Momentum Camera for PC Archives

Momentum Camera for PC Archives

Momentum Camera for PC Archives

Momentum Camera for PC Archives

The Friedman Archives Guide to Sony's Alpha 6100 and 6600

The Friedman Archives Guide to Sony’s Alpha 6100 and 6600

by Gary L. Friedman

Version 1.0

ISBN 978-1-67816-776-9

On The Cover

Animal Eye AF is now a thing.  Before its invention most cameras would only focus on whatever was closest if it didn’t detect a human face.  In the case of animals that usually meant the nose.  You have to invoke it manually, but your yield for in-focus pet shots will increase dramatically when used.

For Those of You Who Bought the Printed  or E-Reader Edition

There are a LOT of demonstrative illustrations in this book that kind of lose their effectiveness when converted to black-and-white.  And some are difficult to see on e-book reader screens like the original Kindle.

And so to offset these problems I’m offering a free, full-color, instantly-downloadable .pdf file of this ebook to all customers who bought printed books (be they color or black-and-white), or who purchased this work through the Amazon Kindle, Apple, Barnes and Noble, or any other e-reader store.  (The original .pdf file really does offer a superior user experience.  Think of it as the regarding how the author intended the work to be seen.) 

To get your free .pdf file, just email me ( with a copy of your receipt and I’ll send you a download link.  Such a deal!

About the Photos

The photo pages preceding each chapter are images from the stock photo website, and were taken with a wide variety of different cameras over the past 30 years.

About the Author

Gary L. Friedman is a professional photographer who has traveled the world with both film and digital cameras.  He runs the stock image website, is associate editor of CameraCraft magazine (a thoughtful periodical which provides tremendous insights as well as showcasing inspirational images), and gives highly-acclaimed digital photography seminars worldwide for those who wish to improve their creative photography and learn the essentials in an intuitive manner.  Because he teaches seminars worldwide, Mr. Friedman stays in touch with the concerns and frustrations of serious amateurs.

Before graduating to photography he was a rocket scientist for NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (you know, those guys who landed probes on Mars and sent robots like Pioneer, Voyager, Galileo, Pathfinder, Spirit, and Discovery to explore the outer solar system), where he patented the image authentication system used in high-end Canon and Nikon cameras. He has been published in books, newspapers and magazines worldwide, and was listed in the Guinness Book of World Records while in college (go ahead and search the website if you want to find out what he did to get included). 

Despite his mastery of the technical background, Mr. Friedman has an approachable and easy-going teaching style that makes his books a pleasure to read. You can read more about his background at

Table of Contents

Chapter 1      Don’t Panic!



Menu Feature Notation



Major Features

1.2      .1 Best Tracking AF

1.2.2      An Impressive 24 megapixel sensor

1.2.3      Improved Eye AF

1.2.4      Animal Eye AF

1.2.5      Better TouchScreen Operation

1.2.6      Flip-Up Screen

1.2.7      11 Pictures per Second

1.2.8      Rate your Images, then Jump Around

1.2.9      Longer Videos

1.2.10      Time-Lapse Function

1.2.11      Tethered Shooting

1.2.12       and

1.2.13      New Metering Modes

1.2.14      RAW + XFINE JPEGS

1.2.15      Bluetooth-based GPS Alternative

1.2.16      S&Q (Slow and Quick) movie modes

1.2.17      Much better Out-of-Camera .JPGs

1.2.18      4K and Other Video Features

1.2.19      14-bit RAW

1.2.20      Can shoot 2 Kinds of videos simultaneously

1.2.21      Three Different Low-Light Modes

1.2.22      Handheld High Dynamic Range (HDR)

1.2.23      Peaking Color



Features Unique to the A6600

1.3.1      Gamma Curves for HDR Video

1.3.2      Both Kinds of Image Stabilization

1.3.3      More Custom Buttons and a Lever

1.3.4      Bigger Battery (and, therefore, grip)

1.3.5      Headphone Jack

1.3.6      Higher-res EVF



Features Unique to the A6100

1.4.1      The pop-up flash

1.4.2      Panorama

1.4.3      Two types of Auto mode

1.4.4      Smile shutter

1.4.5      Soft Skin Effect

1.4.6      1 extra memory location for saving settings



Kit Lens or Lens?



Important Software

1.6.1      For Your Computer

1.6.2      For your Smartphone

Chapter 2      Essential Configuration



My Personal Camera Settings – A6100



My Personal Camera Settings – A6600



Suggested Configurations For…

2.3.1      Touchscreen Shooting

2.3.2      Kids and Pets

2.3.3      Birds in Flight

2.3.4      Shooting Video

2.3.5      shooting portraits

2.3.6      Landscapes

2.3.7      Legacy Glass



Just Pick Two



My Button Assignments

2.5.1      Back Button Focus






What’s Incompatible with RAW?

Chapter 3      Quick Guide for the Impatient User



Names of Parts – A6100



Names of Parts – A6600



Exposure Mode Dial



The Two AUTO Modes

3.4.1       (Both Cameras)

3.4.2       (A6100 Only)



The Function Button



P,A,S,M Modes



Focusing Essentials

3.7.1      Face Detection

3.7.2      Eye AF

3.7.3      Touch Screen Operation

3.7.4      Focusing Modes

3.7.5      Focus Area

3.7.6      Quickly Switching between Wide Area AF and Spot AF

3.7.7      Focus Confirmation

3.7.8      A Primer – Phase Detect vs. Contrast Detect



Drive Modes

3.8.1      Single-Shot Advance

3.8.2      Continuous Advance (4 Speeds)

3.8.3      Self-Timers

3.8.4      Bracketing

3.8.5      Bracketing for HDR

3.8.6      What exactly changes when you bracket?

3.8.7      White Balance Bracketing

3.8.8      DRO Bracketing



Metering Modes



Reassignable Buttons and Hidden Features



Pop-up Flash (A6100 Only)



Things You Probably Didn’t Know about Playback Mode



Playing Back a burst



Configuring the DISPlay



Quick Guide for Video



The Panorama Mode (A6100 Only)



Shooting Tethered(ly)



Remote Methods






Lens Nomenclature



Available APS-C Format Lenses



Viewfinder Eyepiece Diopter Correction



Memory Cards

3.23.1      Memory Card Corruption Issues

Источник: []
, Momentum Camera for PC Archives

Choose Your FAQ Topic

What is the first thing I should do upon receipt of my Axel, Cori, or Robbi HD Smart Home Security Camera?
SAVE THE RECEIPT! You’ll need it to claim the device under our free one-year warranty. Take everything out of the box and make sure you have all of the parts.  You do this by matching the box contents with the list of "What's Included" or “What’s in the box” on the side of the box!  If you think you are missing a part, please contact our Customer Service Team:
  • Phone:  1-888-818-0436 (Monday through Friday 8am-5pm PST).
  • Email:
What are the Wi-Fi connection requirements for my new camera?

You will need a 2.4GHz (802.11bg/n) on your home or office system for Wi-Fi connectivity. For the Momentum Axel, you may also use a 5GHz network and router. Don’t worry – this is pretty standard for most home Wi-Fi routers these days.

What are the minimum smart phone or tablet requirements for use with this Momentum camera?

A mobile device running on an Android 6.0+ or iOS 9.0+ platform. Right now, Windows-based phones are not compatible with Momentum.

Can the camera stand on its own, or does it have to be attached to something?

The camera can stand on it’s own.  This makes it very portable, in case you want to try it out in various rooms of the house.  But it can also be securely mounted on a table, wall, or ceiling.

How do you mount the Momentum Axel camera onto a surface?
Included in the Momentum Axel product box are materials you can use to securely mount your camera:
  • A 1 ½” round piece of double-sided tape
  • A 1 ¾” round metal plate with two holes
  • Two screws with plastic anchors

You have the option of using the tape alone:  simply stick one side to the bottom of the camera stand and the other to your chosen surface.  For a stronger mount, screw the metal plate into the surface (e.g., wall or ceiling), and then watch as the magnetic bottom of the camera snaps securely into place. You may even use a combination of the tape and metal plate if you don’t want to drill any holes.

How do you mount the Momentum Robbi camera onto a surface?
Included in the Momentum Robbi product box are materials you can use to securely mount your camera:
  • A 1 ½” round piece of double-sided tape
  • Two screws with plastic anchors

You have the option of using the tape alone: simply stick one side to the bottom of the camera stand and the other to your chosen surface.  For a stronger mount, screw the Robbi’s bottom metal mounting plate into the surface (e.g., wall or ceiling), and then watch as the magnetic bottom of the camera snaps securely into place. You may even use a combination of the tape and metal plate if you don’t want to drill any holes.

Where in my house or office is the best place to put my camera?

This depends on what area you want the camera to view.  Some popular choices are:  front door entry, baby’s bedroom, living room, and garage.

What about mounting it facing outdoors through a window?

This will work great during daylight hours.  However, at night the infrared (IR) camera light will reflect off the glass and greatly reduce any outside visibility. Make sure you turn off the Night Vision option in the settings if you still plan to do so.

Does this camera work outdoors?

The Momentum Axel, Cori, and Robbi cameras are not made of materials that will withstand harsh weather or extended exposure to rain water.  Therefore we recommend that it be used indoors or in an area protected from the elements. If you would like an outdoor camera, we would recommend the Momentum Aria Floodlight which is a weatherproof floodlight and camera that protects the outside of your property. Click here to learn more about the Momentum Aria.

Will I be able to capture images at night or in dark environments?

Sure!  The camera has Infrared (IR) night vision built right in.  Night vision mode is automatically activated when the camera senses a low light environment.

Are the Axel, Cori, and Robbi cameras wireless, or do I have to plug it in to use it?

In order to function, the Axel, Cori, and Robbi need to be directly connected to a power source. With a wired (plugged in) connection you have the advantage of unlimited power and never having to worry about changing or charging a battery.  This is the best way to use a security camera.  And you won’t ever miss out on that special YouTube moment!

I see my Momentum camera has a Micro SD card slot. Why do I need a Micro SD card?

You do not need a memory card to record videos as every device now comes with a free 24hr video playback. However if you want to maintain your videos for a longer period of time or just want to back-up those recorded videos, you may use a micro-SD card to do so.

What type of Micro SD card is best to use?

Most brands of Micro SD cards will work fine, as long as their capacity does not exceed 128 GB and is at least Class 4 and in FAT32 format. Here is an estimate of the number of hours of recording you will get with various sizes of Micro SD cards, recording at 720p:

  • 4GB =        12 hours
  • 8GB =        25 hours
  • 16GB =        50 hours
  • 32GB =       100 hours
Is it better to use the Micro SD card or subscribe to a Momentum’s Camera Plan?

The choice depends on your projected use and needs.  Momentum Capture allows you to record an unlimited number of recordings during the set storage duration that you purchase. Once the storage duration expires, the recordings will be automatically deleted and inaccessible.  The microSD card allows you to record a certain number of hours, and then the recording will loop around to the beginning and record over the earliest saved data.  With either option, you can easily share your recorded videos and photos with friends or family, or even yourself!

Is it possible for me to use multiple Momentum cameras at one time and control them all from the same Momentum account and app?

Yes, with the exception of the older generation camera models (MOCAM-01/02/03) as it runs on a different Momentum app.

Источник: []
Momentum Camera for PC Archives

MOMENTUM performs three simple functions for you:

1 Acquire your images and link them to your Athena patient record
   >  Support of Meaningful Use part 2 'Image Results' requirements
2 Auto archive your original DICOM images
   >  Eliminate the costly, cumbersome and complicated PACS
>  Eliminates your sonographer from the time consuming
back up process of the ultrasound hard drive
3 Share images with your Expectant moms
   >  Enhance your patient's practice experience
    >  Support the new expected level of service by expectant moms  

The MOMENTUM printer replacement app eliminates the need for the thermal printer and turns your ultrasound system into a newtork imaging device that communicates with your Central Repository, your EMR.

SInce MOMENTUM was designed by sonographes and practice administrators, it has lots of good common sense built in.  It is reliable, simple and somewhat elegant.
Since it uses industry standard technology, you probably already have everything you need to set up and getting sending without additional expense.
MOMENTUM can link your images to your EMR, in support of Meaningful Use part 2 Menu measure, with HL7 messaging, API or manual import.  MOMENTUM does not charge the HL7 or API messaging to your EMR

Click here for more information 

How do I prepare for set up

Visual MED 
Enhancing the value of your EMR

"The smartest imaging app in the market"

Practices and Practice groups whose names you may recognize who use MOMENTUM apps

    Visual MED has been making image communication software for 20 years.  Our customers include the largest diagnostic imaging company in the world, to the smallest stand alone solo private practice provider here in the USA.
    Our Visual MED products were not designed by engineers, but by sonographers, nursed, providers and practice administrators, in the real world working environment, so they have lots of common sense built in. The simplicity, reliability and timeliness of the Visual MED app product line make them true investments in your practice.

    As the owner of a privately run entrepreneurial business, we know the importance of a commitment to excellence and strong relationships with customers, colleagues and partners.
    Our vision is to strengthen the industry by tying our colleagues, partners and customers together with simple imaging apps that enhance their market presence and imaging services while driving down their imaging and operational costs.

    Here at Visual MED, we use industry standard technologies in a friendly front line user format.

    Our users designed the apps with proven technology to keep costs down and make the apps easy to understand and use.  This helps keep confidence and compliance up while keeping initial investment and on-going costs down.

    Replacing your printer is just the beginning

    MOMENTUM performs three simple tasks for you

    1. Acquires your images and      makes them available for
       your EMR in support of
       Meaningful Use part 2

    2. Auto archives your images,
       eliminating a pacs

    3. Lets you send ultrasound images to your expectant moms

      "The smartest imaging app

      in the market"

      Practices and Practice groups whose names you may recognize who use MOMENTUM apps

        The MOMENTUM apps allow you to easily integrate part or all of your imaging processes into your network and efficiently and effectively communicate with your EMR, colleagues, and patients. 

        Источник: []

        What’s New in the Momentum Camera for PC Archives?

        Screen Shot

        System Requirements for Momentum Camera for PC Archives

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