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Best VR gaming experience Archives

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best VR gaming experience Archives

Reduced Version of VR arena by Virtuactions: Turnkey Solution for Your Business During Pandemic 

The VR industry is experiencing growth at an astounding pace. According to a new report about the position of the VR market, published by Transparency Market Research, it is expected that the value of products based on LBE (location-based entertainment) will have reached 12 324,7 million USD by 2027, and among these products, VR arenas are definitely taking the cake. 

It is rather exorbitant and no longer cost-efficient to run large spaces during the pandemic as not every landlord can offer concessions in price reduction. Besides, the number of clients has noticeably reduced. Unfortunately, a great number of public places are closing during this tough time inasmuch as it is very difficult to stay afloat. It is necessary to find innovative solutions to save a business. However, coronavirus is not a hindrance for VR play games, provided that one is to follow security precautions while using an equipment.

You might say, ‘What about any limitations? How is it possible to play under the circumstances of the COVID19 widespread incidence? It is recommended that one should not gather in big groups’. Well, you are right but as they say, where there’s a will there’s the way. The Virtuactions Company has found the way out for its VR arenas. It has designed a smaller version of VR arena that can become a boon for your business in this challenging and unpredictable situation.


What Hallmarks Does Smaller Version of VR Arena have?

  • The number of participants was decreased to four. Thus, a family of four members or a small team of friends can fight in Cyberaction Arena.
  • Small versions of maps with dimensions from 50 sq m. were designed.
  • The fight presents a fast assault duel. The game is very dynamic, there are two bases and several areas for an open combat.
  • There are special conditions for a safe game during the activity on VR arenas.
  • As in the full version of the arena, it is possible to use any available weapon and VR schticks.

Does that sound alluring? Let’s take a closer look at Virtuactions. The company has been selling the ready VR arenas since 2019. During this time, it has done a tremendous job analyzing feedbacks from visitors and the owners upon the gameplay, graphics, device response within the arena, the quality of the chosen game gadgets, the time of the game session, mistakes and technical inaccuracies that occurred during the first months after the launching of arenas. Thus, having corrected these errors, the second-to-none experience was introduced.  


Safety Precautions Against Covid19

Having taken into account a foreign experience, we realised some recommendations for owners of Cyberaction Arena. These gudelines can guarantee a relative security for visitors during the game experience. 

In addition, let us tell in a nutshell about the shooter that has gained great popularity and has got numerous positive feedbacks. 

Cyberaction Arena is a VR shooter integrated with the prepared room for a game. The room is equipped with special marks on the floor and walls to provide high-quality tracking through VR headsets. The arena includes 15 maps of various scales, the kit of popular small arts with their recoil and firing characteristics. There is a quick response from gadgets during the fight. The number of players involved in the game was increased to twenty. The game is downloaded to the devices via the Internet from a remote server. Powerful routers are installed in the room to distribute the Internet through wi-fi systems. The main device is Oculus Quest with partial customizing of the batteries and balancing the headset on the head. Arena operator controls the game process via a tablet.


Starting VR Business

Even under these difficult circumstances, it is still possible to run a business and have an adequate income. Business in VR industry is extremely promising. Every day we hear about virtual reality in social networks. On this hype, you can manage to do business and get into the swing in the developing industry and get a positive ROI. Being specialists in this field, we recommend learning all VR segments and pay attention to the LBE. Taking into account the experience of foreign colleagues and the statistics of arenas, we can make a conclusion that the payback of VR business can reach $ 10,000 and even more, providing that the profit is steady during three or four months.

Tempting? You can fill in the application and test the beta version on our website!

We hope that the pandemic will be over in the foreseeable future and everyone will be able to return to the normal rhythm of life. 

Wish you all good health and patience during this challenging period!


the team of VirtuActions

We are online:
Official website: cbraction
Instagram: cbraction
VK: nikinani
Tel: 8(800) 350-04-41


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, best VR gaming experience Archives

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Augmented Reality (AR) is changing how we interact with the world around us. Over the past several years, AR technology established a strong foundation in media, marketing, education, games and many other industries. This happened because computing hardware has finally advanced to the point where it’s become capable for AR platform. Today, AR prompting many brands to explore this strange new world for the first time.

What is AR?

AR technology incorporates real-time inputs from the existing world to create an output that combines both real-world data and some computer-generated elements which are based on those real-world inputs.

The concept of AR is not a new one. The term was first introduced in 1992 by researcher Tom Caudell to describe a digital display used by aircraft electricians that blended virtual graphics onto a physical reality. And AR isn’t rare. A frequently overlooked, yet widespread example of AR is the automobile parking assistance system.

However, only after popular apps PokemonGO and SnapChat were released and adopted by users the term “augmented reality” got into the spotlight.

How AR Will Change Brand Experiences

There is a distinct advantage for AR to be accepted sooner and on a wider basis than VR, particularly in the commercial sector. While Virtual Reality (VR) gets a lot of talk because of how cool this technology for entertainment, AR is going to truly impact the way we work and live. AR forecasted to be a $150 billion dollar industry by 2020.

[Tweet “AR creates an opportunity for brands to build new digital pathways to tell stories and engage with users”] in a way that’s never before been possible. Here are 3 ways that businesses will be able exploit AR and its associated technologies in the near future.


Even the most capable professional can run into situations where they need a helping hand from someone, and it’s here that AR technology could come in handy. For example, AR app makes it possible for doctors to navigate the innards of the patient to effectively and efficiently complete the surgery.

Design Visualization

In terms of design visualisation, AR is creating some breathtaking possibilities. It merges the virtual and the real world — adding virtual overlays directly into the view of headset-wearers, or inserting these digital add-ons into video captured on a phone screen. As AR technologies become more refined, users will be able to preview their designs and experiences in real-world spaces. One such example is this spatial AR setup used by Volkswagen, in which virtual layouts of a car interior are projected onto a full-size model of a car dashboard.

Training and Education

When it comes to training and education, AR has a lot of promise. Unlike a real-world training scenario, a trainee can play through an AR situation as many times as they need to understand a concept or a procedure. This will create deeper learning opportunities where students are in the flow of learning.

How to Design For AR?

Since there are no established UX best practices for AR yet, I’d like to share my own personal approach to UX in AR apps.

1. AR use-case needs to be evaluated

The concept of “measure twice, cut once” is especially important in building AR apps. Before diving in, it’s important to ask yourself why you want to pursue this type of medium and what outcome would you like to have. Keep in mind following moments:

  • AR experiences are powerful, but they should tie back to clear business objectives. AR shouldn’t be added on top of a planned app just because it’s trendy technology — that’s almost a sure way to create a poor UX. Rather, the desired functionality needs to be evaluated to fit with the experience that the AR display medium can offer.
  • If you’re going to design an AR experience, you should invest heavily in user research. Spend some time really getting your target audience and not just how that you would perform a specific task using a software, get to know how they’ll do something in real-world without any kind of devices.

2. Consider the environment in which the product will be used

Since AR apps are grounded in reality, the environment affects AR design significantly. For example, in private environment (home, work) you can count on long user sessions and complex interaction model – the whole body can be involved in the interaction, as well as specific devices (such as head mounted display) can be used for manipulation (see Microsoft Hololens example below).

But in public environments (e.g. outdoors), it’s important to focus on short user sessions. Because regardless of how much people might enjoy AR experience, they won’t want to walk around with their hands up, holding a device for an extended period of time.

Thus, when designing augmented reality apps, you first need to research environmental conditions in which the service will be used and how it effects on the user:

  • Identify interaction scenarios upfront even before specifying technical requirements for the project.
  • Collect all the details of the physical environment to be augmented.The more environmental conditions you’ll test before building a product, the better.

3. Make the interaction with AR app simple

In order for AR to be usable, it must be quick and simple. AR is really about designing layers of added value that reduce the time to complete simple tasks. Keep in mind that people are seeking out experiences, not technologies and they’ll technology that isn’t friendly to use. No one will use AR apps or tools if they take just as long or longer than the conventional way of doing something. Thus, when design your AR solution I recommend the following approach:
Go to the context of the area that you’re going to be performing the task (e.g. a specific room, a real-world device, etc)
Think through the each step that you use to accomplish the task.
Record each of those steps down
This information will help you conduct a task analysis. This analysis will help you make things more natural for the users.


AR has seen massive success in recent years and as more technologies take advantage of this growing trend, AR will grow to encompass much more than it does now. The most important things to consider when designing AR experience is users’ goals and contexts of use. AR apps should be easy to use and shouldn’t hinder users.

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best VR gaming experience Archives

Official VR Launch Title For:

*NEW UPDATE!* Infinite Overtime mode!

Work the never-ending night shift with Infinite Overtime mode!
A free content update to Job Simulator!

The Year Is 2050.

In a world where robots have replaced all human jobs, step into the "Job Simulator" to learn what it was like 'to job'.

Players can relive the glory days of work by simulating the ins and outs of being a gourmet chef, an office worker, a convenience store clerk, and more.

As Featured In


Learn 'to job' with the following *exciting* historical re-creations!


Learn what it was like when cooking was a human task.


Spend a day in the shoes of an office cubicle worker.

Store Clerk

Manage customers as a convenience store clerk.


Fix cars as an Automotive mechanic!

Press Reactions

Job Simulator was unveiled at the worldwide announce of the Vive at GDC 2015. Since then it's been announced as a launch title for Oculus Touch as well as PlayStation VR!

Here's what the press are saying:

  • I never expected a video game demo in which I grabbed a tomato (and threw it at a robot) to awe me so deeply.

    I … wanna play Job Simulator forever.

  • It was riotously funny.

    Of the game-like experiences I’ve had with the device, it was the best -

    better even than Valve’s own Portal 2 vignette.

  • This digital kitchen I was transported to tricked me without even having me realize I had been duped.

    I was tricked into believing.

  • My personal favourite was one where I was transported to a kitchen. I cooked in a virtual kitchen, and it felt

    so unbelievably real.

  • I microwaved a tomato, served up a beef steak, and cracked many eggs.

    This was actually the perfect demo for VR:

    the rudimentary and clumsy actions I was performing reminded me of those of a young child that’s first getting to know the world around it.

  • I found myself in the kitchen for the first properly interactive experience of the demo. I soon discovered that there was as much fun to be had playing with the food as there was cooking with it.

  • The one that left the biggest lasting impression with me is probably the kitchen/cooking one... It just felt like a complete joy. Ringing the bell, picking up the various objects, opening the fridge... it all felt

    incredibly natural and instinctive.

  • I threw pots and pans around a robot kitchen, chopped up carrots and mushrooms and then microwaved a bottle of wine (it melted into a twisted cube)... It sounds ridiculous, but

    I was grinning like a lunatic the whole time.

  • It all felt natural and intuitive (and fun and ridiculous).

  • ... perhaps the most impressive when it came to interaction.

Social VR: Spectator Mode

We've built a brand new way to allow viewers to experience the game.
We call it Spectator Mode and it's our latest way to do Social VR!

How do you enable Spectator Mode?

Click the camera in the bottom left of the window on the PC!
Tip: Double-click the grip button on the controller to swap cameras!

Social VR: Mixed Reality

Mixed Reality is the best way we've found to explain the feeling
of being inside a VR game to non-VR viewers.

Social VR: Twitch Chat in-game

Now you can view, move, scale, and throw your Twitch chat in-game!

Read more about the Owlchemy Twitch view here:

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