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(Archives) Adobe Acrobat 9 Pro: PDF Forms: Working with Radio Buttons

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This article is based on legacy software.

Radio buttons are used when only one response or option out of a set of answers is supposed to be selected in response to a question.

Understanding Names and Export Values

When radio buttons are used in online forms, they allow you to create questions with multiple, predetermined choices. Each question has a group of radio buttons to represent the preset choices. To limit the user to select only one choice, all radio buttons in the group must have the same name.

The name for the form field indicates what type of information you are prompting the user for or identifies what question you are asking the user. For example, a group of radio buttons that are all choices to the same question about planets may have the name "planets."

The value of a radio button is not visible to the user (as with text boxes). The export value is the data that will be submitted, representing the option the user selected in response to the question. For example, if the user selects "Saturn," the radio button might have the export value "saturn."

When a user submits the form, the export value of the radio button will be matched with the name of the radio button. The information the form developer receives will look like this: name: value.

EXAMPLE: planets: saturn

The name, "planets," identifies what question was being asked and the export value, "saturn," indicates what the user answered for that particular question.

Creating a Radio Button

By using radio buttons in your form, you can present users with specific options from which they can select only one. Each form field has options that are unique to it. For a complete description of the options, refer to Form Field Options.

  1. Open the PDF file that you will use for the form.

  2. From the Forms menu, select Add or Edit Fields

  3. From the Add New Field pull-down menu, select Show Tools on Toolbar.
    The Forms toolbar appears.

  4. Click Radio Button Tool.
    HINT: The cursor changes to a cross hairs. The cross hairs allow you to align the field with the ruler, text, or another field.

  5. Position the cursor where you want the form field to begin.

  6. Click and drag the mouse until the form field is of the desired size.
    Double click on the page to create a form field of the default size.
    The Radio name-value entry box appears.

  7. In the Radio Group Name text box, type a name that identifies the radio button.
    NOTE: For related radio buttons, the Radio Group Name reflects the question a user is answering.

  8. In the Button Value text box, type a value.
    NOTE: For radio buttons,the Button Value indicates whether this option was selected by the user in response to the question. Related radio buttons have the same name, but different values.

  9. To add buttons for the other choices to the same question,
    1. Click Add Another Button to Group.
    2. Position the cursor where you want the form field to begin.
    3. Click and drag the mouse until the form field is of the desired size.
      Double click on the page to create a form field of the default size.
      The Radio name-value entry box appears.
      NOTE: The Radio Group Name should remain the same for buttons in the same group.
    4. In the Button Value text box, type a value.
      NOTE: For radio buttons,the Button Value indicates whether this option was selected by the user in response to the question. Related radio buttons have the same name, but different values.
    5. Repeat steps a - d for the remaining buttons.

  10. To edit additional properties of the radio buttons, such as the appearance, size, or alignment of form fields, refer to Modifying Form Fields.

Deleting a Radio Button

If you create a radio button and later decide it is not necessary, you can delete it.

  1. From the Forms menu, select Add or Edit Fields
    The Forms toolbar appears.

  2. Select the radio button you want to delete.
    The radio button appears highlighted when selected.

  3. Press [Delete].
    From the Edit menu, select Delete.

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, adobe acrobat pro 2019 download Archives

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Updates improve functionality! The Adobe Acrobat X Pro update, as the name implies, is an update to download Adobe Acrobat X Pro for Windows. This special update fixes bugs, increases security, improves stability, and provides system resources to work at optimal levels. Because downloading Adobe Acrobat Pro is one of the best programs for reading, editing, and creating PDFs, updating it simplifies overall functionality. This update is free to download and is ideal for those who want to upgrade their current system and not download another version of the problem that the user has complained about (function () {(&#;app-review) -page-desktop&#;);}); The Adobe Acrobat X Pro update is a mix of all the updates that Adobe strives to provide every three months. This solves some of the most common issues users face and is mentioned in the help section. For example, programs that are used to open crashes or touch the middle of editing. This update solves this problem by ensuring that users will not have problems with errors even when working with large files. In addition to bug fixes, does the update come with features designed to increase the flow of users and increase use of Adobe Acrobat X Pro? Adobe Acrobat X Pro is a professional tool designed to allow users to convert, edit, read, comment and create PDFs. With this software, users can convert Microsoft Word documents or PowerPoint presentations, which include images and videos, to a PDF Portfolio. They can use action wizards to combine multiple PDFs or use Microsoft SharePoint integration to collaborate with other users when creating PDFs. This software also includes a read mode that allows you to view and send a quarter of the PDF files from Adobe Acrobat X Pro UpdateEvery, and Adobe strives to update all of its users who have enabled automatic software updates, the Adobe Acrobat X Pro update must be updated immediately. However, if you are still using an older version of the application, you may want to download a free Adobe Acrobat Pro update with various features, including those that make PDFs safer and allow users to convert PDFs from the inside to others. applications such as Microsoft Word. This increases speed, enhances firewall protection, and protects the cool personal features that make this update so popular that it allows users to open PDF links on the Web without first downloading them. This update provides instant access to the content, making it an upgrade to Acrobat X Pro for free download. Although the Adobe Acrobat X Pro update is free to download, it is only useful for users who have paid for the X Pro. Like other Adobe products that are not available for free, you have the option to pay for the software at one time or a monthly subscription. If you already have a free download of Adobe Acrobat Pro on your computer, you can easily upgrade it by downloading it. Do I update Adobe Acrobat X Pro? As mentioned above, if you have automatic updates enabled, you do not need to do this. You&#;re worried about updating Adobe Acrobat Professional to download for free on Windows 10 bit or similar computers. However, if you want to manually install the update, you must first close all open programs on your computer. When done, download Adobe Acrobat Pro for free and install it on your device. Your software is updated after installation is complete. It&#;s important to note that the upgrade is large enough to freeze your computer, causing it to crash. If such a script appears on its own, all you have to do is download and install an update, what&#;s the difference between Adobe Pro and Standard? Adobe has a lot of softwareproducts that are split by audience. Pro stands for Professional and differs from the standard version in that it converts scanned documents into editable PDFs. In addition, Pro provides users with editing capabilities that are not within the standard separation factor that Adobe Standard is only available for Windows operating systems. Therefore, Mac users can only download Adobe Professional to use the various Adobes utilities. If you are looking for a free program with fewer features, you may want to download Adobe Reader DC or check out Adobe Acrobat Pro. I downloaded the Adobe Acrobat X Pro update? As an Adobe Acrobat X Pro user, you can take advantage of downloading the update. because it comes with updates and new security features. This improves the overall user experience and enhances the functionality of the software. With the free updates available, you can enjoy another great year of using this software for free.

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SCS Computing Facilities

Adobe Acrobat Pro License Expiration on 11/30/

On November 30, , SCS Computing Facilities' current device-based license for Adobe Acrobat Pro will expire and will need to be updated with a new relicensing package. See below for more details and instructions relevant to your operating system.

Am I affected? What do I need to do?

This affects our systems differently. If you use your Andrew credentials to login to Windows, you are likely not affected by this change. If you use SCS credentials to login to Windows or if you use an SCS supported Mac, you may be affected.

In these cases, you may receive a notification regarding license expiration and will need to take steps to replace the product or utilize alternative products.

Please contact the SCS Help Desk at or submit a request&#;for access to download the relicensing packages.

Below are instructions for Windows and macOS users. Follow the instructions appropriate to your operating system.&#;


  1. Download the licensing package for Windows. (Request access)
  2. Extract the zip archive. (You can use the default Windows zip Extract All option)
  3. Double-click the program in the expanded archive.
  4. Click yes if UAC prompts to confirm.&#;
  5. The package will install silently, and will not prompt again.

Please Note:&#;On or after November 30th&#;, a dialog may appear prompting to enter a serial number.&#; This is a one time dialog.&#; Simply close both the dialog and the Acrobat program and relaunch Acrobat.&#; The program will now use the new serial number.


  1. Download the licensing package&#; for macOS. (Request access)
  2. Expand the zip archive and leave the folder open, as we will need to drop "AdobeSerialization" into another window.
  3. Open the Terminal.
    1. To open it, either open your Applications folder, then open Utilities and double-click on Terminal, or press Command - spacebar to launch Spotlight and type "terminal" then double-click Terminal in the search results.
  4. Type with one space, then drag and drop the &#;AdobeSerialization&#; file (from the expanded archive folder we left open) onto the Terminal window.&#; Press return.
  5. The terminal will not display any confirmation text. You can exit terminal.&#;
  6. The program will now use the new serial number.

If you require assistance or have issues accessing the licensing packages, please contact the SCS Help Desk at or submit a request for support.

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