YouTube application for PC Archives

YouTube application for PC Archives

YouTube application for PC Archives

YouTube application for PC Archives

Easy Live Streaming for Church and House of Worship

We get a lot of questions for easy live streaming for Church and House of Worship about live streaming events online and on digital signage.  With Arreya and YouTube you can start streaming to your audience in minutes.  In this article we take a brief look at using YouTube live streams with Arreya. Even record for later viewing. For congregational members who can’t attend services, church live streaming is the only option for attending and especially during COVID-19 pandemic.

Producing live streaming content has never been easier – grab a camera open an app, and go.  Share your event with as many people as you want and archive it for later. All of this is free and easy to do with devices you likely already have – phones, tablets, and webcams.  Because this technology is becoming more and more common, it is likely someone in your congregation has already been live streaming at home.

Getting Started

Step 1 – Sign up for a YouTube account, and enable streaming.
The easiest way to get started is to sign up for a YouTube account, and begin streaming using your webcam, right from the YouTube website.  The built in controls give you a basic interface for broadcasting your live stream. If you are on a mobile device you can use the YouTube app on a phone or tablet to record your live stream.  You can sign up for an account at

Step 2 – Enable Streaming
Once you have your YouTube account, you must turn on the streaming feature.  Instructions on enabling your channel and starting to stream can be found here –

Step 3 – Test Streaming
We recommend that you test your streaming setup in advance so that you know it is all working before the big event starts.  Create a stream, share it with a few friends or colleagues, take some time to see how things work and the options.  Make sure your lighting and audio are good to go.

Step 4 – Schedule Your First Stream
One great feature of YouTube is the ability to schedule live streams before they begin.  You can add a placeholder image and users will see a countdown timer to the event.  Once the stream is scheduled, share the link with participants so they can try it out and bookmark it for later.

What else do I need?

A basic streaming solution from a phone or tablet has been proven to be successful, but you will likely need a few things to make your production look professional –

  • Stable internet connection
  • Lighting
  • Microphone(s)
  • Camera(s) – USB webcams, consumer and professional video cameras with HDMI output, or even the output from a professional studio switcher.
  • Graphic assets – Make your broadcasts more professional with intro & exit images or animations, lower third bars, etc.

This is only a few of the options available.  Here is a link with the most up to date information on YouTube Live Verified Devices and Software –

Setting up Arreya for YouTube Live

Once you have a link to your live stream, you can easily insert it in to an existing or new presentation.  Don’t have a link or want to stream an existing YouTube Live event? No problem, a list of live events can be found here on YouTube.  Just copy and paste the link to the live stream in to the Arreya YouTube Widget.  Knowledge Base Article

  1. Log into the Arreya Dashboard
  2. Click [Content] Then [Presentation]
  3. Next to your Presentation click [Edit]
  4. Once in the editor, go to the widget drop down menu and click [YouTube]
  5. Now open a new tab, go to and find the Livestream you wish to add.  Copy the URL at the top.
  6. Go back into the Arreya editor and paste the URL in the YouTube widget dialog box.
  7. Controls will give access to pause, play and skip around to the user.
  8. Autoplay will make the video play when the page is loaded.
  9. Loop will loop the video to play continuously.
  10. Click Create
  11. You should now see a YouTube widget on the screen that you can move and style as needed.

Get the Message Out

Now that you are ready to live stream your church sermons and services, spread the word. Make sure your congregation and parishioners know about the live streaming opportunities. Share your Arreya URL on social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram. Send out Church newsletter, postcards and post to the Parishes website, etc.  Now you are the star of your own television broadcast, make it relevant to everyone viewing.

Using Your Geonetric VitalSite Data to Create Interactive Physician Wayfinding

The Geonetric VitalSite provider data automatically integrates with the new FInd-A-Doctor data widget inside of the Arreya Digital Signage Suite. It allows existing healthcare industry users of Geonetric VitalSite CMS software to create an interactive way for their visitors and patients to find more information about healthcare providers. As hospital campuses grow and add remote clinics, the ability for patients to find the doctor specialty quickly becomes more important. Many providers send maps and directions prior to a visit, which is costly. Once the patient arrives at the location, there is usually an information desk with costly hospital employees to direct patients to their appointment.  The Find-A-Doctor digital wayfinding can eliminate the need for employees or queue lines and allow patients to arrive for appointments on time. This elevates a patients hospital experience.

Patient satisfaction surveys are also tied to funding from Federal Government and other outside sources. An uptick in satisfaction means more donation money for each facility.

Automated Data Integration: Breaking It Down

The widget automatically generates the pages of content in a suitable format for large format touch screen digital signage. It can update data automatically or whenever the signage administrator chooses. The widget functions just like other widget in Arreya, that way you can mix this widget with any of the widgets or content creation tools that come with Arreya subscriptions.

The widget automatically pulls data from your Geonetric VitalSite CMS, and generates pages of content for provider specialties and provider information. Updates to the provider data can be handled automatically by the widget. The widget automatically creates the columns, pages and formats the data into an easily read format. No manual data entry or configuration is required!

The Find-A-Doctor widget first generates a list of specialties by looking at all of the physicians specialties listed in the doctor profiles. This list of specialties is automatically generated and will add and remove specialties when physicians are added and removed.

Colors, fonts and sizing can all be customized to align with your existing branding. Making your Arreya Find-A-Doctor wayfinding custom to your hospital and clinics. Add home pages with videos or slideshows that play when no one is using the device.

Steps to Successful Digital Wayfinding: Making It Easy

Clicking a specialty on the widget home menu will list out physicians for that specialty. This menu will automatically generate the rows and columns depending on how many physicians are in the category. The physician’s photo, name, and location will be listed for users to click on to get more information.

Clicking on a physician will navigate to the physicians detailed information page. Here, information will be automatically populated from the physicians profile. This physicians profile page will bring over location information, phone numbers, background information and more. YouTube videos linked to the physicians profile can also be displayed on this page. Directions can be animated through a building using flat or three dimensional floor plans.

Information can be integrated for smartphones using Beacon technology or Internet-of-things. This allows hospital patients and visitors to take the directions with them as they navigate through the campus.

Using Available Geonetric Data Makes Financial Sense

The Find-a-Doctor widget is a great addition to any hospital or clinic looking to expand their existing Geonetric VitalSite service. Pairing the Find-a-Doctor widget with Arreya gives you a plug and play, low maintenance way to give patients and visitors an easy way to find more information about physicians at the hospital without costly mailing and extra employees. It also makes for more favorable surveys keeping necessary outside funding available to hospital facilities.

Creating Content Rich Digital Signage

Does your digital signage effectively deliver content that keeps the attention of your viewers? In today’s digital world simply playing static slideshow messaging gets ignored. You have less than 10 seconds to keep a viewers attention…so how does your content keep them continuously engaged. This is where a “Content Rich” display can make the impact you need. Content rich does not mean just lots of content, it actually refers to the idea that your software and apps power your signage itself with ever changing content that targets your audience, feels fresh and is relevant to trends happening. Ignoring the need for a content rich display software will only limit the effectiveness of your digital signage investment.

So it is important to understand what content apps and widgets are available for you to create and automate content within your digital signage software.  There is a large range of digital signage software applications that offer different levels of content creation flexibility.

  1. Basic slideshow functions – no app integration or individual sections
  2. Enterprise development – custom developed and costly updates
  3. Zoned content – specific content in specific spaces with no flexibility

If a content rich display is your goal then you will want to choose a signage software that offers built in widgets and apps to give you flexibility and keeps your display current while minimizing the daily demands on your time.

Arreya digital signage offers many widgets and apps ready to handle content by linking to many web based feeds available.

Content Rich Arreya Digital Signage Widgets that Add Impact:

Weather – Everyone likes to know the forecast and this widget can offer today’s weather or a weekly forecast. Plus you can add multiple weather widgets to your screen to target any location of interest

Event Listing – Make your sign relevant and a resource that offers event details. Link a Google calendar for daily, weekly or monthly events. Plus keeping it current is automated form and changes made  to the calendar file

Clock – Have current times and dates for quick reference and built in time zone awareness for screens around the world

RSS – Publish frequently updated information, such as news, blog entries, audio, video. RSS is also used to distribute podcasts

Twitter – Show a social connection with tweets from your account, users, or even public hashtags


Countdown – A simple way to create anticipation or add importance to an upcoming event is by adding a counter – this can be used to promote, track progress, or add importance to an event

YouTube – A great way to feed video onto your display through your own channel or create playlists to shuffle through multiple public videos. Plus you can even stream live videos to show news and upto the second activity

Financial Tickers – Create financial interest by adding any stock value or report to your display. This provides continuous change viewers will return to look for. Even create an entire stock ticker dashboard showing highs, lows, market changes

Metrics – A great way show performance and progress towards company goals, sales achievements, safety reports, and overall efficiency

FlightInformation – With the ability to show flight information onto kiosks and displays even outside of the airport at hotels

LiveVideo – Signage can even show live events to capture attention from anyone not at the event. Connect to public feeds like weather cams, traffic cams


Flexibility is Key for Engaging Digital Signage Content

With so many content widgets available it is also important to be able to manage, plan and organize your content as you want it to display.  A flexible digital signage software like Arreya allows you to customize any layout with the content you need to support your digital goals. if you want a special widget, Arreya developers are available to discuss options. Having templates or free form pages that allow for customization is a must have feature. Being locked into limiting layouts will limit how effectively you can display rich content. One tip is not to overload your page with too many elements displayed at once. This will only turn away viewers with confusion because of the lack of focus. Instead, an effective design is one with a multi page feature that allows you to transition between content widgets so that each page stands out and speaks to your viewers. Arreya digital signage lets you manage pages with rich content that you can plan and schedule to play while rotating through widgets with timing and automated feeds for digital success.

“We are so happy with the design outcome. You did amazing!” –– Bickerstaff Parham

In the end your, employees, customers, and visitors don’t know or care about the digital hardware you have or the software that is running your system. They just want to see content they can relate to, content that is current, unexpected and focused specifically to them. If you can give them quality rich content your digital signage investment will be a success.

Free Digital Signage Live Streaming with YouTube


We get a lot of questions about live streaming events on digital signage.  With Arreya and YouTube you can start streaming on your digital signage in minutes.  In this article we take a brief look at using YouTube live streams with Arreya.

Producing live streaming content has never been easier – grab a camera open an app, and go.  Share your event with as many people as you want and archive it for later. All of this is free and easy to do with devices you likely already have – phones, tablets, webcams.  If you’re looking for something even easier, and are willing to spend a little money, there are hardware devices that make streaming as easy as hitting the record button. Which method is best depends on  your specific needs and budget – Do you need to stream multiple cameras or locations? Switch between different cameras during the stream? Do you want an interface to view live chat during the event? What about 360 or VR? Do you primarily use Mac or PC?

Getting Started

Figuring out the hardware and software

The easiest way to get started is to sign up for a YouTube account, and begin streaming using your webcam, right from the YouTube website.  The built in controls give you a basic interface for broadcasting your live stream. If you want to have multiple people in different locations participate in the live stream, like a webinar, you can add additional participants and enable desktop sharing.   If you’re mobile you can use the YouTube app on a phone or tablet to record your live stream.

Instructions on enabling your channel and starting to stream can be found here –

What else do I need?

Below are some recommendations for software and hardware live streaming solutions.  Keep in mind that the live streaming hardware and software are only part of the puzzle.  You will likely need several other things –

  • Stable internet connection
  • Lighting
  • Microphone(s)
  • Camera(s) – USB webcams, consumer and professional video cameras with HDMI output, or even the output from a professional studio switcher.
  • Graphic assets – Make your broadcasts more professional with intro & exit images or animations, lower third bars, etc.

Our top picks for YouTube live streaming hardware and software

  • Webcam Capture via
  • Mobile Live via YouTube App
  • Open Broadcaster Software Studio – Free and open source software to produce professional broadcasts.  Includes audio mixing, filters, scenes, transitions and more.
  • Epiphan Webcaster (Hardware) –  Simple hardware streaming device with an easy interface.  Connect USB, HDMI, or audio sources. Hook up a monitor to see a live interface with comments and reactions in real time.  Supports Ethernet or Wi-Fi. Can be portable with a Wi-Fi hotspot and battery back.
  • Sling Studio (Hardware) – Connect your professional video cameras or existing video system to easily broadcast and switch between multiple cameras.  Feature rich software and the ability to add additional devices later.

This is only a few of the options available.  Here is a link with the most up to date information on YouTube Live Verified Devices & Software –

Setting up Arreya for YouTube Live

Once you have a link to your live stream, you can easily insert it in to an existing or new presentation.  Don’t have a link or want to stream an existing YouTube Live event? No problem, a list of live events can be found here on YouTube.  Just copy and paste the link to the live stream in to the Arreya YouTube Widget.  Knowledge Base Article

  1. Log into the Arreya Dashboard
  2. Click [Content] Then [Presentation]
  3. Next to your Presentation click [Edit]
  4. Once in the editor, go to the widget drop down menu and click [YouTube]
  5. Now open a new tab, go to and find the Livestream you wish to add.  Copy the URL at the top.
  6. Go back into the Arreya editor and paste the URL in the YouTube widget dialog box.
  7. Controls will give access to pause, play and skip around to the user.
  8. Autoplay will make the video play when the page is loaded.
  9. Loop will loop the video to play continuously.
  10. Click Create
  11. You should now see a YouTube widget on the screen that you can move and style as needed.
Источник: []
, YouTube application for PC Archives

Software & Firmware Archives



  • Before upgrading Designer versions, it’s recommended to export project files to back them up.
  • If you encounter an installer failure during upgrade, allow the uninstaller to finish, then restart installation
  • When upgrading Designer versions, the installer may prompt that the destination folder is not empty; please change the folder name or delete the existing folder and it will automatically be re-created during the upgrade.
  • In order to push from virtual devices to online devices, or vice versa, the virtual device and online version must be on the same version. For example, all new virtual devices created in Designer 4.2 are on version 4.2.X; those virtual devices can only be associated with online devices that are also on version 4.2.X.
  • Designer 4.2 is not backwards compatible with earlier versions of Designer. The database will not be maintained upon downgrading, and Designer 4.2 files cannot be imported into earlier versions of Designer.


  • Fixes for upgrading from previous production versions to 4.2.1; if any issues were encountered during upgrade, contact Shure support for recovery instructions
  • Fix for device discovery issues caused by delayed NIC initialization on PC

Known Issues

  • With more than 20 devices in location or 60 on the network, some actions will take longer due to increased network traffic.
  • When importing a Designer preset file into the MXA910 web application, attempts to immediately export that file out of the web application will fail if it is not first loaded and saved to the MXA910.
  • When typing in certain fields, the value may be overwritten if not entered quickly
  • When soloing a channel on an MXA310, all channels will show as gated on
  • When configuring a single MXA910, rotation of the device will only appear in Location > Coverage Map; go to the location to view the rotated device
  • When one or more devices in a location are locked by Dante Domain Manager or Dante Device Lock, operations that affect Dante settings may be unreliable, such as audio routing, pushing virtual to online devices, or enabling audio encryption
  • Changing EQ Contour on the MXA710 does not affect active preset indication
  • Changing channel count of virtual IMX-Room device does not reset audio settings
  • When disassociating online devices from virtual devices multiple times, Optimize may not create expected routes; add new virtual devices and Optimize
  • Indications that show on the bottom of the Coverage map page may persist longer than expected
  • Forgetting a cross-subnet MXA910 on firmware version 4.1.41 may result in the device being rediscovered; close and re-open Designer or reboot device to see it as forgotten
  • When factory resetting a device from Online Devices > Device window, then attempting to add that device to a Location that’s already open and initializing it, the Location and Device window will close; reopen to continue working
  • The uninstaller for Designer is not signed
  • Users with Astrill VPN installed will not be able to launch the app successfully; contact Shure support for help
  • When using IntelliMix Room, Designer may show a red dot and invalid software version for that device after installation. Close and re-open Designer or reboot the machine running IntelliMix Room to fix the issue.


  • Internet access is required during the installation process
  • Designer User Guide
  • Designer 4.2.1 is compatible with the following software and firmware versions:
    • MXA910 4.2.18
    • MXA710 1.0.5
    • MXA310 4.2.18
    • IMX-Room version 2.0.1
    • P300 4.2.4
    • ANIUSB-MATRIX 4.2.19
    • MXN5-C 1.0.6
    • MXA-MUTE 1.0.8
  • Requires 64-bit Windows 7 or 10
  • Minimum system requirements have been updated; please see Designer User Guide


  • Bug Fixes
  • Updated firmware for AONIC 215 True Wireless

Known Issues

  • The app can play files that are stored on the device’s music library. To enable this, go to the iOS Settings app, select PLAY from the list of apps, and turn on the “Allow PLAY to access Media & Apple Music” setting.
  • The app only plays files that are stored locally on the device. Some tracks that are stored in the cloud may appear grayed out in the app, but they cannot be played.


  • User Guide
  • Supports iPhone 5S and later – iPad and iPod Touch are not supported.
  • Compatible with iOS 11.3 or later. We can’t ensure compatibility or full feature functionality with older operating systems. Please report problems and submit general feedback through the app (Settings > Feedback).

New Features

  • Apple Watch Control
  • 'Recently Deleted' folder


Known Issues

  • A small percentage of users may receive a numerical error message while recording, such as “-1” or “66570.” These messages occur when there was an error writing to the device and are related to Apple’s new file system (APFS). One of these errors can occur even if your device has plenty of remaining storage. We recommend clearing up your device storage from the Settings screen, and if that doesn’t resolve the issues, doing a full restore from iTunes, consisting of backing up your device, wiping/restoring to factory settings, and restoring from the backup.
  • If you monitor your recordings with Bluetooth earphones, you may hear artifacts, such as noise, while monitoring. If this occurs, we recommend changing the sample rate of your recordings. Some products may produce artifacts at 44.1 kHz, while others may do so for 48 kHz recordings. Please keep in mind that even if you hear artifacts while monitoring, they will not be present in the recordings themselves.
  • When connected to iPad Pro via a USB-C cable, the MV88+ will pass audio and gain can be adjusted. However, the MOTIV apps will only display ‘external mic’, and the settings screen will not be available. Shure recommends using another device to configure the settings before using with iPad Pro. No adjustments can be made in real time (except gain) on the Shure MOTIV apps when using an iPad Pro.


  • MV88+ User Guide
  • MV88 User Guide
  • Frequently asked questions
  • This app is compatible with iOS 11.3 or later. We can’t ensure compatibility or full feature functionality with older operating systems. Please report problems and submit general feedback through the app (About > Feedback)
  • Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch

New Features


  • Full screen support for phones with notch
  • Bug fixes

Known Issues

  • The FPS and resolution combinations available for selection will vary based on the user’s phone.
  • Users of iPhone 8 who are running iOS 11.3 may experience crashes when playing back saved recordings from within the app.
  • iPhone XS Max users may experience visual misalignment issues after focusing on an object and then zooming in.
  • If you monitor your recordings with Bluetooth earphones, you may hear artifacts, such as noise, while monitoring. If this occurs, we recommend changing the sample rate of your recordings. Some products may produce artifacts at 44.1 kHz, while others may do so for 48 kHz recordings. Please keep in mind that even if you hear artifacts while monitoring, they will not be present in the recordings themselves.


  • MOTIV Video User Guide
  • MV88+ Video User Guide
  • MV88 User Guide
  • Supports iPhone 5S and later – iPad and iPod Touch are not supported
  • Compatible with iOS 12 or later. We can’t ensure compatibility or full feature functionality with older operating systems. Please report problems and submit general feedback through the app (About > Feedback)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where some transmitters receive repeated RCAS command messages
  • Fixed an issue where Axient Digital receivers would erroneously show a “?” battery status for Q5X transmitters
  • Fixed an issue where Axient Digital receivers would incorrectly report Q5X transmitter audio as “Unknown”

Known Issues

  • AD4 receivers indicate “Ready” status for a transmitter firmware update while the transmitter is in Standby mode, but the update will immediately fail.
  • IR Sync may fail while loading custom groups to Q5X transmitters
  • Minor audio artifacts may be experienced during IR Sync with Q5X transmitters
  • When operating Wireless Workbench or ShurePlus Channels, some labels and icons for Q5X transmitters may be missing


  • This firmware is compatible with Q5X AquaMic™ and PlayerMic®
  • To install Q5X firmware on devices:
    • Download Q5X 1.2.54 firmware from Shure Update Utility (user guide)
    • Connect to the AD4D or AD4Q receiver, and in the Hosted Tx section, select Q5XTx 1.2.54
    • Send the update to the receiver
    • Use IR Sync to update the transmitter firmware
  • AD4D and AD4Q can only host one transmitter firmware image at a time; if you also need to update Axient Digital transmitters, please repeat the above process, but select an ADTx firmware version.
  • To operate Q5X AquaMic™ and Q5X PlayerMic® version 1.2.54 with other Shure systems and software, see the following list of minimum versions:
    • AD4D 1.2.83
    • AD4Q 1.2.83
    • Wireless Workbench 6.13.3
    • ShurePlus Channels 1.4.2
    • Shure Update Utility 2.4.8
  • Distributed by Shure, AquaMic™, PlayerMic® and MicCommander™ are Q5X products. For support and service, please visit


  • This software version is used for new SW6000 installations or to update all previous SW6000 installed versions using DIS-CCU Central Unit (CU 6005, CU 6010, CU 6011. CU 6105, CU 6110 and CU 5905 is not supported)
  • This version is compatible with SW6000 Software License file v1.7 only
  • No new SW6000 license is needed if updating from SW6000 or later versions
  • A new SW6000 license is needed if updating from SW6000 or previous versions

New Features

  • No new features are introduced in this version. Please refer to the release notes for version 9.0.12 for details about new features in version 9.0

Bug Fixes

  • CDA
    • Individual voting results are shown in the CDA when secret voting is selected
    • Customer-inserted Mimic icons in voting configuration are switched
  • CUA
    • When a secret vote is performed on the CUA, it is not indicated in the buttons that a vote has been cast
    • The 'Cancel' voting button is not available even if it is configured in voting config


  • To operate MXC devices with SW6000 version 9.0, see the following list of minimum software and firmware versions:


  • Added support for new RF bands

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issues with Axient Digital-enabled Q5X wireless transmitters:
  • Fixed an issue with the battery display
  • Fixed an issue where AD4 receivers incorrectly reported mute status
  • Fixed an issue where transmitters status is shown as “Ready” for firmware update when on Standby mode
  • Fixed an issue where the transmitter fails to sync while loading custom groups


  • User Guide
  • Command Strings
  • We recommend updating all devices used together to the same firmware version.
  • To operate AD4Q version 1.2.83 devices with other Shure systems and software, see the following list of minimum versions:
    • Axient Digital AD1/2 and ADX1/1M/2 Transmitters 1.2.83
    • Axient Digital AD4D/Q Receivers 1.2.83
    • Axient AXT600 Spectrum Manager 2.1.31
    • SBRC Shure Battery Rack Charger 1.1.5
    • Shure Update Utility 2.4.8
    • ShurePlus Channels 1.4.2
    • Wireless Workbench 6.13.3
Источник: []
YouTube application for PC Archives

Internet Archive

"" redirects here. It is not to be confused with
American non-profit organization providing archives of digital media

Coordinates: 37°46′56″N122°28′18″W / 37.782321°N 122.47161137°W / 37.782321; -122.47161137

The Internet Archive is an American digital library with the stated mission of "universal access to all knowledge."[notes 2][notes 3] It provides free public access to collections of digitized materials, including websites, software applications/games, music, movies/videos, moving images, and millions of books. In addition to its archiving function, the Archive is an activist organization, advocating a free and open Internet. The Internet Archive currently holds over 20 million books and texts, 3 million movies and videos, 400,000 software programs, 7 million audio files, and 463 billion web pages in the Wayback Machine.

The Internet Archive allows the public to upload and download digital material to its data cluster, but the bulk of its data is collected automatically by its web crawlers, which work to preserve as much of the public web as possible. Its web archive, the Wayback Machine, contains hundreds of billions of web captures.[notes 4][4] The Archive also oversees one of the world's largest book digitization projects.


This section needs to be updated. Please update this article to reflect recent events or newly available information.(May 2020)

The Archive is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit operating in the United States. It has an annual budget of $10 million, derived from a variety of sources: revenue from its Web crawling services, various partnerships, grants, donations, and the Kahle-Austin Foundation.[5] The Internet Archive manages periodic funding campaigns, like the one started in December 2019 with a goal of reaching donations for $6 million.[6]

Its headquarters are in San Francisco, California. From 1996 to 2009, headquarters were in the Presidio of San Francisco, a former U.S. military base. Since 2009, headquarters have been at 300 Funston Avenue in San Francisco, a former Christian Science Church.

At one time, most of its staff worked in its book-scanning centers; as of 2019, scanning is performed by 100 paid operators worldwide.[7] The Archive has data centers in three Californian cities: San Francisco, Redwood City, and Richmond. To prevent losing the data in case of e.g. a natural disaster, the Archive attempts to create copies of (parts of) the collection at more distant locations, currently including the Bibliotheca Alexandrina[notes 5] in Egypt and a facility in Amsterdam.[8] The Archive is a member of the International Internet Preservation Consortium[9] and was officially designated as a library by the state of California in 2007.[notes 6]


Brewster Kahle founded the archive in May 1996 at around the same time that he began the for-profit web crawling company Alexa Internet.[notes 7] In October 1996, the Internet Archive had begun to archive and preserve the World Wide Web in large quantities,[notes 8] though it saved the earliest pages in May 1996.[10][11] The archived content wasn't available to the general public until 2001, when it developed the Wayback Machine.

In late 1999, the Archive expanded its collections beyond the Web archive, beginning with the Prelinger Archives. Now the Internet Archive includes texts, audio, moving images, and software. It hosts a number of other projects: the NASA Images Archive, the contract crawling service Archive-It, and the wiki-editable library catalog and book information site Open Library. Soon after that, the archive began working to provide specialized services relating to the information access needs of the print-disabled; publicly accessible books were made available in a protected Digital Accessible Information System (DAISY) format.[notes 9]

According to its website:[notes 10]

Most societies place importance on preserving artifacts of their culture and heritage. Without such artifacts, civilization has no memory and no mechanism to learn from its successes and failures. Our culture now produces more and more artifacts in digital form. The Archive's mission is to help preserve those artifacts and create an Internet library for researchers, historians, and scholars.

In August 2012, the archive announced[12] that it has added BitTorrent to its file download options for more than 1.3 million existing files, and all newly uploaded files.[13][14] This method is the fastest means of downloading media from the Archive, as files are served from two Archive data centers, in addition to other torrent clients which have downloaded and continue to serve the files.[13][notes 11] On November 6, 2013, the Internet Archive's headquarters in San Francisco's Richmond District caught fire,[15] destroying equipment and damaging some nearby apartments.[16] According to the Archive, it lost a side-building housing one of 30 of its scanning centers; cameras, lights, and scanning equipment worth hundreds of thousands of dollars; and "maybe 20 boxes of books and film, some irreplaceable, most already digitized, and some replaceable".[17] The nonprofit Archive sought donations to cover the estimated $600,000 in damage.[18]

In November 2016, Kahle announced that the Internet Archive was building the Internet Archive of Canada, a copy of the archive to be based somewhere in Canada. The announcement received widespread coverage due to the implication that the decision to build a backup archive in a foreign country was because of the upcoming presidency of Donald Trump.[19][20][21] Kahle was quoted as saying:

On November 9th in America, we woke up to a new administration promising radical change. It was a firm reminder that institutions like ours, built for the long-term, need to design for change. For us, it means keeping our cultural materials safe, private and perpetually accessible. It means preparing for a Web that may face greater restrictions. It means serving patrons in a world in which government surveillance is not going away; indeed it looks like it will increase. Throughout history, libraries have fought against terrible violations of privacy—where people have been rounded up simply for what they read. At the Internet Archive, we are fighting to protect our readers' privacy in the digital world.[19]

Since 2018, the Internet Archive visual arts residency, which is organized by Amir Saber Esfahani and Andrew McClintock, helps connect artists with the archive's over 48 petabytes[notes 12] of digitized materials. Over the course of the yearlong residency, visual artists create a body of work which culminates in an exhibition. The hope is to connect digital history with the arts and create something for future generations to appreciate online or off.[22] Previous artists in residence include Taravat Talepasand, Whitney Lynn, and Jenny Odell.[23]

In 2019, the main scanning operations were moved to Cebu in the Philippines and were planned to reach a pace of half a million books scanned per year, until an initial target of 4 million books. The Internet Archive acquires most materials from donations, such as a donation of 250 thousand books from Trent University and hundreds of thousands of 78 rpm discs from Boston Public Library. All material is then digitized and retained in digital storage, while a digital copy is returned to the original holder and the Internet Archive's copy, if not in the public domain, is borrowed to patrons worldwide one at a time under the controlled digital lending (CDL) theory of the first-sale doctrine.[24] Meanwhile, in the same year its headquarters in San Francisco received a bomb threat which forced a temporary evacuation of the building.[25]

Web archiving[edit]

Wayback Machine[edit]

Wayback Machine logo, used since 2001

The Internet Archive capitalized on the popular use of the term "WABAC Machine" from a segment of The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle cartoon (specifically Peabody's Improbable History), and uses the name "Wayback Machine" for its service that allows archives of the World Wide Web to be searched and accessed.[26] This service allows users to view some of the archived web pages. The Wayback Machine was created as a joint effort between Alexa Internet and the Internet Archive when a three-dimensional index was built to allow for the browsing of archived web content.[notes 13] Millions of web sites and their associated data (images, source code, documents, etc.) are saved in a database. The service can be used to see what previous versions of web sites used to look like, to grab original source code from web sites that may no longer be directly available, or to visit web sites that no longer even exist. Not all web sites are available because many web site owners choose to exclude their sites. As with all sites based on data from web crawlers, the Internet Archive misses large areas of the web for a variety of other reasons. A 2004 paper found international biases in the coverage, but deemed them "not intentional".[27]

A purchase of additional storage at the Internet Archive

A "Save Page Now" archiving feature was made available in October 2013,[28] accessible on the lower right of the Wayback Machine's main page.[notes 14] Once a target URL is entered and saved, the web page will become part of the Wayback Machine.[28] Through the Internet address,[29] users can upload to the Wayback Machine a large variety of contents, including PDF and data compression file formats. The Wayback Machine creates a permanent local URL of the upload content, that is accessible in the web, even if not listed while searching in the official website.

May 12, 1996, is the date of the oldest archived pages on the WayBack Machine, such as[30]

In October 2016, it was announced that the way web pages are counted would be changed, resulting in the decrease of the archived pages counts shown.[31]

A Using the old counting system used before October 2016
B Using the new counting system used after October 2016


Created in early 2006, Archive-It[33] is a web archiving subscription service that allows institutions and individuals to build and preserve collections of digital content and create digital archives. Archive-It allows the user to customize their capture or exclusion of web content they want to preserve for cultural heritage reasons. Through a web application, Archive-It partners can harvest, catalog, manage, browse, search, and view their archived collections.[34]

In terms of accessibility, the archived web sites are full text searchable within seven days of capture.[35] Content collected through Archive-It is captured and stored as a WARC file. A primary and back-up copy is stored at the Internet Archive data centers. A copy of the WARC file can be given to subscribing partner institutions for geo-redundant preservation and storage purposes to their best practice standards.[36] Periodically, the data captured through Archive-It is indexed into the Internet Archive's general archive.

As of March 2014[update], Archive-It had more than 275 partner institutions in 46 U.S. states and 16 countries that have captured more than 7.4 billion URLs for more than 2,444 public collections. Archive-It partners are universities and college libraries, state archives, federal institutions, museums, law libraries, and cultural organizations, including the Electronic Literature Organization, North Carolina State Archives and Library, Stanford University, Columbia University, American University in Cairo, Georgetown Law Library, and many others.

Book collections[edit]

Text collection[edit]

The Internet Archive operates 33 scanning centers in five countries, digitizing about 1,000 books a day for a total of more than 2 million books,[37] financially supported by libraries and foundations.[notes 28] As of July 2013[update], the collection included 4.4 million books with more than 15 million downloads per month.[37] As of November 2008[update], when there were approximately 1 million texts, the entire collection was greater than 0.5 petabytes, which includes raw camera images, cropped and skewed images, PDFs, and raw OCR data.[38] Between about 2006 and 2008, Microsoft had a special relationship with Internet Archive texts through its Live Search Books project, scanning more than 300,000 books that were contributed to the collection, as well as financial support and scanning equipment. On May 23, 2008, Microsoft announced it would be ending the Live Book Search project and no longer scanning books.[39] Microsoft made its scanned books available without contractual restriction and donated its scanning equipment to its former partners.[39]

An Internet Archive in-house scan ongoing

Around October 2007, Archive users began uploading public domain books from Google Book Search.[notes 29] As of November 2013[update], there were more than 900,000 Google-digitized books in the Archive's collection;[notes 30] the books are identical to the copies found on Google, except without the Google watermarks, and are available for unrestricted use and download.[40] Brewster Kahle revealed in 2013 that this archival effort was coordinated by Aaron Swartz, who with a "bunch of friends" downloaded the public domain books from Google slow enough and from enough computers to stay within Google's restrictions. They did this to ensure public access to the public domain. The Archive ensured the items were attributed and linked back to Google, which never complained, while libraries "grumbled". According to Kahle, this is an example of Swartz's "genius" to work on what could give the most to the public good for millions of people.[41]Besides books, the Archive offers free and anonymous public access to more than four million court opinions, legal briefs, or exhibits uploaded from the United States Federal Courts' PACER electronic document system via the RECAP web browser plugin. These documents had been kept behind a federal court paywall. On the Archive, they had been accessed by more than six million people by 2013.[41]

The Archive's BookReader web app,[42] built into its website, has features such as single-page, two-page, and thumbnail modes; fullscreen mode; page zooming of high-resolution images; and flip page animation.[42][43]

Number of texts for each language[edit]

Number of all texts
(December 9, 2019)
Language Number of texts
(November 27, 2015)
English6,553,945[notes 31]
French358,721[notes 32]
German344,810[notes 33]
Spanish134,170[notes 34]
Chinese84,147[notes 35]
Arabic66,786[notes 36]
Dutch30,237[notes 37]
Portuguese25,938[notes 38]
Russian22,731[notes 39]
Urdu14,978[notes 40]
Japanese14,795[notes 41]

Number of texts for each decade[edit]

Decade Number of texts
(November 27, 2015)
1800s 39,842[notes 42]
1810s 51,151[notes 43]
1820s 79,476[notes 44]
1830s 105,021[notes 45]
1840s 127,649[notes 46]
1850s 180,950[notes 47]
1860s 210,574[notes 48]
1870s 214,505[notes 49]
1880s 285,984[notes 50]
1890s 370,726[notes 51]
Decade Number of texts
(November 27, 2015)
1900s 504,000[notes 52]
1910s 455,539[notes 53]
1920s 185,876[notes 54]
1930s 70,190[notes 55]
1940s 85,062[notes 56]
1950s 81,192[notes 57]
1960s 125,977[notes 58]
1970s 206,870[notes 59]
1980s 181,129[notes 60]
1990s 272,848[notes 61]

Open Library[edit]

The Open Library is another project of the Internet Archive. The wiki seeks to include a web page for every book ever published: it holds 25 million catalog records of editions. It also seeks to be a web-accessible public library: it contains the full texts of approximately 1,600,000 public domain books (out of the more than five million from the main texts collection), as well as in-print and in-copyright books,[45] which are fully readable, downloadable[46][47] and full-text searchable;[48] it offers a two-week loan of e-books in its Books to Borrow lending program for over 647,784 books not in the public domain, in partnership with over 1,000 library partners from 6 countries[37][49] after a free registration on the web site. Open Library is a free and open-source software project, with its source code freely available on GitHub.

The Open Library faces objections from some authors and the Society of Authors, who hold that the project is distributing books without authorization and is thus in violation of copyright laws,[50] and four major publishers initiated a copyright infringement lawsuit against the Internet Archive in June 2020 to stop the Open Library project.[51]

List of digitizing sponsors for ebooks[edit]

As of December 2018, over 50 sponsors helped the Internet Archive provide over 5 million scanned books (text items). Of these, over 2 million were scanned by Internet Archive itself, funded either by itself or by MSN, the University of Toronto or the Internet Archive's founder's Kahle/Austin Foundation.[52]

The collections for scanning centers often include also digitisations sponsored by their partners, for instance the University of Toronto performed scans supported by other Canadian libraries.

Sponsor Main collection Number of texts sponsored[52]
Internet Archive[2]917,202
Kahle/Austin Foundation471,376
University of Toronto[4]176,888
U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Library150,984
Wellcome Library127,701
University of Alberta Libraries[5]100,511
China-America Digital Academic Library (CADAL)[6]91,953
Sloan Foundation[7]83,111
The Library of Congress[8]79,132
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign[9]72,269
Princeton Theological Seminary Library66,442
Boston Library Consortium Member Libraries59,562
Jisc and Wellcome Library55,878
Lyrasis members and Sloan Foundation[10]54,930
Boston Public Library54,067
Nazi War Crimes and Japanese Imperial Government Records Interagency Working Group51,884
Getty Research Institute[11]46,571
Greek Open Technologies Alliance through Google Summer of Code45,371
University of Ottawa44,808
Naval Postgraduate School, Dudley Knox Library37,727
University of Victoria Libraries37,650
The Newberry Library37,616
Brigham Young University33,784
Columbia University Libraries31,639
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill29,298
Institut national de la recherche agronomique26,293
Montana State Library25,372
Allen County Public Library Genealogy Center[12]24,829
Michael Best24,825
Bibliotheca Alexandrina24,555
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Alternates22,726
Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences21,468
University of Florida, George A. Smathers Libraries20,827
Environmental Data Resources, Inc.20,259
Smithsonian Libraries19,948
Eric P. Newman Numismatic Education Society18,781
NIST Research Library18,739
Open Knowledge Commons, United States National Library of Medicine18,091
Biodiversity Heritage Library[13]17,979
Ontario Council of University Libraries and Member Libraries17,880
Corporation of the Presiding Bishop, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints16,880
Leo Baeck Institute Archives16,769
North Carolina Digital Heritage Center[14]14,355
California State Library, Califa/LSTA Grant14,149
Duke University Libraries14,122
The Black Vault13,765
Buddhist Digital Resource Center13,460
John Carter Brown Library12,943
MBL/WHOI Library11,538
Harvard University, Museum of Comparative Zoology, Ernst Mayr Library[15]10,196
AFS Intercultural Programs10,114

In 2017, the MIT Press authorized the Internet Archive to digitize and lend books from the press's backlist,[53] with financial support from the Arcadia Fund.[54][55] A year later, the Internet Archive received further funding from the Arcadia Fund to invite some other university presses to partner with the Internet Archive to digitize books, a project called "Unlocking University Press Books".[56][57]

Media collections[edit]

Microfilms at the Internet Archive

In addition to web archives, the Internet Archive maintains extensive collections of digital media that are attested by the uploader to be in the public domain in the United States or licensed under a license that allows redistribution, such as Creative Commons licenses. Media are organized into collections by media type (moving images, audio, text, etc.), and into sub-collections by various criteria. Each of the main collections includes a "Community" sub-collection (formerly named "Open Source") where general contributions by the public are stored.

Audio collection[edit]

The Audio Archive includes music, audiobooks, news broadcasts, old time radio shows, and a wide variety of other audio files. There are more than 200,000 free digital recordings in the collection. The subcollections include audio books and poetry, podcasts,[58] non-English audio, and many others.[notes 64] The sound collections are curated by B. George, director of the ARChive of Contemporary Music.[59]

The Live Music Archive sub-collection includes more than 170,000 concert recordings from independent musicians, as well as more established artists and musical ensembles with permissive rules about recording their concerts, such as the Grateful Dead, and more recently, The Smashing Pumpkins. Also, Jordan Zevon has allowed the Internet Archive to host a definitive collection of his father Warren Zevon's concert recordings. The Zevon collection ranges from 1976–2001 and contains 126 concerts including 1,137 songs.[60]

The Great 78 Project aims to digitize 250,000 78 rpm singles (500,000 songs) from the period between 1880 and 1960, donated by various collectors and institutions. It has been developed in collaboration with the Archive of Contemporary Music and George Blood Audio, responsible for the audio digitization.[59]

Brooklyn Museum[edit]

This collection contains approximately 3,000 items from Brooklyn Museum.[notes 65]

Images collection[edit]

This collection contains more than 880,000 items.[notes 66]Cover Art Archive, Metropolitan Museum of Art - Gallery Images, NASA Images, Occupy Wall StreetFlickr Archive, and USGS Maps and are some sub-collections of Image collection.

Cover Art Archive[edit]

The Cover Art Archive is a joint project between the Internet Archive and MusicBrainz, whose goal is to make cover art images on the Internet. This collection contains more than 330,000 items.[notes 67]

Metropolitan Museum of Art images[edit]

The images of this collection are from the Metropolitan Museum of Art. This collection contains more than 140,000 items.[notes 68]

NASA Images[edit]

The NASA Images archive was created through a Space Act Agreement between the Internet Archive and NASA to bring public access to NASA's image, video, and audio collections in a single, searchable resource. The IA NASA Images team worked closely with all of the NASA centers to keep adding to the ever-growing collection.[61] The site launched in July 2008 and had more than 100,000 items online at the end of its hosting in 2012.

Occupy Wall Street Flickr archive[edit]

This collection contains creative commons licensed photographs from Flickr related to the Occupy Wall Street movement. This collection contains more than 15,000 items.[notes 69]

USGS Maps[edit]

This collection contains more than 59,000 items from Libre Map Project.[notes 70]

Machinima archive[edit]

One of the sub-collections of the Internet Archive's Video Archive is the Machinima Archive. This small section hosts many Machinima videos. Machinima is a digital artform in which computer games, game engines, or software engines are used in a sandbox-like mode to create motion pictures, recreate plays, or even publish presentations or keynotes. The archive collects a range of Machinima films from internet publishers such as Rooster Teeth and as well as independent producers. The sub-collection is a collaborative effort among the Internet Archive, the How They Got Game research project at Stanford University, the Academy of Machinima Arts and Sciences, and[notes 71]

Mathematics – Hamid Naderi Yeganeh[edit]

This collection contains mathematical images created by mathematical artist Hamid Naderi Yeganeh.[notes 72]

Microfilm collection[edit]

This collection contains approximately 160,000 items from a variety of libraries including the University of Chicago Libraries, the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, the University of Alberta, Allen County Public Library, and the National Technical Information Service.[notes 73][notes 74]

Moving image collection[edit]

The Internet Archive holds a collection of approximately 3,863 feature films.[notes 75] Additionally, the Internet Archive's Moving Image collection includes: newsreels, classic cartoons, pro- and anti-war propaganda, The Video Cellar Collection, Skip Elsheimer's "A.V. Geeks" collection, early television, and ephemeral material from Prelinger Archives, such as advertising

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