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Top 49 Apps Similar to طرق رسم العيون بالايلينر
تعليم الرسم فيديو بدون انترنت 2.15
من خلال هذا التطبيق سنتعلم طرق الرسم المختلفة باستخدام قلمالرصاصوقلم الفحم والعديد من الادوات التي تساعدكم على تعليم الرسمبالفيديووبدون انترنت , حيث اخترنا لكم طرق تعليم الرسم الجميلةوالممتعة والمنوعة , بامكانكم الأن الأستمتاع بها ومشاهدتها بالفيديودون الحاجةالى الأنترنت , ونذكر من هذه الشروحات لتعليم الرسم التالي: _تعليمرسم بجعة خطوة بخطوة _تعلم رسم الوجه بالرصاص للمبتدئين معخطواتبسيطة _اساسيات تعلم الرسم وكيفية تطوير موهبة الرسم _تعليمالرسمبالرصاص | كيف ترسم عين بشكل جانبي خطوة بخطوة للمبتدئين _تعلمرسمالشعر واللحية للرجل بالرصاص للمبتدئين مميزات التطبيق :- _المرونةفى التعامل مع التطبيق _ امكانية مشاهدة دروس تعليم الرسم دونالحاجةالى الأنترنت _انتقاء الفيديو والانتقال اليه بضغط زر واحدة بكلسهولة. أتمني منكم أن تتركوا تعليقاتكم وتقيم تطبيق تعليم الرسمبدونانترنت . I hope you to leave yourcomments andevaluate the application of drawing education withoutthe Internet. Research Keywords: - Education drawing forchildren Teachpainting drawing Teach drawing for beginners Drawingfor adultsTeaching children drawing pictures and steps Teachingdrawing foradult beginners Teach children drawing in an easy wayEasy drawinginstruction Teaching drawing to beginner childrenMethods ofteaching drawing pictures Methods of teaching pencildrawingMethods of teaching engineering drawing Methods ofteachingpainting drawing Methods of teaching 3D drawing Methods ofteachingpainting on nails Methods of teaching painting on glass
الفن والرسم Amino 2.7.32310
هل تعشق الرسم والفن؟ لا تحتفظ بها لنفسك فقط! صور رسوماتك وشاركهامعمجتمع إيجابي ومشجع. Amino الفن هي أكثر شبكة إجتماعية سريعةالنموعلى الجوال فقط لمحبي الفن والفنانين! الفن لديه أشكال متعددةومجتمعالفن على Amino سيقدر فنك بكل أنواعه! شارك رسوماتك، لوحاتك،خرابيشك،أعمال رقمية، فن الأظافر، اسكتشات وابداعات مع فنانين آخرين!الفنالتقليدي، الفن الرقمي، قلم حبر أو قلم رصاص، كرتون، ألوان، نحت -بأيوسيلة خاصة بك، لا تحتفظ بها لنفسك فقط! - قابل فنانين آخرينملهمينوداعمين من جميع أنحاء العالم! - إسأل اسئلة وإحصل على نصائحمفيدةلتحسين مهاراتك واسلوبك! - قدم أعمالك، كون مجموعة مشروعات،وناقشالتقنيات. قدم عمل تحت التنفيذ للحصول على تعليقات. - شارك فيمسابقةالمجتمع - ابني بروفايل يعرض منظورك ألفريد ووجهة نظرك. الوقتيجري،فإنضم إلى Amino الفن وإكتشف كل ما يقدمه هذا المنتدى الجديد!تجدناعلى الانترنت: http://www.aminoapps.com/
تعليم الرسم ثلاثي الأبعاد 4.9
الرسم أحد أكثر الأنشطة تنمية للنصف الأيمن من الدماغ وهوالجزءالمسؤول عن الخيال، الإبداع، و الابتكار. مع تطور تكنولوجياالتصويرظهر ما يسمى بالتصوير ثلاثي الأبعاد وهو طريقة للتصوير تسجلوصفاًمجسما للأجسام المختلفة، وهذه الطريقة تقلد عمل العينين عندرؤيتهاللأشياء في الواقع، وما لبث ان زحف فن التصوير المجسم الي فنالرسمالمجسم او الرسم ثلاثي الابعاد، وهي إيهام الشخص بأن الصورةالتيأمامه مجسمة وذات أبعاد وإنما هي في الواقع مسطحة الشكل. هل تريدأنتعرف كيفية رسم الأشياء ثلاثية الأبعاد باستخدام تقنيات سهلة لتعلم؟هذا التطبيق هو خطوة من شأنها أن تعلمك كيفية إنشاء رسم صورةبصريةمشوهة أو ثري دي. ومع الممارسة سوف يصبح قلم رصاص مطيعا !With the developmentofimaging technology, the so-called three-dimensional photography,amethod of photography that depicts a stereotypical descriptionofthe various objects, appeared to mimic the work of the eyeswhenthey actually see things. The art of holographic photographyhasaccelerated to the art of stereoscopic orthree-dimensionaldrawing, The picture in front of it isstereoscopic and hasdimensions, but is actually flat. Do you wantto know how to draw3D objects using easy-to-learn techniques? Thisapplication is astep that will teach you how to create a distortedor deformedvisual sketch. And with practice it will become aobedient pencil!Key features: • The application includes tutorialsforthree-dimensional graphics such as: - Teaching drawing"EiffelTower" - Teaching the drawing "hexagonal" - Teachingdrawing"three-dimensional hole" - Teaching drawing "imaginary cube"-Drawing instruction "floating ball" - Teaching drawing "dropofwater" - Teaching drawing "No.
How to Draw Anime Eyes 5.1
Draw Anime Eyes is an app that teaches you how to draw animeandmanga eyes designs step by step. This app is a fun activityforteaching your kids how to draw. It includes a large collectionofdrawings classified by level of difficulty. In simple stepsallowyou to perform fantastic drawings, just take a paper and apencil,choose the eye you like and follow step by stepinstructions. It isvery easy to use.
com.MahmoudLab.pencil_sketch 1.1
حول صورك الشخصية إلى صور مرسومة بقلم رصاص باستخدام تطبيق إرسمني.تطبيق إرسمني سهل الاستخدام :1. اختر صورة من الاستوديو أوالكاميرا.2. مشاهدة بداية رسم الصورة على لوحة بيضاء.3. احفظ الصورةبعدإنشاؤها و شاركها مع من تحب باستخدام مواقع التواصل الاجتماعياوبرامج الدردشة.استخدامه جدا بسيط و لا يحوي أي تعقيدات.Aboutyourpersonal photos into hand-drawn images with a pencil usingtheapplication Asmna. Asmna application is easy to use:1.Choosean image from the camera or the studio.2. Watch the beginningofdraw the image on a white plate.3. Save the image after createdandshare them with the one you love using social networking sitesorchat software.Very simple to use and does not containanycomplications.
com.gomobtech.drawing 2
الرسامهو برنامج رسم رائع لجميع الأعمار يجعلك تطلق العنانلمخيلتكوالفن الدفين في اعماق نفسك .مع الرسام يمكنك من اختيار جميعالادواتبانواعها التي تلبي كل احتياجاتك لعمل لوحه فنيه غايا فيالجمال.ويمكنك من ادراج صور الالبومات والتعديل عليها لتنطلق الى عالمالفنبكل سهوله ويسر .PainterDrawing is a wonderful program for allagesmakes you unleash your imagination and art hidden in the depthsofyourself.With painter you can choose from all kinds tools thatmeetall your needs for the work of paintings Gaia in beauty.And youcaninclude pictures of Albums and modify them to launch into theworldof art with ease.
com.ayouzmobile.soratok_ila_rassm 1.1.1
هل تبحث عن تطبيق لرسم الصور بشكل مثالي كأن رساما محترفا قم برسمها؟هل مللت من تطبيقات تحويل الصور الى كرتون وكاريكاتير والتي لاتعطينتيجة ترقى الى تطلعاتك ؟أنت في المكان الصحيح. حول صورتك الىرسمرائع الان فقط بضغطة زر.يقوم هدا التطبيق تحويل صورتك لرسمبجودةعالية, سواء كانت صورة ل الوجه او لأي شيئ اخر.كل ما عليك فعلههوالدخول الى البرنامج واختيار صورة لك أو يمكنك كدلك إلتقاطهاباستعمالكاميرا الهاتف. ثم تقوم بتقطيع الجزء الدي تريد تحويله الىرسم سواءكان وجه او شيء اخر , ثم تضغط على زر البدء من اجل ان يقومالبرنامجبرسم صورتك وبجودة عالية.يقوم البرنامج بتحويل صورتك الى :•رسم بقلمرصاص• رسم بأقلام التلوين• الوان مائية• طباشيروغيرها منالخياراتالاخرىمميزات البرنامج:• سهل الاستعمال• واجهة جميلة• خياراتعديدةللرسم.• يعمل من دون إنترنتإستمتع به وأبهر به أصدقائك الانAreyoulooking for an application to draw pictures perfectly was apainterthen painted by a professional? Tired of applicationsconvertimages into cartons and comics, which do not give the resultliveup to your expectations?You are in the right place. Aboutyourpicture to a fantastic draw now just the push of a button.TheHeddaapplication to convert your image to draw high quality,whetherit's facial image, or for anything else.All you have to dois toenter the program and choose a picture of you or you can pickthemKdlk using a camera phone. Then you cut part of my parents wanttoconvert to draw a face, whether or something else, then pressthestart button in order that the software will draw your pictureandhigh quality.The software will convert your photo to:•Drawingpencil• Drawing coloring pens• Watercolor• chalkAnd otherotheroptionsThe program features:• easy to use• BeautifulInterface•several options for drawing.• works without InternetEnjoyit andimpressed by your friends now
رسوم متحركة 3.5
تطبيق رسوم متحركة هو التطبيق الأول على مخزن التطبيقات الذي يحتويعلىجميع أفلام ومقاطع الكرتون القديمة والنادرة لكل الاعمار. إحتفظبأكبرأرشيف من فيديوهات الرسوم المتحركة في جيبك وبين متناول يديك.الأنيمكنك مشاهدة اجمل الفيديوهات و اكثر الفيديوهات المضحكة فيعالمالكرتون. حمل التطبيق مجانا الأن. التطبيق يحتوي علي مئات الحلقاتوالمزيد يضاف يوميا: عدنان و لينا غرندايزر سلاحف النينجاالسنافرجزيرة الكنز مغامرات سندباد كابتن ماجد مدينة النخيل مغامراتالغابةالخضراء مغامرات بيل و سيبستيان ساسوكي المـدافـعـونالـلـيـثالابــيض باباي فولترون الحوت الأبيض أبطال الدراجات الناريةروبن هودمسلسل سنان مغامرات فيكي Animation application is thefirstapplication on the Application Store, which contains all themoviesand clips of old and rare cartoon for all ages. Keep thelargestarchive of animation videos in your pocket and betweenyourfingertips. Now you can watch the most beautiful videos andmorefunny videos in a cartoon world. Download the application forfreenow. Application contains hundreds of episodes and more addedeveryday: Adnan and Lina Grendizer Teenage Mutant Ninja TurtlesSmurfsTreasure Island Adventures of Sinbad Captain Majid Palm CityTheAdventures of green forest Belle and Sebastian adventuresSasukeAdvocates White Laith Babai فولترون White whaleChampionsmotorcycles Robin Hood Sinan series Vicky Adventures
ichiha.iha.snow 4.0
قصة بياض الثلج والأقزام السبعةقصة بياض الثلج والأقزام السبعةقصصاطفال - قصص قبل النوم - قصص اطفال حكايات ما قبل النومزيّنتهذهالقصة بصور ذات ألوان طبيعية كاملة وكتبت بلغة بسيطة مضبوطةبالشكلالكامل وهي تروي قصة بياض الثلج والأقزام السبعة التي يحبهاالاطفالكثيراً.وهي قصة يسر بها الأولاد الصغار عندما يٌقرأ لهم ويٌشجعمن همأكبر سناً على أن يتمتعوا بقرائتها ويكتسبوا تمرناً علىالقراءةالإضافية.يحب الأطفال أن يستمعوا إلى سرد الحكايات ولإرضاء هذاالطموحفيهم تم إعداد هذه السلسلة من الكتب والتي تتوجه إليهمموضوعاًوأسلوباً فالقصص المحكية هنا هي مما ثبت أن الأطفال في العالمكلهيحبونه ويتعلقون به. والألفاظ المختارة هي مما يتعلمه الطفل فيبيتهحتى قبل أن يدخل المدرسة، وأسلوب الكتابة مباشر ينسجم مععقليتهوفهمه.ولما كان تعليم القراءة والتشجيع عليها وإثارة الرغبةفيالمطالعة من أهداف هذه السلسلة، فقد روعي في إعدادها أن تكونمحملةبالصور الملونة الجذابة التي تلفت نظر الطفل وتدفعه نحوالمطالعة،وهذا ما سيساعده على تدعيم قاموسه اللغوي بكلمات ومصطلحاتجديدة،وأيضاً سينمي مخيلته بصور جديدة من عالمه ما زالت مجهولةبالنسبة له.كما وسيهذب أخلاقية وذلك من خلال ما تقدمه من أمثله ونصائحهي بمثابةعظات تربوية أخلاقية.وهي قصة يسر بها الأولادالصغار عندما يقرألهم ويشجع من هم أكبر سنا على أن يتمتعوا بقرائتهاويكتسبوا تمرنا علىالقراءة الإضافية.يحب الأطفال أن يستمعوا إلى سردالحكايات ولإرضاءهذا الطموح فيهم تم إعداد هذه السلسلة من الكتب والتيتتوجه إليهمموضوعا وأسلوبا فالقصص المحكية هنا هي مما ثبت أن الأطفالفي العالمكله يحبونه ويتعلقون به. والألفاظ المختارة هي مما يتعلمهالطفل فيبيته حتى قبل أن يدخل المدرسة, وأسلوب الكتابة مباشر ينسجم مععقليتهوفهمه.ولما كان تعليم القراءة والتشجيع عليها وإثارة الرغبةفيالمطالعة من أهداف هذه السلسلة, فقد روعي في إعدادها أن تكونمحملةبالصور الملونة الجذابة التي تلفت نظر الطفل وتدفعه نحوالمطالعة,وهذا ما سيساعده على تدعيم قاموسه اللغوي بكلمات
Top 49 Apps Similar to MediBang Paint - Make Art !
ibis Paint X 7.1.0
ibis Paint X is a popular and versatile drawing app downloadedmorethan 80 million times in total as a series, over 2500materials,over 800 fonts, which provides 379 brushes, 66 filters,46screentones, 27 blending modes, recording drawing processes,strokestabilization feature, various ruler features such as RadialLinerulers or Symmetry rulers, and clipping mask features.*Youtubechannel Many tutorial videos on ibis Paint X are uploadedto ourYouTube channel. Subscribeit!https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCo2EevPr79_Ux66GACESAkQ*Concept/Features- A Highly functional and professional featuressurpassing that ofdesktop drawing apps. - Smooth and comfortabledrawing experiencerealized by OpenGL technology. - Recording yourdrawing process as avideo. - SNS feature where you can learndrawing techniques fromother users' drawing process videos.*Feedback from users We receivemany good reputations from users. -I could have never assumed thatI can draw such a beautifuldrawings on smartphones! - Easiest touse among all drawing apps! -I have learned how to draw digitaldrawings without Mac or PC!*Features ibis Paint X has highfunctionality as a drawing appalong with features of sharingdrawing processes with other users.[Brush Features] - Smoothdrawing at up to 60 fps. - 379 kinds ofbrushes including dip pens,felt tip pens, digital pens, airbrushes, fan brushes, flat brushes,pencils, oil brushes, charcoalbrushes, crayons and stamps. -Various brush parameters such asstarting/ending thickness,starting/ending opacity, andinitial/final brush angle. - Quicksliders that allow you toquickly adjust brush thickness andopacity. - Real time brushpreviews. [Layer Features] - You can addlayers as many as you needwith no limit. - Layer parameters thatcan be set to each layersindividually such as layer opacity, alphablending, adding,subtracting, and multiplying. *In-app purchases Weprovide you withtwo ways of purchasing ibis Paint X: “Remove AdsAdd-on” (one offpayment) and “Prime Membership” (monthly payment).When you becomea prime member, advertisements will remove. So, ifyou become aprime member, it will be cheaper not to purchase the“Remove AdsAdd-on”. If you have already purchased the “Remove AdsAdd-on”,even if you cancel the “Prime Membership”, advertisementswillremain removed. The more people become prime members, thefaster wecan develop our application. We would like to createmorefunctions, so please consider becoming a prime member.[PrimeMembership] A prime member can use the prime features. Youcan tryit free for the one-month at the time of the firstpurchase.A primemember can use the following features and services- PrimeMaterials - Prime Fonts - Tone Curve filter - Gradation Mapfilter- Clouds filter - Reordering artworks in My Gallery -Noadvertisements in screens except the Online Gallery *Afteryoubecome a prime member with the 30 days free trial, if you donotcancel your “Prime Membership” at least 24 hours before thelastday of the free trial, your “Prime Membership” willbeautomatically renewed and you will be charged for theautomaticrenewal. *We will add premium features in future, pleaselook outfor them. [Remove Ads Add-on] Advertisements are displayedon ibisPaint X . If you buy this Add-On (one off payment),advertisementswill remove. Even if you become a prime member,advertisements willremove. So, if you become a prime member, itwill be cheaper not topurchase the “Remove Ads Add-on”. *On DataCollection - Only whenyou are using or going to use SonarPen, theapp collects audiosignal from microphone. The collected data isonly used forcommunication with SonarPen, and is never saved norsent toanywhere. *Questions and support Questions and bug reportsinreviews will not be responded to, so please contact ibis PaintXsupport. https://ssl.ibis.ne.jp/en/support/Entry?svid=25
PaperColor 2.4.1
PaperColor is an excellent painting application which isimitatingthe paintbrush to draw and doodle, graffiti. Easy topaint,learning to paint! We have different styles paintbrush andcolourlibrary. Help you to creating the perfect artworks. Whetheryou onjourney, stay alone, In the party or just want to waste timein theairplane,It is the best application that you can draw on yourphoneor tablet. Exquisite drawing tools! ★Handwriting signaturewith penafter you have finished the works ★There’s many tools whichisimitating the paintbrush , ruler and eraser for you. ★Mark inyourphoto. ★Draw on picture. Enjoy the painting time! Anpaintingapplication which is easy to help you to show yourself.Base maphelp you to learn drawing in straight way. Choose a photoas thebase map and setting to translucent . Dexterous scaling underyourfingertip. Enjoy the drawing experience, and use the toolstocoloring it ! Finished the artwork and share it tointernet,showing it !
Sketch - Draw & Paint
*** The online parts of the Sketch service will be discontinuedonthe 30th of September, 2019. *** This is the official Sketchappfrom Sony. Sketch brings a fun drawing and photo editingexperienceto anyone who wants to be creative, regardless of skilllevel. Ifyou need inspiration, the Sketch community is an endlesssource ofdigital art for you to explore and enjoy. You can theninspireothers by sharing your own art and be a part of thecommunity.None of this data can be used to identify you.
ArtFlow: Paint Draw Sketchbook 2.8.105
Convert your device into a digital sketchbook with more than80paint brushes, smudge, fill and an eraser tool. This fastandintuitive painting and drawing application will unlock thefullpower of your imagination. With support for pressure sensitivepens(like Samsung's S Pen) your device will be transformed into arealcanvas. Important: this is a free application withadvancedfeatures requiring a pro license in-app purchase. Singlelicencepurchase will activate all devices associated with yourGoogleaccount. ArtFlow aims to replace yourphysicalsketchpad and become universal art studio type applicationforAndroid™. Artworks by: Oleg Stepanko(https://instagram.com/rwidon)Miguel Alvarado(https://www.instagram.com/3d.mike) DavidRivera(http://www.facebook.com/BlownHand) Jon Mietling PortalDragon(http://portaldragon.com) Rob Pennycook Marco Hurtado JoelUkeni(https://www.instagram.com/j.ukeni/) Enrico Natoli AndrewEasterAndrei Lanuza (http://plus.google.com/+AndreiLanuza)DavidMingorance (http://davidmingorance.weebly.com) EB LeungGeremyArene (http://www.youtube.com/geremy902)ViBu(http://candynjuice.blogspot.com) Oskar Stalberg Unlicensedversionlimitation: • 20 basic tools • 3 layers• Undolimited to 6 steps • No PSD export
Infinite Painter 6.4.5
We are not Sketchbook. We are not Photoshop. We are notProcreate.We are Infinite Painter. Superior brushes - The mostadvancedpainting engine on tablets • 160+ natural brush presets •Createnew brushes • Change brush settings with ease • Brushesinteractrealistically with paper textures Superior tools - A placeforeverything • Experiment with four types of symmetry • LayersandPhotoshop blend modes • Create clean lines with guides:Line,Ellipse, Pen, Lazy, and Protractor • Draw 3D cityscapes withfivedifferent perspective guides • Selection and clippingmasksSuperior interface - Everything in its place • It’s simple.It’sorganized. It’s out of the way. • Organized workflows: Paint-Sketch, Paint, and Blend Clone - Turn a photo into a paintingEdit- Adjust color, Liquify, Pattern, Crop, or add a filter • Moveyourfavorite tools to the top bar for quicker access Advancedfeatures• Transform multiple layers simultaneously • Transformtool:Translate, Scale, Rotate, Flip, Distort, and Skew • Createseamlesspatterns with the Pattern tool • Liquify tool: Move, Bloat,Pinch,Swirl, or Ripple • Gradient and Pattern Fill • Referenceimages •Rotate and flip the canvas Import and export • Import andexportPSD layers • Add images from Gallery, Camera, or search theweb •Export images as JPEG, PNG, PSD, or ZIP • Share to InfinitePaintercommunity, PEN.UP, or Instagram • Search millions ofcolors,palettes, and patterns via ColourLovers Artwork provided by:AndrewTheonphilpoulos @dwight_theartist Constantine Rotkevich PiotrKannDiane Kay Ssecretgarden Gadelhac RapCore Sunyu
SketchBook - draw and paint
SketchBook for Everybody! At Autodesk, we believe creativitystartswith an idea. From quick conceptual sketches to fullyfinishedartwork, sketching is at the heart of the creative process.Younever know when a great idea will strike, so access to fastandpowerful creative sketching tools is an invaluable part ofanycreative process. For this reason, we are excited to announcethatthe fully featured version of SketchBook is now FREE foreveryone!
Adobe Photoshop Sketch
Draw with pencils, pens, markers, erasers, thick acrylic, inkbrush,soft pastel and watercolor paint brushes to create artworkthat canbe sent as layered files to Adobe Photoshop or AdobeIllustrator.Artists tell us they love the: • Access to 11 toolsthat can adjustsize, color, opacity and blending settings. •Ability to create aninfinite variety of Sketch brushes usingCapture. • Ability to addmultiple image and drawing layers theycan restack, rename,transform and merge. • Flexibility to organizetheir favorite toolsand colors in the toolbar • Ability to sendtheir sketches toPhotoshop or Illustrator with layers preservedTry using PhotoshopSketch with: Capture Photoshop Illustrator Takeadvantage of otherCreative Cloud services like: ADOBE STOCK Searchfor and licensehigh-res, royalty-free images from inside Sketch.Incorporatequality imagery into your work. CREATIVE CLOUDLIBRARIES Get easyin-app access to your assets — including AdobeStock images andbrushes created in Capture. DIRECT TO DESKTOP Senda file toPhotoshop or Illustrator with layers preserved. Itautomaticallyopens on your desktop, letting you effortlessly buildon your idea.POWERED BY CREATIVESYNC Adobe CreativeSync ensuresthat your files,fonts, design assets, settings and more allinstantly appear in yourworkflow wherever you need them. GETFEEDBACK Publish your work tothe Behance creative community andget feedback without leaving theapp. You can also share throughFacebook, Twitter and email. AdobeTerms of Use:https://www.adobe.com/legal/terms-linkfree.html AdobePrivacyPolicy: https://www.adobe.com/privacy/policy-linkfree.html
PicsArt Color - Painting, Drawing & Sketch
With PicsArt Color incredible digital illustrations are noweasierand more awesome than ever. PicsArt Color offers a fulldrawingsuite with immense functionality for novices and pros alike.Layersupon layers, a color mixer for any color combination youcanimagine, fully customizable paint brushes, a uniquesymmetricdrawing feature and an amazing texture brush are just someof thecreative features at your fingertips (or drawing stylus).Doodle onthat selfie you just took, paint breathtaking fantasyworlds orjust do some picture coloring - Color is for everyone! Andanintuitive interface makes sure you spend more time drawingawesomethings than looking for things. From a sketch to fullypolishedillustrations, PicsArt Color is the only digital drawingapp you’llever need. FEATURES - Symmetric drawing with rotatingaxis-Textured Brush - draw not only with color but withtexture!-Pattern and Color Fill -Full library of customizablebrushes-Color Wheel and Mixer and match any colors you want-MultipleLayers -Blending modes -Text Tool that allows you to drawand erasewith text -Auto-recovery so your drawing is never lost andmuchmore is available for free and with no pesky ads! DownloadPicsArtColor today and completely transform the way you draw onyourtablet or phone.
MediBang Colors coloring book 1.4
Lots of coloring images for adults as well as characterimagesexclusive to MediBang. This is a coloring app that iscompletelyfree to use! We will be adding many more coloring imagesto the appin the future, so even those who aren't able to draw canenjoy it!You can create your very own coloring images from scratch!Also,you can create coloring images by importing photos too! Youcanshow everyone your finished work in the app or even onsocialmedia! Show off your masterpieces to everyone!
Adobe Illustrator Draw
Winner of the Tabby Award for Creation, Design and EditingandPlayStore Editor’s Choice Award! Create vector artwork withimageand drawing layers you can send to Adobe Illustrator ortoPhotoshop. Illustrators, graphic designers and artists can: •Zoomup to 64x to apply finer details. • Sketch with five differentpentips with adjustable opacity, size and color. • Work withmultipleimage and drawing layers. • Rename, duplicate, merge andadjusteach individual layer. • Insert basic shape stencils or newvectorshapes from Capture. • Send an editable native file toIllustratoror a PSD to Photoshop that automatically opens on yourdesktop. Tryusing Draw with: Photoshop Illustrator CapturePhotoshop Sketch Youcan also take advantage of other Creative Cloudservices like:ADOBE STOCK Search for and license high-res,royalty-free imagesfrom inside Draw. Incorporate quality imageryinto your work.CREATIVE CLOUD LIBRARIES Get easy in-app access toyour assets —including Adobe Stock images, photos you processed inLightroom, orscalable vector-based shapes created in Capture.POWERED BYCREATIVESYNC Adobe CreativeSync ensures that your files,fonts,design assets, settings and more all instantly appear inyourworkflow wherever you need them. Start your creative work onanydevice and seamlessly pick it up on another. GET FEEDBACKPublishyour work to the Behance creative community and getfeedbackwithout leaving the app. You can also share throughFacebook,Twitter and email. Adobe Terms ofUse:https://www.adobe.com/legal/terms-linkfree.html AdobePrivacyPolicy: https://www.adobe.com/privacy/policy-linkfree.html
JUMP PAINT by MediBang 4.1
■A completely free app for creating official Weekly ShonenJumpmanga and illustrations!! G-pens, Mapping Pens, TonesandBackgrounds are all free to use!! ■Practice with yourfavoritemanga by using past and present Jump serialized pieces!!Full ofsecrets from past and present Jump authors like OnePiece'sEiichiro Oda and My Hero Academia's Kohei Horikoshi!!■Learntechniques on how to create a manga from Jump'seditorialdepartment!! Loads of lessons on story, character creationanddialogue!! ■You can also enter Jump contests!! The app willgiveyou information on each contest. Don't miss out!! What isJUMPPAINT? It's the ultimate app for creating manga andillustrations-- a collaboration between MediBang Paint (12 milliondownloads)and Weekly Shonen Jump. JUMP PAINT was developed toprovide anenvironment for creators to draw anytime and anywhereusingMediBang Paint's features. JUMP PAINT is the perfect paintsoftwarefor creating illustrations and manga. It comes with manyfeaturesto enjoy drawing illustrations and manga, like a multitudeofbrushes, materials and manga fonts. ■ Draw Anywhere! ・WithJUMPPAINT you can have almost all the features of a desktoppaintingprogram in your pocket. ・Despite being packed with somanyfeatures, the interface of JUMP PAINT has been designedespeciallyfor the iPhone in mind. ・The UI can be closed andopened in onetouch. ・The sleek interface allows users to changebrush sizes orcolor modes with ease. ■ Painting Tools ・90 freebrushes!! ・Inaddition to the Pen, Pencil, Watercolor, Blur,Smudge, G Pen,Mapping Pen, Rotation Symmetry and Edge Pens, we haveadded over 50different kinds of brushes, including the Brush, FlatBrush, RoundBrush, Acrylic, School Pen, and Soft Pastel. ・ForceFade In andOut make your lines sharp even if you’re drawing withyour fingers.・Users can create their own custom brushes. ■ FreeResources ・800different types of free tones and backgrounds.・Premade clouds,buildings, and vehicles are included. ・Tones can beadded with onesimple touch. ■ Layers ・Comes with layers completewith blendingmodes. ・Can be used to preserves different elements ofyou work. ■Comic Fonts ・Use them to change the atmosphere of yourcomics. ・Usethem to define your character’s moods or personalities.・50 fontsused by industry professionals available. ■ Comic Creation・Justdrag across the screen to create comic panels. ・Freelytransformtheir shape. ■ User Friendly ・Includes customizableshortcuts・Geared towards first time users. ・Has an interfacedesigned togive artists room to draw. ・One touch to accessfull-screen mode. ■Other Tools ・Guides for drawing in perspective,or creating lines,and curves. ・Correction to stabilize your linestrokes. ■ PhotoReference ・You can take photos in the app and usethem asreferences on a different layer. ・Use them for referenceorlearning how to draw new things. ■ Cloud Storage ・You canbackupand manage your data safely. ・Easily transfer your work. ■ManageProject ・Save and manage multipage documents. ■ Syncability・Youcan sync your preset settings with the PC version of JUMPPAINT. ■Team Creation ・You can collaborate on work with friends nomatterwhere you are. ■ Auto Recovery ・Your data is automaticallybackedup if your device crashes. IMPORTANT In order to use theapp’scloud features a MediBang accountisrequired(https://medibang.com/).
Download Infinite Design for PC
To see the full description of Infinite Design, please visit on Google Play.
1. Accept softwares installed from external sources (Settings -> Apps -> Unknown sources selected area)
2. Download the apk file of the application you need (for example: Infinite Design) and save to your phone
3. Open the downloaded apk file and install
Rebuilt from the ground up: blazing fast, incredibly stable, with an improved interface.
An unparalleled experience
• Infinite canvas (pan, zoom, or rotate)
• Intuitive path editing
• Boolean operations
• Align and distribute objects
Superior tools
• Experiment with four types of symmetry
• Unlimited layers
• Unlimited undo with a history slider; scrub through from start to finish
• Easily construct shapes with the pen tool
• Draw 3D cityscapes with five different perspective guides
• Text tool: horizontal, vertical, circle, or text on path
Streamlined interface
• It’s simple. It’s organized. It’s out of the way.
• Move your favorite tools to the top bar for quicker access
• Drag out the color wheel with two fingers
Advanced features
• Transform tool: Translate, Scale, Rotate, Flip, Distort, and Skew
• Gradient and Pattern Fill
• Rotate and flip the canvas
• Automatic shape detection
• Grid for reference or snapping
• Vectorize: turn any image into fully editable vector paths
Import and export
• Import and export SVG
• Add images from Gallery, Camera, or search the web
• Export images as JPEG, PNG, or SVG
• Share to Infinite Studio community or Instagram
• Search millions of colors, palettes, and patterns via ColourLovers
Artwork provided by:
Nubi Creative
Rey zilva Ardiansyah
Ales Sunarnov
Mad Matt







Источник: [https://torrent-igruha.org/3551-portal.html]Download Infinite Design apk for PC/Mac/Windows 7,8,10
Choilieng.com helps you to install any apps/games available on Google Play Store. You can download apps/games to PC desktop with Windows 7,8,10 OS, Mac OS, Chrome OS or even Ubuntu OS. You can download apk files for your phones and tablets (Samsung, Sony, HTC, LG, Blackberry, Nokia, Windows Phone and other brands such as Oppo, Xiaomi, HKphone, Skye, Huawei…) right on choilieng.com. Type name of your desired app (or Google Play store URL of the app) in search box and follow instruction steps to download apk files.Steps to download Android apps/games for phone
To download and install applications or games from our website to your smartphone:1. Accept softwares installed from external sources (Settings -> Apps -> Unknown sources selected area)
2. Download the apk file of the application you need (for example: Infinite Design) and save to your phone
3. Open the downloaded apk file and install
Rebuilt from the ground up: blazing fast, incredibly stable, with an improved interface.
An unparalleled experience
• Infinite canvas (pan, zoom, or rotate)
• Intuitive path editing
• Boolean operations
• Align and distribute objects
Superior tools
• Experiment with four types of symmetry
• Unlimited layers
• Unlimited undo with a history slider; scrub through from start to finish
• Easily construct shapes with the pen tool
• Draw 3D cityscapes with five different perspective guides
• Text tool: horizontal, vertical, circle, or text on path
Streamlined interface
• It’s simple. It’s organized. It’s out of the way.
• Move your favorite tools to the top bar for quicker access
• Drag out the color wheel with two fingers
Advanced features
• Transform tool: Translate, Scale, Rotate, Flip, Distort, and Skew
• Gradient and Pattern Fill
• Rotate and flip the canvas
• Automatic shape detection
• Grid for reference or snapping
• Vectorize: turn any image into fully editable vector paths
Import and export
• Import and export SVG
• Add images from Gallery, Camera, or search the web
• Export images as JPEG, PNG, or SVG
• Share to Infinite Studio community or Instagram
• Search millions of colors, palettes, and patterns via ColourLovers
Artwork provided by:
Nubi Creative
Rey zilva Ardiansyah
Ales Sunarnov
Mad Matt
What’s New in the FlipaClip 2.4.7 for PC/Laptop Windows & Mac Full Version Free Download?
Screen Shot

System Requirements for FlipaClip 2.4.7 for PC/Laptop Windows & Mac Full Version Free Download
- First, download the FlipaClip 2.4.7 for PC/Laptop Windows & Mac Full Version Free Download
You can download its setup from given links: