Steps for getting Musically on your PC

Musically for PC is a video making app that lets users create HD video apps and dub them to their names.

The app has amazing features such as social media sharing buttons and editing functions that allow you to save your video and then add unique features to it later.
The app syncs perfectly with your PC or Android device to select music lists and bring them to the app’s window for editing.

You can also sync your videos with millions of tracks; plus the app offers excellent audio quality to match your video.

If you love singing and then listening and watching yourself just for fun, this app will awe you.

Also Read: Music Garden App for PC

Here is a summary of the app’s features

An overview of the features
• Selects phone playlist
• Has several filters
• Accepts social media sharing
• Adds effects anytime
• Syncs with any music
• Comes with millions of songs

Who needs this app?
• Aspiring singers
• Singers in a music competition
• Music students
• Music lovers
• Choir singers
• Music teachers
• Classrooms and schools
• Anyone that practices music

Why you need it on PC?
Musically for PC might just be better than that for Android devices. Yes, you can carry around your phone and record your music anytime but have you considered the fact that on a PC you get to watch your videos on a bigger screen?
If you are building a fan base on social media, Musically for PC lets you see the bigger picture of what your video will look like on your fan’s big screens across the globe without zooming out.

Steps for downloading the app
1. Download BlueStacks to your PC from BlueStacks official page and install it to your PC
2. Go to Google Play using your BlueStacks search page and search for “musically for PC.”
3. Click download and wait for a few seconds for the app to download
4. Click install and save the app to your BlueStacks window
5. You can open your musically from your BlueStacks whenever you need it.

Similar software: Anghami for Computer

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The Deadhead Archives

Listen to your favorite Deadhead shows from uploads to the Internet Archive.

Player features include:

* Caching of year and set data locally for quick reuse
* Soundboards are shown in blue
* Now with ratings from the Internet Archive

Be aware that this app uses data.

Please send me feature requests so I can make this app better for all.


All of the files this app links to are sourced from the Internet Archive. Please visit their web site at


The Deadhead Archives strictly adheres to the stipulations stated below:

The Grateful Dead and our managing organizations have long encouraged the purely noncommercial exchange of music taped at our concerts and those of our individual members. That a new medium of distribution has arisen - digital audio files being traded over the Internet - does not change our policy in this regard.

Our stipulations regarding digital distribution are merely extensions of those long-standing principles and they are as follow:

• No commercial gain may be sought by websites offering digital files of our music, whether through advertising, exploiting databases compiled from their traffic, or any other means.

• All participants in such digital exchange acknowledge and respect the copyrights of the performers, writers and publishers of the music.

• This notice should be clearly posted on all sites engaged in this activity.

• We reserve the ability to withdraw our sanction of noncommercial digital music should circumstances arise that compromise our ability to protect and steward the integrity of our work.


Grateful Dead Sanctions Free MP3 Music Format

Decision Follows Action Against Commercial Web Site

MILL VALLEY, Calif., May 11, PRNewswire

In a major policy initiative by one of the nation's most enduring musical groups, the Grateful Dead will, under strict guidelines prohibiting commercial use, allow free Internet downloads of live performances taped by their fans via the popular but controversial MP3 format, the group's attorney, Eric Doney, announced today.

Doney, a partner in the firm of Donahue, Gallagher, Woods & Wood, said the Grateful Dead is believed to be one of the first major bands to adopt a policy that essentially endorses free MP3 music, a format some members of the recording industry have strongly condemned.

The decision follows several weeks of discussion and review by the surviving members of the Grateful Dead and includes strict and non negotiable guidelines, Doney said. Furthermore, the announcement follows recent dispute with the owners of a web site that posted MP3 files of Grateful Dead live recordings for free download but received revenues from banner advertisements.

"The members of the Grateful Dead feel this decision is important and far reaching for both the band and their fans," Doney said. "This MP3 policy continues the band's long tradition of allowing free access to and trading of live recordings of their music and ensures that fans are not left with outmoded technology.

"At the same time, the strict guidelines protect the Grateful Dead against the very real threat of pirated intellectual property posed by the trading and possible sale of MP3 files via the Internet."

Under the guidelines, any web site owner is free to post copies of the group's live recordings made by fans as MP3 encoded files but may not derive any form of revenues from the endeavor, Doney said. This means web site operators may not charge for downloads, may not solicit any form of advertising, may not post any type of banner advertisements and may not sell email addresses or other data about fans downloading Grateful Dead music.

Only live recordings are sanctioned by this initiative, Doney said. The Grateful Dead will continue to aggressively prosecute any web site operators or any other businesses trafficking in Grateful Dead studio recordings, which are protected under U.S. copyright laws, Doney said.

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Parents: Why You Should Delete Delete Amino and From Your Kid's Phone Now

By John Stonestreet and G. Shane Morris, Op-Ed Contributors Follow

If your teen has a smart phone, please listen. I've got a warning for you, and then a suggestion that I don't usually make.

I don't normally offer one-size-fits all parenting advice on BreakPoint. But please, if your child has a smart phone or mobile device, drop what you're doing and check it for affinity-based apps, specifically "Amino" apps and "" If you find them, delete them, and then schedule dedicated time to talk with your child about what they've seen.

Affinity-based apps are like digital octopi with a hundred thousand legs each. The legs are common, interest-specific front doors that bring people together. With them, kids and teens are able to find a world of friends that like the same things they do.

Enjoy stamp collecting? Japanese anime? Virtuoso harmonica playing? There are hundreds of thousands of kids out there who do too, and these apps help find them for you at the tap of a finger.

This sounds harmless enough, until you realize the digital unmoderated world to which these apps lead. Recently, after speaking at a conference, a father came up to me crying, telling me that in just three clicks of his 10-year-old daughter's Amino account, he found unmoderated discussions of sexual identity, pansexuality, bulimia, anorexia, and suicide. It was like a digital "Lord of the Flies."

My friends at have written a Parent's Guide to Amino Apps that I want you to have. Please come to to find it. It's absolutely free.

The age restriction for these apps is 12 years and up. That's way too young. One parent's watch dog group suggested it should be at least 16. But this dad's little girl, and all of her friends, were 10. Listen: no one is policing the age limits.

Then there's, another affinity-based app. Writing at Medium, Anastasia Basil says porn is far from the worst thing you'll find here. is designed to be a lip-syncing app. Users listen to their favorite songs and upload videos of themselves pretending to sing them. But what Basil found instead was a world of cyber-bullying, kids chatting about self-harm, and streaming homemade pornography. There were children calling themselves ugly, uploading videos about suicide methods, and promoting eating disorders.

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Look, I can think of at least three good reasons why you should eliminate these apps from your child's smart phone or tablet.

First, they will almost certainly come across something horrifying on these apps that children shouldn't be exposed to. It's easily accessible and it's predatory content. Second, these apps are completely unregulated, unmonitored communities. They're filled not only with unaccountable preteen and teen users having discussions about these things, but, you guessed it, predators.

Finally, while I suppose these apps might be useful for responsible, mature users, they reinforce one of our culture's most insidious lies: that affinity — especially sexual affinity — is our identity. But it's not. We're created in the image of God and being conformed to the image of Christ. That's our identity. Not our common interests, especially if those are self-destructive or deviant interests.

Please, take time to read the Parent's Guide to Amino Apps offered by Axis. Set aside a couple hours to explain to your child or teen why you think these apps are unwise. If they've been into these communities, ask them about their experiences, and be ready to listen with understanding and love if your child has already walked through some of the dark doors I've just described.

And finally, don't let anyone tell you that taking control of your child's digital behavior is somehow mean or overbearing. We have to protect our kids from digital predators just as we would a predator on the street. Both can and do kill. Your teen's safety and wellbeing are more important than any online community.

You can find this Parent's Guide to Amino Apps at

From BreakPoint. Reprinted with the permission of the Colson Center for Christian Worldview. All rights reserved. May not be reproduced or distributed without the express written permission the Colson Center for Christian Worldview. "BreakPoint®" and "The Colson Center for Christian Worldview®" are registered trademarks of The Colson Center for Christian Worldview.
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