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View Full Version : Far Cry 3 XP SP3 doesn't workerror 0xc?!

Far Cry 3 XP SP3 doesn't workerror 0xc?!and i'm not the only onewhat's the problemUbisoft stated clear that the game will work on XPwas that a lie?!

Are you maybe trying to start it with the dx11 exe?

Excuse me, but why in the world are you still using XP? It is severely outdated anyway and there is no reason to use it unless your computer is at least years old (but then you couldn't possibly play FC3 anyway).

Excuse me, but why in the world are you still using XP? It is severely outdated anyway and there is no reason to use it unless your computer is at least years old (but then you couldn't possibly play FC3 anyway).

I have GT and Intel Core2 E 2,66 Ghz and 2 GB Rambut Win 7 doesn't workit after every installthe second i reboot my PC Win7 doesn't i stick with XP

Are you maybe trying to start it with the dx11 exe?

It gives me point except handler error

XP SP3 (yes its supported) freezes at startup for me. checking drivers now
EDIT. its fine with latest AMD radeon driver.

Hi guys, if you are having technical issues please contact Technical Support, the link is in my signature.

Hi guys, if you are having technical issues please contact Technical Support, the link is in my signature.

Well the problem is simple Ubisoft says the game works on XP and the game doesn't work on XPat least they maybe can tell us that XP is not supported so that we know for sureand stop trying getting solutions for a broken game

Try the PS3 or Xbox version and your obvious problem will be solved.

Well the problem is simple Ubisoft says the game works on XP and the game doesn't work on XP

Are you seriously this ******ed? It could be any number of reasons! What about the countless other XP users running the game % fine?

Try the PS3 or Xbox version and your obvious problem will be solved.

You're an ignorant troll.

Try the PS3 or Xbox version and your obvious problem will be solved.

You stink of console

Are you seriously this ******ed? It could be any number of reasons! What about the countless other XP users running the game % fine?

I've seen all over the forums XP users have the same problem like meso shut up because this is not a single errori didn't see any XP users to tell me that the game is working

Looks like the game wont run on xp after all.. maybe it was a mistake that its supported on xp ?

the biggest mistake was to release the game on pc before testing it

Guys, please keep this respectful. There could be a number of issues in play here. As Mush mentioned, please submit a support ticket with as much detail as possible so the team can work out a fix.

Thanks for your patience.

Excuse me, but why in the world are you still using XP? It is severely outdated anyway and there is no reason to use it unless your computer is at least years old (but then you couldn't possibly play FC3 anyway).

Excuse us, but XP is still hugely popular - so much so that MS continues to support years after they intended to (guess they did something right!)
I can certainly understand why people don't want to switch to a completely new OS that has greater requirements but adds nothing to performance, and replaces a fairly working UI withsomething else. DX11 could work in XP just fine - it's just M$'s way of forcing people to buy their new product.
That said, I got the same error and will report any findings.

Excuse us, but XP is still hugely popular - so much so that MS continues to support years after they intended to (guess they did something right!)
I can certainly understand why people don't want to switch to a completely new OS that has greater requirements but adds nothing to performance, and replaces a fairly working UI with dumbjunk. DX11 could work in XP just fine - it's just M$'s way of forcing people to buy their new product.
That said, I got the same error and will report any findings.

Don't listen to the troll.

While XP is being put to retirement by MS, it is still a great OS.

I prefer XP to Windows 7 but due to my current hardware and software requirements, I am required to use Windows 7 to use my system to it's full potential otherwise I would still be using it.

I have found that the game Witcher 2 had the same problem with some users so the devs had to release a hotfix for thoose affected, i think Ubi also needs to release a hotfix as this looks like its a .NET 4 issue, and no driver or installing net4 again will fix this im afraid.. its just weird that game supports XP official yet it wont run like its not supported.

but the usual google just says install .net 4, have latest drivers and update directx that wont do anything really like witcher 2 :(

Excuse me, but why in the world are you still using XP? It is severely outdated anyway and there is no reason to use it unless your computer is at least years old (but then you couldn't possibly play FC3 anyway).

Maybe because most of us still using Windows XP can't afford a new PC and a new OS dear Mr. troll?

Same problem here. Trying all day fixing this problem but nothing helps. So frustrating!

same here im to so frustrating wont work on xpsp3 ( i start to think they write work on xp just to make more money maybe dont no anymore what to think ) i wont anwser is it or not work on xp this never hapened before. And im still on xp becuase of some programs i need

I have this problem too and i have no ideas what to do with it ;( any suggestions?? please we need help with that problem thanks

same problem here I tried to reinstal FC3, www.spearpointsecuritygroup.comrk 4 even my graphic drivers and direct x but nothing working still 0xc error

Its obviously needing a fix, its nothing we can do really.. its not a bad driver thats causing it, but the error code should be easy thing to fix for Ubi if they want they afterall said the game is gonna work on xp but it doesnt so far nothing :(

Like i wrote before witcher 2 had same problems and devs released a hotfix for thoose affected same thing is needed here.

Dear Ubisoft, this problem is so common that you really need to make a fix. I also have it and to be honest I don't know what to do at the moment so I'm waiting for your answer here - in this thread.

Guys, please contact Technical Support so they can troubleshoot with you

I have the same problem and I'm getting really frustrated.
Can you give us any information on this subject, is anyone from UBI working on this? I spend my free day trying to figure out this instead playing your game.

I just registered and read this forum discussing this problem or issue with the game on xp. Now I dont come here to argue but I must point out that yes xp is way out dated but to be more honest over half of the pc user's still use xp. Why because it happens to be the most stable and reliable operating system out side of linux. Win 7 Vista even the new Win 8 is not nearly as good as xp. I must also point out that I to am having this same issue. I just installed the game ran it and was given a error. The game as they said can run on xp but I am unsure if that is true. I am more curious on why the creators of this game did not properly test the game for the pc before releasing it. As for the user that stated to try the ps3 or xbox version. Let me tell you something boy first off when a game comes out and the creator states that its for the pc version us pc users go and say great and we buy the game only to find out it has issues. I am not saying that I do not play games on ps or on a console but come on now when you see a good game and it states its for pc and states it supports xp you figure what the hell and you find out differently? Perhaps they did not fully know that it was going to not work on xp but if that be the case then they did not properly test this game like they should have done before releasing it. Only thing I can say right now is this. Maybe the team that created this game should have tested it properly and not half assed it. Truth be told half assing anything will only result in a half assed product. If you are going to do something do it right.

Everyone who gets the Application Error 0xc
After I've stumbled on some guys who were trying to run Far Cry 3 with whine and ubuntu.
Just download Assassin's Creed III reloaded crack like from gamecopyworld it's the newest crack from ACIII.
Take the from there and copy paste it over the Far Cry 3 reloaded crack.

Meaning you install the patch or just let the game be updated from uplay, then copy AC3(reloaded) and FC3(reloaded), FC3_d3ddll, orbit_api, in "C:Program FilesUbisoftFarCry 3bin" folder.
I'm using the default shortcut from FC3Updater with -offline parameter on XP sp3 32bit(x86) also you might wanna increase the gpu buffer in options it seemed to fix the lag if you have any, I'm using gts 1gb, but still get decent fps at max settings on x
Also my saves work, but I get sometimes some crashes when I'm going through the menu too fast, like split second decisions back and worth so it kinda goes freeze, happens maybe once per few hours, might be also memory issue.

tell if its work i will try later and say does it work

its work for me i hope ubisoft make fix if they wont me to buy original

when i double click on the game icon nothing happens
the game does not start, no errors, nothing happens
any one knows why?

Fox , I did everything just like you said , It worked fine for me , but I've got a problem , (somehow It launched one time normally , but atm I'm having "logging in" problem and it lasts forever )
I'm using -offline etc but it does not work, what shall I do?

I just registered and read this forum discussing this problem or issue with the game on xp. Now I dont come here to argue but I must point out that yes xp is way out dated but to be more honest over half of the pc user's still use xp. Why because it happens to be the most stable and reliable operating system out side of linux. Win 7 Vista even the new Win 8 is not nearly as good as xp. I must also point out that I to am having this same issue. I just installed the game ran it and was given a error. The game as they said can run on xp but I am unsure if that is true. I am more curious on why the creators of this game did not properly test the game for the pc before releasing it. As for the user that stated to try the ps3 or xbox version. Let me tell you something boy first off when a game comes out and the creator states that its for the pc version us pc users go and say great and we buy the game only to find out it has issues. I am not saying that I do not play games on ps or on a console but come on now when you see a good game and it states its for pc and states it supports xp you figure what the hell and you find out differently? Perhaps they did not fully know that it was going to not work on xp but if that be the case then they did not properly test this game like they should have done before releasing it. Only thing I can say right now is this. Maybe the team that created this game should have tested it properly and not half assed it. Truth be told half assing anything will only result in a half assed product. If you are going to do something do it right.


Ubisoft l-"Lets say that we will deliver the game on three OS systems but we will screw them so that we get MORE money".
I could swear all these famous game publishers and game developers starting to becoming a nutshell.
Its a shame that Ubisoft as famous game creators become more like other company's.

fox, I can confirm that fix works in XP SP3.
That said, UBI and developers should not be held to account for any problems caused by hacks.

ENEMYGATES: just a thought, but are you using the DX11 shortcut instead of DX9? Because DX11 shortcut doesn't seem to work for me either, even in Win7 with AMD+NVidia card. (another DX11 game seems to work so far)

i dont know if can post a link here , but here it goes for users that are having 0cx error on windows xp :

unpack the rar archieve and replace the on your bin folder in far cry 3 directory with this one .
This is a temporary solution until ubisoft release a patch to this issue .
You wont be able to log in to ubisoft or play multiplayer but you can play game as solo .
also edit your shortcut from far cry 3 icon on your desktop like this (drive and directory where far cry 3 is installed\bin\" -offline)
thanks all here that helped in this temporary solution .

Fox , I did everything just like you said , It worked fine for me , but I've got a problem , (somehow It launched one time normally , but atm I'm having "logging in" problem and it lasts forever )
I'm using -offline etc but it does not work, what shall I do?

try unistall and install again update to and reaplace file ubiorbitapi_r2_loader with as creed III and install uplay if you not

Thanks for this fix, fox. still crashes for me, but launching from works perfectly. Hopefully Ubi can release a patch to fix this.


i did what you said and now there is another error:
the procedure entry point _except_handler4_common could not be located in the dynamic link library
i tried to download from dll-files and put it into system32 but the proplem still exist
any one have idea why i am getting this

Hello fox, i have done exactly what you've said.. twice and far cry 3 sign comes up but then i get the windows error report i dont know what to domad: has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience.
What should I do now?
I did the (0c) fix and work
I reinstalled FC3
I did the offline thing.
Now this..
please help me :(

Holy crap it works! Thanks fox for this awesome fix. Didn't know that the problem lies with this particular file lol.

they need to fix because it didnt work on windows xp

for msvcrt try install microsoft visual c and from game disc 2 i get that error also but when i click ok its enter a game anyway i was experimenting before with msvcrt thats why i have problem error i think try reinstall from xp cd look on

bebe dont no whats problem is try install from game directx netframe microsoft visual c and what offline think you do i was dont doing nothing after install except update game to and then crack after that

i think far cry 3 dont work on windows xp
This is the problem.

Well the (0c) fix WORKED for me.

Yes , Far Cry 3 Works Perfectly on Windows XP SP3 , i have the game installed and playing perfectly .

also if you want to know guys dishonored work on xp sp3

hey fox this fix does work on windows xp and im playing far cry 3 right now thanks, but what i want to know is will this fix work for other games like ghost recon future soldier as ubisoft stated that ghost recon future will support win xp .

just a quick note i forgot to mention about windows xp ,
The windows xp (now) is the most stable windows you can have in your computer , if you need to check some software error its easy to get to the problem faster compared to win 7 or even the worst win 8 now .
Like everything in this planet , everything is only good when it gets old , an example is this game Far cry 3 , if you buy it now and install it on windows xp you will get an error like i had , but in 2 or 3 months if you buy it at that time the game is perfect without any errors , the reason is simple , every bug found in article (game , car , software , etc..) is only found after several people test it in very different ways , and then the manufacters get those default parts (fixes , patches , updates) corrected and release it as an correction update .
Beta versions were made specially for that .
I have quad core amd processors in my systems in case anyone says that i use xp because i have some pentium cpu .
i have 4 computers (including a laptop) , all of them are XP Pro .

i think for ghost recon on they site write only for vista and w 7 internet start to have to much false information i learn more from other gamers experince then from most sites like dishonored game you can look nowhere say its work on xp only vista and w7 but game is working perfect on xp and i learn its work acidently radnomly looking video on youtube

I still get the windows error!
Please Tell me what to do with this :(
Please open this on a new tab so you could see.

I got rid of (0c)
But the windows error is still the problem

log in to ur facebook acc so you could see the picture abobe

bebebe , do this :
uninstall far cry 3 and check if folder still exists on your computer after uninstalation , if far cry 3 folder is still there the delete it .
1-Re-install far cry 3
Go to :

2-Download patch and install it
3-download patch and install it too
do only those things and try to run the game .

4 -If after that the game gives you the 0cx error then download this file :
5 -extract the downloaded file with winrar and put the extracted file in you folder far cry 3/bin

note : do only step 4 and 5 if game doesnt run with those patches .

Important note : I assume you are using original game and not pirated downloaded version .

pdropt i followed ur last solution bt it appears the FARCRY 3 PICTURE from the screen bt it opened a black screen to start the game bt suddenly it displayed the DESKTOP plz help me

make sure you have the latest directx installed on your computer .
There is a directory on the game dvd called support , install direct x under that directory .
If it still not works then you better place a support ticket on ubisoft to help you solve that issue .
It is difficult to see what type of error is it because i didnt had that error on my instalation game .

thank you it worked
so it means if the assassins creed patch works on far cry then assassins creed 3 can work too?
is there a chance ? i really want to play it on xp

bebebe , do this :
uninstall far cry 3 and check if folder still exists on your computer after uninstalation , if far cry 3 folder is still there the delete it .
1-Re-install far cry 3
Go to :

2-Download patch and install it
3-download patch and install it too
do only those things and try to run the game .

4 -If after that the game gives you the 0cx error then download this file :
5 -extract the downloaded file with winrar and put the extracted file in you folder far cry 3/bin

note : do only step 4 and 5 if game doesnt run with those patches .

Important note : I assume you are using original game and not pirated downloaded version .

My Antivirus Program says to #4: Trojan found!

Far Cry 3 XP SP3 doesn't workerror 0xc?!and i'm not the only onewhat's the problemUbisoft stated clear that the game will work on XPwas that a lie?!

www.spearpointsecuritygroup.comAD UPLAY IN HERE!!!
www.spearpointsecuritygroup.comL UPLAY AND UPDATE IT. IT IS FINISHED RUN THE!!!!!
www.spearpointsecuritygroup.comAD THIS
www.spearpointsecuritygroup.comK THE FILE FIRST!!! COPY THE MSVCPDLL IN BIN FOLDER!!!


that file have no trojan , if you scan it with different antivirus you will get different results for each one of them . dont believe in everything antivirus says or you will no be able to install anything on your computer .
That files is from assassins creed 3 reloaded release patch , it have no trojan or what so ever .
every patch made by crackers for games if you scan the files with antivirus it will say that is infected , but it can not be taken seriously .
If you still dont want to use it then you can always put a ticket on ubisoft technical support and wait for a reply .

anyone got an error with the latest patch my game wont even open now

I solved the problem I ran Far Cry 3 on windows xp work, I am satisfied.
I hope it will be helpful.
Fix for application failed to initialize properly (0xc) error :
Go to gamecopyworld and download the "fixed" files for Assassin's Creed III. inside you will see a file called and Copy these 2 files and paste them into the "Farcry 3bin" folder and boom. Game works and runs and saves fine. Granted that you installed the directx and c++ runtime.

Do not copy into the folder as it will cause another error.

I still get the windows error!
Please Tell me what to do with this :(
Please open this on a new tab so you could see.

I got rid of (0c)
But the windows error is still the problem
bro can u help me please ?i get that windows problem "unexpected error occurred close the game " can u please help me ?what i do to get rid of that problem

bro can u help me please ?i get that windows problem "unexpected error occurred close the game " can u please help me ?what i do to get rid of that problem

Everyone who gets the Application Error 0xc
After I've stumbled on some guys who were trying to run Far Cry 3 with whine and ubuntu.
Just download Assassin's Creed III reloaded crack like from gamecopyworld it's the newest crack from ACIII.
Take the from there and copy paste it over the Far Cry 3 reloaded crack.

Meaning you install the patch or just let the game be updated from uplay, then copy AC3(reloaded) and FC3(reloaded), FC3_d3ddll, orbit_api, in "C:Program FilesUbisoftFarCry 3bin" folder.

i am getting this error on my win xp what i do ?
I'm using the default shortcut from FC3Updater with -offline parameter on XP sp3 32bit(x86) also you might wanna increase the gpu buffer in options it seemed to fix the lag if you have any, I'm using gts 1gb, but still get decent fps at max settings on x
Also my saves work, but I get sometimes some crashes when I'm going through the menu too fast, like split second decisions back and worth so it kinda goes freeze, happens maybe once per few hours, might be also memory issue.

can u please help me what i do ? i did everything like u said but then when i open the game it give me windows error "an unexpected error occured please close the game " this ,message so what i do now ?

Hi MaxRadler, posting several posts underneath each other is called bumping and is not allowed.

Please open a ticket with Technical Support about the error, the link is in my signature.

Far Cry 3 XP SP3 doesn't workerror 0xc?!and i'm not the only onewhat's the problemUbisoft stated clear that the game will work on XPwas that a lie?!

have got solution for this problem

m getting error (0xc) can any one help me

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, Windows XP Black Crack Archives

Windows XP Professional SP3 x86

plus-circle Add Review



Reviewer:Glutenfreeza- favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite- September 16,
Subject:It Works

Thanks a lot mate. Offers a great experience in Virtualbox

Reviewer:WindowsXPuser- favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite- September 2,
Subject:Windows Update for Windows XP is no longer functional

I've seen a few reviews saying that the ISO has been messed with because Windows Update doesn't work. That's false. Microsoft shut down the Windows Update service for Windows , XP, and Vista on August 3, This ISO has not been messed with and Windows Update won't work on any Windows XP installation.

Reviewer:POE_UK- favoritefavoritefavoritefavorite- August 26,
Subject:OK But please read

Windows update has been removed, this means you cannot manually install any updates if you needed to do so.

This iso is ok for a "quick fix" to try software but i wouldn't make it a permanent install as it has been messed with.

Reviewer:penhaifai- favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite- August 23,

Thank you for this resource

Reviewer:jn favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite- August 11,

also use files from

Reviewer:JuanesJurado- favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite- August 7,

I can't believe Microsoft uploaded this for us, thanks a lot, is the best thing we have made as human being.

Reviewer:Darth Blue- favoritefavoritefavoritefavorite- July 27,
Subject:Clean and neat

It is working
Given product key is working
ISO is already ACTIVATED

Reviewer:thefeelguy- favoritefavoritefavoritefavorite- July 22,
Subject:Is this Vol CD or Retail CD

All this thank you and all that, not one of u could tell whether it is a VOL or Retail or OEM Disc.
Seems all the people r after only Win XP. I h' yet to download and see for myself.

Reviewer:g4ck- favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite- July 15,
Subject:Verified Working using Oracle VirtualBox -

Everything works, cd & key. full install.

Reviewer:Pirzthia- favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite- July 13,
Subject:Best thing ever!

Although the other comments say that it is bad, its better than ever! I love the origianilty.

Reviewer:UnStYT- favoritefavoritefavoritefavorite- July 10,
Subject:RE: Guys, since looks like original, it's not real and Windows don't updates

Did you install using VMware? Yes? That's why.

Reviewer:DolphinFlopFish- favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite- July 7,

This file has the authentic setup and installs Windows XP Perfectly fine!

Reviewer:NicoNoPlus!- favoritefavoritefavoritefavorite- June 21,
Subject:Guys, since looks like original, it's not real and Windows don't updates

Guys, in the original Windows XP SP3, if you click 'computer' with the right-click and properties, originally will say that is from (Windows XP SP3 has released in including a pack for download of XP SP3), And it has no OOBE, Normally it was supposed to have, but, if you can only to play something or get nostalgia, this is a good iso for you.

Reviewer:Koop_the_Koopa- favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite- June 21,

Absoloute Heaven!

Reviewer:Trickedid- favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite- June 19,


Reviewer:Hwilliams favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite- June 15,
Subject:IT WORKS!!!!

It works i used it to get windows xp on this old windows xp computer with a bunch of viruses to reinstall xp, WORKS LIKE A CHARM!

Reviewer:Trakoize- favoritefavoritefavoritefavorite- June 12,

the links below are apparently scams so dont click on them

Reviewer:ada favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite- June 11,
Subject:Genuine and untouched

Confirmed legit by sha-1 hash, thanks


Reviewer:dg favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite- June 10,

works perfectly. thanks internet archive!

(sitcom credits theme plays)

Reviewer:Hoseasack- favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite- June 8,
Subject:Works like a charm

Is legit Windows XP Pro SP3 with a working product key. Thanks!

Reviewer:Adubski- favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite- June 6,
Subject:Burning onto CD

Does anyone know how to burn these ISO files onto a cd?

Reviewer:Kanna-San- - June 5,
Subject:Works Great

Thank you!

Reviewer:AvoidTheISORIVERbots- favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite- May 13,
Subject:www.spearpointsecuritygroup.comER OR

There are bots that look will post some link saying that one actually www.spearpointsecuritygroup.comet Archive,IP ban them.

Reviewer:JTH favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite- May 8,
Subject:Works great

I burned this on a cd and my pc booted to it so I installed it and it’s great! Tysm!

Reviewer:JapanLawyer- favoritefavoritefavoritefavorite- May 6,
Subject:Great post

Thank you for uploading this Helpful!

Reviewer:Fanonmedia- favoritefavoritefavoritefavorite- May 2,


Reviewer:denisfan- favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite- April 17,
Subject:installed in vmware workstation

serial key worked but when i log in to windows evrything is normal but it has a prompt to acivate windows

Reviewer:lawrence - April 16,

It isnt working

Reviewer:slacker - favoritefavoritefavoritefavorite

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Windows XP Black Crack Archives


This is a list of frequently asked questions and corresponding answers. Please read this topic carefully before asking any questions.

Which version of the LiveCD should I download?

There are two versions: one called "ophcrack XP LiveCD" which should be used to crack LM hashes, and the other one, "ophcrack Vista" LiveCD for NT hashes.
Use "ophcrack XP LiveCD" for these systems, which have LMhash enabled by default:

  • Windows (any version, including Server)
  • Windows XP (any Service Pack)
  • Windows Server

Use "ophcrack Vista LiveCD" for these systems:

  • Windows Vista
  • Windows Server
  • Any system on which the LMhash has been explicitely disabled

The XP one includes XP free small tables as the Vista one contains Vista free tables.

I downloaded the ISO file. What should I do next?

When you download the file, specify that you want to save it on your harddisk. Verify that your download went well by comparing the md5sum of the file you downloaded with the one you will find on our Download page. You can use a software like md5summer for example. More on this here.

Then, burn this ISO file with your preffered burner software as an image. You can find many tutorials on the Internet that explains how to burn an ISO file on a CD. Google is your friend.

I burned the ISO file, but it does not boot ophcrack when I reboot my machine.

First verify that there are two directories stored on the CD:

Then make sure that you change your BIOS settings to make it boot from the CD drive. Tutorials here and here.

Make sure that the md5sum of the ISO file corresponds to the one displayed on the Download page. You can use md5summer on Windows for example.

After the CD boots, all seems to go well until I get a black screen.

Your graphic card is probably not well detected by the LiveCD. You should select the "text mode" entry in the boot menu when the LiveCD starts. It will start ophcrack in command-line mode in order to avoid having to deal with unsupported hardware. You can also try to boot with the manual mode.

No partition containing hashes found

New instructions (LiveCD version and newer)

The script now includes a "Search" and "Deep Search" mode. The "Search" mode looks for a directory called "tables" at the root of any media connected to the machine (USB hard drive, CDROM, USB stick, ). The "Deep Search" mode takes more time but will be able to find any directory containing a file named "", i.e. any directory that contains a table. The /media directory is now used instead of /mnt for mounting all the media connected to the machine.

Old instructions (LiveCD version and older)

There are a few reasons while you could get this message from the script. But first you should determine which partitions are mapped to your Windows partition. On Linux, harddisks are mapped to /dev/hda, /dev/hdb, for IDE disks or /dev/sda, /dev/sdb, for SCSI or SATA disks. Then you should add a number after in order to get the "path" to your partition. There you could get something like /dev/hda2 for the second partition on the first IDE drive, or /dev/sdc5 for the fifth partition of the third SATA drive.

  • One way to determine on which partition is your Windows partition (if you don't know) is to enter the command "fdisk -l". It will return the list of drives and partitions of your computer and their type. Look for a bootable FAT32 or NTFS partition usually.

  • Then determine if this partition has already been mounted by Linux at start. It generally creates a corresponding directory in /mnt, i.e. /dev/sdc5 is mounted in /mnt/sdc5. You can enter the command "df" to see if you partition appears in the list which means that it is mounted.

  • If your partition is already mounted, it means that ophcrack was not able to find your Windows directory. So start ophcrack by entering the command "ophcrack" and use the "Load from encrypted SAM" menu entry to navigate to your /mnt//Windows directory/system32/config directory.

  • If you partition is not mounted, enter the following commands:

    su (the password is root)
    mkdir /mnt/ntfs
    mount /dev/ /mnt/ntfs (where correponds to the partition that you found in the previous steps)

  • If you get an error message saying that you partition is unclean, reboot Windows and shut it down correctly. You can also try to enter this command instead:
    mount -o force -t ntfs-3g /dev/ /mnt/ntfs ( corresponds to your partition like before)

  • Then launch ophcrack as explained before and load the hashes from the encrypted partition.

I can see ophcrack window but no fonts at all, the window is blank.

There's no fonts that match the resolution of your screen. Try to select the VESA option in the boot menu (when you see Objectif Securite's logo).

How to start ophcrack manually in the LiveCD?

  • In the GUI, click with the right button on the background and select terminal in the favourite apps menu.
  • Enter /home/tux/
  • If you got "No partition containing hashes found", go to the other topic of the FAQ. Otherwise, ophcrack should have started.

How to installl the LiveCD on a USB stick?

New instructions (LiveCD version and newer)

On Windows:

  • Download the ISO file of the ophcrack LiveCD
  • Download tazusb (Slitaz installer) from our website
  • Connect your USB stick to your machine
  • Launch and follow the instructions.

On Linux:

  • You can use the tazusb script you'll find on the Slitaz distribution.
  • To do it manually, mount ophcrack LiveCD ISO file using the "-o loop" switch. Copy the files from loop directory to the USB stick. Umount the USB stick and the ISO file. Execute syslinux on the device corresponding to your USB stick ("syslinux /dev/sdb1" for example).

Old instructions (LiveCD version and less)

On Windows:

  • Decompress the iso file you downloaded to the root of the USB stick with your favorite decompression software (like 7-zip). There should be two directories on your USB stick (boot and ophcrack).
  • Execute the script that is in the boot directory.
  • Reboot your computer and make sure it boots from the stick.

On Linux:

  • Mount your iso file to a new directory (mount -o loop /path/to/ /path/to/new/directory)
  • Copy all the directories to your USB stick (cp -r /path/to/new/directory /mnt/usb)
  • Execute the script that is located in the boot directory of the USB stick.
  • The USB stick is now bootable.

How to use more tables with the LiveCD?

You bought additional tables and want to add them to the LiveCD so that ophcrack automatically detects them when it starts. With ophcrack LiveCD and newer, it is really easy to add new tables.

When the LiveCD starts, it will try to detect tables on all the devices connected to the computer (USB stick, external hard drives, internal hard drives, CDROMS, ). All you have to do in order to make it works is to put them in a directory called "tables" at the root of this drive.

For example, let's imagine that you want to put the Vista free tables and Vista special tables on a USB stick:

  • First, create a directory "tables" at the root of your USB drive.
  • Then put each set of tables in its own directory (its name is not important):



What are rainbow tables?

They were invented by Philippe Oechslin, which is the author of ophcrack as well. You can read the article or read a more accessible explanation.

Can I use rainbowcrack tables with ophcrack?

No, these tables do not use the same format as ophcrack ones. We will not add any support for such tables in the future.

What is the difference between "XP free small" tables and "XP free fast" tables?

Both XP free small tables and XP free fast tables cover % of alphanumeric passwords. If you have MB of RAM or more, the cracking will be usually faster with XP free fast tables. XP free small are better suited for those who cannot download large files.

They have approximatively half of the passwords that are exactly the same ( first columns of 15'' perfect chains) and the others are randomly selected. Therefore, using one after the other should improve the overall percentage of passwords covered. But you will remain between % and %.

Does ophcrack cracks accented characters?

Currently, ophcrack can crack the following characters on Windows XP English only:


For cracking german characters, you will need to buy the XP german tables. We do not plan to release tables for any other language so far.

Does ophcrack installer contains viruses?

Ophcrack installer includes pwdump6 from Fizzgig. This tool is often detected as malware by antivirus softwares (usually and These files are not infected, but categorized as evil software. If you do not feel safe installing ophcrack, you will find online source code for every tool it includes as well as the main program.

Why is ophcrack much powerful on Windows XP than Windows Vista?

XP has a "security hole" that allows you to crack your password very easily. Vista fixed the "security hole" and therefore is much harder to crack. Several thousand to several trillion times harder. You'll need about a zettabyte of disk space and it will take days + lookups + false alarms. (It goes kilobyte, megabyte, gigabyte, terabyte, petabyte, exabyte, zettabyte).

To crack Vista passwords you'll need to do the following:

You could always reset the password with this program You'll lose anything you have encrypted. If you're trying to get into someone else's computer they will know there computer has been tampered with since their password is different.

(thanks to Sc00bz)

Does ophcrack works on Windows XP SP3?

Yes, ophcrack (and ophcrack LiveCD) works well on Windows XP SP3.

Источник: []

What’s New in the Windows XP Black Crack Archives?

Screen Shot

System Requirements for Windows XP Black Crack Archives

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