Good day planner app Archives

Good day planner app Archives

good day planner app Archives

good day planner app Archives

5 Best Weekly Planner Apps for Android and iOS

Planning ahead of time is a good way to ensure success in pretty much whatever you do. While a lot of us use Google Calendar to plan our weeks in advance, sometimes, it feels inadequate for the task. This is why there are weekly planner apps available in the App and Play Store that fills this gap.

If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.

I am going to list a bunch of weekly planner apps for Android and iOS platforms that try and tackle the problem from different angles. A much needed fresh perspective, if you will. Let’s begin.

Also Read:How to Get Google Calendar Events on Your Android Home Screen

Best Weekly Planner Apps

1. is one of the most popular and feature-rich weekly planner app that will change the way you work and plan your weeks. It made its debut as a to-do list app, and later integrated calendar to offer everything in a single layout. Powered by natural language, you can easily schedule events, ask invites, complete tasks, and view everything neatly organized in a calendar view.

Not only that, but you can also use your voice to add location and repeated reminders. Want to divide a long project or tasks into sub-tasks? will let you create a task within a task. There are other nifty features too like a place to take notes (think sticky notes), a Pomodoro style focus timer, notepad, Alexa and IFTTT integration and so much more.

With so many features and app integrations, justifies the $2.99 subscription model.


  • To-do lists
  • Events
  • Notepad
  • Sticky notes
  • Alexa, IFTTT, and more
  • Third-party calendar apps
  • Invite, accept appointments
  • Attach Files
  • Location-based reminders
  • Widgets, Views


Download Android | iOS

2. Business Calendar 2

One of the better weekly planner apps for Android, Business Calendar 2 has got everything. It comes with everything you need to plan your workdays well in advance. Some really cool features are the ability to attach files, connect with popular calendar apps like Google Calendar and Microsoft Exchange. And, you can add emoticons too.

You can also create to-do lists right inside the calendar which is pretty cool. You can move events and tasks across dates using drag-n-drop gesture. Have a meeting every month? Create a template and save time the next time you want to schedule it. You can also create multiple calendars and use different audio tunes. There are a number of themes and views to choose from, customize how the calendar looks on your droid.

The uber weekly planner app is free and ad-supported with most featured locked behind a paywall of $4.99. Worth it.


  • Events
  • To-dos
  • Themes, views
  • Widgets
  • Third-party calendar apps
  • Drag-n-drop
  • Invite, accept appointments
  • Attach files
  • TomTom map for location-based


Download Business Calendar 2: Android

Also Read:Top 10 Speech to Text Apps for Transcribing Notes, Meetings and Lectures

3. Trello

Trello follows the Kanban board method with columns of cards that can be dragged and dropped into a different list. The most popular way of using it is to create a three list: To-do, Doing, and Done. You can now create a card and move it around. each card can contain its own to-do lists, description, notes, files, third-party app integration, and comes with a comment system for team collaboration.

Trello is widely used by both individuals and teams alike and is the most popular Kanban tool on the web. It’s such a powerful weekly planner app that it has widely been accepted as the gold standard of Kanban tools. You can also set reminders and activate the calendar power-up.

The free plan is good enough for most users, even teams, and pricing starts at $5/month if you want to use power-ups.


  • Kanban tool
  • To-do lists with calendar
  • Third-party app integration
  • Notes
  • Team collaboration
  • Attach files
  • cloud storage integration


Download Trello: Android | iOS

4. Microsoft Outlook

You know what’s missing from all these weekly planner apps? Email. One of the most important yet missing pieces of the puzzle. Microsoft has upped its game and how. Outlook is better than ever before. It has emails, a built-in calendar, and a to-do list manager that syncs directly with its standalone To-Do app.

Being a Microsoft product, it also integrates and works with other apps from the same family like Word, Excel, and OneDrive. That makes outlook a hell of a weekly planner app. There is everything to like and nothing to dislike here.

While Outlook offers a lot of features, it is not exactly a replacement for a to-do app. You will have to download the Microsoft ToDo app for that which is the feature and works extremely well.


  • Email
  • Calendar
  • To-do
  • MS Office integration
  • OneDrive
  • Attach files
  • Third-party app integration


  • Have to download standalone MS apps

Download Microsoft Outlook: Android | iOS

5. Sectograph

If you are still looking to use Google Calendar or can’t think of replacing it, there is a cool little app called Sectograph. What this app will do is place all events and reminders from Google Calendar on a clock widget on your homescreen. Now, you can view not just the time but also the agenda at a glance. The best thing is that the clock only covers 12 hours at a time, so you will not be bogged down by future events that are still not due.

You can plan classroom schedules, office hours, and so much more with this handy little widget. It will change the way you work and interact with Google Calendar. Maybe, you don’t need other weekly planner apps. I wish there was support for other calendar apps too like Microsoft exchange or Outlook maybe.

Download Sectograph: Android

Weekly Planner Apps

Choosing or even recommending one app to anyone is a tough job. You will have to choose one based on your own personal needs and work flow. We all work differently and a lot also depends on the field or sector we work it. All of these apps are tried and tested with years or history and millions of users across the globe. Ii would recommend you to try a few of them and see which one boosts your productivity the most.

There are some honorary mentions that didn’t made the list like Remember the milk and Todoist among others.

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, good day planner app Archives

15 Best iPhone Apps to Get You Through Your Workday

Business apps

The iPhone and iPad have evolved into an all-purpose Swiss army knife that gets you through your busy workday and beyond. But its enormous library of apps — some 2 million — covering productivity, communication and organization can leave you befuddled as to which are the exact right ones for you. Here's our list of iOS apps to help you have a more productive and efficient day.

Calendar: Fantastical 2 ($4.99)

Fantastical 2 offers an intuitive, easy-to-use alternative to the stock iPhone calendar app, because it strikes a balance between features and ease of use, and can assist you in better time management. You can view your calendar by day, week, month or year, and drill down to view individual events. Plus, you can add events using natural speech, such as "Meet Ted for lunch at 2:00 on Tuesday." You're also notified when the event approaches. Its detailed location information includes a map. There is also a simple reminder feature that lets you voice tasks you want reminders for. Recent updates include support for iOS 12 and watchOS 5, as well as Siri Shortcuts that let you quickly add new events, view upcoming events and reminders, and view calendars or reminder lists. Updated interactive notifications offer snooze alerts for events and reminders from iOS notifications.

Task manager: Things 3 ($9.99)

A completely overhauled Things app optimizes a basic workflow that facilitates collecting your thoughts, getting organized, managing your time and customizing your process. Showcasing a new light, dark or black interface, the app's action extension lets you create to-dos from other apps or use Siri on any device and import from Reminders. You can create a project and add steps or take control of your tasks by grouping projects together and using tags for granular filtering. You can view calendar events with single or repeating to-dos to optimally manage your time. The app integrates with Apple Watch, Calendar, Siri, Reminders, Today Widget, Quick Actions, Action Extension, Handoff and Notifications. A new Magic Plus Button lets you drag and drop to insert to-dos anywhere in a list. The natural language date parser lets you type "tomorrow" or "in 4 days" or "next Wednesday" with the app correctly identifying your intent.

Day planner: Schedule Planner (free, with premium version)

Schedule Planner focuses on the details of your daily tasks and provides tools to help you determine whether you're spending your time wisely. It has a simple interface that helps you plan out your day in the morning, and place to-do items in color-coded categories such as Work and Free Time. The app generates charts so you see, at a glance, how your time is being spent – a key feature for small business owners. Schedule Planner allows you to set custom alerts, repeat tasks and move items around with copy-paste functionality.

Scanning: CamScanner (free, with premium version)

Sometimes you need to get a piece of paper into electronic format when you can't just fire up the multifunction printer and scanning software. No matter where you are, CamScanner comes to the rescue by turning your iPhone camera into a scanner and convenient OCR tool to quickly convert paper documents into JPEGs or PDFs. You can save those files to the cloud or share them via email or text. The app offers scan-quality optimization and smart cropping so your receipts, contracts, office whiteboards, and other documents look professional. CamScanner is free, but ad-supported with watermarks. A premium subscription removes ads and the watermark and adds OCR editing, auto-upload, and collaboration features.

To-do list: Todoist (free, with premium version)

Todoist helps you charge through tasks by adding extra functionality to the traditional to-do list format. In addition to setting up simple checklists, you set due dates and even rank tasks by priority to identify your next action item. A paid business version of the platform allows you to better collaborate with the rest of your staff. It includes project management features, including the ability to assign individual tasks to a larger project and designate tasks to a specific team member. Todoist features dozens of integrations with other apps, including Dropbox, Slack and Google. Updated versions let you sort your project task lists according to date, priority, name or responsible party. New task check boxes let you record completed tasks with a tap instead of a swipe. Among other updates, you can now select multiple tasks by swiping left to right, an updated color scheme makes prioritizing tasks easier, you can create new Siri shortcuts within the app, and premium users can load up to 300 tasks into a project. It's all accompanied by a new dark theme.

Organizer: Trello (free, with premium version)

Trello is the ultimate digital bulletin board where you organize and manage your projects so you can easily visualize and conceptualize your projects and tasks. It offers vast flexibility in organizing, viewing and collaborating on your projects. With Trello, you can set up to-do lists, organize notes, jot down ideas, gather images, and collaborate with team members whether they are in the office or on their way to a business meeting. Trello's customizable boards, lists and cards propel you into action as you drag cards across the board to follow your project's progress. Get new angles on your projects by adding checklists, labels, and due dates or use the Power-Ups feature to get a Calendar view, or add locations to cards to get a Map view.

Productivity: OmniFocus 3 (free, with premium version)

OmniFocus 3 is an all-in-one productivity app that allows you to record tasks and group them within projects. You can customize tasks and projects by adding location data, collaborators, priority and even energy level. It has an easy-to-navigate interface where you can review your list of tasks. Custom notifications keep you on track, and they can even be shared with your Apple Watch. The app integrates with Siri, so you can record tasks with your voice, and it supports Siri Shortcuts in iOS 12. Siri can track your actions and suggest activities based on past behaviors, which appear in Spotlight, on the lock screen, and in Siri Settings.

Data on demand: Wolfram Alpha ($2.99)

This app is not only a comprehensive, live encyclopedia, but it gives you a compelling computational knowledge engine that can help you with any type of math or science problem. Wolfram Alpha offers quick answers to complex math equations, making it one of the best calculators. It has a variety of uses for hundreds of subjects. From currency conversions to the nutrition facts of your meal, Wolfram Alpha is the ultimate reference guide and supports all the newest iPhone models. Because aspects of Wolfram Alpha are also used in Siri, this app lets you access the full spectrum of Wolfram Alpha's knowledge engine.

Storage: Dropbox (free, with premium version)

Dropbox has become an almost ubiquitous app for cloud storage and collaboration. You never have to worry about sharing large files and folders – Dropbox holds all types of files, documents, photos, and data, allowing you to sync across all devices and access files anywhere. Linked files are available – even to those who do not have a Dropbox account. Other handy features include a document scanner, shared folders and offline access.

PDFs: PDFelement (free, with premium version)

PDFelement is a powerful PDF reader and editor that has all the essential tools you need to handle PDF documents. The app has an abundance of editing tools, including font recognition and editing, so you can change the style, size and color of text. Its annotation tools let you leave notes in text boxes or via freehand drawing. The camera feature allows you to snap a photo of a document and immediately turn it into a customizable PDF. You can convert PDFs to TXT, Word, HTML and dozens of other file formats. It integrates with Dropbox, Google and other services for easy sharing.

Time management: Hours Time Tracking (free, with premium version)

Everyone who has to track their hours among a multitude of projects knows how frustrating it can be. The worst part is forgetting when you started or ended a particular project in order to bill it properly. Hours Time Tracking is a handy time tracker you can tote around on your iPhone (or Apple Watch). Using the app, you can track time by clients, tasks, or projects; start, stop, and switch timers at will; set rounding rules; and set reminders. Hours offers a calendar view so you see the big picture of how your projects are allocated, and a visual timeline lets you correct mistakes. A team feature allows work groups to track and report time. An Hours Pro subscription for $7.99 per month offers additional options, web access and sync capabilities.

Read it later: Pocket (free, with premium version)

When you find an article or video you want to read or watch but don't have time to view it immediately, you can save it for later with Pocket. The app syncs content across phones, tablets and computers, or you can access it offline. It provides unlimited storage, letting you tag items for searching later. You can even recommend content to others. Recent updates offer new features. Now you can listen to articles saved in the app by tapping the Headphones icon. An updated, streamlined layout with new colors and fonts — and even a night or sepia theme — make the app more appealing, especially for night owls. The app's repositioned filters help you find exactly what you're looking for.

Accounting: FreshBooks Cloud Accounting (subscription)

Self-employed folks, small businesses and independent contractors know how hard it is to take control of billing and invoicing chores. FreshBooks Cloud Accounting is designed to take some of the sting out of this often tedious task. The app lets you create professional invoices, accept online payments, track your time and billable hours, keep automatic payment records, record expenses, and track client conversations. FreshBooks is cloud-based so it can securely sync your data to all platforms and devices. FreshBooks is free for 30 days, after which you will need a paid subscription, which starts at $14.99 per month and ranges up to $49.99 per month.

Recording: Just Press Record ($4.99)

Just Press Record is an essential app for business owners who want to record meetings, create voice memos or set voice reminders throughout the day. The app has a few marquee features, such as the option to transcribe audio into editable, searchable text and sync with Apple Watch and iCloud. It supports 30 languages. Recent versions of the app offer a dark mode and let you use Siri Shortcuts to record on iOS or Apple Watch.

Notetaking: Paper (free, with premium version)

Sometimes the best ideas pop into our minds when we're working on something else, but recording and tracking those random thoughts can be daunting. Paper is comes in handy for iPhone users who prefer to jot down their notes by hand. You can create diagrams, charts and sketches with a wide variety of styluses. It also has the organizational flexibility to make subsets for notes on random thoughts or specific topics, allowing you to keep track of your projects – with all items saved to the cloud. Newer versions, now owned by WeTransfer, offer updates to the full-screen canvas view. You can transition to the previous or next page by swiping with one finger left or right, or create a new blank page by swiping left or right with two fingers. It now incorporates the new double-tap gesture for Apple Pencil 2. Paper's new collage tool introduces a simple way to work with images, letting you add and manipulate multiple images to the same page. It also adds Unsplash integration with the photography site so you can search thousands of photographs for your projects. A new Blend tool lets you blend and blur the ink in your sketches to soften edges and smoothly combine colors – even if you don't use a connected stylus.

Jackie Dove

Jackie is an obsessive, insomniac freelance tech writer and editor in northern California. A wildlife advocate, cat fan, photo app fanatic, and VR/AR/3D aficionado, her specialties include cross-platform hardware and software, art, design, photography, video, and a wide range of creative and productivity apps and systems.

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good day planner app Archives To do list & Calendar 4+

Planner, Reminders & Tasks


      • Free
      • Offers In-App Purchases


    Over 25 million people rely on to organize their life and get more done. "IT'S A MUST HAVE APP" (NYTimes, WSJ, USA Today & Lifehacker). A perfect combo of to do list, calendar, planner & reminders app, all-in-one. Free & Simple.

    SYNCS SEAMLESSLY between your mobile, desktop, web and tablet. Keeps all your to do list, tasks, reminders, calendar & agenda always in sync so you’ll never forget a thing
    GET REMINDERS for a scheduled time, when you reach a particular location or set recurring reminders so you never miss a thing
    WORK TOGETHER with shared lists and assigned tasks to collaborate and get more done, with anyone.
    Widget with simple and powerful features to keep your to do list and calendar events always at hand

    EASILY VIEW your events and to-do list & Tasks for the day, week & month
    SYNC SEAMLESSLY in real-time with your phone’s calendar, google calendar, facebook events, outlook calendar or any other calendar so you don’t forget an important event

    To easily create reminders we added voice entry so you can just speak your mind and we’ll add it to your to do list. For better task management flow we added a calendar integration to keep your agenda always up to date. To enhance your productivity we added cross-platform support for recurring reminders, location reminders, sub-tasks, notes & file attachments. To keep your to-do list always up to date, we’ve added a one-of-a-kind daily planner.

    TO DO LIST, CALENDAR & REMINDERS MADE SIMPLE was designed to keep you on top of your to do list and calendar with no hassle. Thanks to the intuitive drag and drop of tasks, swiping to mark to-do's as complete, and shaking your device to remove completed from your to do list - you can keep yourself organized and enjoy every minute of it.

    Looking for more? Add a to do list item straight from your email inbox by forwarding Attach files from your computer, Dropbox, or Google Drive to your tasks.

    LIFE ORGANIZER & DAILY PLANNER is a to do list, a calendar, an inbox, a notepad, a checklist, task list, a board for post its or sticky notes, a project management tool, a reminders app, a daily planner, a family organizer, and overall the simplest and most useful productivity tool you will ever have.

    To plan & organize projects has never been easier. Now you can share lists between family members, assign tasks to each other, chat and much more. will help you and the people around you stay in-sync and get reminders so that you can focus on what really matters, knowing you had a productive day and crossed off your to do list

    GROCERY LIST & SHOPPING LIST task list is also great for shopping at the grocery store. Right there on your to do list is a handy shopping list option that you can share with others. Forgot to buy post-it notes? Want reminders? Simply create a list on, share it with your loved ones and see them adding their shopping items in real-time. You won’t believe how you’ve done shopping or grocery lists before

    Auto-Renewable subscription payment will be charged to iTunes Account at confirmation of purchase. Unless auto-renew is turned off at least 24-hours before the end of the current period, your account will be charged for renewal within 24 hours prior to the end of the current period. Your account will be charged at the cost of the subscription plan you chose:

    $9.99 - monthly plan
    $26.99 - 6 months plan
    $59.99 - 12 months plan with 7 days trial (50% OFF)

    You can manage and cancel the auto-renew subscription at any time from the account settings on iTunes (post-purchase), but we are unable to issue refunds for any pay periods that have already been billed.

    **Please note we do not support Family Sharing at the moment.**

    Version 5.9.1

    - New Apple Watch app
    - Snooze tasks and reminders easily
    - Filter tasks for today, the next 7 days, and all your tasks
    - Keep track of how many tasks you completed with
    - Universal search with tasks, events, sub-tasks, notes, lists & tags
    - Upgraded sorting by time (the 2nd most requested feature!)

    The best planner by a mile @_@

    Really though; for me, feature set is everything. I want tools and I want them to all play together under the same umbrella/ecosystem. - W/ the addition of Focus mode just recently, we now have an app that offers most if not all of the useful task tracking features present usually only across separate apps - AND the ability to choose one, hunker down and get it done in a guided way within the app.

    I won’t dock a star for it, but I do wonder if the “Forest growing” method for focus tracking is actually more useful to the mind than more traditional pomodoro. - I recently switched from using an app like this focus mode - “stay on task, grow trees, grow a focus forest” to using a more simple pomodoro, but I’m definitely excited for ANY style of focus feature because let’s face it, that is the HARDEST part about task management. No other app has taken this into consideration to my knowledge and this is a big step I think for the standards of productivity apps.

    Developer Response ,

    Thank you for the detailed review! We love getting our users' input and glad seeing that you're enjoying the app 🤓We would also love to hear more about your experience with our new focus mode and welcome you to share more thoughts with us at

    LittleMissMeow ,


    I use to really like this app until the recent update. I can’t get my activities to go to the designated place like I use. I am on the hunt for something else. I don’t know why developers mess with a good thing! Support contacted me but I can’t put anything back like it was. Very aggravating! The new update really messed up a good thing! 🤬Until this is fixed I won’t rate this anymore than a one. To the developer - Please stop trying to contact me. I have been in touch with your people trying to see how my issue can be fixed. It should be simple. It takes forever for anyone to get back to me. I shouldn’t have to pay to have someone help me faster. If the people who help with this app responded as fast as they do to people posting reviews things would be great! I haven’t heard from anyone in two days on the issue I would like fixed. Apparently I have angered someone. I get a response every time I edit this review. These people keep sending me the same response daily. Too bad they don’t contact me to help me the issue I have! I have been waiting and all I get is this response to my review. Forget this app and get one that the developer will assist in helping if you need it. It’s March 4th and still nothing worth noting from this app developer. That should show anyone what their users mean to them. Find a better app with people that actually want to help their customers.

    Developer Response ,

    We're sorry for any issue you've experienced! This response hasn't been edited by us nor did we send any new replies since early February - we're not sure where the daily replies come from. Our Support Team has no backlog and all standard tickets are responded within the usual 48 hours, unless there's a complex issue which requires more time to investigate (of which we alert the user). We're not sure what the nature of this problem is since Apple only shows an alias, but if any problem is still pending please message us on FB or DM us on Twitter so we can get this sorted for you ASAP.

    Convenient, Easy 2 Use, Siri & Alexa

    I’m not sure what all the negative reviews are about. Well, obviously they feel they had a bad experience, I just don’t agree & haven’t had their problems. I received an Echo Spot & tried this app when I saw it listed as working with Alexa. I like that the app made connecting with Alexa, Calendar, Reminders, etc very easy. I have had no problems. It works with both Alexa & Siri, nice clean interface, always sends my reminders, integrates my calendar no matter where I enter my event/reminder (through Alexa, Siri, Reminders, or Calendar), sub tasks works great, & I haven’t had any lagging. I love the ‘plan your day’ thing, very easy, intuitive, & useful! I’m not running this on a new iPhone either, a very full 6s+, & I have not bought a subscription. It does sometimes open slow, but only when I have a bunch of apps open so it is my phone not the app. This hasn’t completely replaced Things app since nothing (for me) does projects like it, but I no longer use Things for everything, pretty much just business projects. So far this has been a very useful, easy to setup, & easy to use app that does what it advertises, also working with both Siri & Alexa.

    Developer Response ,

    Cheers! We appreciate the review and love hearing that can save you time by combining several features under one roof 😉🤓 Keep that productivity going! 👊



    Requires iOS 11.0 and watchOS 3.0 or later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.


    English, Arabic, Catalan, Czech, Danish, Dutch, French, German, Hebrew, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Simplified Chinese, Slovak, Spanish, Swedish, Thai, Traditional Chinese, Turkish, Welsh

    This app may use your location even when it isn't open, which can decrease battery life.
    In-App Purchases
    1. To Do List Pro - Time limited offer$2.99
    2. 50% Off Premium Yearly Plan$17.99
    3. To Do List Pro - Time limited offer$26.99
    • Family Sharing

      With Family Sharing set up, up to six family members can use this app.

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