Sketchup license key Archives

sketchup license key Archives
New Jersey Department of Education
What is SketchUp Pro?
SketchUp Pro, by Trimble Navigation, is software that creates 3D models of anything. Teachers use this versatile 21st century learning tool across grade levels and subject areas to bring the power of 3D visualization into learning activities.
Trimble recommends that teachers download Google Earth as well — SketchUp Pro works effectively with the geographic information software. Learners model real-world buildings and sites, then geo-locate them for context. Visit Google Earth, http://www.google.com/earth/.
What is the SketchUp Pro Statewide License Grant?
The grant makes it possible to offer SketchUp Pro educational licenses for New Jersey public schools at no cost.
Are there any hidden costs?
No, this type of licensing is a grant of networked lab seats, single-user educator licenses and laptop computers. There is no cost.
What types of licenses can schools receive?
- A networked lab license for Mac or Windows platform for up to 300 simultaneous users.
- Set of single-user licenses for up to 30 educators in the building whose computers are not connected to a network.
- A laptop license for Mac or Windows platform for up to 299 simultaneous users. This type of license is for laptops that need functionality both on and off the school network. They are configured as single-user licenses but can be installed or imaged on multiple machines.
How does a nonpublic school apply for a license?
The SketchUp Pro Statewide Grant is only available for public schools. Non-public schools are not eligible.
How does the SketchUp Pro lab licensing work?
This is a floating lab license meant to be used on a computer in a school lab. The license code will accommodate up to 300 networked PCs that are using the software simultaneously. However, the software can be installed on as many PC's as needed.
- If you are using the license code on a Windows-based network, one of your computers must act as a license server — networked machines in the lab must be able see the license-holding PC.
- If you are using the license code on a Mac network, no server is necessary.
Is the SketchUp license perpetual or termed?
All license codes are good for three years. You may reapply once it expires.
Are upgrades free?
All version upgrades are free as long as your license code has not expired. Contact Trimble directly, education@sketchup.com, and request an upgrade.
Are students able to use SketchUp Pro at home?
No. We recommend that students download SketchUp Make, (http://www.sketchup.com/products/sketchup-make), designed for home use. It's free, too.
Are teachers eligible for free technical support?
No. Only the license administrators with active SketchUp Pro lab licenses are eligible for free email technical support.
If you need help, please keep in mind that answers to most questions can be found in the SketchUp Help Center . It's free, it's exhaustive, and it's available 24 hours a day. (http://help.sketchup.com )
Where can teachers get training on SketchUp Pro?
What are the System Requirements for SketchUp Pro 2013 and 2014?
PC's require Windows Vista, 7 or 8, and Macintosh computers require OS X 10.7, 10.8 or 10.9 with an Intel processor.
Are there online educational resources for SketchUp Pro?
Yes. Visit the SketchUp Education Resources site.
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Google SketchUp Pro Crack 2019 With License Key & Keygen [Win+Mac] Bid a fond farewell to send out a million pictures out of SketchUp. Its software has two parts one is totally free without extra tools and another one is the full version with all the latest tools. SketchUp Pro 2019 Crack Plus License Key SketchUp Pro 2019 Crack is a very efficient and powerful application for all stages of designing from early phases to the end of development. Are you currently studying design or involved professional in the job area? Currently, the Trimble is making an investment in making the 3D develop partner for the purpose of having more professional modeled products which are normally available in the 3D Warehouse. So, you can design, plan, and specify with as much or little details as your requirement.
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System Requirements for Sketchup license key Archives
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