Alfred Security Download For PC Archives

Alfred Security Download For PC Archives

Alfred Security Download For PC Archives

Alfred Security Download For PC Archives

Alfred's Video Saving Guide for PC

Yes, you can! Please remember that all videos are kept on the cloud for 7 days (30 days for Premium users). If you don’t save them in time, they are gone. If you delete them, they are gone. Once a video is gone, there is no way for us to bring it back!!! Make sure you save important Events to maintain your home security. Actually, there are multiple ways to do that! Please follow the instructions below: Direct Video Download If you are an Android user, you can download all the videos direc…

One of the most-asked questions we get at Alfred Center is “how can I save my videos?” If you are an iOS user, you might not be able to take advantage of the direct download button. Besides the tried-and-true “create a permanent private link” option, we will teach you how to save videos to your devices/PCs in this tutorial!

Please remember that all videos are kept on the cloud for 7 days (30 days for Premium users). If you don’t save them in time, they are gone. If you delete them, they are gone. Once a video is gone, there is no way for us to bring it back!!!

WebViewer 2.0

Some of you might have tried our brand new version of WebViewer. If so, you can simply download the video by tapping the “Download” button below when you are playing an Event/Moment.

Give this a go and let us know how it works!

Build your FREE home security system by downloading Alfred:

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, Alfred Security Download For PC Archives

Where are my videos stored?

That being said, all the home security systems on the market require at
least electricity, if not WiFi. IF the power gets cut, even traditional
CCTVs would fail. Most research suggests that burglars look for easy
targets. How easy is it to cut the power supply to a house? We really
aren’t so sure.

There are many reasons rather than just a burglar cutting power to the house.

  1. In summer time especially cities can implement rolling “brown outs” when there is too much strain (usually with air conditioners) on the electrical grid. This has happened a few times in my area now. Burglars can use these as opportunities.

  2. I have to say my ISP is extremely good, but I will still get 5-6 days a year when my internet is gone for several hours (perhaps over a day at times).

  3. The router in my house might hang up (I do have to reboot it every couple of months), bugs exist in all software.

  4. I don’t know who hosts Alfred’s cloud, but Amazon and Google have had outages at their huge data centers too. Look at that huge outage Netflix had (

In all these cases, we loose any motion detection. By simply recording to the device, if no internet is available, we handle all these cases.

Moreover, Alfred is an app. We have to work with devices and operating
systems that we have no control over. We can’t know how much storage
space there is left on any particular device. Even if we make
video-streaming and saving to devices possible, a large part of that
will depend on available storage space.

Since I am not the only person requesting this, other people are looking for it too. Simply make it an option. If I choose it I am telling Alfred there should be enough space to store a recording. If there isn’t it is my fault not Alfred’s.

I am not suggesting we store all the recordings on the device. After the recording finishes, sync it up to the cloud and then delete it from the device (could be another option). That way the cloud has what you need, the device storage is maintained and we can handle the cases where for whatever reason we cannot reach the cloud (as there can be many).

How about this? Like you said, phone batteries might be able to last a
while. If you are going away, why not get a SIM card with mobile
Internet for your Camera devices? That way, they will stay connected
even in the worst case scenario.

This is a good suggestion with caveats.

In order to have data on a phone, you usually have to pay monthly fees. Data fees are expensive compared to talk time and SMS messages.

I have a mobile provider in my area (7-11) which offers quite a good deal, which I was considering. When you purchase a SIM with them and put money on it, that money will expire after 365 days. Most pay you as go plans these days are a monthly fee, so you have to pay every 30 days whether you use the network or not. This can get expensive, especially if you have multiple cameras. They way I wanted to use this was send an SMS message when there is motion and no internet.

This has a number of benefits:

  1. Cell fees are basically just your 911 (or emergency) monthly fees (around $2 / month)
  2. If your internet never goes down, you never send an SMS message, so no additional fees as you never used the network.
  3. If your internet does go down, and there was no activity at the house, no SMS messages, so no fees.
  4. If you internet does go down, and there is motion, you will receive an SMS which would cost you 15 cents.

Just options and management with multiple cameras.

I was going to suggest this feature to Alfred for possible inclusion in the product, but I put that on the back burner when I discovered Alfred wont work without internet.

Thank you for your interest.


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Alfred Security Download For PC Archives


Fast, cloud scale, secure records and
content management archive solution

Contact Us

Alfred Archive is capable to ingest 50+ documents per seconds, adding metadata in the process and controlling data quality. Suitable for large volumes (100+ millions documents)

Alfred Archive delivers an optimized user experience, displaying results on average within 3 seconds and retrieve any amount of data from anywhere.

Using docker containers, we build your large archive. High availability and durability. 50% total cost of ownership reduction.


Alfred Archive offers a complete set of cloud, on premise and hybrid storage services for archiving, built upon Alfresco Digital Platform.

Alfred Archive is a secure, durable, and extremely low-cost archiving service and long-term backup. It is designed to deliver 99.999999999% durability, and provides security and compliance capabilities that can help meet the most stringent regulatory requirements


Want to know more about ALFRED ARCHIVE? Let us know.

Quality of Service and Full Auditing

Built on top of Alfresco, Alfred Archive adds a stable and clear API and integration services, guaranteeing fast retrieval performance.

Durability and Availability

Alfred Archive is designed for 99.99999999% durability and 99.9% availability.

Alfred Archive offers integration to log, monitor and retain storage API call activities for auditing, and supports different forms of encryption. The solution also supports security standards and European compliance certifications.

Secure Storage of Content

Alfred Archive leverages Caringo Swarm and any cloud-scale storage solutions, to store and retrieve any amount of data from anywhere. Our architecture and technology allow you to store and manage 100 million documents and scan and store over 40,000 pages per day

Our offer provides the flexibility to manage your operational costs and still maintain the performance and scalability your business requires. We guarantee custom retentions policies, bespoke SLA (Service Level Agreement) and adapted cost model.

Alfred Archive optimizes your storage and retrieval performance with large archives. We adopt the latest solution to ensure fast retrievals, long term analysis and proactive monitoring.


Alfred Archive offers all tools and capabilities you need to migrate data with the solutions that are compatible with your IT environment.


Alfred Archive can help protect data managed in your own data centers. We guarantee low cost, high scalability and governance quality.


Alfred Archive is ideal for applications that need data on site and DRP (Disaster Recovery Plan) solutions in the cloud.


According to your IT strategy, Alfred Archive offers also a cloud solution (AWS, Azure, Hetzner...)

An archive repository is often a central component in an enterprise architecture and integrated with many business applications. Documents come from different sources and need to be made accessible for different applications both for the intranet and extranet.
Our archive solution has been integrated with technologies from different vendors as well as legacy systems. Including but not limited to SAP, Guidewire, and in-house business applications.


We design custom business APIs to integrate and synchronize your Guidewire modules with your archive.


Alfred Finder is zero-learning search experience, a web application, React based, to find and retrieve documents on Alfresco, preview them and edit metadata.


Alfred Desktop is a smart and controlled shared drive, desktop application that looks like MS Explorer and acts like Alfresco.


Connexas is a connector, delivered by Pernexes, that enables you to connect Alfresco with the worlds leading software in enterprise applications SAP.


The Alfresco Content Connector seamlessly connects Salesforce with Alfresco. Salesforce users can easily find and share the files they need and close deals without leaving the application.


Our solution can be integrated with bespoke business applications, for a decoupled and agile architecture and lower TCO (Total Cost of Ownership)

Moving your data to and from Alfresco, the Digital Content Platform, can be costly, timely, and complex challenge.
This is why we provide solutions to import and export data from your current environment, such us Documentum or Mainframe to Alfresco.





Ready to have a successful digital transformation?
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