Ranged

List of Weapon Enchantments

List of Armor Enchantments

BurningEvery 0.5 seconds damages all enemies in melee range.
ChillingEmits a blast every two seconds that reduces the movement and attack speed of nearby enemies for one second.
Cool DownReduces the cooldown time between uses of your Artifacts.
CowardiceWhen you are at full HP, you deal increased ranged and melee damage.
DeflectGrants a small chance to deflect incoming projectiles.
ElectrifiedRolling zaps three nearby enemies with lightning bolts, dealing damage.
ExplorerFor every one hundred blocks explored on the map, you regain a small amount of health.
Final ShoutWhen your health drops below 25%, all your artifacts are used (ignoring cooldown periods).
Fire TrailRolling creates a trail of fire behind you, which deals damage to mobs for four seconds.
Food ReservesWhenever you use a healing potion, you also create random food items.
FrenziedWhile you are at less than half health, your attack speed is increased.
Gravity PulseA blast occurs every five seconds that pulls nearby enemies towards you.
Health SynergyWhen activating any artifact, you regain a small amount of health.
Potion BarrierWhenever you use a healing potion, you take -90% damage for a short duration.
ProtectionReduces damage taken.
RecyclerBeing hit by damage-inflicting projectiles will occasionally craft a small quiver of arrows.
SnowballFires a snowball at a nearby enemy every few seconds, briefly stunning it.
Soul SpeedWhen you gather a soul, you gain a 1% stacking movement speed boost for a short time.
Speed SynergyWhen activating any artifact, you gain +20% movement speed for a short time.
Surprise GiftWhenever you use a healing potion, you sometimes create random consumables.
SwiftfootedRolling makes you move faster for three seconds.
ThornsWhenever you take damage, you deal damage back to the attacker.

List of Armor Enchantments

This page only includes information currently confirmed by the Minecraft development team. The full list of Enchantments will be released at lightning speed when the game is released on May 26th, 2020. Check back then to find out the effects of each Enchantment, the best combinations of Enchantments with Weapons and Armor, and more!

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Minecraft enchantments guide Archives

Minecraft enchanting: How to make an enchanting table use Minecraft enchantments

If you're trying to survive, applying Minecraft enchantments to weapons, armor and other gear with an enchanting table can give you the boost you need. Enchanted Weapons and armor are great if you're having trouble with monsters, while they can also help with gathering resources. Whatever you're up to and however you play there will be a point where you just can't avoid using them in Minecraft. 

Minecraft enchanting is a useful way to give you an edge then, but like a lot of things in the game there's an element of preparation involved. For starters, like most of the things, you will need some tools and materials before you can get started. You'll need to build an Enchantment Table, for example. Coming up we'll how to do that then get in to the specifics of actual enchanting, for fun and an profit. 

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How to build an Enchantment Table in Minecraft

To enchant items in Minecraft, first, you'll need to build an Enchantment Table. You'll need to gather two diamonds, four obsidian blocks, and one book in order to make one.

If you need help locating the materials, diamonds are usually found far underground and you'll need an iron pickaxe (or better) to mine them. Obsidian needs to be mined with a diamond pickaxe and you'll find it where lava and water meet – if you aren't having any luck locating any, you can fill a bucket with water and dump it on some lava to make your own. Books can be crafted with paper and leather or obtained by destroying bookcases, which are often found inside villager's houses.

How to enchant items in Minecraft

Once you have crafted yourself an Enchantment Table and placed it in a suitable location, you'll be able to enchant your items. The Enchantment Table works in a similar way to the regular crafting table but you'll need one additional resource in order to start enchanting – Lapis Lazuli. This is usually found in deeper caverns and mines and only requires a stone pickaxe to harvest. You should look out for the telltale dark blue colouring that gives it away.

Once you have the item you want to enchant and the Lapis Lazuli placed in the Enchantment Table, you'll have three enchantment options to choose from. The enchantments listed are entirely random and once an item has been enchanted, you won't be able to change it so choose carefully. Alternatively, you can enchant a book which can be saved and applied to an item later.

The Enchantment Table will only let you apply one enchant to an item. If you want to apply multiple enchantments, you'll need to either use an enchanted book or combine two enchanted items using an Anvil.

How to increase the level of enchantments in Minecraft

There are a couple of ways to ensure you get better quality enchants. There is no level requirement to start enchanting in Minecraft but a higher level character will have a choice of higher-ranked enchants. It's worth remembering that these will still be random so it will involve a lot of trial and error (and patience!) to get the exact enchants you want. To further increase the potential of possible enchants, you should place bookcases around your Enchantment Table as this also increases the potency of the enchants it can create.

To maximise the potency of your enchants, you'll need to raise your character to level 30 and arrange 15 bookshelves around the Enchantment Table. There is a very specific way they need to be placed or they won't have any effect – bookshelves should be positioned two blocks away from the table and on the same height or one block higher and nothing should be placed in between.

If you don't have the materials for bookshelves, there's no need to go above level 8 on your character as further levels won't influence the strength of the enchants produced.

The best enchantments in Minecraft

There are many Minecraft enchantments to discover, and you should experiment with combinations that work for you and your playstyle. To get you started, we've picked out some of the best ones to look out for and listed them here. 

Mending (max. Rank 1)
Best applied to:
Weapons or resource gathering tools that you frequently use.
Effect: You'll have noticed that tools and weapons in Minecraft will wear down and break with repeated use. This enchantment allows an item to use any experience gained to repair itself so whenever you see those little green orbs that are produced from either killing monsters or mining resources, they will replenish the durability of the enchanted item.

Unbreaking (max. Rank 3)
Best applied to:
Weapons, armour, or resource gathering tools that you frequently use.
Effect: Similar to Mending, Unbreaking will increase the durability of the item it is applied to. You'll still need to repair it manually but it should take a lot longer to wear down.

Fortune (max. Rank 3)
Best applied to:
Pickaxe, shovel, or axe.
Effect: This enchantment will increase the number of resources that can be collected from a single block quite significantly. It's especially useful for gathering rarer materials such as diamonds or even Lapis Lazuli (which you'll need plenty of for all of your enchantments!).

Looting (max. Rank 3)
Best applied to:
Effect: This one is similar to the Fortune enchantment, except that it increases the loot that an enemy drops when killed. It should be noted that this doesn't increase the experience gained.

Sharpness (max. Rank 5)
Best applied to:
Sword or axe.
Effect: The Sharpness enchantment increases the melee damage of a weapon. There are specialised enchantments that will increase your damage against certain monster-types but Sharpness will make a good all-round damage boost against anything you encounter.

Power (max. Rank 5)
Best applied to:
Effect: The Power enchantment will increase your arrow damage by a significant amount. This is handy if you prefer to take out monsters at range.

Protection (max. Rank 4)
Best applied to:
Effect: As the name suggests, the Protection enchantment will increase the damage reduction on any piece of armour. There are specialised enchantments that will protect against specific damage types but generally, Protection is the better choice if you don't have the resources for multiple armour sets. 

Efficiency (max. Rank 5)
Best applied to:
Pickaxe, shovel, axe.
Effect: The Efficiency enchantment increases the gathering speed of the tool it is applied to. This is handy if you want to save time but will only work when the tool is being used to gather the correct resource. Using a pickaxe to gather wood, for example, won't see any speed benefit.

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