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It was also included as downloadable content as part of the iGhost of Spartai pre-order package and includes three bonus tracks from iChains of Olympusi. sup91;13993;supsup91;14093;sup Several tracks were cited as being intended for purely contextual purposes, and the remaining tracks rated well in comparison to the soundtracks of the main installments in the series.
sup91;14193;supiGod of War: Ascension (Original Soundtrack)i differed from the previously released soundtracks as it was composed by Tyler Bates alone, and is the only iGod of Wari score that he has worked on. It was released on March 5, 2013, on iTunes by SIE and La-La Land Records. sup91;14293;sup It was included as downloadable content in the iGod of War: AscensionCollector's Editioni and iSpecial Editioni.
, PC Tools153. 45ppThat table isn't nessicary. Some of the characters aren't even mentioned in the tabledon't have pages and it makes no logical sense.
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