Blue Mail for Windows Download Archives

Blue Mail for Windows Download Archives

Blue Mail for Windows Download Archives

Blue Mail for Windows Download Archives

The best email app for iOS and Android

There is no such thing as a good email app, technically speaking. Even the best one in the world is still, well, an email app, and that means it delivers you the endless stream of notifications, newsletters, spam mailings, deals, sales, invitations, requests, and obligations that take up your time and sap away productivity.

Of course, you still need an email app — but if you’re going to have to deal with email, it had better be fast. Whether on iOS or Android, a good email app has to make loading emails, refreshing your inbox, replying, archiving, deleting, unsubscribing, and more as quick and as seamless as possible.

Unfortunately, it’s also a rough time in the email app world — email apps are disappearing seemingly by the day, with apps like Newton, Astro, and even Google’s own Inbox all closing down in the past few weeks or the near future. Simply put, it’s hard to make a good email app, and even harder to keep a good email app going.

But it’s not all bad, and there are still some great options out there that will help you get your email done and get you back to doing things you’d prefer with lightning speed.

The best email app for iOS: Outlook

Ironic as it may seem, the best email app for the iPhone is Microsoft’s Outlook. Boasting a clean design without too many frills, Outlook will help you get through your emails as fast as possible and get back to living life.

All the key features of modern email are here: swiping gestures to let you easily archive, delete, or snooze emails out of your inbox. A filtered “Focused” inbox that automatically tries to sort the important email you actually want to read from the endless spam that likely shows up. Support for iOS’s notification actions that let you reply, mark as read, delete, or archive emails as they come in. And it works with almost any email service, including iCloud, Yahoo, Gmail, Exchange, IMAP, and Outlook (of course).

Outlook also has a few quality of life features that just make it nicer to use for casual email, an ever-present response bar at the bottom (without needing to tap to open a new menu) that makes jotting off a quick response a snap. The deeply integrated calendar is also a nice touch, especially when it comes to adding things to your schedule that you just got an email about without having to juggle around between apps.

There are a few quibbles — search in particular on Outlook isn’t the fastest around, especially compared to Google’s Gmail app, and if you’re looking for more advanced options like muting specific threads, they’re not here.

But there’s one other big advantage to Outlook over other apps like Spark or Edison. And that’s the fact that it’s Outlook, a name that’s practically synonymous with “email app.” In a world where third-party apps get snapped up or vanish like smoke at the drop of a hat, and even Google’s Inbox can’t be trusted to stick around, Outlook offers a level of security that other apps don’t.

For power users: Spark

Spark isn’t quite as polished-looking or as easy to use as Outlook, but if you’re an email power user, it offers a lot that Outlook doesn’t — provided you’re willing to dig through the menus and lists to get to it.

The app itself is fast, fluid, and loads emails quickly. Like all the best modern email apps, there are customizable swipe gestures (Spark lets you add separate actions for both long and short swipes). There’s further choice in a pop-up widget wheel, a side menu, and what options the toolbar in the email viewer offer. And it checks all the major email provider boxes — Gmail, Exchange, Yahoo, iCloud, and Outlook.

Spark also has the single best notification options for any email app on iOS, period. There’s support for choosing what kind of preview you get when an email comes in, whether notifications are grouped by thread, and what quick actions you can take (although delete and archive are the obvious choices). There’s also a smart notification option that automatically mutes strangers and automated emails.

And that’s not even getting into Spark’s optional Smart Inbox, which works a lot like Google’s soon-to-be-defunct Inbox, sorting emails by category and trying to highlight which ones are the most important. (It’s easily togglable with an omnipresent switch on the top right.)

It’s a lot to take in, but if you need the extra brawn or don’t mind the less than elegant presentation, Spark’s a great choice, too.

The best email app for Android: Gmail

Google hasn’t really updated the Gmail app on Android (or iOS) for a long time — the base app still looks a whole lot like the one that Google shipped years ago in 2015. In fact, it’s actually gotten a little worse in some ways, like the addition of ads (ugh).

But if you’re an Android user, you likely have already recognized the kind of home-field advantage that Google has on its own platform, and Gmail is no exception. No other email app offers the same power, feature set, and speed as Gmail offers. And don’t let the Gmail branding fool you — Gmail also supports Outlook, Yahoo, Exchange, and manually configured IMAP accounts, too.

Gmail has smart filtering options, smart replies, an automatically flagged priority inbox — sure, there are email apps that replicate some or all of these features, but they’re all copying off Google’s playbook, and it all still works best here. Google Calendar or Google Docs support? Gmail supports those best, too.

Gmail also supports all the things that Google is doing with notifications, too, like notification channels, icon badges, pop-up previews.

Plus, if you’re on Android, Gmail is literally the default option. It comes installed on nearly every Android phone in the world, and it’ll always be the first to support any new features or integrations that Android offers in the weeks or years to come. And like Outlook, email itself would have to cease to exist before Google stops supporting the main Gmail app.

At the end of the day, it may not be the nicest-looking option around, but it’s hard to beat Google at its own game here.

For a better design: Outlook

Much like iOS, Outlook on Android is also an excellent option. It’s fast, it’s easy to set up and use, and doesn’t bog you down with too many options.

Most of what’s great about the iOS version is still great here: the app looks great (especially compared to Gmail’s somewhat creaky design), it’s fast, and makes getting through your email quick and easy. And the three tabs on the bottom devoted to inbox, search, and calendar are just as useful here, making it easy to flip between an older email you’ve just dug up, your next meeting, and incoming mail.

Compared to Gmail, there’s just less here, though — which is good if all you need is a simple email app, but more serious email users will probably want to stick with Gmail.

Other options

Ultimately, though, email apps come down to preference, and there’s constantly new options popping up. And the best part is that most of them are free, meaning it won’t cost you anything to download a new one and try it out for yourself to see if its for you.

Good Stuff

  • Very customizable
  • Lots of granular options
  • Works well with Airmail on desktop

Bad Stuff

  • Costs $5 in a world of great free email apps
  • iOS only

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, Blue Mail for Windows Download Archives

BlueMail - Email & Calendar

Product description

With a powerful unified interface experience packaged in an intuitive and easy to use design, Blue Mail provides a top-notch email service for all your email accounts.

• Multiple providers - Gmail, Outlook, Hotmail, Yahoo Mail, AOL, iCloud and Office 365
• Support for IMAP, POP3 + Exchange (ActiveSync, EWS, Office 365) Smart Configuration
• Sync multiple inboxes from all your providers in a Unified Interface
• Instant Push Mail for the widest range of providers (IMAP, Exchange, Office 365, etc.)
• Blue Mail features Integrated Calendar, allowing for the ability to access your Calendar events right within Blue Mail. View, create and edit your future events easily

• PEOPLE TOGGLE SWITCH- The People Toggle is a new and original way to view your Inbox and reduce its clutter. In addition, tapping on an avatar will show all emails between the email participants and you.
• GROUP MAIL - Define & Share Groups to quickly send & receive emails
• SHARE EMAIL - Share emails publicly or privately through various social networks & messaging apps, receive emails from people who wish to engage with you instantly while keeping your email address private
• EMAIL CLUSTERS - Organizes similar emails together to remove clutter from your inbox. It categorizes emails from known senders into smart clusters, and organizes your emails into a sub-folder structure automatically, without the hassle to manage it manually.
• SMART MOBILE NOTIFICATIONS - Quiet Hours, Vibrate, LED Light, Snooze and other preferences per each of your inboxes
• UNIFIED FOLDERS - View all your email accounts folders through a combined interface for your Inbox, Sent, Drafts, etc.
• SPAM MANAGEMENT - Advanced spam mechanisms including the ability for users to directly Block Senders, Block Domains or Block an entire suffix of domains
• BEAUTIFUL DARK THEME - with an automatic switch between day & night modes
• RICH TEXT SIGNATURE - Easily configure styles and add your logo
• ANDROID WEAR - Receive and act on notifications right from your watch
• DYNAMIC SMART CONVERSATIONS – Makes email convenient and easy
• BACKUP & SYNC – Safely sync all your email accounts to your existing and new devices
• CONFIGURABLE MENUS – Customize your swipe menu and email view actions
• GETTING STUFF DONE - Mark emails for later and set reminders so you do not miss them. When you finish handling an email, mark it as Done to get it out of your way. Reach Zero Inbox.
• VISUALLY APPEALING - Services logos, senders images, easily recognize popular services by their icons
• Days to Sync, Color-Coding, Scrollable and Unread Widgets, Intelligent Badge, Mobile Printing & Much More!

• NOTIFICATIONS WITHOUT A PROXY - Blue Mail is one of the only modern apps to be a True Android Client by communicating directly with your email provider and not transferring any email messages via an email Proxy Server! Your emails always stay with you
• INDUSTRY-LEADING ENCRYPTION - Your data is always encrypted to protect your email
communications and information secured. Blue Mail uses leading industry protocols to secure and protect your data
• LOCK SCREEN - You can set a timed lock screen to protect your emails

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Special thanks to everyone who rates us 5 stars and provides a warm feedback. It's so encouraging for the team!

For news, please follow us on Twitter & Facebook: (@bluemail)

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Blue Mail for Windows Download Archives

BlueMail Tutorial

The Unified Inbox

Unified Inbox allows you to manage all your accounts from a single inbox. Colors designate each account so you can visually identify your accounts quickly.

The People View

The People View is a new and original way to view your Inbox and reduce its clutter.
It arranges your emails into three types:

Tapping on one of the People will open a list of all your conversations with that person.

Tapping one of the groups will display all the Group’s email threads.

Opening a Service from the People view will open a list of all the emails you got from that Service.

The display is sorted based on the newest emails to the oldest.

Bottom Bar Icons






The Swipe Menu

Swiping the email right reveals two options: Done which allows you to mark an email as Done, and Snooze+ which allows you to select a deferring time from a menu.

Swiping the email left reveals three options: Mark ReadUnread,Archive, andDelete.

You can Configure the Swipe Menus.

Navigating Between Folders

To view the folders for your current account, please tap the top-left corner and a panel with the folders list will be shown underneath the account’s name. You can also see the panel by swiping from the middle left edge of the screen.

We show folders created by your email provider first, followed by your custom folders. Simply swipe down to reveal the remainder of your folder list.

Folders created by your mail provider are called system folders. When using an IMAP account, these cannot be changed or deleted unless you do so with your provider. Here are some examples of system folders:

  • Inbox
  • Drafts
  • Sent
  • Trash
  • Spam
  • Outbox
  • Archive/All

All other folders are user created and can be renamed, deleted, copied, moved, or created.

Note: The Inbox folder is the only one that syncs regularly, the other folders sync the instant you open them.

Refreshing the Mail List

To refresh the Mail List, pull the screen down (swipe your finger from the top of the screen downwards).

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