Utility Archives

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Utility Archives

Utility Archives

[1/15/20]With bitter temps, Chelan PUD shares tips with KOZI

Posted in Public Utility, WeatherTagged cold, electricity, freezing, freezing pipes, frozen, furnace, heat pumps, pipes, PUD

[10/4/19]New Buoys at Rocky Reach Dam

Posted in Public UtilityTagged Chelan PUD, Rocky, rocky reach dam

A contractor for the Chelan PUD will use a helicopter tomorrow to place new buoys below Rocky Reach Dam. The utility said the project will reestablish the buoy line that keeps boats the required 400 feet below the spillways and end of the fish bypass. Originally there were three buoys, but now just one remains. […]

[9/5/19]PUD Open Houses

Posted in Public UtilityTagged Chelan PUD

At part of its five-year strategic planning, the Chelan PUD has open houses in Leavenworth and Wenatchee for residents to comment. The PUD says top priorities in the plan are to invest in assets and people, and provide reliable hydropower, safety and customer service. Residential rate increases are likely in 2021 and the PUD plans […]

[8/7/19]Chelan & Douglas Counties Touted for Wastewater Handling

Posted in Public UtilityTagged department of ecology, Outstanding Performance, Polly Zehm, Wastewater Treatment

Wastewater treatment plants in Chelan and Douglas Counties received state recognition for high performance this year. Polly Zehm, the State Department of Ecology’s Deputy Director, said the department evaluated more than 300 plants in Washington to determine if they met state pollution limits and permit requirements, monitoring and reporting, spill prevention planning, pretreatment, and operational […]

[5/14/19]Pud/Stemilt Agreement

Posted in Public UtilityTagged Chelan PUD, PUD agreement, stemilt

At yesterday’s Chelan PUD board meeting Commissioners approved three agreements with Stemilt Growers to accommodate power needs for the Diamond Foundry, a gemstone manufacturer setting up new operations. Stemilt is leasing space to the Diamond Foundry in the Hawley Street area of Wenatchee. Under one agreement, a new substation will be constructed to provide up […]

Источник: [https://torrent-igruha.org/3551-portal.html]
, Utility Archives

23 Using the Archival Utilities

  • Make sure that Oracle Identity Manager is not running and is not available for off-line utilities.

  • Make sure that Oracle Identity Manager database has no transaction against it until the UPA table is partitioned.

  • Query the UPA table to get the minimum and maximum calendar year for the audit data. Following queries can help you get the minimum and maximum year. The maximum year should be the current calendar year.

    SELECT EXTRACT (YEAR FROM MIN (eff_to_date)) min_year,EXTRACT (YEAR FROM MAX (eff_to_date)) running_year FROM upa;

    This helps in deciding the partitions for each calendar year starting from minimum year.

  • Create a new partition table.

    Assuming 2005 as minimum year and 2011 as running or current calendar year, the following decisions are to be made before creating a newly partition table:

    • How many years of old audit data you want to keep? If it is important to keep only three years of audit data, then you have to create newly partitioned table starting from year 2008. The data older than 2008 will get cleaned up when the original UPA table gets dropped.

    • After deciding the years of old data to keep, the next question is how and where the old data should be kept? Do you want to keep all the old data partitions in the active UPA table, or create backup of the old partitions and then drop the old partitions? Oracle recommends moving the old partitions into tapes and then purging them from the UPA table. As stated earlier, you must keep the latest and running calendar year partition untouched.

    The following sample assumes that you want to keep three years of audit data in UPA table and current calendar year is 2011:

  • Create another non-partitioned table with similar structure as the UPA table, by running the following statement:

    SQL> Create table upa_non_part Tablespace TBS_NAME as select * from upa where 1=2;

    Here, TBS_NAME is the name of the same tablespace as of partition, which is to be exchanged.

    This table is temporary in nature. The purpose of this table is to facilitate the loading of audit data to a newly partitioned UPA table.


    UPA_NON_PART or temporary non-partitioned table must be created on same tablespace as the partition to be exchanged.

  • Load the latest audit data into the non-partitioned UPA table, as shown:

    SQL> Insert /*+ parallel */ into upa_non_part select /*+ parallel */ * from upa where eff_to_date is null; SQL> COMMIT;


    Using hint /*+parallel*/ in the INSERT statement is optional and you can use other hints also to improve performance according to the available resources.

  • Swap the data into the partitioned table by using the ALTER TABLE command, as shown:

  • Drop the upa_non_part table, as shown:

    SQL> DROP TABLE upa_non_part;

    While exchanging partitions, the data dictionary is updated instead of writing data physically. Therefore, it is necessary to drop and re-create the temporary non-partitioned UPA_NON_PART table in the same tablesapce associated to the partition to be exchanged.

  • Rename the original non-partitioned UPA table to UPA_OLD, as shown:

    SQL> ALTER TABLE upa rename TO upa_old;
  • Rename the newly partitioned UPA_PART table to UPA:

  • Manage the constraints for the new UPA table. To do so:

    1. Rename the constraint from old UPA table to some other name, as shown:

    2. Create the necessary indexes and primary key constraint on the newly partitioned UPA table. Make sure to add storage characteristics, such as tablespace and size. To do so, run the following SQL query:

      SQL>create index IDX_UPA_EFF_FROM_DT on UPA (EFF_FROM_DATE) Local; SQL>create index IDX_UPA_EFF_TO_DT on UPA (EFF_TO_DATE) Local; SQL>create index IDX_UPA_USR_KEY on UPA (USR_KEY) Local; SQL>ALTER TABLE UPA add constraint PK_UPA primary key (UPA_KEY) using index;


      The global non-partitioned index is created to support the primary key. Global index becomes unusable every time a partition is touched. You must rebuild the index when required.

  • Run the statistics collection for the UPA table, as shown:

    SQL>Exec dbms_stats.gather_table_stats(ownname => 'SCHEMA_NAME',tabname => 'UPA',cascade => TRUE,granularity => 'GLOBAL and PARTITION');


    Global statistics must be gathered by default. Oracle 11g includes improvements to statistics collection for partitioned objects so untouched partitions are not rescanned. This significantly increases the speed of statistics collection on large tables where some of the partitions contain static data. When a new partition is added to the table, you need to collect statistics only for the new partition. The global statistics is automatically updated by aggregating the new partition synopsis with the existing partitions synopsis.

  • Start Oracle Identity Manager. The database is ready to be opened for transactions. Test and make sure that applications are running as expected.

  • Bring current year data in UPA_2011_PART1 to have all data and maintain consistency for current year. To do so, run the following SQL queries in sequence:

    SQL> CREATE TABLE upa_non_part Tablespace TBS_NAME AS SELECT * FROM upa WHERE 1=2;

    Here, TBS_NAME is the same tablespace name as of the partition, which is to be exchanged.

    SQL> Alter Table UPA_NON_PART add constraint PK_UPA_NON_PART primary key (UPA_KEY) using index; ............. ............. SQL> Insert into upa_non_part select * from upa_old where eff_to_date >= to_date('01/01/2011', 'mm/dd/yyyy'); ............. ............. SQL> COMMIT; ............. ............. SQL> ALTER TABLE upa_part exchange partition UPA_2011_PART1 WITH table upa_non_part WITH VALIDATION UPDATE GLOBAL INDEXES; ............. ............. SQL> Drop table upa_non_part;
  • If required, bring previous year's data into the newly partitioned UPA table. To do so:

    1. Run the following SQL queries in sequence:

      SQL> CREATE TABLE upa_non_part Tablespace TBS_NAME AS SELECT * FROM upa WHERE 1=2;

      Here, TBS_NAME is the same tablespace as of the partition, which is to be exchanged.

      ............. ............. SQL> Alter Table UPA_NON_PART add constraint PK_UPA_NON_PART primary key (UPA_KEY) using index; ............. ............. SQL> Insert into upa_non_part select * from upa_old where eff_to_date >= to_date('01/01/YEAR', 'mm/dd/yyyy') and eff_to_date < to_date('01/01/<YEAR+1>', 'mm/dd/yyyy');

      Here, YEAR is the year for which you want to bring the data into newly parititoned UPA table.

      ............. ............. SQL>COMMIT; ............. ............. SQL> Alter table upa exchange partition UPA_<year> with table upa_non_part with validation Update global indexes;
    2. Rebuild indexes if they are unusable. The Following SQL query shows the indexes that are unusable:

      SQL> Select index_name, partition_name, tablespace_name, status from user_ind_partitions;
    3. Drop the table upa_non_part, as shown:

      SQL> Drop table upa_non_part;


    Repeat step 15 for each old year.

  • All partition operations against UPA table are done and all the data is brought into. Run the statistics collection for the UPA table, as shown:

    SQL>Exec dbms_stats.gather_table_stats(ownname => '<Schem_name>',tabname => 'UPA',cascade => TRUE,granularity => 'GLOBAL and PARTITION');
  • Drop the UPA_OLD table if it is not required. You can create a backup of this table before dropping.

  • Источник: [https://torrent-igruha.org/3551-portal.html]
    Utility Archives
    Manual Chapter : Archives

    Applies To:

    Show Versions


    • 15.0.1, 15.0.0, 14.1.2, 14.1.0


    • 15.0.1, 15.0.0, 14.1.2, 14.1.0

    BIG-IP Analytics

    • 15.0.1, 15.0.0, 14.1.2, 14.1.0


    • 15.0.1, 15.0.0, 14.1.2, 14.1.0


    • 15.0.1, 15.0.0, 14.1.2, 14.1.0


    • 15.0.1, 15.0.0, 14.1.2, 14.1.0


    • 15.0.1, 15.0.0, 14.1.2, 14.1.0


    • 15.0.1, 15.0.0, 14.1.2, 14.1.0
    When you initially configure the BIG-IP® system using the Setup utility and the BIG-IP Configuration utility, or , the system saves your configuration information. This information includes traffic management elements, such as virtual servers, pools, and profiles. Configuration data also consists of system and network definitions, such as interface properties, self IP addresses, VLANs, and more.
    Once you have created the configuration data for the BIG-IP system, you can replicate all of this data in a separate file and then use this data later for these purposes:
    Archive for disaster recovery
    Using the Archives feature, you can back up the current configuration data, and if necessary, restore the data at a later time. F5 Networks recommends that you use this feature to mitigate the potential loss of BIG-IP system configuration data. To create an archive, you can use the BIG-IP Configuration utility, which stores the configuration data in a file known as a user configuration set, or UCS () file. You can then use the UCS file to recover from any loss of data, in the unlikely event that you need to do so.
    Propagate data to other systems
    Using the single configuration file feature, you can quickly propagate the exact configuration of the BIG-IP system to other BIG-IP systems. To create a single configuration file, you export the configuration data to a file known as an SCF () file. You can then use the SCF file to configure another system in one simple operation.
    By default, the system stores all archives in the directory. You can specify a different location, but if you do, the Configuration utility does not display the UCS files when you view the archive list.
    Before you replace a version of the BIG-IP system with a newer version, you should always create an , which is a backup copy of the configuration data. This archive is in the form of a user configuration set, or UCS. Then, if you need to recover that data later, you can restore the data from the archive that you created.
    To create, delete, upload, or download an archive, you must have either the Administrator or Resource Administrator role assigned to your user account.
    A user configuration set, or UCS () file, contains the following types of BIG-IP system configuration data:
    • System-specific configuration files
    • User accounts and password information
    • Domain name service (DNS) zone files
    • Installed SSL keys and certificates
    Each time you back up the configuration data, the BIG-IP system creates a new file with a extension. Each UCS file contains various configuration files needed for the BIG-IP system to operate correctly, as well as the configuration data.

    About managing archives using the Configuration utility

    When you create a new archive (or UCS file) using the Configuration utility, the BIG-IP® system automatically stores it at a default location, in the directory. You can create as many separate archives as you need, provided each archive has a unique file name. Also, you can specify that the BIG-IP system store an archive in a directory other than . In this case, however, the Configuration utility does not include the archive name in the list of archives on the Archives screen.

    Create and save an archive using the Configuration utility

    You can use the BIG-IP® Configuration utility to create and save archives on the BIG-IP system.
    Any UCS file that you create includes the host name of the BIG-IP system as part of the data stored in that file. Later, when you specify this UCS file while restoring configuration data to a BIG-IP system, the host name stored in this UCS file must match the host name of the system to which you are restoring the configuration data. Otherwise, the system does not fully restore the data. Also, if your configuration data includes SSL keys and certificates, make sure to store the archive file in a secure environment.
    1. Force the source device to the offline state.
      1. On the Main menu, click .
      2. Click the name of the source.
        The device properties screen opens.
      3. The source device changes to the offline state.
        Once the source device changes to the offline state, ensure that traffic passes normally for all active traffic groups on the other devices.
        When is enabled, make sure to manage the system using the management port or console. Connections to self IP addresses are terminated when is enabled.
    2. On the Main tab, click .
      The Archives screen displays a list of existing UCS files.
    3. If the button is unavailable, you do not have permission to create an archive. You must have the Administrator role assigned to your user account.
    4. In the field, type a unique file name for the archive.
      F5 recommends that the file name match the name of the BIG-IP system. For example, if the name of the BIG-IP system is , then the name of the archive file should be .
    5. To encrypt the archive, for the setting, select .
      If the setting is unavailable, you must configure the setting located on the Preferences screen.
    6. To include private keys, for the setting, select .
      Make sure to store the archive file in a secure environment.

    Restore data from an archive using the Configuration utility

    In the unlikely event that the BIG-IP® system configuration data becomes corrupted, you can use the Configuration utility to restore data from an archive file. The directory is the only location on the BIG-IP system in which you can save and restore an archive. If no archive exists in that directory, then you cannot restore configuration data.
    The host name stored in the archive file must match the host name of the BIG-IP system that you are restoring; otherwise, the system does not fully restore the data.
    1. On the Main tab, click .
      The Archives screen displays a list of existing UCS files.
    2. In the File Name column, click the name of the archive that you want to use to restore the configuration data.
      This displays the properties of that archive.
    3. The system displays a progress message.

    View a list of existing archives using the Configuration utility

    You can use the Configuration utility to view a list of archives that are stored in the default directory, , on a BIG-IP® system. The Configuration utility displays the UCS file name, creation date, and file size.
    1. On the Main tab, click .
      The Archives screen displays a list of existing UCS files.

    View archive properties using the Configuration utility

    You can use the Configuration utility to view the properties of archives that are stored on the BIG-IP® system, including archive name, BIG-IP version, encryption state, creation date, and archive size.
    1. On the Main tab, click .
      The Archives screen displays a list of existing UCS files.
    2. In the File Name column, click the name of the archive that you want to view.
      This displays the properties of that archive.

    Download a copy of an archive to a management workstation

    You can use the Configuration utility to download a copy of an archive to a management workstation. This provides an extra level of protection by preserving the configuration data on a remote system. In the unlikely event that you need to restore the data, and a BIG-IP® system event prevents you from accessing the archive in the BIG-IP system directory, you still have a backup copy of the configuration data.
    1. On the Main tab, click .
      The Archives screen displays a list of existing UCS files.
    2. In the File Name column, click the name of the archive that you want to view.
      This displays the properties of that archive.
    3. For the setting, click the
      Download: <filename>.ucs
      A confirmation screen appears.
    4. The BIG-IP system downloads a copy of the UCS file to the system from which you initiated the download.

    Upload an archive from a management workstation

    If you previously downloaded a copy of an archive to a management workstation, you can upload that archive to the BIG-IP system at any time. This is useful when a BIG-IP system event has occurred that has caused the archive stored on the BIG-IP system to either become unavailable or corrupted.
    You can use the Configuration utility to upload a copy of an archive stored on a management workstation.
    When you upload a copy of an archive, you must specify the exact path name for the directory in which the downloaded archive copy is stored.
    1. On the Main tab, click .
      The Archives screen displays a list of existing UCS files.
    2. For the setting, click .
    3. For the setting, select the
      Overwrite existing archive file
      check box if you want the BIG-IP system to overwrite any existing archive file.
      The BIG-IP system overwrites an existing file with the uploaded file only when the name of the archive you are uploading matches the name of an archive on the BIG-IP system.
    4. The specified archive is now uploaded to the directory on the BIG-IP system.

    Delete an archive using the Configuration utility

    You can use the Configuration utility to delete an archive that is stored in the default UCS directory, , on the BIG-IP® system.
    1. On the Main tab, click .
      The Archives screen displays a list of existing UCS files.
    2. Select the archive that you want to delete.
    3. A confirmation screen appears.

    About managing archives using tmsh

    When you create a new archive using the Traffic Management Shell (), the BIG-IP® system automatically stores it at a default location, in the directory. You can create as many separate archives as you need, provided each archive has a unique file name. Also, you can specify that the BIG-IP system store an archive in a directory other than . In this case, however, does not include the archive name when you view a list of existing archives.
    For more information about commands and options, see the man pages or the
    Traffic Management Shell (tmsh) Reference Guide

    Create and save an archive using tmsh

    You can use to create and save archives (UCS files) on the BIG-IP system.
    Any UCS file that you create includes the host name of the BIG-IP system as part of the data stored in that file. Later, when you specify this UCS file while restoring configuration data to a BIG-IP system, the host name stored in this UCS file must match the host name of the system to which you are restoring the configuration data. Otherwise, the system does not fully restore the data. Also, if your configuration data includes SSL keys and certificates, make sure to store the archive file in a secure environment.
    1. Open the TMOS Shell ().
    2. Save the running configuration of the system to a new UCS file, where <filename> is the name of the new UCS file.
      save sys ucs <filename>

    View a list of existing archives using tmsh

    You can use to view a list of archives that are stored in the default directory, , on the BIG-IP® system.
    1. Open the TMOS Shell ().
    2. View a list of UCS files stored in .
      A list of UCS files displays.

    View archive properties using tmsh

    You can use to view the properties of archives that are stored on the BIG-IP® system, including archive name, BIG-IP version, encryption state, creation date, and archive size.
    1. Open the TMOS Shell ().
    2. View the properties for all UCS files stored in .
      To view properties for a specific UCS file, include the UCS file name in the command sequence.
      The properties for all UCS files displays.

    Delete an archive using tmsh

    You can use to delete an archive that is stored in the default UCS directory, , on the BIG-IP® system.
    1. Open the TMOS Shell ().
    2. Delete the specified UCS file.
      delete sys ucs <filename>
      The system deletes the specified UCS file.

    Generate a passphrase for the SecureVault master key

    To allow the recovery of the data stored in the UCS, the administrator is given the opportunity to specify the passphrase that is used to generate the current master key. If the administrator can specify the correct passphrase the system will generate the current master key, encrypt the master key with the current unit key, and then store the encrypted master key. This allows the system to access the encrypted sensitive data.
    1. Open the TMOS Shell ().
    2. Create a password-protected master key based on a word or phrase of your choosing.
      modify sys crypto master-key prompt-for-password
      You can use this command to manually synchronize several devices without having to copy keys between them.

    About backing up and restoring archives using tmsh

    After you have created an archive (UCS), you can use secure copy (SCP) to save a copy to a management workstation. This provides an extra level of protection by preserving the configuration data on a remote system. In the unlikely event that you need to restore the data and you are unable to access the archive in the BIG-IP® system directory, you still have a backup copy of the configuration data.
    If your configuration data includes SSL keys and certificates, make sure to store the archive file in a secure environment.
    Once the UCS is in the directory, you can load and restore the archive data using .

    Load and restore data from an archive using tmsh

    In the unlikely event that the BIG-IP® system configuration data becomes corrupted, you can use to load and restore data from an archive file. The directory is the only location on the BIG-IP system from which you can restore an archive. If no archive exists in that directory, then you cannot restore configuration data.
    The host name stored in the archive file must match the host name of the BIG-IP system that you are restoring; otherwise, the system does not fully restore the data.
    1. Open the TMOS Shell ().
    2. Load the configuration contained in a specified UCS file, where <filename> is the name of the UCS file.
      load /sys ucs <filename>
      The UCS is loaded into the running configuration of the system.
    Источник: [https://torrent-igruha.org/3551-portal.html]

    What’s New in the Utility Archives?

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    System Requirements for Utility Archives

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