IPhone Backup Extractor serial number Archives

IPhone Backup Extractor serial number Archives

iPhone Backup Extractor serial number Archives

iPhone Backup Extractor serial number Archives

Tag Archives: iPhone Backup Extractor Serial Number

iPhone Backup Extractor 7.6.13 Crack Keygen Download! iPhone Backup Extractor Crack is the software that can extract data from iOS backup. It is able to extract data from the backup from iPhone, iPad or iPod. Since you can make iTunes and iCloud backup. So, you use the software to get data out of these backups.… Read More »

Category: MacRecovery ToolsTags: iPhone Backup Extractor Activation Key, iPhone Backup Extractor Crack, iPhone Backup Extractor Key, iPhone Backup Extractor Keygen, iPhone Backup Extractor Portable, iPhone Backup Extractor Registration Key, iPhone Backup Extractor Serial Key, iPhone Backup Extractor Serial Number, iPhone Backup Extractor TorrentИсточник: [https://torrent-igruha.org/3551-portal.html]
, iPhone Backup Extractor serial number Archives

iPhone Backup Extractor 7
release notes

Release notes and changelogs for iPhone Backup Extractor

iPhone Backup Extractor released

3 improvements

We're excited to be releasing iPhone Backup Extractor , with a number of improvements for message display from iOS 14 devices. We hope you enjoy it!

  • Improvement We've added support for iOS 14-style threaded SMS messages. This is the default, and can be turned off by enabling "Forensics Mode" in Preferences.
  • Improvement We've made a number of improvements to how all sorts of messages are previewed in iPhone Backup Extractor. We show the date and sender of a message in a form much closer to that of the phone, and we've made message bubbles fit messages more neatly. We've also adjusted message spacing to look a lot better.
  • Improvement We've restored support for Viber on iOS 14.

iPhone Backup Extractor released

1 fixes

We've been particularly busy at Reincubate HQ working on new things these last couple of months. Today's iPhone Backup Extractor update ensures new backups work nicely on iOS 14 devices. We can't wait for the launch!

  • Fix iPhone Backup Extractor can now create backups from iOS 14 devices when needed.

iPhone Backup Extractor released

1 fixes

We're releasing iPhone Backup Extractor to resolve an issue users have found in connecting to our API for iCloud access.

  • Fix Users connecting to iCloud could see a "WebException". This update resolves that.

iPhone Backup Extractor released

1 fixes

Today's iPhone Backup Extractor update is a minor macOS only fix to resolve an issue connecting to iCloud.

  • Fix Fixed an issue for macOS users when completing 2FA/MFA.

iPhone Backup Extractor released

1 features1 improvements1 fixes

We're starting July with an update for iPhone Backup Extractor.

After three and a half years of version 7, we're hard at work on iPhone Backup Extractor 8, due later this summer. Once we release that, we're going to be taking a more structured approach in tying new features to major version updates (8.0, 8.1, 8.2) and so on, and fixes in the release in between those.

In the meantime, what's new today? Let's take a look.

  • Feature iOS 14 beta support. Hurrah! We showing all messages in chronological order rather than using the new threaded format, but that'll be coming soon.
  • Improvement We've improved the user flow when a 2FA prompt is entered incorrectly whilst accessing iCloud.
  • Fix Extraction of content over 2.1 GB from USB-connected devices wasn't working. Now it is.

iPhone Backup Extractor released

1 fixes

Today's release contains a single fix for some users who have experienced problems when connecting their devices over USB.

  • Fix Resolved issue for some users when connecting over USB.

iPhone Backup Extractor released

6 fixes

That's right, it's time for an iPhone Backup Extractor update. What's new today? Quite a bit. Today's build is ostensibly a fix build but it contains much of the work necessary for us to ship a new feature. Which we'll probably be doing in the next release.

  • Fix We've hidden the overview and app view for Watch data; only "Expert mode" is now available for watches. We've also fixed expert mode — in some cases, it was showing all files from the parent device. We've made these changes to make analysis of watch data more intuitive.
  • Fix Some users received a when downloading large files from iCloud Photo Library.
  • Fix Recovery of Screen Time passcodes wasn't working for some users on iOS 12. Now it is. Sorry for any inconvenience. iOS 13 unaffected.
  • Fix We've resolved the error some users might see on "Expert mode", where "Generated hash didn't match source" would appear.
  • Fix We've resolved a crash that could occur when extracting notes with strange characters in their folder names.
  • Fix Extraction of WhatsApp messages from iOS 5 or below could lead to problems. We've resolved that now.

iPhone Backup Extractor released

1 improvements5 fixes

Today's release of iPhone Backup Extractor is almost all about tidying up a handful of small issues. We're already looking forward to sharing the next release with you!

  • Improvement As we mentioned after the last release, we're including a handful of additional iCloud enhancements, including restoring the ability to remember a password, restoring support for iOS 12 Screen Time recovery over iCloud, selection of the iCloud account after login, and better handling of expired sessions.
  • Fix We've resolved a problem whereby cancelling extraction of data wasn't always possible. Now it is.
  • Fix Extracting a lot of messages with Digital Touch drawings on Mac was sometimes failing. Now it works!
  • Fix Sometimes connecting a USB device was throwing up an error. Now it won't.
  • Fix Our sample backup data was sometimes showing the wrong device image when selected. All good now.
  • Fix We've changed a few things behind the scenes to make other parts of iPhone Backup Extractor more robust.

iPhone Backup Extractor released

4 improvements3 fixes

Building on last week's iCloud release, we're releasing a few more tweaks today. More coming soon!

  • Improvement We display company name first for contacts with no forename or surname, and we've updated the contacts icon.
  • Improvement We've simplified the sample backup's intro screen.
  • Improvement We've updated the sample backup to iOS 13.4.1.
  • Improvement We've made a number of behind-the-scenes changes to make our iCloud support more robust.
  • Fix Restored support for locked notes on iOS 9.3.
  • Fix Resolved an issue whereby larger calendars might cause a hang whilst being exported.
  • Fix Improved how the iPhone SE 2 is displayed.

iPhone Backup Extractor released

1 features2 improvements

Hot on the heels of Monday's update, here's a neat new feature for iPhone Backup Extractor: access to photos, videos and voice memos directly from your iPhone or iPad. We hope you enjoy this — please let us know! More soon! 🎉

  • Feature Extract photos, videos and voice memos directly from your connected iOS device.
  • Improvement We've renamed "Recordings" to "Voice Memos" across the app to reflect more accurately what Apple call them.
  • Improvement We've enhanced the instructional dialog we show for untrusted devices.

iPhone Backup Extractor released

1 features

Apple made a number of changes to iCloud at the start of April, and we've been busy updating iPhone Backup Extractor to support those changes. Today's release has restored full support for iCloud Photo Library and contacts. We've got more work to do for other iCloud data types, and we're balancing those changes alongside deepening this functionality and addressing user requests for other new features.

  • Feature Support for iCloud Photo Library and contacts — again! — following Apple's recent changes.

iPhone Backup Extractor released

1 features3 improvements3 fixes

Well, hello. We're back with another update to iPhone Backup Extractor. We've been juggling a few fairly big updates here. This is the first of them, with a user-interface change we've been keen to make for a little while. We hope you like it. Let us know!

  • Feature Rather than showing information on a selected backup or device at the top of the app's window, we now show it in a new vertical column. We've made this change because we think it makes the app more intuitive, flowing from one side of the screen to the other, and because it frees up screen space for us to ship some of the features in our plan for the year. It harks back a little to an earlier incarnation of the app's design.
  • Improvement We've taken the time to pretty-up our "Expert mode" and "Information" panes, and we've renamed "App view" to "Other data". We've got a further follow-up planned for the interface in the near future, and this has set us up well for it.
  • Improvement We've disabled two instructional message overlays about iCloud and extraction time that we thought weren't helpful on balance.
  • Improvement We've removed the Hike Post previewer, but kept support for Hike Messages. If you find yourself still needing to export Hike Posts, please reach out to us.
  • Fix We've resolved an issue on Windows whereby wouldn't show battery percentages for connected devices.
  • Fix Sometimes device images wouldn't show properly on Windows. They do now.
  • Fix We've resolved an issue whereby scrolling the Information view on macOS someones wouldn't work. Now it does.

iPhone Backup Extractor released

6 improvements5 fixes

We hope you're keeping safe and well in these strange times. It's been a few weeks since we last shipped an update. That's not because we're not on the case, but rather because we're working on a few bigger-than-usual things. However, today we're releasing a roundup of enhancements for iPhone Backup Extractor. Watch this space.

  • Improvement Backups for some devices are now faster to create.
  • Improvement PDF text is now searchable and copy-pastable.
  • Improvement The "Extract" button in the messages previewer now extracts all messages if no conversations are selected.
  • Improvement We've prettied up the loading indicators for macOS users on older systems.
  • Improvement Current iPhone or iPad battery percentage is now available through .
  • Improvement Loading of previewed messages on macOS is now faster and less jittery, and sorting of WhatsApp messages is better. We've also tweaked consistency of our capitalisation and fixed a typo in the UI. Just as we giveth, we also taketh away: message bubbles now sometimes have square bottoms. We're going to squash that shortly.
  • Fix Fixed an issue where some message attachment images would be missing from PDFs if there was an error loading their orientation.
  • Fix Fixed password entry box losing focus (so you had to click on it again) when the provided password was incorrect.
  • Fix Message extraction from Viber could crash on some unusual sets of data. Now fixed!
  • Fix If you selected a previewer whilst data was still being loaded, it might end up deselected itself. No longer!
  • Fix We've fixed orientation problems in the macOS photo previewer.

iPhone Backup Extractor released

1 fixes

Today's release is a minor update fixing an iCloud bug we introduced in yesterday's build. Apologies if you received an error from it.

  • Fix We resolved the "invalid operation" error that might have popped up when working with iCloud; this issue was introduced fewer than 24 hours ago.

iPhone Backup Extractor released

1 features2 improvements

Funny how things can be more complicated than they seem, isn't it? Today's release has a major overhaul of how iPhone Backup Extractor displays message previews. Users will find they start to appear much more rapidly when browsing conversations: there's no more waiting around for them all to appear. We've also made the interface look more similar to the iOS messages app. In doing so, we bid farewell to macOS 10.10; this release doesn't change Windows compatibility, but it does mean macOS users must be on 10.11 or above.

  • Feature We're released a substantial overhaul of our message preview functionality. The interface looks better — and should perform much better. Users can select multiple conversations for extraction with , , and or , depending on their platform. Feedback is appreciated. We'll return to this in future releases with some more cosmetic and optimisation work.
  • Improvement We've tidied up the tab in Preferences, and moved from the message previewer up into there for consistency.
  • Improvement Recovery of deleted messages is now disabled by default, as it makes the preview and extraction process much slower. (As you might expect!) You can turn it on in Preferences as and when you need it.

iPhone Backup Extractor released

1 improvements

It's been an unusual while since our last update, hasn't it? 3 weeks. You'd be forgiven for thinking we were up to something, and we are. We've been laying the groundwork for a reworked feature, and you should get to see that in the next week or so. In the meantime, we're shipping an improvement to our Screen Time passcode removal and ECG activation processes, making them easier than ever to use.

  • Improvement Tweaks to the Screen Time passcode removal and ECG activation processes: after your phone reboots, it won't show the skippable setup prompt that it used to show.

iPhone Backup Extractor released

1 features1 improvements3 fixes

We're pleased to be shipping with a roundup of improvements to notes, WeChat and Apple Watch data. In the meantime, we're deep into preparing the next build. Watch this space!

  • Feature Encrypted notes from iOS 10 or above are now supported on Windows. We shipped support for these on macOS in the prior release.
  • Improvement We now show the time at which a backup was created at the top of the backup info pane, making life easier for users with a lot of backups created close to each other. Of course, the left-hand navigation still shows them in the order they were taken.
  • Fix We've made a lot of improvements to extraction of unusual notes.
  • Fix We've straightened out how Apple Watch backups are shown, dealing with the unknown.
  • Fix We've resolved an issue when extracting or previewing WeChat messages with special characters.

iPhone Backup Extractor released

1 features2 improvements2 fixes

Today's release of iPhone Backup Extractor is a big one, with some massive performance improvements to backup access. Let's take a look at what's new:

  • Improvement We've made a wide-reaching changes to how we load data, optimising loading of the file list of a backup, counts of data in backups, and how we extract photos. Loading backups should be around 2-4x faster for most users, and photos extraction should be around 10x faster, although the larger the backup and the most photos there are, the greater the likely performance increase. We've also significantly reduced the amount of disk space used when extracting photos. Let us know what you see!
  • Improvement We've re-ordered the categorisation of data types in the left-hand navigation, making it easier to access local backup data.
  • Feature The macOS version of iPhone Backup Extractor now recovers encrypted notes from iOS 10 or above. (It already supported older versions of iOS.) We're expecting to ship this for Windows in the next release we make.
  • Fix We've squashed an issue whereby no photos were being identified as "slow-mo" when extracting photos. They were still coming out, but just not being categorised as this. Now they are.
  • Fix There was an issue preventing backing up the same device twice in a row. We've now resolved that.

iPhone Backup Extractor released

1 improvements3 fixes

We're off to a pretty busy start this year with updates, and it's exciting to be shipping the second release of the week. Today we're rounding up a collection of optimisations and bugfixes.

  • Improvement iPhone Backup Extractor will be much faster when it comes to counting your data in the overview. More to come here.
  • Fix We've resolved a rather strange issue whereby some messages from the sender would end up grouped in an "unknown" conversation. Sorry about that.
  • Fix We've resolved another issue affecting iOS 4 users. That's 2 fixes for iOS 4 in as many weeks. In 2020! Who'd have thought it?
  • Fix We've fixed a bug where the message previewer was sometimes getting the counts wrong when they were all selected.

iPhone Backup Extractor released

1 fixes

Today's release is a Mac-only update that resolves an issue where recent macOS versions of iPhone Backup Extractor weren't able to update themselves without the Mac being rebooted. Who wants to reboot their Mac? We don't.

  • Fix iPhone Backup Extractor can now update itself properly again (as it used to be able to do!)

iPhone Backup Extractor released

1 features4 improvements3 fixes

This week's a double release week, with our second update to iPhone Backup Extractor arriving today. We hope you like this one, and we'd love to hear feedback on the new ECG/EKG functionality.

  • Feature iPhone Backup Extractor now includes a function to enable the Apple Watch's ECG capability for supported devices that are territory locked. We're launching this feature as a beta as it works for some quite specific use cases. We'd love to read your feedback on it.
  • Improvement iPhone Backup Extractor will now show full mobile data for backups or devices or devices with multiple SIM slots. In China, that's phones with two SIMs, and in the US and Europe, that's devices with a SIM and eSIM.
  • Improvement Occasionally iPhone Backup Extractor would show the preview of the backup device with the wrong colours. Not any more.
  • Improvement We've made a number of improvements to whereby it won't wait to talk to additional iOS devices if it can successfully issue commands to the selected device.
  • Improvement We've added a tooltip on the Windows version to show image metadata when previewing photos, matching what we already did on macOS.
  • Fix We've patched a crash bug affecting some iOS 4 users. Yes, iOS 4 is still a thing. You should see our pile of iPhones.
  • Fix Forensics mode no longer restates the sender's handle above every sent message in previews; PDF exports as are before.
  • Fix Image rotation should now be correct for all SMS and image previews on Windows.

iPhone Backup Extractor released

2 improvements2 fixes

We've got a bunch of improvements and tweaks ready to find their way into iPhone Backup Extractor, and we're off to an early start this week with today's build. Hi!

  • Improvement Switching between backups is now faster than it was before, as we've made the loading process less intensive, and users should find switching backups is now more responsive. This has come about from a series of changes to different parts of the process.
  • Improvement Loading of data is now a little faster, too.
  • Fix In very rare cases, the Windows app would show previews from the previously-selected backup.
  • Fix On the Mac, pressing multiple keys when the left-hand navigation had focus could sometimes make it select multiple things simultaneously, which didn't make any sense. Won't happen now.

iPhone Backup Extractor released

3 improvements

We're pleased to be shipping our first release of 2020, with a number of improvements to help users make the most from their licenses. We've got a host of new functionality that we're looking forward to shipping over the coming months. Happy new year!

  • Improvement We've changed how we display the differences between the free and paid editions of iPhone Backup Extractor within the app. The language and interface we use now is hopefully clearer and simpler — and looks a good deal more modern.
  • Improvement We've improved the dialogs that a user gets when running into any sort of overcapacity issue with their activations or devices.
  • Improvement We've removed a few assets from the app that weren't used, reducing its size when installed.

iPhone Backup Extractor released

1 fixes

This release is a minor update for Windows users that resolves a crash affecting the free edition.

  • Fix Resolved crash problem on Windows. Sorry for the inconvenience!

iPhone Backup Extractor released

3 features1 improvements3 fixes

After another busy week at Reincubate HQ we're shipping some neat updates to iPhone Backup Extractor. Today's release includes:

  • Feature It's now possible to open files directly from "Expert mode": just right-click and choose "Open file". This makes life a lot easier when exploring large backups for data.
  • Feature "Expert mode" now makes it possible for users to remove folders and their contents.
  • Feature We've added support for pulling live device info using the command.
  • Improvement Work with directly connected devices is now cancellable. Happy days.
  • Fix We've resolved an issue where image captions weren't shown when previewing messages.
  • Fix Users recovering a legacy restrictions PIN could occasionally run into a crash. We've resolved that.
  • Fix The right-click menu wasn't always working on the left-hand menu on Windows. Now it is.

iPhone Backup Extractor released

1 fixes

This release is a minor patch, addressing an issue that broke some functionality with in the last release.

  • Fix Restored functionality.

iPhone Backup Extractor released

2 improvements4 fixes

We're gearing up for a few neat releases before Christmas, and here's the first of our December updates.

  • Improvement The "Recover Screen Time password" menu item is now enabled when users have a backup selected, and will prompt them to connect a device. We've tweaked some of the copy in the app around Screen Time, too, to make it clearer.
  • Improvement We've done a lot of reworking of our left-hand menu. Previously, if you repeatedly selected a number of different backups before each had finished loading, it could sometimes do strange things. This behaviour has been thoroughly ironed out. We've a few additional enhancements we'll be making in this area in the coming releases.
  • Fix iPhone 11s are now correctly identified in the left-hand menu. They always should have been, as they're fully supported, but they were being referred to as . Sorry!
  • Fix Unnamed conversations were previously extracted to unnamed files: , for example. Oops. We've fixed that now.
  • Fix Contact names in the WeChat message preview were being displayed as a hash instead of the contact's name. Now they're shown properly. 👍
  • Fix We fixed a very unusual crash where the Windows version of iPhone Backup Extractor could occasionally come unstuck when previewing photos.

iPhone Backup Extractor released

2 features3 fixes

It's been a little while since our last iPhone Backup Extractor update as we've been juggling a few important new features and updates. Today we're releasing a few of those in , and we'd love your feedback.

  • Feature Device management commands are now available in iPhone Backup Extractor's command-line tool, . Users can now script and perform device discovery, backup, shutdown and restart using . This functionality is available over USB and Wi-Fi for Windows users, and USB only for macOS users. We're expecting to ship Wi-Fi support for macOS shortly, and we'll be adding more functionality to in subsequent releases.
  • Feature The built-in tool's command now provides a password hash for encrypted backups in the classic format that hashcat uses.
  • Fix Group chat participants weren't always shown correctly in the Messages data, and we've now fixed this.
  • Fix We've resolved an issue affecting previews of large images from the sample backup.
  • Fix We've made extraction of rich contact data more reliable; it was leading to a crash in some rare cases.

iPhone Backup Extractor released

1 features2 improvements6 fixes

We're thrilled to be releasing iPhone Backup Extractor with support for removal of the Screen Time passcode on iOS 13.1.1 and above, and with support for removal of Screen Time on macOS through the phone. This once again completes our support for Screen Time passcode reset and recovery across every version of iOS.

We've also taken a deep-dive into message extraction reliability, closing off a number of unusual problems that had cropped up.

  • Feature Removal of unknown Screen Time passcodes on iOS 13. 🎉
  • Improvement We've made a few minor tweaks to the layout of the Preferences window.
  • Improvement Images on the welcome screen are now even crisper on macOS.
  • Fix We no longer count folders as well as files when extracting content in "Expert mode". This led to numbers varying across the app, depending on how we were doing the count.
  • Fix In some cases, phone numbers and email addresses which shared address book labels were missed in the preview and in CSV exports. This is now resolved.
  • Fix We've fixed a bug that caused handles in WhatsApp group chats not to display (or to display incorrectly) in certain situations.
  • Fix When extracting multiple conversations to PDF, each conversation file wasn't always starting at page 1. This is now resolved.
  • Fix We've fixed a rare edge-case whereby the presence of HEIC files was causing extraction of photos to fail.
  • Fix We've resolved an issue where iMessages weren't always shown in chronological order.

iPhone Backup Extractor released

1 fixes

This release is a macOS-only fix release, resolving a problem affecting some users.

  • Fix Some users were experiencing a crash when they ran iPhone Backup Extractor for the first time. We're sorry for the inconvenience.

iPhone Backup Extractor released

1 improvements1 fixes

We're shipping a small update to iPhone Backup Extractor today, to make the Screen Time passcode recovery process clearer for iOS 13 users.

  • Improvement The Screen Time Passcode recovery wizard spells out what needs to be done on iOS 13, and links to our resources on this.
  • Fix A handful of smaller internal changes.

iPhone Backup Extractor released

1 fixes

Today's update is macOS-only, fixing a crash issue we introduced in yesterday's release. Sorry.

  • Fix Fixes crash in yesterday's build, triggered by Screen Time recovery, app view or expert mode extraction.

iPhone Backup Extractor released

4 improvements3 fixes

Hot on the heels of last week's usability updates to iPhone Backup Extractor, we're releasing an update that substantially sharpens up the images in the macOS version. Oh, and it resolves a few niggling issues, too. We hope you enjoy it.

  • Improvement Many of the graphics in the macOS version have been made much sharper. Woohoo!
  • Improvement Graphics used in the previewers for unreadable files have been overhauled and look much nicer.
  • Improvement The Mac version of iPhone Backup Extractor now has lovely crisp icons in "Expert mode", just like it does on Windows.
  • Improvement We've updated a number of internal components behind the scenes. Nothing to see here, please move along.
  • Fix We've sorted out a crash that could happen on macOS Catalina when run as a non-admin user.
  • Fix We've solved an issue where group messages could be missing from previews. This was triggered by the presence of genuinely empty group conversations elsewhere in the backup. Which is a pretty odd thing, to be fair. 🤷‍♂️
  • Fix iPhone Backup Extractor could crash in an odd way if it was unable to report some analytical data. Sorry about that. No reason why you can't run it entirely offline. You do you!

iPhone Backup Extractor released

6 improvements3 fixes

We've got a lovely release to announce today. includes a number of common-sense fixes to make iPhone Backup Extractor more intuitive, and clearer than ever. 👩‍🏫

  • Improvement The activation window makes is a lot clearer how to create a free account if you don't already have one.
  • Improvement The dialog for backup passwords is now clearer, and links to a great resource we have for learning more about backup passwords.
  • Improvement We've made some tweaks to the "Getting started" view, making it clearer how to get up and running quickly
  • Improvement We've tweaked the wording in the permissions dialog that new users see, making it clearer how to grant access to the default iPhone backup location.
  • Improvement The app now provides much clearer guidance to Windows users working with files without the correct codecs installed.
  • Improvement Relative paths are now supported in our command-line tool.
  • Fix As it should, preview mode will let you choose which 4 items you'd like to extract if you're on the free version of iPhone Backup Extractor. We'd accidentally broken this in a prior release, meaning users were getting an arbitrary selection of 4 items each time. Sorry!
  • Fix File selection dialogs now correctly say "Save" rather than "Open". 😅
  • Fix We've solved a curious issue whereby loading very unusual contact images could cause the app to crash.

iPhone Backup Extractor released

1 features1 improvements2 fixes

Hot on the heels of our 7.7 release and the command-line functionality we introduced in that, we're adding another new feature: automated extraction of browser history, and a neat previewer to visualise browser history from with iPhone Backup Extractor. Please let us know how you get on with it. 🙂

  • Feature Browser history data is now available from the overview and preview screens, and can be exported easily.
  • Improvement We renamed the "Manage password" button for devices connected over USB.
  • Fix We've resolved two edge-cases whereby WhatsApp or Viber data extraction could fail. They were unrelated. Although they're related now in the sense that they're both solved. Happy days.
  • Fix Somehow our dialog for password management was showing passwords as they were entered. We've just fixed this.

iPhone Backup Extractor released

2 features1 improvements

We've been gearing up for our 7.7 release, and here it is: today we're shipping a big new feature in iPhone Backup Extractor: command-line support. iPhone Backup Extractor is now bundled with a free command-line tool named for working with iOS backups and devices. ✍️

  • Feature released and shipped with iPhone Backup Extractor for command-line access to iOS backups and devices. Check out its documentation to learn more. You can get started with the new menu in .
  • Feature iPhone Backup Extractor will now let you change or remove your iPhone backup password. You can do this with → .
  • Improvement Voicemail CSV exports now use instead of after user requests. We hope this helps!

iPhone Backup Extractor released

6 fixes

We're thrilled to be releasing iPhone Backup Extractor today. It's got a bunch of updates.

  • Fix Voicemail extraction to CSV has received some attention, making the field more useful when connecting CSV records to voicemail audio files.
  • Fix Squashed a bug whereby if you removed and readded a backup, it might not show in the navigation.
  • Fix Fixed a crash when the default backup directory is linked to an invalid folder.
  • Fix Fixed Windows issue where symlink to alternate backup directory contains a space.
  • Fix Fixed "retry" getting clipped on the overview screen.
  • Fix Handfuls of updates and fixes ready for our next feature release.

iPhone Backup Extractor released

1 features

Today's build doesn't include much that we're talking about, although it's got a big new feature for our beta testers. We'll tell you all about this in our upcoming iPhone Backup Extractor 7.7 release. Watch this space.

  • Feature Something's changed in the "Preferences" tab. 🧐

iPhone Backup Extractor released

1 features1 improvements

We'd like to wish our American friends a very happy Independence Day today. Here in the UK we've no hard feelings, although it is a pity we have to pack our own teabags when we travel to see you. 🤷‍♂️ We're celebrating in our own way, with a new update to iPhone Backup Extractor: . What's new?

  • Improvement We've made some changes to how we handle password validation on backups made from iOS 10.2 and newer. Yes, that includes iOS 13.
  • Feature We're including a major hidden feature that we're going to be inviting some of our beta testers to try out. If you'd like to be one of them please let us know! We're expecting everyone will be getting access to this in the coming weeks.

iPhone Backup Extractor released

3 improvements8 fixes

We're excited to be releasing a bit set of patches and improvements today: better support for corrupt backups, and a little bit more for iOS 13.

  • Improvement On macOS, the image previewer now shows HEIC on High Sierra and above, and we've stopped Windows machines from endlessly showing a loading spinner or saying "missing file".
  • Improvement The recordings previewer sorts voice notes by date.
  • Improvement We added support for most iOS 13 data in our last release, and have included support for accessing iOS 13 devices over USB on macOS in this build. Windows support is already there in the prior releases.
  • Fix Restored the ability to load incomplete encrypted backups which are missing an .
  • Fix Fixed an issue where USB backups might fail on Chinese systems.
  • Fix Added a number of minor USB enhancements.
  • Fix Resolved a curious bug where iPhone Backup Extractor's window would grow in width when opening Notes previews with image attachments.
  • Fix We've solved a very infrequent issue affecting loading of photo albums.
  • Fix We've resolved an issue loading Plists that are structurally invalid.
  • Fix We've resolved a bug with the WeChat extractor, where it might consume a lot of disk space during extraction.
  • Fix We've resolved a rare issue where SMS extraction might fail if a particular type of Digital Touch image was present.

iPhone Backup Extractor released

2 improvements

Happy WWDC week! We've been in San Jose with Apple's team learning about iOS 13 and what's new in macOS Catalina. Here's an update to iPhone Backup Extractor to support some of the new things in iOS 13.

  • Improvement We've added support for messages, notes and recordings on iOS 13, and for iPadOS. We've a little more to do for Screen Time passcodes, and we'll roll that into a release soon. 😀
  • Improvement iPhone Backup Extractor is now notarized on macOS. This is a change that's been coming for a while, and will be required on macOS Catalina. As part of this, we're leaving macOS 10.9 behind, and supporting only 10.10 and above from now on. Older versions will still work with earlier releases.

iPhone Backup Extractor released

1 improvements2 fixes

We usually ship updates to our Windows and macOS apps in sync, but this week we're shipping is a special treat just for our Mac users.

  • Improvement We've made some changes to how we prepare iPhone Backup Extractor for distribution. And now we've distributed those changes to you. Hurrah!
  • Fix We show the macOS permissions dialog more frequently, rather than failing when permission is unavailable. Makes sense, right?
  • Fix We've resolved a problem whereby a user on a fresh install of macOS with no backups would get a nonsense "Accessing backup failed" message when they ran iPhone Backup Extractor for the first time.

iPhone Backup Extractor released

1 features3 fixes

It's May Day! The return of spring, and time for us to release iPhone Backup Extractor . Here's what's new:

  • Feature What's that, rich support for iMessage attachments being rendered as they are by the iPhone? Yes, that's it! We've overhauled how we show iMessage attachments, to make them crisper (and more useful) than ever.
  • Fix We've resolved a crash that could happen on Mojave when a backup had never been taken, and permissions hadn't been granted.
  • Fix Fixed occasionally inaccurate recording dates.
  • Fix We now store additional metadata in the iOS backups that iPhone Backup Extractor creates.

iPhone Backup Extractor released

2 improvements5 fixes

We're excited to be shipping iPhone Backup Extractor today. What's new? Read on, dear reader:

  • Improvement Screen Time passcode recovery is now much faster in a number of different ways. Happy days!
  • Improvement We've tweaked the icons shown in iPhone Backup Extractor's overview to be more appropriately sized on Windows.
  • Fix We've found we degraded the info view that was shown for a backup. We've correctly restored some of that information, and there's more to come.
  • Fix It's niche, but we care: we there was a bug for SMS and contacts extraction from iOS 1, 2 and 3 backups. Fixed now! Similarly, we've resolved a problem for WhatsApp extraction that was affecting iOS 5 and iOS 7 backups.
  • Fix We've improved accuracy on recovered note dates.
  • Fix We no longer create a temporary folder with a misspelling in its name. 🙄
  • Fix Some users were getting error 0x64 when trying to a recover a Screen Time passcode after a device had been reset (with "Erase all content and settings. We've solved that.

iPhone Backup Extractor released

6 fixes

Today's release of iPhone Backup Extractor resolves a handful of issues.

  • Fix Invalid symlinks in the backup path are handled properly.
  • Fix Screen Time passcode recovery works for devices which hadn't made a backup before. We'd introduced a problem here in the prior build. Sorry.
  • Fix We've tweaked the wording on the "welcome" screen, and adjusted a few pixels.
  • Fix We've zapped duplicate recovered notes; you shouldn't see them now, and we've also improved the accuracy of notes recovery.
  • Fix We've resolved an issue in exports of KML location data. Google Earth Pro loves our exports now.
  • Fix We handle changing the default iTunes backup location better now, when another process has locked the folder.

iPhone Backup Extractor released

1 features1 improvements2 fixes

  • Feature Who'd have thunk it? iPhone Backup Extractor can now create backups for you, and you don't need iTunes. If you also run iTunes, you'll see we create these in "archived" format. Of course, you can still do everything you normally would with them.
  • Improvement Screen Time passcode recovery is now even faster. Lucky you!
  • Fix We've improved the way we monitor for changes to backups. In particular, this prevents a crash that could happen in some cases.
  • Fix We handle device disconnection better when it occurs during a backup.

iPhone Backup Extractor released

1 features5 improvements1 fixes

We've got a collection of neat updates to iPhone Backup Extractor for you today.

  • Feature We've added "restart" and "shutdown" commands for devices in the "Utilities" pane
  • Improvement We've reworked a fair bit of how we handle USB connections to devices; if something goes wrong, the app will be much clearer about what's happened.
  • Improvement Improved handling of Screen Time passcode recovery. Similar to the above, if something goes wrong, we'll explain more clearly.
  • Improvement We've simplified how we show licensing options to users.
  • Improvement We've totally replaced the permissions window that's shown to users on macOS Mojave.
  • Improvement We've updated the sample backup included with iPhone Backup Extractor.
  • Fix We broke scrolling in the left-hand navigation in the last build. Sorry. This update fixes that!

iPhone Backup Extractor released

1 features2 fixes

Источник: [https://torrent-igruha.org/3551-portal.html]
iPhone Backup Extractor serial number Archives

Tag Archives: iPhone Backup Extractor Serial Key

iPhone Backup Extractor 7.7.27 Crack Plus License Key {Latest}

 iPhone Backup Extractor 7.7.27 Crack Plus License Key {Latest} iPhone Backup Extractor 7.7.27 Crack is a trusted application that can help you rebuild lost data on iDevices. It could gain access to backups already present on iTunes or iCloud and enables you to rebuild data by selecting some of them. It really is an efficient… Read More »

Category: SotwareTags: iPhone Backup Extractor Activation code, iPhone Backup Extractor Activator, iPhone Backup Extractor Crack, iPhone Backup Extractor Crack Keygen, iPhone Backup Extractor Crack Plus License Key {Latest}, iPhone Backup Extractor edition registration code, iPhone Backup Extractor Full Download, iPhone Backup Extractor key, iPhone Backup Extractor License, iPhone Backup Extractor patch, iPhone Backup Extractor Product key, iPhone Backup Extractor Serial Key, iPhone Backup Extractor serial number
Источник: [https://torrent-igruha.org/3551-portal.html]

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