Office 2010 professional plus key Archives

Office 2010 professional plus key Archives

office 2010 professional plus key Archives

office 2010 professional plus key Archives

Microsoft Outlook 2010 Professional Plus Not Showing Exchange 2010 Archive Mailbox folder

I did some testing on this whole Personal Archive thing as even when using a new version and new license key the archive wasn’t showing in Outlook 2010 (yet was showing in OWA).

So I setup two machines (VMs) running Windows 7 Ultimate.
One was x64 and the other x86 but vanilla installs.
Installed Office 2010 Professional Plus download from TechNet (the iso image with both x86 and x64 versions on it).
Installed the lastest Office updates published via MS Update.
Used the same license key for both installs of Office.
Exchange 2010 backend running SP1.

When the machines are not in a domain the archive doesn’t show in Outlook (both x86 and x64).
Pop the machines into the same AD domain as the Exchange server and hey presto the archive shows on both Outlook versions (x86 and x64).

Just to check things I removed them from the domain - archive folder missing again.
Re-added back to domain - archive folder shows.

It seems for the TechNet version anyhow the machine should be in a domain.
I can’t comment on other versions/license keys.


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, office 2010 professional plus key Archives
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office 2010 professional plus key Archives

Office 2010 MAK activation essentials

HomeBlogOffice 2010 MAK activation essentials

4sysops - The online community for SysAdmins and DevOps

This article summarizes the most important facts about Office 2010 MAK activation. Among other things, you will learn about the ways to deploy the MAK key, about MAK independent activation and MAK proxy activation.
Michael Pietroforte is the founder and editor in chief of 4sysops. He has more than 35 years of experience in IT management and system administration.
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In the last post of this series, I discussed Office 2010 KMS activation. Today, I will have a look at the second option that Microsoft provides for volume activation—the Office 2010 MAK activation. Like in my previous post, I will only list the most important facts you have to know.

Office 2010 MAK activation key facts ^

  • MAK stands for Multiple Activation Key. This doesn't stop people from saying "MAK key."
  • A MAK key can be used to activate multiple Office 2010 installations, contrary to an ordinary product key that can only be used to activate one installation. The number of possible activations depends on the number of Office licenses you have purchased.
  • Unlike with KMS activation, every machine has to be activated only once. You have to activate Office 2010 again only when significant hardware changes (for instance, the hard drive) occur.
  • You can get MAK keys at the Volume Licensing Service Center.
  • The MAK key has to be deployed to the Office 2010 installation. There are five ways to do this— two before you deploy Office 2010 and three after installation.
    Before Office 2010 deployment:
    Office Customization Tool (OCT): OCT is part of the Office 2010 setup program and can be started with setup.exe /admin. During the procedure you can enter the product key (MAK).
    Config.xml file: If you deploy Office 2010 through a network installation, you can use config.xml to specify the MAK key.
    After Office 2010 deployment:
    Volume Activation Management Tool (VAMT) 2.0: VAMT is a free Microsoft tool that allows you to deploy MAK keys (among other things).
    Backstage view: The Backstage view is the new menu in Office 2010 that you can access by clicking "File" in an Office application. You can find product activation under "Help."
    ospp.vbs script: The ospp.vbs script can be found in the Office 2010 installation folder (%installdir%\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office14). The script can be used to configure Office 2010.
  • There are two different ways to activate Office 2010 with VAMT: MAK independent activation and MAK proxy activation. With MAK independent activation, each computer will contact Microsoft's activation service, whereas with MAK proxy activation only the computer where VAMT is installed needs access to the Internet. You can choose the activation method in the VAMT user interface.
  • Additional reading:
    Configure and deploy volume activation of Office 2010
    Plan for volume activation of Office 2010

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