Avid pro tools 2018 activation code Archives

Avid pro tools 2018 activation code Archives

Avid pro tools 2018 activation code Archives

Avid pro tools 2018 activation code Archives

Focusrite Audio Engineering

Pro Tools First comes with the second generation line of Scarletts. Please follow this guide if you are having difficulty downloading and installing Pro Tools First.

Before you begin, please ensure that your computer meets Pro Tools First latest version's system requirements.

Please review them on the AVID site here.

1. Register your Focusrite product: www.spearpointsecuritygroup.com

2. Once the registration is complete, click on the 'My Software' section so you can see all your bundled software.

3. The last item on the page is Pro Tools First.

4. Scroll down the page to see the 'Pro Tools First Creative Pack'.

5. Click on the 'Click here to redeem' link that will direct you to the AVID website

6. Proceed with creating a new account on the AVID website

7. Create a new iLok account if you do not have one. Check the checkbox to create a new iLok account.

8. Create or sign in to your iLok Account

9. After answering the 2 questions in the drop-down menu, click on the 'Email my download links' button

10. You will then receive an email link with your Pro Tools First download, click on the Windows button

11. Locate the 'Pro Tools First (ZIP) file in your Downloads folder. Right click on the zip file and press on 'Extract All'. This process might take some time to copy over the files.

12. Once that is complete, please click on the 'Setup' icon in the Pro Tools First folder that was just extracted.

13. Then, install the 3 applications needed with the InstallShield Wizard by clicking the 'Install' button.

14. Once that is complete, launch Pro Tools First and log in to your AVID account.

The download & installation is complete.

You then need to make sure that the Pro Tools First License is activated in the iLok License Manager. This article shows how.

*Please click on this link to view the connection & configuration video with a Scarlett 2i2 on Windows.

If you still need help, please contact technical support here. 

Источник: [www.spearpointsecuritygroup.com]
, Avid pro tools 2018 activation code Archives

View Full Version : Lost Pro Tools LE 8 authorization code

I purchased Pro Tools LE 8 back in and am currently trying to install it on a new computer.

I registered with Digidesign in Feb (and still have details of that) but I have misplaced the authorization code. My old account doesn't seem to exist anymore on the new Avid website.

Is there any way I can get hold of my authorization code? Any help would be much appreciated.


Welcome to the community Iron Monkey!

Checked your account and it shows that you registered your Mbox but not the Pro Tools LE software - that's why Your Products (www.spearpointsecuritygroup.com?navid=) has nothing listed (it only shows software activated online).

Please check your registered email address and use that code to complete your activation to get your Authorization Code.


Thanks for the speedy response, JC! I'll give that another try.

Hi JC,

Still no luck I'm afraid. Could you please clarify what you mean by "check your registered email address and use that code?"

I'm pretty sure I registered the software as the email from 20th Feb states; 'Thank You for Registering Pro Tools'

Under 'Your Registration Details,' it lists; Product, Purchased, Registration ID, Release Code and Serial Number, but no authorization code.

Any ideas? Thanks for your help.

Still no luck I'm afraid. Could you please clarify what you mean

Please check Your Products (www.spearpointsecuritygroup.com?navid=) again, you should be all set with your Authorization Code and Downloads now.


Excellent, thanks! I'm up and running. Very much appreciated.

Hello, I just joined this forum because I have the exact same issue. Any chance I could have an admin email me my authorization code as well please, much appreciated!

Hello, I just joined this forum because I have the exact same issue. Any chance I could have an admin email me my authorization code as well please, much appreciated!

See the Private Message (www.spearpointsecuritygroup.com) I sent you.

Thank you so much Bruce!! I was pulling my hair out until I found this forum, you guys rock!

I'm new here and not so sure I'm posting the right place.

bus i have a problem with authorize my pro tools Le 8 software that i bought years ago.

i wonder if i still can authorize it

any way I've got a product registration information card when i bought it
and also authorization code in the guide.

but when i use it it does not work

there is something i can do?

thanks gal.

Hello, I have a similar problem! I am trying to activate pro tools 8 le on a new computer, and have misplaced my authorization code. When I go to the my products pages, it is giving me authorization codes for versions , but nothing for 8. I've only ever used version 8, so I'm confused. What should I do?

Hello, I have a similar problem! I am trying to activate pro tools 8 le on a new computer, and have misplaced my authorization code. When I go to the my products pages, it is giving me authorization codes for versions , but nothing for 8. I've only ever used version 8, so I'm confused. What should I do?

See the Private Message (www.spearpointsecuritygroup.com) I sent you.

I'm new here and not so sure I'm posting the right place.

bus i have a problem with authorize my pro tools Le 8 software that i bought years ago.

i wonder if i still can authorize it

any way I've got a product registration information card when i bought it
and also authorization code in the guide.

thanks gal.
Hi gal,

Did not hear back from you, but you are already registered. In case you still need help with this, see the Private Message (www.spearpointsecuritygroup.com) I sent you.

Hello, I have the same problem. Purchased mbox 3 years ago had a hard drive crash recently and can't find my authorization code for pro tools le 8. I assume I registered but I can't log in to your website with any of my email addresses. How can I retrieve my authorization code?

Hello, I have the same problem. Purchased mbox 3 years ago had a hard drive crash recently and can't find my authorization code for pro tools le 8. I assume I registered but I can't log in to your website with any of my email addresses. How can I retrieve my authorization code?

Please see the Private Message (www.spearpointsecuritygroup.com) I sent you.

Thanks Bruce, I'll follow up with you via PM. Jim

I have a similar problem except I have absolutely everything in regard to receipts, DVD wallet with all discs, serial number of MBox, email and log in still works on Avid website but no products are listed, but I have no activation code as I have lost it since my purchase in I went to reinstall on new PC and was asked for activation code and I am struggling to find any way to contact support or get this thing to work. There is no auth code starting with DIGI anywhere on the wallet either.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.


What version of Pro Tools LE are your disks?

Hi Bruce. They are LE8, I have my MBox serial no. too if that helps?

Hi Bruce. They are LE8, I have my MBox serial no. too if that helps?

Please see the Private Message (www.spearpointsecuritygroup.com) I sent you.

Hi I'm having a similar issue where my Pro Tools 8LE isn't showing up in the my products window on the Avid site. I'm pretty sure that I registered it back in , I can see where I registered Melodyne and Smack. I'm looking to install it on my new iMac.

Hi I'm having a similar issue where my Pro Tools 8LE isn't showing up in the my products window on the Avid site. I'm pretty sure that I registered it back in , I can see where I registered Melodyne and Smack. I'm looking to install it on my new iMac.

Please see the Private Message (www.spearpointsecuritygroup.com) I sent you.

I have the same issue. How was it resolved?

it shows I'm registered for melodyne but not my PT

it shows I'm registered for melodyne but not my PT

Please see the Private Message (www.spearpointsecuritygroup.com) I sent you.

Hi there,

Another victim with same problem! PT LE xx install disk lost, tried to reinstall from download. Stuck at startup without Auth code.
Don't recall if I ever registered an account at the time, currently avid website won't recognize my email -hasn't changed.
Please help.

Thanks a lot!

Sorry, newbie here! Can't figure out how to create signature.
Thanks in advance!

white macBook

Never mind, I found my disc with the code!



Please see the Private Message (www.spearpointsecuritygroup.com) I sent you.
To Bruce, I am having the same problem. I've tried to install onto new hard drive but I don't have the 'Start Up Guide' book anymore (haven't a clue where it is) so I don't have the authorization code.

I thought I had registered back in , but I can't find any confirmation and I've attempted to log in with several e-mail address' with no luck.

Could you please help me? Many Thanks, Ed

To Bruce, I am having the same problem. I've tried to install onto new hard drive but I don't have the 'Start Up Guide' book anymore (haven't a clue where it is) so I don't have the authorization code.

I thought I had registered back in , but I can't find any confirmation and I've attempted to log in with several e-mail address' with no luck.

Could you please help me? Many Thanks, Ed

Nothing listed under your forum email address. You should contact Avid Support through the registration case page here:


If you provide all of your details (name, address, product that Pro Tools LE came with and where and when you bought it), then they can either find your registration or help you get it registered.

Thanks for your help, much appreciated.

See the Private Message (www.spearpointsecuritygroup.com) I sent you.

Same problem for me.

The email address I use on this forum is different from the one I used when registering: any chance of getting some help if I provide that info through a private message?

Thanks in advance.

Same problem for me.

The email address I use on this forum is different from the one I used when registering: any chance of getting some help if I provide that info through a private message?

Thanks in advance.
I sent you a message (www.spearpointsecuritygroup.com) to reply to with your info.


Same problem here. Have my mbox2 mini but cannot locate my code to authorize my PT8 software. Please help



Same problem here. Have my mbox2 mini but cannot locate my code to authorize my PT8 software. Please help


Please see the Private Message (www.spearpointsecuritygroup.com) I sent you.


I recently received a brand new, unused Mbox2 and unopened copy of Pro Tools LE as a gift. I have the yellow Product Registration Information Card and Free Third Party Content Activation card. I do not see a DIGI prefixed authorization code anywhere. I tried to register the Mbox2; my serial number was accepted but my Registration ID was said to be invalid. The Free Third Party Content code worked

Please let me know how I should proceed.



I recently received a brand new, unused Mbox2 and unopened copy of Pro Tools LE as a gift. I have the yellow Product Registration Information Card and Free Third Party Content Activation card. I do not see a DIGI prefixed authorization code anywhere. I tried to register the Mbox2; my serial number was accepted but my Registration ID was said to be invalid. The Free Third Party Content code worked

Please let me know how I should proceed.


I would check the sleeve for the installation DVD for the authorization code. If you are still not able to find it in the packaging, you should contact Avid support through the registration case page here:


I have the same problem and I can not login. I put forgot password but it does not recognize any of my possible email addresses. I cant find the authorization code and I need to run pro tools I have the booklets that came with my pro tools but do not see an authorization code. I know there must be one because I installed it on my laptop years ago I am trying to install on another computer now but no authorization code. Please help!

I have the same problem and I can not login. I put forgot password but it does not recognize any of my possible email addresses. I cant find the authorization code and I need to run pro tools I have the booklets that came with my pro tools but do not see an authorization code. I know there must be one because I installed it on my laptop years ago I am trying to install on another computer now but no authorization code. Please help!

Your Mbox2 w/8 is registered, so the authorization code came with the original boxed product. Please see the Private Message (www.spearpointsecuritygroup.com) I sent you.

i am having the same problem as well is this thread still active? if so i also have the email that states that my protools 8 LE was registered.

i am having the same problem as well is this thread still active? if so i also have the email that states that my protools 8 LE was registered.
See the Private Message (www.spearpointsecuritygroup.com) I sent you.

Hello, I am also having the same issue. I found the e-mail stating I registered MBox 2 Mini w/ 8 dated 10/14/09, but I don't see an independent one for Pro Tools 8 LE. Can you help obtain my authorization code also?

I purchase the PT11 upgrade for LE8 users and have activation code and an Avid account. But when I try to activate, I get asked to Verify my account information and the Avid site says it can't verify?

Hello, I am also having the same issue. I found the e-mail stating I registered MBox 2 Mini w/ 8 dated 10/14/09, but I don't see an independent one for Pro Tools 8 LE. Can you help obtain my authorization code also?

You don't need your Pro Tools LE authorization code for the upgrade in any way. See the Pro Tools Upgrade FAQ:
Q. I have Pro Tools LE. Can I move up to Pro Tools? (www.spearpointsecuritygroup.com#25)
A. Yes. For a limited time, you can crossgrade to Pro Tools 11 for only $ through &#;that&#;s over 50% off the previous crossgrade pricing, and includes an upgrade/support plan for one year. To take advantage of this limited time offer, simply provide a hardware serial number (not your Pro Tools LE authorization code) for one of the following Avid audio interfaces at the time of purchase and activate your Pro Tools 11 software by December 31,

Mbox family (3rd generation)&#;Mbox Pro, Mbox, Mbox Mini
Eleven Rack
family&#; Rack, Rack+, (control surface)
Mbox 2 family (2nd generation)&#;Mbox 2 Pro, Mbox 2, Mbox 2 Mini, Mbox 2 Micro
Digi family&#;Digi Rack, Digi (control surface)
VENUE family&#;VENUE | SC48, VENUE FWx Option Card

Please note:

This crossgrade offer from Pro Tools LE to Pro Tools | Software will expire after December 31, , so upgrade now!
Compatibility: The original Mbox (1st generation) and Digi are not compatible with Pro Tools 9 and higher, and are not eligible for the Pro Tools LE to Pro Tools | Software crossgrade.
Compatibility: Please check Pro Tools 11 current release compatibility (www.spearpointsecuritygroup.com) to ensure your system is compatible.

I purchase the PT11 upgrade for LE8 users and have activation code and an Avid account. But when I try to activate, I get asked to Verify my account information and the Avid site says it can't verify?
Please see the Private Message (www.spearpointsecuritygroup.com) I sent you. Not sure if I can get this working this weekend, but I'll try.

Thank you, Bruce. But I do still need the authorization code. I did not read this thread all the way through, but I need the code to activate PT8 on a different computer. I will still look to take advantage of the upgrade. Please provide the code if possible.

Thank you, Bruce. But I do still need the authorization code. I did not read this thread all the way through, but I need the code to activate PT8 on a different computer. I will still look to take advantage of the upgrade. Please provide the code if possible.

I replied to your PM.

Please see the Private Message (www.spearpointsecuritygroup.com) I sent you. Not sure if I can get this working this weekend, but I'll try.

Thanks Bruce. Activated!

I didn't send a PM and I don't see one in my PM inbox. Can you tell me how I can view my authorization code?

I didn't send a PM and I don't see one in my PM inbox. Can you tell me how I can view my authorization code?

Sorry about that, I confused the previous poster with you. Check your PM Inbox now.

Hello Bruce.
I'm new here so please be patient with me. I have a very uncommon problem.
I bought an Mbox Mini in that came with Pro Tools 8 LE. I registered and activated them with a e-mail account I currently don't use anymore nor have access to.
It was a Hotmail account that seems to have shut itself down due to the lack of use.
I really want to crossgrade to Pro Tools 11 before the end of this year. But can't due to de fact that my Mbox Mini and PT 8 are registered under and Avid account I can't have access to.

Please Help Me.!


Johann S.

Hello Bruce.
I'm new here so please be patient with me. I have a very uncommon problem.
I bought an Mbox Mini in that came with Pro Tools 8 LE. I registered and activated them with a e-mail account I currently don't use anymore nor have access to.
It was a Hotmail account that seems to have shut itself down due to the lack of use.
I really want to crossgrade to Pro Tools 11 before the end of this year. But can't due to de fact that my Mbox Mini and PT 8 are registered under and Avid account I can't have access to.

Please Help Me.!


Johann S.

You should probably create a new Avid account with your current email address so you can do the upgrade quickly.

As long as you still have your Mbox Mini so that you can read the serial number on the back or bottom of it, that's all you need. It does not have to be registered.

Nor does your Pro Tools LE software need to be registered. You don't need your Pro Tools LE authorization code for the upgrade in any way.

See the Pro Tools Upgrade FAQ:
Q. I have Pro Tools LE. Can I move up to Pro Tools? (www.spearpointsecuritygroup.com#25)
A. Yes. For a limited time, you can crossgrade to Pro Tools 11 for only $ through &#;that&#;s over 50% off the previous crossgrade pricing, and includes an upgrade/support plan for one year. To take advantage of this limited time offer, simply provide a hardware serial number (not your Pro Tools LE authorization code) for one of the following Avid audio interfaces at the time of purchase and activate your Pro Tools 11 software by December 31,

Mbox family (3rd generation)&#;Mbox Pro, Mbox, Mbox Mini
Eleven Rack
family&#; Rack, Rack+, (control surface)
Mbox 2 family (2nd generation)&#;Mbox 2 Pro, Mbox 2, Mbox 2 Mini, Mbox 2 Micro
Digi family&#;Digi Rack, Digi (control surface)
VENUE family&#;VENUE | SC48, VENUE FWx Option Card

Please note:

This crossgrade offer from Pro Tools LE to Pro Tools | Software will expire after December 31, , so upgrade now!
Compatibility: The original Mbox (1st generation) and Digi are not compatible with Pro Tools 9 and higher, and are not eligible for the Pro Tools LE to Pro Tools | Software crossgrade.
Compatibility: Please check Pro Tools 11 current release compatibility (www.spearpointsecuritygroup.com) to ensure your system is compatible.

Hi there!

I just found this thread and I think it's what I've been searching for!

I am in the same boat as most of the peeps on this thread, I've lost my PT LE authorisation code and I want to reinstall PT LE on my new SSD as I've reformatted my PC, but similar to other people on here I have had the confirmation email for when I bought PT LE with the Mbox 2 Mini, but when on my account on the Avid website I haven't got an authorisation code probably because I didn't register fully? I'm a little confused as it's been so long since I registered on the website, I think my email confirmation is from

Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!

Hi there!

I just found this thread and I think it's what I've been searching for!

I am in the same boat as most of the peeps on this thread, I've lost my PT LE authorisation code and I want to reinstall PT LE on my new SSD as I've reformatted my PC, but similar to other people on here I have had the confirmation email for when I bought PT LE with the Mbox 2 Mini, but when on my account on the Avid website I haven't got an authorisation code probably because I didn't register fully? I'm a little confused as it's been so long since I registered on the website, I think my email confirmation is from

Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
You never used the free Pro Tools LE 8 update activation that was emailed to you in You need to do that activation, then the Pro Tools LE 8 installers and authorization code will be added to your Avid account.

See the Private Message (www.spearpointsecuritygroup.com) I sent you.

You never used the free Pro Tools LE 8 update activation that was emailed to you in You need to do that activation, then the Pro Tools LE 8 installers and authorization code will be added to your Avid account.

See the Private Message (www.spearpointsecuritygroup.com) I sent you.
Bruce thanks so much for the swift reply and the information and instructions!

I'll be back up and running this afternoon! Many Thanks!

Happy New Year!

Hi, I too am out of luck in finding my auth. code.

I'm on Pro Tools LE 8 with an MBOX 2, which was bought for me as a gift ages ago. Through moving, and being a dumb kid who misplaces important things, I no longer have the box, or discs, or little leaflets with the codes.
All I have are the mbox and the ilok, and Pro Tools.

I don't think I registered with an account online (I was a kid at the time, so and I'm unable to ask anyone who would have possible don't it for me)

Any help would be extremely appreciated!

Hi, I too am out of luck in finding my auth. code.

I'm on Pro Tools LE 8 with an MBOX 2, which was bought for me as a gift ages ago. Through moving, and being a dumb kid who misplaces important things, I no longer have the box, or discs, or little leaflets with the codes.
All I have are the mbox and the ilok, and Pro Tools.

I don't think I registered with an account online (I was a kid at the time, so and I'm unable to ask anyone who would have possible don't it for me)

Any help would be extremely appreciated!

See the Private Message (www.spearpointsecuritygroup.com) I sent you.

My Name is Sam and I'm having the same issue as Iron Monkey. I have a avid account and I thought I register protools le 8 when I installed it back 2/25/ but I didn't. All I have on my ilok are the plug-ins that came with Pro tools but I can not find my authorization anywhere. Is it possible you can direct me or help me resolve my issue. I would greatly appreicate it.

Gateway Nv 53
Windows 7
mbox 2
pro tools le 8

Hello, I just joined this forum because I have the exact same issue. Any chance I could have an admin email me my authorization code as well please, much appreciated!

My Name is Sam and I'm having the same issue as Iron Monkey. I have a avid account and I thought I register protools le 8 when I installed it back 2/25/ but I didn't. All I have on my ilok are the plug-ins that came with Pro tools but I can not find my authorization anywhere. Is it possible you can direct me or help me resolve my issue. I would greatly appreicate it.

Gateway Nv 53
Windows 7
mbox 2
pro tools le 8
Apologies for the delay, Sam, somehow overlooked your post. See the Private Message (www.spearpointsecuritygroup.com) I sent you.

Hello, I just joined this forum because I have the exact same issue. Any chance I could have an admin email me my authorization code as well please, much appreciated!

There are no products registered or any Avid account for your forum email address, so no way for me to check with just that email to see if you registered. If you need help with registration, you would contact Avid support through this page:

I have a r and PT8 installer but lost my authorization code
because the getting started guide is lost, how can I retrieve
my authorization code ?

as far as i know, I didn't register the product :(

Same answer as the post just above your post.

Same answer as the post just above your post.

I'm lost :(

I'm lost :(

Contact Avid support via the link in Bruce's post.

There are no products registered or any Avid account for your forum email address, so no way for me to check with just that email to see if you registered. If you need help with registration, you would contact Avid support through this page:

I bought my Mbox2 in and registered with an email address that is no longer accessible to me. I've lost my authorization code for my copy of Pro Tools 8LE, but have all the other documentation for the Mbox. How would I get the auth code?

I bought my Mbox2 in and registered with an email address that is no longer accessible to me. I've lost my authorization code for my copy of Pro Tools 8LE, but have all the other documentation for the Mbox. How would I get the auth code?

See the Private Message (www.spearpointsecuritygroup.com) I sent you.

Edit: found your registration, see the second PM.

Hi Avid,

Seems I have the same problem.. Hadn't needed to reinstall in the last 4 years, but a corrupted hard drive forced the issue.. I just checked my old email (the one connected to this forum account) and found an email showing i registered the product back in Jun I really hope i can get back online! I've tried to log into Avid but seems not to work..

Kind Regards,

Hi Avid,

Seems I have the same problem.. Hadn't needed to reinstall in the last 4 years, but a corrupted hard drive forced the issue.. I just checked my old email (the one connected to this forum account) and found an email showing i registered the product back in Jun I really hope i can get back online! I've tried to log into Avid but seems not to work..

Kind Regards,

You did register the Mbox 2 with Pro Tools LE 8. See the Private Message (www.spearpointsecuritygroup.com) I sent you.

Add another one to the list. Lost LE8 authorization code. Registered hardware through Digidesign () isn't showing up in my newly created Avid account.

What next?

Add another one to the list. Lost LE8 authorization code. Registered hardware through Digidesign () isn't showing up in my newly created Avid account.

What next?

Hi Peter,

Your registration checks out. See the Private Message (www.spearpointsecuritygroup.com) I sent you.


lost my auth. code

same issue, I previously registered (have confirmation # & email proof)
but my account didn't appear when I attempted to log in. created a new account & tried to register again, says "already registered"



lost my auth. code

same issue, I previously registered (have confirmation # & email proof)
but my account didn't appear when I attempted to log in. created a new account & tried to register again, says "already registered"


Hi Alex,

Your registration checks out. See the Private Message (www.spearpointsecuritygroup.com) I sent you.

My computer recently crashed and I had to do a full reset. I moved and can't locate my Pro-Tools installation DVD with the activation code. I purchased back in Can anyone help please??? I tried to follow the steps listed but I am not getting anywhere.

My computer recently crashed and I had to do a full reset. I moved and can't locate my Pro-Tools installation DVD with the activation code. I purchased back in Can anyone help please??? I tried to follow the steps listed but I am not getting anywhere.

Your registration checks out. See the Private Message (www.spearpointsecuritygroup.com) I sent you.

New user. Just purchased a + with original box and all documentation, iLok, and disks. I have tried to register the but seems the serial number is good but the DIGI number is rejected. The DVD seems bad and just freezes the PC when trying to install PT LE.
This is my first experience with Pro Tools. What Should I do to have everything running and above board as far as registration etc goes?

Hello, another victim of a lost authorization code/Getting started booklet.
PT LE 8, Mbox 2. I am registered, and have a conformation email.
Is there anyway to get the code. Thanks

HI!, Unfortunately I have the same problem. I haven't used my LE system since procuring HD8 plus hardware. I have decided to use it once again on a Windows machine in another part of the house. I have installed the app w/ the hardware and need the authorization code if possible. Thanks for your help!

I too have lost my authorization code. Can't find the getting started guide anywhere. The code should be there right? Can i get it through here? I have my mbox 2 mini serial code from the back here with me but do not wnt to post it here. Thank you. Already sent email, but hope to get a quicker response here cause i REALLY need to work right now and am 'out of office' with only my laptop and the mbox 2 mini.

edit: Pro tools 8 LE

Same issue can i recieve the email ?

I am unfortunately in the same boat. Lost activation code, no code showing in my Avid account.

I am a tech helping a client having the same problem as previously described. One forum advised that the way to fix a mix bounce problem we were having was to uninstall and reinstall the software (box version PT 8 LE, Mac G5 OS , digi - Avid user name: dfried).

On launch, it wants the 'authorization code' which my client has apparently lost. We submitted the activation code on the card, but the site says it's already been used (when he originally installed it, obviously). Furthermore, it isn't even listed in his products page, which also seems to only generate new authorization codes up through v

This is a rather desperate situation for me - he was in the middle of working on an important project, and now dead in the water. If we can please get some help asap?

James McLean
(and David Friedman)

You did register the Mbox 2 with Pro Tools LE 8. See the Private Message (www.spearpointsecuritygroup.com) I sent you.


I purchased PT 8 LE back in I recently purchased a new PC and I can't find my authorization codes for PT.
I have the DVD wallet but I can't find the getting started guide with the authorization code. Is there anything I can do?


I'm dealing with a similar issue as other people in this thread.

I've lost my authorization code and need to reinstall Pro Tools 8 LE. Under the "Lost LE Auth Code" page, my Avid account shows authorization codes for Pro Tools 7, but I've only ever used Pro Tools 8. I registered my Mbox 2 shortly after I purchased PT 8 LE in December of , but I can't seem to do much with the information on my account.

My Avid account email is different than the one I've registered with on these forums. So if you are able to look into it, please reach out so I can get you the email address my Mbox would be associated with.

Thanks for your help!

I am unfortunately in the same boat. Lost activation code, no code showing in my Avid account.

Hi igatron!
I'd just like to ask if you need still assistance regarding this matter.

Best Regards!

I am a tech helping a client having the same problem as previously described. One forum advised that the way to fix a mix bounce problem we were having was to uninstall and reinstall the software (box version PT 8 LE, Mac G5 OS , digi - Avid user name: dfried).

On launch, it wants the 'authorization code' which my client has apparently lost. We submitted the activation code on the card, but the site says it's already been used (when he originally installed it, obviously). Furthermore, it isn't even listed in his products page, which also seems to only generate new authorization codes up through v

This is a rather desperate situation for me - he was in the middle of working on an important project, and now dead in the water. If we can please get some help asap?

James McLean
(and David Friedman)

Hi mclean!
Just want to ask if you still need assistance on this. Thank you.

Best Regards!

I too have lost my authorization code. Can't find the getting started guide anywhere. The code should be there right? Can i get it through here? I have my mbox 2 mini serial code from the back here with me but do not wnt to post it here. Thank you. Already sent email, but hope to get a quicker response here cause i REALLY need to work right now and am 'out of office' with only my laptop and the mbox 2 mini.

edit: Pro tools 8 LE

Hi Franzen!
I've already created a case for you regarding this matter. You will receive an Email from our team regarding your lost authorization code.

Best Regards!


I'm dealing with a similar issue as other people in this thread.

I've lost my authorization code and need to reinstall Pro Tools 8 LE. Under the "Lost LE Auth Code" page, my Avid account shows authorization codes for Pro Tools 7, but I've only ever used Pro Tools 8. I registered my Mbox 2 shortly after I purchased PT 8 LE in December of , but I can't seem to do much with the information on my account.

My Avid account email is different than the one I've registered with on these forums. So if you are able to look into it, please reach out so I can get you the email address my Mbox would be associated with.

Thanks for your help!

Hi tjrussell!

I have already created a case for you regarding this matter. We'll be sending you an Email regarding your Authorization Code.

Best Regards!

Hi Franzen!
I've already created a case for you regarding this matter. You will receive an Email from our team regarding your lost authorization code.

Best Regards!

Thank you very much for the help! Awesome assistance! :D

My situation is a little different. I was given a Digi and Protools LE along with receipt etc I am on Mac OS X Yosemite and have no optical drive. I can't install less than , which I did get installed and finally got the Digi driver working. Now, when I try to use the code I got with , of course, it doesn't work. Do I have any recourse here?

My situation is a little different. I was given a Digi and Protools LE along with receipt etc I am on Mac OS X Yosemite and have no optical drive. I can't install less than , which I did get installed and finally got the Digi driver working. Now, when I try to use the code I got with , of course, it doesn't work. Do I have any recourse here?

Pro Tools 8 is in no way compatible with Yosemite. You will not have a pleasant customer experience if you attempt to continue in this direction. If you want compatibility and a system that runs properly, you need to upgrade to

Pro Tools 8 is in no way compatible with Yosemite. You will not have a pleasant customer experience if you attempt to continue in this direction. If you want compatibility and a system that runs properly, you need to upgrade to

Snow Leopard was the last Mac OS Pro Tools LE8 (version ) was supported with. No later OSX for PTLE8!
Check it out there.

Another important thing to know-you cannot use the code for PTLE7 for PTLE8 as version 8 was no "update" but a full,
new, paid version then. Means, you would have to buy a 2nd hand LE8 code on Ebay if you would want to stay with PTLE8.

There are 2 ways to go for you actually.

1) use the hardware serial number of the Digi for the LE-to-PT12 upgrade which still is available until the end of Dec
After that period there will be no upgrades anymore, everyone coming from a legacy version of PT will then have to buy the full,
new PT12 which will be a lot more expensive.
I see you are in the US, so you are lucky because there are still LE-to-PT12 upgrades available for customers in the US only.
Check it out there.

With this upgrade you will get the full version of Pro Tools 10, 11 and 12 (separate installers in your account) and upgrades and
support (if needed) for 1 year.
After that year you will be able to use your Pro Tools app further on without any limitations but if you will want to get further updates
(after that year), you will have to pay another fee. However if you decide to use your Pro Tools without further updates at this point,
there will be no problem and no further costs.

What you will additionally need in the case you would take advantage of the LE-to-PT12 upgrade will be an iLok 2 which houses the
Pro Tools licenses nowadays (no codes anymore).

What might be important to mind as well will be if your computer will be ready for the latest versions of Pro Tools. It should use a fast
OS drive (rpm HDD minimum) and 8GB Ram (16GB prefered) at least.
And, if you haven´t got one of those Apple Flash drives in your computer you will need a 2nd fast (external) drive for your Pro Tools
sessions and audio files as well.
You must not record to the OS drive with Pro Tools except with those new Apple Flash drives because only those are fast enough already.

Same like with the OS drive, the external audio drive for Pro Tools needs to be a rpm HDD with a Firewire , USB 3 or Thunderbolt
connection at least. No rpm drives and no USB 2 connections. Those are not fast enough for Pro Tools.

Finally you may try to use your Digi with PT12 (with the driver) but it´s definitely not recommended because it´s not supported
anymore and there is no official driver for it anymore as well. It´s not gonna give you a great time with PT12 and OSX Yosemite for sure.

You better may look into a new interface as well and let me recommend you to look into the Focusrite Saffire or Scarlett series as those
are the best bang for the buck at the moment. It´s really affordable now yet delivering an audio quality which is classes above the
Digi already (I know it because I once owned a and a as well ;)).
Depending on your particular needs you may find the right unit as for I/Os and connections.
The Saffires (are Firewire/Thunderbolt units)
The Scarletts (are USB units)

To run a Saffire interface on a recent Mac you will have to get an Apple Thunderbolt-to-Firewire adapter which is officially approved by Focusrite
themselves though. It does work as it is supposed to.

To replace a or for example the Saffire Pro 26 or the Scarlett 18i8 may be the adequate equivalent pieces of gear. If you don´t need that
many I/Os and stuff even the Scarlett 2i2 for example provides really good audio quality for the price already. I happened to use one this summer
with my PT12HD rig and was pretty surprised and impressed by this little box.

Saffire Pro 26
Scarlett 18i8

You see, to take advantage of the LE-to-PT12 upgrade might get a bit pricey in the end overall but you finally will get a high quality, recent Pro Tools
recording system which you might use for years again.

If that is not what you want to or you are able to afford at the moment, you only can go the other way.

2) Roll back your Mac OSX to Leopard for PTLE (last version of LE7) or Snow Leopard for PTLE (if you get a LE8 code on Ebay).
See the requirements for LE

Important to know-you cannot install any OSX on a Mac prior to the one this particular Mac had been delivered with once.
Means, if your particular Mac once originally came with Mountain Lion for example, you will not be able to run Tiger, Leopard, Snow Leopard or Lion on it.
You only will be able to run Mountain Lion or any later OSX on this machine. So you need to find out which OSX your model of Mac was delivered with once.
You may use this site for checking it out.

If you own a more recent Mac unfortunately you will not be able to run any version of Pro Tools LE on it anymore.
What you could do, if the things described above are too much money finally, would be to find an older used Mac ( for example) which you can
use with Pro Tools LE7 as well as with your Digi successfully because on such a one you will be able to install the required older Mac OSX (Leopard
or Snow Leopard). If this might be interesting for you I recommend to check it out on this site again www.spearpointsecuritygroup.com which model of what year
you would have to get for that at the least.

Sorry for not having better news for you but that´s how it is unfortunately.

Wishing you the best of success whichever route you decide to go finally!

Hi. I also need authorisation code. Had to reinstall Pro Tools Le 8 and is now asking for code which I don't have anywhere. What do I need to do?

Hello! I too have a copy of pro tools LE 8 dvd wallet. old computer crashed. trying to get it going on my new macbook pro and not sure about the authorization code.

please help!


Hi tjrussell!

I have already created a case for you regarding this matter. We'll be sending you an Email regarding your Authorization Code.

Best Regards!

Im going through this same thing. Email here is different from my avid info. need help asap.

Had to do a clean install of 8 LE. asking for authorization. been on 8 my whole life and only codes I have are for LE 7? I don't understand this at all. need help asap.

Had to do a clean install of 8 LE. asking for authorization. been on 8 my whole life and only codes I have are for LE 7? I don't understand this at all. need help asap.
Well, LE7 and LE8 were 2 different, separate versions of Pro Tools.
You cannot use a LE7 code for LE8!
LE8 was a new, paid, full version of Pro Tools, not an update from LE7.

So you either install and use LE7 (with the codes you already have) or
you buy an LE8 authorization code on Ebay which will enable you to install
and run LE8 on your system.

For example.
www.spearpointsecuritygroup.com?hash=item41a18fcf4c:g:GW0AAOSwp5JWbHR O

You further might mind to install the right version of OSX for the particular
version of LE8 (??) as not every version of LE8 will work with the
exact version of OSX. Check it out there (scroll down a bit).

Btw for a clean install you have to insert an OSX installer disc, erase your OS
drive before installing the fresh OSX, then install the new OSX, update it to the
max, do the optimization stuff for Pro Tools (find the right one there)
and finally install your version of Pro Tools LE via the original PTLE installer disc
or a downloaded LE installer.

The best of success to you.

I have a similar problem to this, I go to my product page only to find an authorization code to PT7. I distinctly remember to be running PT8 on this computer as this is a 64bit and I couldn't run anything else.

I have a similar problem to this, I go to my product page only to find an authorization code to PT7. I distinctly remember to be running PT8 on this computer as this is a 64bit and I couldn't run anything else.

Sorry, but you might mess up something as Pro Tools LE8 never ever had been a 64bit app. Just a little as PT7, PT 9 and PT

Every version of Pro Tools prior to PT11 was only 32bit. 11 was the 1st 64bit version. So whatever you might have had running?

As mentioned in my prior posting, PTLE8 was a full, paid, new version of Pro Tools and not an update of 7. Means, you would have
had to buy Pro Tools LE8 separately which meant in the past that you got a CD with the LE8 software and an authorization code.

It was not just a download like any updates, the user had to buy a CD with the PT8 software and a card with the fitting authorization code.
Means, if you never bought something like this, it was not Pro Tools LE8 you were using in the past (not an official, legal copy of it at least).


I had to re-install protools 8 but Ive lost my disc, I downloaded the software from the avid site but without the key I'm stuck.

I have my original registration card for my Mbox 2 but there doesn't seem to be a way to retrieve the software code.

I have my pro tools Le 8 disc still but Ive misplaced my authorization code. I want to wipe my computer and reinstall it as soon as i can , But I'm scared i wont be able to get the code i need to re install . PLEASE HELP !!

Hello,i have pro tools 7 le and mbox 2 pro and i reinstalled pro tools because my hard disc crashed but i dont have the authorization www.spearpointsecuritygroup.com what?

OkayI have a Pro Tools 8 LE (my DJ let me load it) and a compatible MBox. May I please get an activation code to start this thing up. I've finished an album at another studio but I haven't recorded from home in over a year.

OkayI have a Pro Tools 8 LE (my DJ let me load it) and a compatible MBox. May I please get an activation code to start this thing up. I've finished an album at another studio but I haven't recorded from home in over a year.
If you haven´t bought your copy of Pro Tools LE8 yourself (-my DJ let me load it-)
you will not be eligible to receive an authorization code for LE8 from Avid for free.
You will have to ask your friend/DJ for his auth code (you then can run LE8 without
registering it to yourself without any problems) or buy another authorization code
for yourself on Ebay. Like this one for example
www.spearpointsecuritygroup.com?hash=item25bbe:g:lsIAAOSwezVWwrq M
(this auth code has been registered with Digidesign/Avid already as well and therefor
cannot be used for future upgrades, it will unlock your LE8 software though as it is
supposed to).

You may find yourself other options as well of course.


I also recently had a hard drive crash. My third party content activation code will no longer be excepted. How can I update this code to function?Thank you

Using windows 7 bit, pro tools Hard drive crash, now my "free third party content activation card" won't function. Any suggestions?

Using windows 7 bit, pro tools Hard drive crash, now my "free third party content activation card" won't function. Any suggestions?

When you activated this the first time, didn't it place an authorization on your ilok?

computer crashed and had to reset to factory settings now i cant find my authorization number please help have ilok and everything in my products i see pro tools but cant find authorization code

computer crashed and had to reset to factory settings now i cant find my authorization number please help have ilok and everything in my products i see pro tools but cant find authorization code

Why do you need an authorization code? When you authorized it before that process put a license key on your iLok. You can't just authorize it again and generate new license keys whenever you want. Your one and only license key is on that iLok. If that is not working you have a whole separate problem.

computer crashed and had to reset to factory settings now i cant find my authorization number please help have ilok and everything in my products i see pro tools but cant find authorization code

Hi Pepe,

I recieved you PM , but thought it best to reply here.

Are you saying that an authorization for LE7 is on your ilok? "Pro Tools LE7" does not need an ilok. I'm confused a little about that. The required number should be in your Avid account. All my old ones are still there.

I'l forward this to someone who may be able to help you.

Hi Pepe,

I recieved you PM , but thought it best to reply here.

Are you saying that an authorization for LE7 is on your ilok? "Pro Tools LE7" does not need an ilok. I'm confused a little about that. The required number should be in your Avid account. All my old ones are still there.

I'l forward this to someone who may be able to help you.

first of all thank you very much for your response. after i reinstalled protools it wouldn't work it took me to the ilok site then it worked after installed the license support, now i need the authorization code. oh and its protools l8 not 7 i see protools in my avid account but not the code. thanks again.

So you don't have a number at the top of your Pro Tools 8 page (in your account) beginning with DIGI?

first of all thank you very much for your response. after i reinstalled protools it wouldn't work it took me to the ilok site then it worked after installed the license support, now i need the authorization code. oh and its protools l8 not 7 i see protools in my avid account but not the code. thanks again.

those who lost the authorization code, how did you guy recover it?

So you don't have a number at the top of your Pro Tools 8 page (in your account) beginning with DIGI?

no code. when i bought it i got le7 version but got the upgrade to 8 two weeks later my account shows protools le8 upgrade amnesty

Answered via support case since we needed account info (and best not to post that in public) but basically

The original copy of Pro Tools LE was included with an interface (e.g. Mbox 2) and was not activated online so wouldn't be reflected in your Avid account. The Authorization Code (used at first launch of Pro Tools LE) is printed in the inside cover of your Getting Started Guide. See the "Where can I find my Authorization Code (Serial Number) for Pro Tools LE? (www.spearpointsecuritygroup.com)" KB article for more info.

I bought my MBOX2 back in 06, I used it for years and my computer crashed. now I got my computer up and running I cant validate my Pro Tools 8 with my serial number and ACN number? I need help!!!!

I bought my MBOX2 back in 06, I used it for years and my computer crashed. now I got my computer up and running I cant validate my Pro Tools 8 with my serial number and ACN number? I need help!!!!
Welcome to the community.

Let me see if I can find your info and will respond via support case.


I have the same dilemma, I have wiped my computer and went to reinstall Pro Tools 8 le, I have an MBox Mini and also an Mbox 2. I have the DVD wallet but I cannot locate the code on the back cover. How can I recover my authorization code? Thank you, Jude.


I have the same dilemma, I have wiped my computer and went to reinstall Pro Tools 8 le, I have an MBox Mini and also an Mbox 2. I have the DVD wallet but I cannot locate the code on the back cover. How can I recover my authorization code? Thank you, Jude.
Welcome to the community.

Please check your Products Not Yet Downloaded (www.spearpointsecuritygroup.com) and follow the steps provided. Thanks!


I bought a used Mbox 2 miniwith Pro Tools LE 8 a few years ago, Trying to reinstall, but seem to have misplaced my authorization code. Can someone please help me? :o


I bought a used Mbox 2 miniwith Pro Tools LE 8 a few years ago, Trying to reinstall, but seem to have misplaced my authorization code. Can someone please help me? :o
Welcome to the community.

Looks like you have support case in progress for this.

Hey, there! Pro Tools 8 LE.
Lost my code in a flood. Reinstalled my old OS on a blank hard drive, now asking for Authorization Code. I cannot seem to locate it in my Avid account. Please help!


Please help - I have the same problem. My account has no history of any products that I've bought from AVID from before and I bought this in

Can't find auth code so can't install on my computer! Thank you!

I cannot seem to locate it in my Avid account

Can't find auth code so can't install on my computer
Please check your Products Not Yet Downloaded in your Avid account (www.spearpointsecuritygroup.com) - click "Activate Product" and follow the prompts to resolve this.

Can you please help me - I have the same problem with my Pro Tools LE 8 and I dont have an auth code. I have registered back in on digidesign, but in my account, it says no products have been registered. I have the dvd wallet with the two series of number and also the original email that confirms my registration. Please help as I need to install it on my new iMac. Thank you!


I bought my software a while ago (Pro Tools 8) but I've lost the authorisation key. I've read this post and tried checking 'My Products' but I can't see it listed there. Is there a way i can get it?



Hello, I'm in the same position as others here. I've lost my code and can't seem to access anything in my account to help me find it. It says I have no programs to download and only melodyne is showing in my product list.

I have the original confirmation e-mail with my registration details back from if that helps. I did just send a customer support request in as I wasn't aware of this thread. Can anyone help or shall I just wait for a response?.

Just to update that I had an e-mail form customer support providing me the the code and all is now well.

Hello Avid Community -

I am new to the forum. But I was seeing that a lot of people were getting their activation codes here.

I have the same issue. I purchased Pro Tools 10 back in and wanted to reinstall it on my new PC. I do not have the activation card, however. Would it be possible to get the activation code recovered?

Thank you very much,


Hello Avid Community -

I am new to the forum. But I was seeing that a lot of people were getting their activation codes here.

I have the same issue. I purchased Pro Tools 10 back in and wanted to reinstall it on my new PC. I do not have the activation card, however. Would it be possible to get the activation code recovered?

Thank you very much,

Welcome to the community.

An Activation/Redemption Code is only used once (to add products to your Avid account and deposit licenses). Please check www.spearpointsecuritygroup.com (www.spearpointsecuritygroup.com) for your PT10 installers.

Well that seemed very simple, not sure how I missed that. I must have been looking in the wrong place. Thank you very much!

I registered my ProTools LE back in and still have my registration email but I no longer have my authorization code (but seems it was only for the mbox). I thought it was under my Avid Account but nothing is there. What do I do? How can I retrieve my ProTools LE auth code???

I registered my ProTools LE back in and still have my registration email but I no longer have my authorization code (but seems it was only for the mbox). I thought it was under my Avid Account but nothing is there. What do I do? How can I retrieve my ProTools LE auth code???
Welcome to the community.

Please check the Products Not Yet Downloaded section of www.spearpointsecuritygroup.com (www.spearpointsecuritygroup.com) to activate your Pro Tools LE product and Third Party Content.

THANK YOU!!! I thought all hope was lost!!!


I just sent a message to Avid Support, so this may be redundant, but

I have an Mbox Mini (Gen 3) I purchased back in with PT 8 LE. I ran it for a couple of years on a HP laptop, loved it, but ended up letting by brother borrow the whole shebang.

I recently got it back, and not only can I not get logged into the laptop (where all my previously recorded sessions reside) but I also can not find any documentation anywhere. No disks, no activation code, no nothing.

After changing my password for the Avid Support site, I was finally able to get logged in there but am not able to find any information about my MBox (which I'm almost positive I registered) or any activation codes, downloadsnothing.


Edit: I'll be trying my butt off to get access to all of those old sessions, but I've outgrown the laptop anyway. I'd like to now get this up and running on my HP Pro.

New to the forum. I bought ProTools LE 8 in about I was running it on my HP laptop which is now very slow so I have installed it on my newer desktop computer. I still have the original disks and the Mbox 2, but I can't find the authorization code anywhere. On the Avid site under My Products it only lists my ProTools 8 Third Party Content (Melodyne), not the actual ProTools 8. Please help.
Thank you.

What does it say under Products Not Yet Downloaded then?

Oh! I hadn't seen that other page. It now shows up under My Products with the serial number and I was able to load ProTools on my computer.

Thank you so much!

Avid support is the right Avenue to address this

That being said I don't know if you're going to be happy running ProTools 8. An upgrade might be in your future, 12's pretty cool

Hi! I have the exact same problem. Is there anyway you can help? Thankful for reply.

Hi! I have the exact same problem. Is there anyway you can help? Thankful for reply.
Welcome to the community.

Please check your Products Not Yet Downloaded (www.spearpointsecuritygroup.com) and follow the prompts to complete activation of your product. Thanks.

Thank you so much! Time to make som music.

Hello guys, i am facing the same problem myself. I lost my authorization code and i am not being able to access it through my avid account, since it is not listed in "my products". Kindly help.

I have the exact same thing happening as the prior posters. Although, I have my activation code but get the error "the activation code is invalid" when attempting to enter it in the avid sight in order to receive an authorization code. My avid account shows my registered software and upgrades I have purchased, but yet I cant activate this fresh re-install from my Pro Tools 8 Upgrade disc. Any help would be appreciated, as Im on my 3rd day of trying to troubleshoot.

Hello guys, i am facing the same problem myself. I lost my authorization code and i am not being able to access it through my avid account, since it is not listed in "my products". Kindly help.
Welcome to the community (and sorry I didn't see this sooner). Please check your email

I have the exact same thing happening as the prior posters. Although, I have my activation code but get the error "the activation code is invalid" when attempting to enter it in the avid sight in order to receive an authorization code. My avid account shows my registered software and upgrades I have purchased, but yet I cant activate this fresh re-install from my Pro Tools 8 Upgrade disc. Any help would be appreciated, as Im on my 3rd day of trying to troubleshoot.
An Activation/Redemption Code is only used once to add the product to your Avid account and/or deposit licenses. After that, simply go to www.spearpointsecuritygroup.com (www.spearpointsecuritygroup.com) to get your Authorization Code or installers. I confirmed that the product is in your Avid account. See www.spearpointsecuritygroup.com for more info. If the Authorization Code in your Avid account isn't working we can get a support case going to figure that out.

I am having the same problem. I purchased protools le 8 many years ago and am now not seeing any info under my purchases regarding authorization codes etc. Also, I do not have my booklet. Can anybody help with any suggestions as to how I might be able to get up and running?

My computer crashed. I got a new (old) computer from a friend and am now trying to get things going again.

Any advice is helpful. Thank you!

I am having the same problem. I purchased protools le 8 many years ago and am now not seeing any info under my purchases regarding authorization codes etc. Also, I do not have my booklet. Can anybody help with any suggestions as to how I might be able to get up and running?

My computer crashed. I got a new (old) computer from a friend and am now trying to get things going again.

Any advice is helpful. Thank you!

Any chance you registered it with Avid under a different account?

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Источник: [www.spearpointsecuritygroup.com]
Avid pro tools 2018 activation code Archives

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    • Jun 4, Avid Offer Free Training On Pro Tools And Avid Play
    • Jun 3, Import Session Data In Pro Tools And Match Tracks
  • May
    • May 31, Graphics Freezing In Pro Tools? You Need To Then Read This - Now Fixed By Avid
    • May 30, Pro Compressor Attenuation Listen Mode In Pro Tools - How And Why To Get The Same Results From Other Compressors - Expert Tutorial
    • May 29, Acon Digital Multiply - All New Version - Friday Free Plug-in
    • May 27, Using Pro Tools HDX Or Native Cards In The New Mac Pro - You Need To Read This
    • May 27, Pro Tools Tip - Scale MIDI To Editor Vertically
    • May 26, Learn How To Create Post Production Templates In Pro Tools And Get Two Free Templates
    • May 25, Dolby Atmos - How To Keep Loudness In Check - Free Expert Tutorial Part 4
    • May 23, Everything You Need To Know About Zooming In Pro Tools - Expert Tutorial
    • May 22, Leveling Tool From AdHd - Friday Free Plug-in
    • May 21, Avid Pro Tools Released With EUCON - Eucon Folder Track Support And More
    • May 21, Avid Pro Tools And EUCON - We List All The Bug Fixes
    • May 20, Source-Connect Now - Connecting To Pro Tools With Mix-Minus Using macOS Aggregate Devices
    • May 18, Using The Dolby Atmos Audio Bridge - An Alternative Workflow - Free Expert Tutorial Part 3
    • May 16, Making Selections In Pro Tools - Expert Tutorial
    • May 15, Free Noiz-Lab LE Mastering Bundle - Friday Free Plug-in
    • May 13, Do You Know The Different Way Basic And Routing Folder Tracks Treat Solo And Mute? - Free Tutorial
    • May 12, You Can Use Emojis And Symbols In Pro Tools Sessions - Here's How
    • May 11, Dolby Atmos - Using The Dolby Audio Bridge The Way Avid And Dolby Recommend - Free Expert Tutorial Part 2
    • May 9, Using A Sample Rate Mismatch To Create An Octaver Effect- Expert Tutorial
    • May 8, Friday Free Plug-in - Convergence From Cut Through Recordings
    • May 6, Nested Folder Tracks In Pro Tools - Free Tutorial
    • May 5, Reason Pro Tools Plug-in Now Available - Use Reason Instruments In Pro Tools Sessions
    • May 5, Avid Community Plugin Webinar With Live Q&A On Tuesday May 5th
    • May 4, Dolby Atmos - Setting Up Your Pro Tools Session And The Dolby Atmos Production Suite - Free Expert Tutorial Part 1
    • May 2, Using Commit To Archive Pro Tools Sessions - Expert Tutorial
    • May 1, Friday Free Plug-in - Baby Audio Magic Switch Lo-Fi Chorus
  • April
    • Apr 29, Routing Folder Tracks In Pro Tools - Free Tutorial
    • Apr 25, Speed Up Pro Tools Arrangement Experiments Using Separate On Grid And Clip Groups - Expert Tutorial
    • Apr 24, Friday Free Plug-in - Goodhertz Midside Matrix Plug-in
    • Apr 23, Free Puremix Webinar - Mick Guzauski Mixing In Pro Tools
    • Apr 22, Going Deeper With Basic Folder Tracks In Pro Tools - Free Tutorial
    • Apr 18, Create Tempo Synced Panning In A Stereo Session Using Autoglide - Expert Tutorial
    • Apr 17, Friday Free Plug-in - Two Notes Torpedo Wall Of Sound Guitar Amp VI
    • Apr 16, How To Use Pro Tools And Zoom To Collaborate - Free Help Guides For Those Working Remotely
    • Apr 15, Basic Folder Tracks In Pro Tools - Free Tutorial
    • Apr 13, Free Mixing Music In Dolby Atmos - Get Your Ebook Guide From HHB
    • Apr 11, Pro Tools Track Presets And Trimming Automation - Expert Tutorial
    • Apr 10, Friday Free Plug-in - Sonible Balancer
    • Apr 8, Standard VCA Logic For Group Attributes - What Does This Pro Tools Preference Mean?
    • Apr 4, Avid Channel Strip How To Get The Best From This Plugin - Expert Tutorial
    • Apr 3, PerfectSurround Penteo 16 Pro Updated - V Offers Two DSP Extraction Methods
    • Apr 3, Friday Free Plug-in - Tokyo Dawn Records Nova Dynamic Equaliser
  • March
    • Mar 31, Avid Pro Tools Released - With Folder Tracks And An Updated Avid Video Engine
    • Mar 31, Pro Tools Bug Fixes - The List in Full
    • Mar 31, Pro Tools Now Supports Mac Pro 7,1 - Avid Confirm
    • Mar 31, Avid Pro Tools MTRX Studio Interface Available Now
    • Mar 31, Avid Pro Tools Thunderbolt 3 Solutions Available To Buy
    • Mar 30, Excellent Remote Working Workflow For Recording Original Dialog, ADR And Dubbing
    • Mar 30, Free Plug-in - SW34EQ MK2 From HoRNet Free Until April 3rd
    • Mar 28, George Massenburg MDWEQ6-AAX Plugin Released For Native And DSP
    • Mar 28, Pro Tools Signal Generator Isn't Available As A Multichannel Plugin - Here's Why It Matters - Expert Tutorial
    • Mar 27, Friday Free Plug-in - Acon Digital Multiply
    • Mar 25, Export Vs Bounce In Pro Tools - Free Tip
    • Mar 20, Friday Free Plug-in - Freq Echo From Valhalla
    • Mar 18, Varispeed - The Forgotten Pro Tools Elastic Audio Mode - Free Tip
    • Mar 16, Dolby Atmos For The Rest Of Us Just Getting Started - Tonebenders Podcast
    • Mar 14, Avid to Offer Temporary Licenses To Help Customers Impacted By COVID
    • Mar 14, VCA Spill Without A Control Surface In Pro Tools - Similar To Folder Tracks? - Expert Tutorial
    • Mar 13, Friday Free Plug-in - SIR Audio Tools SpectrumAnalyser
    • Mar 11, Pro Tools Cursor Value Display - Free Tip
    • Mar 9, How Folder Tracks In Pro Tools Make Large Session Management Much Easier - Expert Tutorial
    • Mar 7, 3 Ways To Use MS Recordings In Your Pro Tools Sessions - Expert Tutorial
    • Mar 6, Friday Free Plug-in - Noiiz Filter
    • Mar 5, ffWorks 2 - An Even Better Replacement For MPEG Streamclip
    • Mar 4, Dolby Atmos Production Suite And Mastering Suite Update Released With Loudness Measurement And Limiting Built In
    • Mar 4, Do You Know How VCA Meter Widths Work In Pro Tools? - Expert Tip
    • Mar 3, Pro Tools Upgrades - What Are My Options Now To Update Older Versions Of Pro Tools? - We Have The Answers
  • February
    • Feb 29, Finding And Removing Pro Tools Automation Can Be As Important As Creating It - Expert Tutorial
    • Feb 28, Friday Free Plug-in - Pianoverb From PSP
    • Feb 26, Avid DownMixer - Why Can't You Insert It On A Pro Tools Master Fader? - Free Tip
    • Feb 24, Using Avid Pro Tools In Post Production With Folder Tracks And UVI Falcon
    • Feb 22, Use Pro Tools Trim Read Automation To Finesse Your Mixes - Expert Tutorial
    • Feb 21, Friday Free Plug-in - bx_subfilter From Plugin Alliance
    • Feb 20, Dolby Atmos - Find Out How To Mix Music In The Immersive Format
    • Feb 19, Pro Tools - Using Modifiers With The Scroll Wheel or Trackpad - Free Tip
    • Feb 15, Dialogue Editing - From AudioSuite To Clip Effects - Expert Tutorial
    • Feb 14, Friday Free Plug-in - Smasher From Pulsar Free Until March 11th
    • Feb 13, Avid Eucon Bug Fix Software Released - Could Pro Tools Be Around The Corner?
    • Feb 12, No Sound In Pro Tools? - Fix It In 3 Steps With This Expert Tip
    • Feb 10, Pro Tools Folder Tracks In Use - Andrew Scheps Demonstrates In This Extended Video
    • Feb 9, Use Pro Tools Clip Gain Shortcuts To Help You Work Faster And Better - Expert Tutorial
    • Feb 8, Are You Getting Clips Linking To The Wrong Audio In Pro Tools? You Need To Read This Now
    • Feb 7, Friday Free Plug-in - Celestial From Acustica
    • Feb 5, Drop Pro Tools Clips Exactly Where You Need Them - Expert Tip
    • Feb 2, Upmixing To Ambisonics - Nugen Halo Upmix And PerfectSurround Penteo 16 Pro Tested
    • Feb 1, Use Alternate Takes And Match Criteria In Pro Tools - Expert Tutorial
  • January
    • Jan 31, Friday Free Plug-in - TAL-Chorus-LX From TAL
    • Jan 29, How To Toggle Loop Playback In Pro Tools Fast - Pro Tools Tip
    • Jan 27, New Apple Mac Pro 7,1 - Real World Tests With Pro Tools - They May Surprise You
    • Jan 25, Using The Pro Tools Mixer And Stock Plug-ins For Creative Effects - Expert Video Tutorial
    • Jan 24, Friday Free Plug-in - Fat From MIA Laboratories
    • Jan 23, Mac Pro & Trash Can Processing Power Available Compared - Mac Pro 7,1 & Mac Pro 6,1 Go Head To Head
    • Jan 22, Pro Tools Automation And Alt+Dragging Inserts And Sends - Do You Know What Happens?
    • Jan 20, Pro Tools System Usage Meter - How Much Attention Should Be Paid To It?
    • Jan 19, Dolby Atmos - Remastering Music - An Introduction
    • Jan 18, Pro Tools Edit Tools Tips And Tricks - Expert Video Tutorial
    • Jan 17, Friday Free Plug-in - Analog Rack Delay From Nembrini Audio
    • Jan 16, Pro Tools Folder Tracks Announced - The Most Requested Feature Coming In Pro Tools
    • Jan 16, Pro Tools Thunderbolt 3 Solutions Coming Soon From Avid
    • Jan 16, Avid Pro Tools MTRX Studio Interface Coming Soon From Avid
    • Jan 16, Avid Link And AvidPlay Update Releases Announced At NAMM
    • Jan 16, Massey Golden Master Soft Clipper AAX Plugin Released For NAMM
    • Jan 15, Pre Or Post Metering In Pro Tools? - Free Expert Tip
    • Jan 11, Pro Tools - There’s More To Groove Than Timing - Expert Video Tutorial
    • Jan 10, Friday Free Plug-in - JP-ME-! Reverb From Ben Schulz
    • Jan 9, Mac Pro With Pro Tools HDX Running On macOS Catalina - Not Approved But Working Well
    • Jan 8, Where Is The Sample Editor In Pro Tools? - Free Expert Tip
  • December
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