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BYOL: Camtasia Tricks and Best Practices

Conference Archive

FocusOn Learning 2016 Conference & Expo - June 8, 2016

TJ Palazzolo

Consulting Curriculum Developer

Camtasia is a powerful tool for capturing and publishing conceptual videos and procedural demonstrations. But without some guidelines and best practices, it’s all too easy to spend days or weeks creating an ineffective video that is of little use to your audience. Not to mention that your organization increasingly expects your team to build more videos in half the time.

In this session, you will learn a practical, scalable and collaborative approach for quickly capturing and producing professional-looking videos with Camtasia. You will gain insight into increasing a video’s instructional effectiveness while also avoiding common mistakes. You will also gain insights into other productivity and time-saving tips.

In this session, you will learn:

  • A standard Camtasia development methodology
  • About recording guidelines for different devices
  • About the most productive Camtasia editing features
  • How to best incorporate zooms and transitions
  • How to design and storyboard for your audience
  • How to create custom visual effects and animations

Intermediate and advanced designers and developers.

Technology discussed in this session:
TechSmith and Camtasia.

Technology Required:
Camtasia Studio 8 or later.


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camtasia free download Archives

BYOD: Become an Animation Master in Camtasia

Conference Archive

Learning Solutions Conference & Expo 2018 - March 27, 2018

TJ Palazzolo

Consulting Curriculum Developer

TechSmith Camtasia is an amazing tool for capturing and publishing conceptual videos and procedural demonstrations. Used properly, Camtasia’s advanced animation features can turn your video from boring to amazing. But the seemingly high learning curve and production time often dissuades Camtasia users from taking advantage of these important capabilities. It doesn’t help that your organization increasingly expects your team to build more videos in half the time.

In this hands-on session, you’ll get practice with the different animation capabilities of Camtasia, and you’ll implement practical patterns and techniques to make your videos more engaging. After this session, you’ll be able to animate your videos quickly and efficiently without sacrificing productivity or deadlines.

In this session, you will learn:

  • How to design animation patterns in your storyboard
  • How to use behaviors and effects
  • How to animate cursors and text
  • How to use standard and custom animations on multiple media
  • How to fine-tune visual, behavior, and effect properties


Intermediate designers and developers. Must have some previous experience with Camtasia.

Technology discussed in this session:

TechSmith Camtasia.

Participant technology requirements:

Laptop running Camtasia.


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