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NES arcade bundles Namco Museum Archives Vol. 1 & 2 out today

Bandai Namco is back with yet more bundles of its golden oldies today, this time in the form of its 8-bit-themed Namco Museum Archives Vol. 1 & 2, both of which are available now on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Switch, and PC.

As you might have already twigged, Namco Museum Archives Vol. 1 & 2 are the localised versions of Bandai Namco's previously announced Namcot Collection, which releases in Japan today. Both offer a collection of NES arcade adaptations, but there are notable differences in the way the titles are being delivered across territories.

Over in Japan, the digital Namcot Collection takes the form of a free-to-download base game, which includes Wagyan Land and can be expanded by purchasing new titles individually. Currently ten titles are available, and a total of 20 more will arrive in August and October.

Over in the west, however, Bandai Namco has divided 22 games (including an intriguing 8-bit demake of the much-loved Pac-Man Championship Edition) across two separate releases, which look a little something like this:


  • Dig-Dug
  • Dragon Buster
  • Dragon Spirit: The New Legend
  • Galaxian
  • Mappy
  • Sky Kid
  • Splatterhouse: Wanpaku Graffiti 
  • The Tower of Druaga
  • Xevious
  • PAC-MAN Championship Edition


  • Battle City
  • Dig Dug II
  • Dragon Buster II
  • Galaga
  • Gaplus
  • Legacy of the Wizard
  • Mappy-Land
  • Mendel Palace
  • Pac-Land
  • Rolling Thunder
  • Super Xevious

Digital versions of Namco Museum Archives Vol. 1 & 2 are available now, should you be gripped by a sudden yearning for the comforting blanket of nostalgia. Each volume costs £15.99 apiece on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Switch, and £16.99 on Steam.

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, arcade Steam games l Archives

Arcade Archives

Title Developer Original
release ACA Release date ACA Platforms JPNAPALAsiaNS[3]PS4[4][5]10-Yard FightIrem1983May 2, 2018May 2, 2018NS
June 14, 2018PS4May 2, 2018NS
June 22, 2018PS4May 2, 2018PS4A JaxKonami1987March 19, 2015September 8, 2015October 20, 2015June 18, 2015Alpha MissionSNK1985October 25, 2018October 25, 2018NS
July 18, 2019PS4October 25, 2018NSOctober 25, 2018PS4Alpine SkiTaito1982May 30, 2019May 30, 2019May 30, 2019NSMay 30, 2019PS4ArgusJaleco1986August 30, 2018August 30, 2018NS
May 16, 2019PS4August 30, 2018NSAugust 30, 2018PS4Ark AreaUPL1987January 19, 2017UnreleasedUnreleasedJanuary 19, 2017Armed FNichibutsu1988May 27, 2016PS4
March 28, 2019NSMay 27, 2016PS4
March 28, 2019NSJanuary 31, 2017PS4
March 28, 2019NSMay 27, 2016PS4AthenaSNK1986December 13, 2018December 13, 2018NS
December 19, 2018PS4December 13, 2018NS
December 19, 2019PS4December 13, 2018PS4Atomic Robo-KidUPL1988September 29, 2016PS4
November 15, 2018NSNovember 15, 2018NSNovember 15, 2018NSSeptember 30, 2016PS4Bells & WhistlesKonami1991January 16, 2020January 16, 2020January 16, 2020January 16, 2020PS4Bomb JackTecmo1984June 19, 2014PS4
January 24, 2019NSAugust 18, 2015PS4
January 24, 2019NSJanuary 24, 2019NSUnreleasedBubble BobbleTaito1986January 29, 2016March 15, 2016April 1, 2016June 14, 2016BurgerTimeData East1982July 30, 2020July 30, 2020NS
August 14, 2020PS4July 30, 2020NS
August 15, 2020PS4July 30, 2020PS4ButasanJaleco1987March 12, 2015PS4
May 16, 2019NSJuly 14, 2015PS4
May 16, 2019NSOctober 6, 2015PS4
May 16, 2019NSUnreleasedCircus CharlieKonami1984August 6, 2020August 6, 2020August 6, 2020August 6, 2020PS4City ConnectionJaleco1985October 2, 2014PS4
July 19, 2018NSMay 5, 2015PS4
July 19, 2018NSSeptember 8, 2015PS4
July 19, 2018NSUnreleasedClu Clu LandNintendo1984June 28, 2019June 28, 2019June 28, 2019UnreleasedContraKonami1987August 10, 2016PS4
September 3, 2020NSSeptember 27, 2016PS4
September 3, 2020NSNovember 15, 2016PS4
September 3, 2020NSAugust 10, 2016PS4Cosmo Police GalivanNichibutsu1985April 9, 2015October 20, 2015February 9, 2016August 6, 2015Crazy ClimberNichibutsu1980May 15, 2014PS4
February 8, 2018NSMay 26, 2015PS4
February 8, 2018NSJune 19, 2015PS4
February 8, 2018NSMay 14, 2015PS4Crazy Climber 2Nichibutsu1989February 26, 2015PS4
May 28, 2020NSOctober 15, 2015PS4
May 28, 2020NSJanuary 19, 2016PS4
May 28, 2020NSJuly 30, 2015PS4DariusTaito1986August 26, 2016UnreleasedUnreleasedAugust 26, 2016Donkey KongNintendo1981June 15, 2018June 14, 2018June 15, 2018UnreleasedDonkey Kong Jr.Nintendo1982December 21, 2018December 21, 2018December 21, 2018UnreleasedDonkey Kong 3Nintendo1983April 5, 2019April 5, 2019April 5, 2019UnreleasedDouble DragonTechnos1987November 27, 2014PS4
January 18, 2018NSMay 12, 2015PS4
January 18, 2018NSJuly 14, 2015PS4
January 18, 2018NSMay 21, 2015PS4Double Dragon II: The RevengeTechnos1989February 26, 2016PS4
December 6, 2018NSFebruary 26, 2016PS4
December 6, 2018NSFebruary 26, 2016PS4
December 6, 2018NSFebruary 26, 2016PS4Earth Defense ForceJaleco1991September 17, 2020September 17, 2020September 17, 2020September 17, 2020PS4Elevator ActionTaito1983October 26, 2017PS4
March 14, 2019NSNovember 9, 2017PS4
March 14, 2019NSNovember 23, 2017PS4
March 14, 2019NSOctober 26, 2017PS4ExcitebikeNintendo1984September 21, 2018September 21, 2018September 21, 2018UnreleasedExerionJaleco1983October 23, 2014PS4
January 9, 2020NSJuly 7, 2015PS4
January 9, 2020NSJuly 22, 2015PS4
January 9, 2020NSUnreleasedFlak Attack
(MX5000)Konami1987March 25, 2016PS4
April 9, 2020NSJuly 26, 2016PS4
April 9, 2020NSJuly 26, 2016PS4
April 9, 2020NSMarch 25, 2016PS4Formation ZJaleco1984March 19, 2020March 19, 2020March 19, 2020March 19, 2020PS4FroggerKonami1981December 12, 2019December 12, 2019December 12, 2019NS
December 19, 2019PS4December 12, 2019PS4Front LineTaito1983December 26, 2017PS4
February 14, 2019NSJanuary 8, 2018PS4
February 14, 2019NSJanuary 17, 2018PS4
February 14, 2019NSJanuary 9, 2018PS4Gemini WingTecmo1987September 10, 2020September 10, 2020September 10, 2020September 10, 2020PS4GolfNintendo1984October 25, 2019October 25, 2019October 25, 2019UnreleasedGradiusKonami1985January 29, 2015PS4
July 9, 2020NSJune 9, 2015PS4
July 9, 2020NSJune 23, 2015PS4
July 9, 2020NSMay 21, 2015PS4Gradius IIKonami1988April 22, 2016PS4
TBA NSJuly 15, 2016PS4
TBA NSAugust 23, 2016PS4
TBA NSApril 22, 2016PS4Haunted CastleKonami1988December 1, 2016September 14, 2017September 14, 2017December 1, 2016Hyper SportsKonami1984November 28, 2019November 28, 2019NS
December 5, 2019PS4November 28, 2019NS
December 12, 2019PS4November 28, 2019PS4Ice ClimberNintendo1985February 22, 2019February 22, 2019February 22, 2019UnreleasedIkari WarriorsSNK1986March 7, 2019March 7, 2019NS
March 12, 2019PS4March 7, 2019NS
February 11, 2020PS4March 7, 2019PS4Ikari III: The RescueSNK1989March 26, 2020March 26, 2020March 26, 2020March 26, 2020PS4IkkiSunsoft1985May 22, 2015PS4
May 24, 2018NSNovember 3, 2015PS4
May 24, 2018NSApril 12, 2016PS4
May 24, 2018NSAugust 12, 2015PS4Image FightIrem1988May 23, 2019May 23, 2019May 23, 2019NS
March 19, 2020PS4May 23, 2019PS4In the HuntIrem1993November 21, 2019November 21, 2019NS
November 25, 2019PS4November 21, 2019NS
November 25, 2019PS4November 21, 2019PS4KangarooSunsoft1982July 16, 2020July 16, 2020July 16, 2020July 16, 2020PS4Karate ChampData East1984October 9, 2014PS4
October 3, 2019NSSeptember 29, 2015PS4
October 3, 2019NSJuly 28, 2015PS4
October 3, 2019NSJuly 2, 2015PS4Kid's Horehore DaisakusenNichibutsu1987February 12, 2016PS4
August 9, 2018NSApril 26, 2016PS4
August 9, 2018NSAugust 30, 2016PS4
August 9, 2018NSFebruary 12, 2016PS4Kid Niki: Radical NinjaIrem1986January 25, 2018January 25, 2018NS
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Internet Archive Blogs

Another few thousand DOS Games are playable at the Internet Archive! Since our initial announcement in 2015, we’ve added occasional new games here and there to the collection, but this will be our biggest update yet, ranging from tiny recent independent productions to long-forgotten big-name releases from decades ago.

To browse the latest collection, hit this link and look around.

The usual caveats apply: Sometimes the emulations are slower than they should be, especially on older machines. Not all games are enjoyable to play. And of course, we are linking manuals where we can but not every game has a manual.

If you’ve been enjoying our “emulation in the browser” system over the years, then this is more of that. If you’re new to it or want to hear more about all this, keep reading.

A Recognition of Hard Work, and A Breathtaking View

The update of these MS-DOS games comes from a project called eXoDOS, which has expanded over the years in the realm of collecting DOS games for easy playability on modern systems to tracking down and capturing, as best as can be done, the full context of DOS games – from the earliest simple games in the first couple years of the IBM PC to recently created independent productions that still work in the MS-DOS environment.

What makes the collection more than just a pile of old, now-playable games, is how it has to take head-on the problems of software preservation and history. Having an old executable and a scanned copy of the manual represents only the first few steps. DOS has remained consistent in some ways over the last (nearly) 40 years, but a lot has changed under the hood and programs were sometimes only written to work on very specific hardware and a very specific setup. They were released, sold some amount of copies, and then disappeared off the shelves, if not everyone’s memories.

It is all these extra steps, under the hood, of acquisition and configuration, that represents the hardest work by the eXoDOS project, and I recognize that long-time and Herculean effort. As a result, the eXoDOS project has over 7,000 titles they’ve made work dependably and consistently.

Separately from the eXoDOS project, I’ve been putting a percentage of these games into the Emularity system on the Internet Archive for research, entertainment and quick online access to the programs. The issues that are introduced by this are mine and mine alone, and eXoDOS is not able to help with them. You can always mail me at with questions or technical concerns.

This should be all that needs to be said, but since the Archive is doing things a little strangely, there’s a lot to keep in mind before you really dive in (or to realize, when you come back with questions).

That Hilarious Problem With CD-ROMs

Putting these games into the Internet Archive has, over time, brought into sharp focus particular issues with browser-based emulation. For example, keyboard collision, where the input needs of the emulator are taken over by the browser itself, and the problems of a program needing a lot more horsepower to run in a browser emulator than a user’s system can handle.

Some of these have solutions that aren’t always great (Buy faster hardware!) and in some cases the problem is currently terminal (these programs have been taken offline for a future date). But the most obvious and pressing is that games based off CD-ROMs take a significant, huge amount of time to load.

CD-ROMs were a boon to the early-to-late 1990s, allowing games to have audio and video like never before. Depending on the tricks used, you got full-motion video (FMV), the playing of CD audio tracks for background music, and levels and variation of content for the games far beyond what floppy disks could ever hope.

But it was also a very large amount of data (up to 700 megabytes per CD) and it’s one thing to have the data sitting on a plastic disc in a local machine, and yet another to have a network connection pull the entire contents of the CD-ROM into memory and hold it there as a virtual file resources. This is going to be an enormous lean on the vast majority of Internet users out there – downloading multi-hundred-megabyte files into memory and then keeping them there, and then losing it all when the browser window closes. Network speeds will improve over time, but this is probably the biggest show-stopper of them all for many folks.

If you find yourself loading up one of these games and facing down a hundred-megabyte download, consider one of the smaller games instead, unless it’s a title you really, really want to try out. Maybe in a few years we’ll look back at cable-modem speeds and laugh at the crawling, but for now, they’re pretty significant.

Some Jewels in the Mix

Luckily, there are some smaller-sized games in this new update that will load relatively quickly and are really enjoyable to look at and to play. Here’s some of my recommendations:

First, a game special to me: the IBM DOS version of Adventure, calling itself “Microsoft Adventure”. It’s actually a small rebranding of the original start of the text adventure world, “Colossal Cave” or ADVENT, by Don Woods and Will Crowther. Remixed to be sold by IBM and Microsoft, this is how I first got into these, and it boots up instantly, providing hours of fun if you’ve never tried it before.

Mr. Blobby, a 1994 DOS Platform game, has all the hallmarks of the genre – bonkers physics, bright and lovely graphics, and joyful music. Be sure to redefine the keys before you try to play it, because besides running and jumping, you can spin and take things. The game does not get less weird as you go along.

Super Munchers: The Challenge Continues is a 1991 remix of the original educational game that sent your “muncher” gathering up words representing a given topic or idea. The speed of the game, along with the learning aspect, make this one of the more zesty “edutainment” titles available from the time.

Street Rod is a wonderfully compact 1989 racing game where it’s the 1960s and you’re going to buy your first hot-rod, tune it up, and race it for money to buy better and better rides. It’s a mouse-driven interface and loaded with all sorts of tricks to make the game fit into a “mere” 600 kilobytes compressed. Initially simple and then well worth the effort!

Digger from 1983 is a Dig-Dug-Clone-but-Not that came out right as IBM PCs were starting to take off, and it’s a lovely little game, steering around a mining machine while avoiding enemies and picking up diamonds. The most unintuitive thing is you need to fire using the “F1” key, so hopefully your keyboard has one.

I’m also going to suggest Floppy Frenzy from Windmill Software because it’s so much closer to the beginning of the IBM PC’s reign and you can see the difference in what the authors were comfortable with – the graphics are simpler, the game movement a little more rough, and the theme is geekiness incarnate: You’re a floppy disk avoiding magnets to leave traps for them, so you can gather the magnets up before the time runs out. If you don’t make it, an angel comes down and brings you to Floppy Disk Heaven. Again, F1 is the unusual key to leave traps.

There’s many more and I suggest people browse around and try things out, really soak in that MS-DOS joy. (And feel free to leave comments with suggestions.)

Thanks so much for coming along on this emulation journey!

  • Jason Scott, Internet Archive Software Curator
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