MIRC 7 Full Patch Archives

MIRC 7 Full Patch Archives

mIRC 7 Full Patch Archives

mIRC 7 Full Patch Archives

Eggdrop Tcl Archive

View All Information: Script Id1373

Script Name:BogusTriviaVersion:^^Script Date:03/10/2014Category:Game ScriptsDownloads:627File Name:BogusTrivia Description:Full featured trivia game script. Advanced features include support for many question file formats, on-join greet & auto start game, auto-voice top players, public commands, non-english character support, easy day/month name translations, BogusHTML support, and much more.

Extended Description File

################################################## Date: 14Aug14 ## ## BogusTrivia by SpiKe^^ Game Settings File v2064 ## ################################################################### # # # ! USE AT YOUR OWN RISK ! # # If you'd like to Preview the script Visit Undernet #BogusTrivia # # # # Please report bugs or make comments at: # # irc: undernet: #pc-mIRC-help # # email: spike@mytclscripts.com # # web site: http://www.mytclscripts.com # # # # Support Forum: # # http://forum.egghelp.org/viewforum.php?f=3 # # # # View Extensive Info, FAQ Sheets and Screenshots # # http://mytclscripts.com # # # ################################################################### # Eggdrop 1.6.21 Important Note! # # # # BogusTrivia is now Immune to the Eggdrop 1.6.21 utimers Bug!!! # # # # It may still be best to properly patch the flawed Eggdrop. # # If you want to utimer patch an Eggdrop 1.6.21 bot, you will # # need to apply the timerworkaround.patch.gz by Thommey available # # on egghelp.org at http://www.egghelp.org/files.htm#patches # # This patch fixes the utimers issue with the Eggdrop 1.6.21 # ################################################################### # # # Version Release Notes: # # # # BogusTrivia is now Immune to the Eggdrop 1.6.21 utimers Bug!!! # # # # New Feature: BogusLimits # # BogusTrivia can now Limit the number of points any # # one player can get in any one day (midnight to midnight). # # # # New Advanced Custom Points Rounding Settings: # # By default, BogusTrivia chooses the best points rounding # # plan, based on your points settings. Now you can choose your # # preferred points rounding settings for all question values. # # # # -> New Settings in This Release: t-2.settings.tcl <- # # 1. Added five settings to support the new BogusLimits feature. # # 2. Added four new Advanced Custom Points Rounding settings. # # 3. Added a setting to control the low end of the bonus points. # # # # -> New Updated File: t-2.tcl <- # # Patched BogusTrivia's game timer functions to where they now # # ignore bad utimers created due to the Eggdrop utimers bug:) # # Added code for the new BogusLimits feature & points settings. # # # # -> New Updated Files: All 4 Included ReadMe Files <- # # Added documentation for the new BogusLimits feature and # # cleaned/updated all the ReadMe files. # # # # -> BogusTrivia no longer includes a patch file for BogusHTML <- # # BogusHTML now has its own new full version release available! # # Get the new BogusHTML 2.06.4 (BogusTrivia Html Page Maker) # # from my web site at: http://www.mytclscripts.com # # # ################################################################### ################################################################### ## BogusTrivia Game Features ## ################################################################### # # # 1. Scores Reset Daily, Weekly, and Monthly. # # 2. 8 Preset Colors Themes & Colorless. # # 3. Custom Color Setup. # # 4. Includes a Question File. # # 5. Supports UWord, Scramble, Multiple-Choice, and KAOS. # # 6. Custom On|Off Triggers # # 7. User Flag Protected Commands # # 8. Anti-Theft Feature On|Off # # 9. Unlimited Point Ranges # # 10. Bonus Questions On|Off w/ Point Ranges & Intervals # # 11. KAOS Questions On|Off w/ Point Ranges & Intervals # # 12. Custom Hints (trigger & timer setting) # # 13. Show|Hide Channel Stats (10-20-30 players) # # 14. Unlimited Custom Channel Ads # # 15. Public Command to Repeat Question # # 16. Custom Week Reset (mon-tues-wed) # # 17. Custom KAOS Options # # 18. Unlimited Questions (subject to hd space or 1 million) # # 19. Will accept almost any q&a format or text file extension. # # 20. No line limit on the question files added. 3+ lines per file# # 21. Error correction: removes bad questions & creates a badqes # # file you may edit or discard. # # 22. Flood control on all public commands. # # 23. Adjustable timers to slow trivia if there are no players. # # Can also Stop the game when no one is playing. # # 24. Track Users by handle, nick or username@host (or just nick) # # 25. Player Matching System On or Off (stops points theft abuse) # # 26. Accurate Scores Totals. # # 27. Support for non-english characters in answers # # examples: ñ á æ ø å # # 28. User file clean up. remove players not seen in x amount # # of time # # 29. Restart game play on rejoin # # 30. Scheduled backup of user and history files # # 31. Show or Hide Answers for Questions & Kaos # # 32. Channel Greet system with flood control # # 33. Auto-Voice Top Players with exempts # # 34. On-Join Flood Settings # # 35. On-Join Auto-Start the Game with Exempts # # 36. Public Triggers for game stats and info # # 37. Complete User Defined Public Triggers System # # 38. Daily Player Points Limiting # # # ################################################################### ################################################################### ## BogusTrivia 2.06.4+ Version History ## ################################################################### # Version Release Notes: (Patch for Version # # # # -> New Updated File: t-2.commands.tcl <- # # Bug Fix: (Thanks ivanov) # # Fixes the issues with the public .info command & the # # %t variable substitution code in user defined public replies.# # Example: User file created on 05/14/11 (.info total players) # # Fixes the %m variable substitution code issue in user defined # # public relies. %m = command used to trigger the reply # # # # -> New Updated File: t-2.tcl <- # # Bug Fix: # # Fixes an issue with the public: .stats <nick> usage reply. # # # # -> New Updated Files: t-2.settings.tcl & Commands.txt <- # # Added documentation for the fixed %m variable substitution # # code in user defined public relies. # ################################################################### # Version Release Notes: # # # # -> New Settings in v2.06.4.5 : t-2.settings.tcl <- # # 1. Set separate user flags to turn the game off # # 2. Allows much lower point ranges for questions and kaos # # 3. Allows much lower pause times between questions and hints # # 4. Change all command prefixes with one setting # # 5. Change hint placeholder default character # # 6. Allows longer questions (max character limit & multi-line) # # 7. Several new question presentation options # # 8. Strip color codes from players answers # # 9. Strip extra spaces from players answers # # 10. New public commands: .info .webstats & .stats <nick> # # 11. User defined public triggers and replies options # # 12. Sample user defined commands: .commands .rules .time # # # # -> New Updated File: t-2.tcl <- # # Bug Fix: Fixed an issue where public stats command reply # # was showing the \002 bold code. # # Added code to support new options and public commands. # # # # -> New Updated File: t-2.commands.tcl <- # # Added code to support the new public commands. # # # # -> New Updated File: bogus.ques.sample <- # # Cleaned Many Doubles and Removed Bad Questions. # # # # Upgrading from BogusTrivia v2.06.4 or older may also require: # # -> Updated File: t-2.html.tcl (Patch for BogusHTML)<- # # NOTE: The Patched t-2.html.tcl & Upgrade Instructions readme # # BogusHtml-2.06.2.beta4-Upgrade.txt is included with this # # script release in: BogusHTML 2.06.2.beta4.Upgrade.zip # # # # Bug Fix: # # Fixed an issue that was keeping BogusHTML 2.06.2.beta3 # # from running at all with BogusTrivia 2.06.4 and above # # NOTE: Use the included t-2.html.tcl to patch an existing # # install of BogusHTML 2.06.2 beta3 to run with this # # version of BogusTrivia. # ################################################################### # Version Release Notes: # # # # -> New Updated File: t-2.tcl <- # # Bug Fix: (Thanks speechles) # # Fixed a script load issue causing the following error... # # can't read "tclr(-emsg)": no such element in array # # # # -> New Updated File: bogus.ques.sample <- # # New Trivia Question File: # # Add 12,000 New Questions to the BogusTrivia Database. # # # # -> New Updated File: t-2.settings.tcl <- # # File Maintenance Only, No New Settings were Added: # # Cleaned and Organized the BogusTrivia Settings File. # # # # No Other Files were Changed from the Release! # # No New Options or Settings were Added to this patch release. # ################################################################### # Version Release Notes: # # # # -> New Updated File: t-2.tcl <- # # Bug Fix: # # Fixed an issue where the information displayed for public # # stats & auto-voice was not always reset properly at midnight. # # # # -> New Updated File: t-2.html.tcl <- # # Bug Fix: # # Fixed an issue that was keeping BogusHTML 2.06.2.beta3 # # from running at all with BogusTrivia 2.06.4 # # NOTE: Use the included t-2.html.tcl to patch an existing # # install of BogusHTML 2.06.2 beta3 to run with this # # version of BogusTrivia. # # # # No Other Files were Changed from the 2.06.4 Release! # # No New Options or Settings were Added to this patch release. # ################################################################### # Version 2.06.4 Release Notes: # # # # -> New in v2.06.4 <- # # 1. Point Matching System On or Off (stops points theft abuse) # # 2. Show or Hide Answers for Questions & Kaos # # 3. Channel Greet System with Flood Control # # 4. Auto-Voice Top Players with Exempts # # 5. On-Join Flood Settings # # 6. Game Can Stop When No One Is Playing # # 7. Auto-Start Game On-Join with Exempts # # 8. Public Commands to View Stats # # 9. Custom On-Join Greet Colors # # # # Bug Fix: # # Game Play timings should now update and change with a .rehash # # of the bot. # ################################################################### ################################################################### ## BogusTrivia Extended Version History ## ################################################################### # -> Updates in v2.06.4.5 <- # # 1. Set separate user flags to turn the game off # # 2. Allows much lower point ranges for questions and kaos # # 3. Allows much lower pause times between questions and hints # # 4. Change all command prefixes with one setting # # 5. Change hint placeholder default character: * # # 6. Allows longer questions (max character limit & multi-line) # # 7. Several new question presentation options # # 8. Strip color codes from players answers # # 9. Strip extra spaces from players answers # # 10. New public commands: .info .webstats & .stats <nick> # # 11. User defined public triggers and replies options # # 12. Sample user defined commands: .commands .rules .time # # -> Updates in v2.06.4 <- # # 1. Point Matching System On or Off (stops points theft abuse) # # 2. Show or Hide Answers for Questions & Kaos # # 3. Channel Greet System with Flood Control # # 4. Auto Voice Top Players with Exempts # # 5. On-Join Flood Settings # # 6. Game Can Stop When No One Is Playing # # 7. Auto Start Game On-Join with Exempts # # 8. Public Commands to View Stats # # 9. Custom OnJoin Greet Colors # # -> Updates in v2.06.3.2 <- # # 1. Fixes the install & restart issues found in v2.06.3 # # 2. Only the t-2.tcl was updated # # -> Updates in v2.06.3 <- # # 1. Contains all new files! # # 2. Smooth installation or upgrades # # 3. Custom on|off triggers now accepted # # 4. Show|Hide stats to the channel # # 5. New settings to translate day and month names # # 6. Restart game play on rejoin bot to the channel # # 7. Scheduled backup of user and history files # # -> Updates in v2.06.2.beta2 <- # # 1. Last release with bundled html page generator # # 2. New templates & CSS files # # 3. History stats, previous Days, Weeks and Months # # 4. /msg command .make to generate pages on demand # # -> Updates in v2.06.2.beta1 <- # # 1. Now supports html stat page generator # # 2. Currently supports Active Stats Only # # 3. Player stats for Today, This Week, This Month & Lifetime # # 4. Creates public_html folder and moves pages to it. # # -> Updates in v2.06.1 <- # # 1. Added support for non-english characters in answers # # -> Updates in v2.06 <- # # 1. Moved All Script Settings To File: t-2.settings.tcl # # 2. Added Three Advanced Stats Options # # 3. Fixed The Stats Bug That Allowed A User To Lose Their Stats # # 4. Will Fix Old User File, Combines & Removes All Doubles # # 5. Fixed: Script Would Crash If Kaos Was On & Had No Kaos Files # # -> Updates in v2.05.2 <- # # 1. Script Now Supports KAOS # # 2. Added Advanced KAOS Options # # 3. Additional Color Themes # # -> Updates in v2.04 <- # # 1. Script Now Supports UWord & Scrambles # # 2. Now Supports Multiple-Choice Answers (example: "two" or "2") # # 3. New Custom Colors Setup (choose your own colors:) # # 4. Anti-Theft Feature now with On-Off # # 5. Added several other Advanced Settings # ###################################################################
Источник: [https://torrent-igruha.org/3551-portal.html]
, mIRC 7 Full Patch Archives


Dear All Our Visitors,


After the success of our previous donation campaigns (2018-19 & 2019-20), we started again the campaign for the year 2020-21, We greatly appreciate donors kindness to our blog. And also need all of yours valuable support for the this donation campaign.


Our Yearly Expenses as follows:

Domain Renewal $29.00
Server Hosting$106.00
Miscellaneous Exp.


If you like our site and find our work useful, please consider donating, your great contributions help us to pay for the server cost, domain renewal, and other maintenance costs of this site.The costs of our servers & domains are almost high, and now we are running out of money.


You guys know we’ve never stopped anyone from using ad-blockers, therefore it doesn’t make any income to our site running cost. also we are not using any premium file hosting website, all our contents (like cracks, keys, software) are hosted in free websites like zippyshare, upload.ee, etc… thus our incomes are very low. currently we are using adf.ly and bc.vc for maintaining our cost, but now our ad revenue has declined to less than 20 USD a month.So, we request everyone to contribute fast if possible to do so.


Note Before :

  1. All our contents are stored only in third-party web sites, and everyone can freely downloadable. We do not using any premium websites for file hosting, all are stored in free sites
  2. After downloading patch/keygen, If your anti-virus detect virus, then please disable your anti-virus during the process of registration.
  3. Patches/keygens are not a virus or Trojan. Patches/keygen made by by-passing the original registration of software, so anti-virus may detect it as Trojan or virus.
  4. Therefore, use patches or keygens posted on our website without any worries. All our contents are trustable as they all come from trustable sources.

Thank you

Источник: [https://torrent-igruha.org/3551-portal.html]
mIRC 7 Full Patch Archives

euIRC® - European IRC Network

On July 30rd 2010 mIRC 7.1 was released. Unfortunately there are some problems with this version.

Update: On 13 October 2010 mIRC v7.14 was released. The new version offers UTF8 enabling/disabling, fixing the problem described below. Download at the official mIRC page.

Many channels whose names contain german umlaute (ä ö ü) or special characters were created in the days of the ISO Charset. However, mIRC 7.1 converts all sended and received text to UTF-8. Both Charsets represent german umlaute and special characters in a different way so that a channel named #ÄÖÜ exists twice - as UTF-8 and as ISO. Thus since the release of mIRC 7.1 all users using it and trying to join such a channel found themselves in an empty not registered channel with apparently the same name. Unfortunately this channelname is UTF-8 encoded and therefore not the same channel.

Because euIRC is not the developer of mIRC, we can only support our user and help them to be able to chat with each other. Khaled Mardam-Bey, mIRCs exclusive developer said: As some of you may have noticed, the new version of mIRC no longer supports codepages. This is because mIRC is now a Unicode application and will only send and receive UTF-8 encoded text. Read full statement or technical explanation.

Please assure that before upgrading to mIRC 7.x that all channels containing such characters are converted to others without any special character, e.g. instead of ä use ae. We recommend to redirect the old channel with /mode #Channel1 +b *!*@* and then /mode #Channel1 +B #Channel2 to the new one. #Channel1 the old channel name, #Channel2 the new one.

If you are using mIRC 7.xx already you may send ISO encoded commands by using /raw -n. Example: /raw -n identify password, this will identify you to Nickserv.

We apologize for the trouble, even if the euIRC is not responsible for the development of mIRC and the therefore caused trouble. For any questions feel free to ask in #hilfe or #help.

The euIRC Team
Источник: [https://torrent-igruha.org/3551-portal.html]

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