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Minecraft mobs list Archives

Minecraft mobs list Archives

Minecraft mobs list Archives

List of Enemies (Mobs) | Minecraft Dungeons

Minecraft Dungeons features a number of enemies, known as Mobs in the Minecraft series, both from the original game, as well as a host of new threats summoned by the Arch-Illager. Learn about all the types of big and small baddies you'll be encountering on your adventure!

List of Enemies (Mobs)

Friendly Faces

These mobs won't being doing much mobbing – instead, they tend to prefer standing around or running somewhere safer. However, you will receive loot for defeating them, as well as the Passive Aggressive trophy for slaying 50 of them, so it's best to put your sentimentality aside.

NameAttack StyleDescription
Cow -Stands around mooing.
Key Golem -Melee it to pick it up. Once you get hit, it will escape and run back to its starting position. Can't be killed.
Piggy Bank -Runs away from the player. Attack it to get emeralds and usually a piece of equipment.
Sheep -Stands around baa-ing.

Familiar Foes

These mobs are returning in full force from the original Minecraft. With a wider range of weapons at your disposal, you'll get more satisfaction than ever of making quick work of them. These mobs can be powerful, but are generally less threatening than Illagers.

NameAttack StyleDescription
Baby Zombie MeleeRuns up quickly in a group and swarms a target.
Chicken Jockey MeleeA Baby Zombie on a Chicken. Moves up quickly to annoy the target.
Chicken Jockey Tower MeleeA tower of Baby Zombies on top of a Chicken. When shot with a bow, the tower will tumble down, and the Baby Zombies will attack individually.
Creeper MeleeApproaches the target, flickers, and explodes, dealing huge damage to the area.
Husk MeleeSlow like the zombie, but with more health and dealing more damage.
Skeleton RangedFires arrows at the target.
Spider RangedLaunches webs which temporarily prevent the target from moving.
Zombie MeleeSlow-moving enemy that approaches the target to attack.


The direct command of the Arch-Illager, the Illagers are responsible for most of the Villagers' suffering throughout the areas of the game. These mobs have a wide range of special powers, so be sure to take out dangerous Illagers like the Enchanter and Geomancer first.

NameAttack StyleDescription
Enchanter Does not attackPowers up nearby enemies into much stronger Enchanted forms. If it gets too far away or dies, the Enchanted enemies will return to normal.
Fanatic RangedUpgraded version of the Pillager.
Geomancer Does not attackCreates stone pillars around targets to block them and wall them in. Some pillars will start to flash and explode after a few seconds, dealing huge damage.
Illager Chef MeleeAttacks with a Spatula, but has low health and attack power.
Pillager RangedFires arrows at targets. Runs away when a player gets too close.
Royal Guard MeleeApproaches holding a shield and swings quickly with a mace. High HP.
Vindicator MeleeRushes at the target with an axe and swings repeatedly.

New Adversaries

These enemies haven't appeared in Vanilla Minecraft, but don't belong directly to the Illager ranks. They're quite fearsome, so learn their attack patterns to take them down.

NameAttack StyleDescription
Mooshroom MeleeWalk slowly in hordes and approach to headbutt targets.
Necromancer RangedSummons zombies and skeletons to attack targets, while also firing lightning bolts from a distance.
Wraith RangedSummons fire beneath the player to deal damage. Teleports around to avoid attacks.

Summoned Mobs

These mobs only appear in special circumstances when summoned by a Boss. They can often be as threatening as the bosses themselves, so learn how to handle these pesky distractions from the main target.

NameSummoned byAttack StyleDescription
Conjured Slime Corrupted CauldronRangedSpits small purple projectiles around the screen to damage targets, even from a long distance. The more there are, the more projectiles will fill the screen.
Redstone Cube Redstone MonstrosityMeleeRoll toward heroes, dealing damage on contact.
Skeleton Vanguard Nameless OneMeleeWalk in a row with shields to block the first attack, while slashing ahead with blades.
Vex EvokerMeleeFlies quickly at the target and attacks with a knife.


Certain enemies with a power exceeding the others will appear with a health bar at the top of the screen. To learn how to defeat each of these Boss enemies, from the mid-level bosses like the Evoker and Enderman, to the arrogant Arch-Illager, read our detailed guides below!

Boss Fight Guide & List of All Bosses

Jungle Awakens DLC Mobs

The Jungle Awakens DLC introduces more mobs and a new boss exclusive to the Island Realms map. Although some of these are harmless, they cannot be compared to the dangers in the jungle that must be put back to sleep.

NameAttack StyleDescription
Corrupted Vines Does not attackSprouts almost everywhere to distract or block players
Jungle Skeleton RangedShoots poisonous arrows
Jungle Zombie MeleePoisons target on hit
Leapleaf MeleeLeaps and smashes a wide area
Ocelot MeleeCharges at Creepers and attacks them
Panda Does not attackLoafs around
Poison Quill RangedShoots poisonous projectiles at a target
Whisperer Does not attackSummons Corrupted Vines and Poison Quills and can also snare players

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Источник: [https://torrent-igruha.org/3551-portal.html]
, Minecraft mobs list Archives

Talk: Minecraft Wiki/Archive 1

Featured Video

Could you guys figure a method to enable fullscreen on the embeded YouTube video?--HMarrowIV{Talk} 18:20, June 16, 2012 (UTC)

Interlanguage links

I set up interlanguage links for this wiki, as per User blog:Elecbullet/Interlanguage links. Now however they must be placed into the Main Page to be effective.

Could an administrator please paste the following into the bottom of the Main Page? It should go right before any Categories.

<!-- Interlanguage links --> [[ca:]] [[cs:]] [[da:]] [[de:]] [[es:]] [[fi:]] [[fr:]] [[he:]] [[it:]] [[lb:]] <!-- [[mn:]] Mongolian, awaiting action with Wikia Staff before usable --> [[nl:]] [[no:]] [[pl:]] [[pt:]] [[pt-br:]] [[ru:]] [[tr:]] [[uk:]]
Done. SharpleTalk/Contributes 01:30, October 31, 2012 (UTC)
I spoke with Wikia Staff and had the Mongolian wiki fixed. If you could edit the Main Page to remove the comments around the Mongolian link () and the text, we will have a perfectly working link to the Mongolian wiki. Please get this done. The Mongolian wiki is very impressive for a wiki in such a foreign language. Elecbullet (talk) 01:34, November 6, 2012 (UTC)
<!-- Interlanguage links --> [[ca:]] [[cs:]] [[da:]] [[de:]] [[es:]] [[fi:]] [[fr:]] [[he:]] [[it:]] [[lb:]] [[mn:]] [[nl:]] [[no:]] [[pl:]] [[pt:]] [[pt-br:]] [[ru:]] [[tr:]] [[uk:]]
That would be good. Note the comments are gone. Elecbullet (talk) 04:50, November 8, 2012 (UTC)

Careless copy paste accident: Are you sure Minecraft was developed on the Coca Cola platform, User:MarkvA?

This piece of misinformation was added to the article on 2011 October 25, and has stayed there for about a year</b>. Just before the article was protected too. Possibly copy pasted from g-wiki, which had the same erroneous statement since as far back as 2011 September 21. Other plagiarisms can be found at http://www.google.com/search?q=%22developed+on+the+Coca+Cola+platform%22 on Google. I have not checked them. Please fix. 3ICE (talk) 15:52, November 24, 2012 (UTC)

Thanks for fixing it so quickly. 3ICE (talk) 21:32, November 24, 2012 (UTC)

Giving Notch ideas.

I'm just thinking, when they make Minecraft 1.7, they should make baby chickens yellow like they are in real life. I know it would be hard to do to program the chickens to lay eggs and they make chicks, and later become fully grown chickens. Also, baby chickens should make "squeaks" instead of "BAWK!s."

They should also add "real weather" instead of taiga & tundra having only snow, everything else but deserts only rain, but still, it would be nice for it to snow/rain in all biomes but no snow in deserts. Also, they should have the ability to use anvils to change the name, the stats, and the attack power of a spawn eggs. This would just work to make it more of an RPG. 22:16, May 20, 2013 (UTC)Altair3140

This is a wiki, although not the official one are far outdated, this is not a forum to post ideas. please refrain from having blatant disregard for all things wiki.StarHorder 16:31, December 5, 2013 (UTC)

Minecraft Help

Hey Guys I'm sort of new to Minecraft, and I have a question. I can't find the answer anywhere else, so could you help me?

I have the Minecraft for PC and it won't save my worlds. I don't know how to fix it, please help.

You press esc and click save and quit. KrisGaming (talk) 23:07, April 12, 2014 (UTC)


Teromine12 (talk) 23:46, June 30, 2013 (UTC) Hello, I dont know if anyone has seen the character i have been seening, but here it goes.

I started a new world on Minecraft, called "Teronimu". Everything was swell until HE came. I saw some one in the nether realm, I followed it until I saw him staring at me. It talked to me. It's name was going crazy, like after the ender dragon boss. It said to me "Leave now, I SAID NOW!". I went back to the surface world, hoping it didnt follow. It did. I noticed as it looked for me the letter flashed T e r o n i m u. I left as soon as possible. The skin looked like a pigmen and a ghast forced to be mixed. Please if anyone has seen him, PM me, please.

Tero, we know you are lying or using mods. This is that exact same style as the original Herobrine hoax! XD

Pootis Man (talk) 18:09, March 1, 2014 (UTC)

Update Poll

The Redstone Update has been out. Actually, we now have Horses... I think the poll needs to be updated!

StrawDogAmerica (talk) 16:46, July 10, 2013 (UTC)

Also about the poll, it says Gold & Silver Pressure Plates. There's no silver, just iron (Obviously)

i would love to see a time portal as the official portal and dinosaurs including t-rex, triceratops, duck billed dinosaurs, ankylosaurus, and pachycephalosaurus as the official mobs, this will make Minecraft more awesome!!

The current version of Minecraft is 1.7.4, the poll is VERY outdated. The next version to be released is 1.8, not 1.5. Meeples10t ~ c 11:10, January 6, 2014 (UTC)

Wither Skeleton

Hey how do you make the Wither SkeletonJohnMith (talk) 22:10, November 7, 2013 (UTC)

A Wither Skeleton is made? Don't they have spawners like every other monster? MM(Report Errors)Team Victories(Main Base) 12:57, March 16, 2014 (UTC)

Источник: [https://torrent-igruha.org/3551-portal.html]
Minecraft mobs list Archives

Minecraft Java Edition 1.14.3

Today we're releasing 1.14.3, a release that tweaks some gameplay features and addresses bugs found in 1.14.2. We also plan on releasing a 1.14.4 to address further issues, but for now, please enjoy the new update!

  • Items can now be repaired by crafting them together again
  • Reverted the enchanting system to how it was before 1.14
  • Torches, lanterns and pressure plates can now be placed on glass panes and iron bars
  • Lanterns can now be attached below iron bars and glass panes
  • Saturation is no longer required for the "How did we get here?" advancement
  • You can now turn off raids with '/gamerule disableRaids true'
  • Patrol changes:
  • Vindicators are no longer part of patrols
  • Doubled the minimum time to spawn from 5 + (up to 1) minutes to 10 + (up to 1) minutes
  • Patrols no longer spawns if the block light level disallows monster spawning
  • Patrols are now allowed to spawn in any biome except mushroom biomes
  • Villagers that are panicking now have a bigger chance of spawning Iron Golems, assuming they can occasionally work and sleep
  • "Last slept" and "last worked" is now saved properly for Villagers
  • Farmers now spend more time farming when they are working
  • Farmers can now always give away food even if other villagers don't need it
  • Improved performance
  • Fixed bugs
  • MC-47699 - Blazes are able to see a player through blocks
  • MC-72390 - Rcon is not thread-safe
  • MC-74407 - Villager inventories can get into a state where villagers cannot do anything useful
  • MC-93892 - Fire/Flame arrows and fireballs set player on fire even when blocking with shield
  • MC-110004 - Enderman/blaze don’t drop experience when hit with splash/lingering potion
  • MC-123836 - Double blocks aren’t loaded in structures
  • MC-124170 - Performance issue with particles causing lag
  • MC-129491 - Advancement location trigger works inconsistently for structures added in 1.9 or later
  • MC-138053 - Gamerule spectatorsGenerateChunks being false prevents chunks from being loaded
  • MC-139257 - Server crash on reload when worldborder is modified.
  • MC-141301 - Illager patrols spawning on blocks mobs shouldn’t spawn on, such as slabs, carpets, stairs, etc.
  • MC-142360 - Pillagers patrols can spawn pillagers on top of trees inside a leaf block
  • MC-143369 - Wandering trader text implies trades refresh
  • MC-144107 - Miscalculation of camera position in windowed mode on Linux
  • MC-144507 - The legs on cats clip through to the top of the model
  • MC-144929 - When there is water above a water source, other water sources adjacent to the water source flow outwards
  • MC-145863 - Villagers breed even if there are not enough beds
  • MC-146433 - Double Chest does not display custom name
  • MC-146835 - Illager captain spawned from raids will still give the bad omen effect to its killer, causing raids to never end
  • MC-147619 - Foxes that trust a player will still avoid wolves and other players they’re angry towards instead pursuing them
  • MC-147851 - Villagers frequently run right into mobs they’re “trying” to avoid
  • MC-148600 - Zombie pigmen will spread their anger forever if they can continously respawn
  • MC-148610 - Hostile mobs spawning on top Trapdoors, Glowstone and Sea Lanterns
  • MC-148986 - Low-tier enchants from lv.30 standard enchanting setups
  • MC-149372 - Game crashes when opening a 1.13.2 world
  • MC-149443 - Iron golems spawn too often
  • MC-149518 - Skylight appearing under blocks
  • MC-149877 - Baby foxes suffocate when jumping under blocks
  • MC-150319 - I can’t load up my minecraft world after doing /kill
  • MC-150401 - Chickens suffocate if jumping while under a solid block
  • MC-150954 - Pillager Patrol spawn is way off. Spawning too close to each other, in odd biomes, and too frequent.
  • MC-151079 - An employed villager quickly becomes unemployed and employed when he works, even if his workstation has not been deleted.
  • MC-151084 - Chunk rendering is slow and random in 1.14.1 (pre 1)
  • MC-151144 - Hostile mobs in lazy chunks no longer count towards mob cap, breaking mob switches
  • MC-151185 - Game crash after breaking villager point of interest
  • MC-151337 - Mob spawn rate too high
  • MC-151346 - Crash while F3 menu tries to access tags while /reload-ing
  • MC-151395 - Farmers create Bread ONLY when they pick up at least 3 wheat AT ONCE
  • MC-151566 - Pillagers patrols can spawn outside world border
  • MC-151710 - Enties not functioning in forceloaded chunks
  • MC-151753 - More than one raid can happen in a village
  • MC-151771 - Villagers don’t try to run away from zombie villagers
  • MC-151772 - Mob cap in the hundreds to over 1000 per player.
  • MC-151802 - Spawning causes massive TPS CPU load on a flat world.
  • MC-151989 - Players in Survival do not get Dolphins Grace effect if Dolphin cannot path to Player
  • MC-151995 - Patrol Leaders spawning without banner
  • MC-152044 - Baby trader llamas disappear immediately
  • MC-152053 - High client-side lag when pistons activate
  • MC-152228 - Can not /summon trader llama
  • MC-152542 - Resource Warning “Codepoint ‘1ed0’ declared multiple times in minecraft:textures/font/accented.png”
  • MC-152638 - Villager trade GUI does not close when a major change happens to the Villager, leading to free trades and quick stock refreshing
  • MC-152810 - Cat’s natural spawning causes Null Pointer Exception
  • MC-153221 - dragon fireball causes FPS to crash
  • MC-153222 - Broken/Incorrect recipe files cause a data pack not to load with nothing in log
  • MC-153470 - Language map does not close internal ‘en_us.json’ file after reading
  • MC-154000 - When dispenser places shulkerbox it decreases its stack twice.
  • MC-154080 - Wandering Trader trade GUI does not close when the Wandering Trader changes dimensions allowing you to trade infinitely
  • MC-154081 - Opening survival inventory when opening world crashes game
  • MC-154092 - Zombie Pigmen lose aggro even when they’re in range and have a line of sight
  • MC-154239 - NPE server crash when painting entities spawned with mob spawn eggs are saved
  • MC-154328 - The Village Siege (Zombie Siege) never happens

To install the release, open up the Minecraft Launcher and click play.

Cross-platform server jar:

Report bugs here:

Want to give feedback?

Источник: [https://torrent-igruha.org/3551-portal.html]

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