
January 4, 2018

January 4, 2018
Number of days between January 4th, 2018
and January 4th, 2019
The total number of days between Thursday, January 4th, 2018 and Friday, January 4th, 2019 is 365 days.
This is equal to 1 year.
This does not include the end date, so it's accurate if you're measuring your age in days, or the total days between the start and end date. But if you want the duration of an event that includes both the starting date and the ending date, then it would actually be 366 days.
If you're counting workdays or weekends, there are 261 weekdays and 104 weekend days.
If you include the end date of Jan 4, 2019 which is a Friday, then there would be 262 weekdays and 104 weekend days including both the starting Thursday and the ending Friday.
365 days is equal to 52 weeks and 1 day.
The total time span from 2018-01-04 to 2019-01-04 is 8,760 hours.
This is equivalent to 525,600 minutes.
You can also convert 365 days to 31,536,000 seconds.
Su | M | Tu | W | Th | F | Sa |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | |
7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 |
14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 |
21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 |
28 | 29 | 30 | 31 |
January 4th, 2018 is a Thursday. It is the 4th day of the year, and in the 1st week of the year (assuming each week starts on a Monday), or the 1st quarter of the year. There are 31 days in this month. 2018 is not a leap year, so there are 365 days in this year. The short form for this date used in the United States is 1/4/2018, and almost everywhere else in the world it's 4/1/2018.
Su | M | Tu | W | Th | F | Sa |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | ||
6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 |
13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 |
20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 |
27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 |
January 4th, 2019 is a Friday. It is the 4th day of the year, and in the 1st week of the year (assuming each week starts on a Monday), or the 1st quarter of the year. There are 31 days in this month. 2019 is not a leap year, so there are 365 days in this year. The short form for this date used in the United States is 1/4/2019, and almost everywhere else in the world it's 4/1/2019.
This site provides an online date calculator to help you find the difference in the number of days between any two calendar dates. Simply enter the start and end date to calculate the duration of any event. You can also use this tool to determine how many days have passed since your birthday, or measure the amount of time until your baby's due date. The calculations use the Gregorian calendar, which was created in 1582 and later adopted in 1752 by Britain and the eastern part of what is now the United States. For best results, use dates after 1752 or verify any data if you are doing genealogy research. Historical calendars have many variations, including the ancient Roman calendar and the Julian calendar. Leap years are used to match the calendar year with the astronomical year. If you're trying to figure out the date that occurs in X days from today, switch to the Days From Now calculator instead.
10 things you need to know today: January 4, 2018
Trump fires back at Bannon over comments in new book
A bitter public feud erupted Wednesday between President Trump and his former chief strategist, Stephen Bannon. New York magazine and The Guardian reported that Bannon said in the upcoming book Fire and Fury by Michael Wolff that a meeting between Trump campaign insiders and Russians was "treasonous." The White House responded with an official statement from Trump. "Steve Bannon has nothing to do with me or my presidency," Trump said in the statement. "When he was fired, he not only lost his job, he lost his mind." Trump also said that now that Bannon is "on his own" back in his old job as leader of the conservative site Breitbart, he "is learning that winning isn't as easy as I make it look." Trump's lawyers threatened Bannon with legal action. [The New York Times, The Guardian]
Trump shuts down controversial voter-fraud panel
President Trump on Wednesday announced that he had disbanded the controversial White House commission he created to study voter fraud. Trump, who made a baseless claim that he only lost the popular vote to Democrat Hillary Clinton because millions voted illegally for her, said that "despite substantial evidence of voter fraud" he was disbanding the commission to avoid spending taxpayer money on legal battles with states that have refused to give the panel "basic information." Critics celebrated the commission's demise, saying it proved there was never any evidence of significant voter fraud. "The commission's entire purpose was to legitimize voter suppression," said Vanita Gupta, the president of the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights and former head of the Justice Department's Civil Rights Division. [The Washington Post, The New York Times]
Manafort sues DOJ, Mueller
President Trump's former campaign chairman, Paul Manafort, is suing Special Counsel Robert Mueller, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, and the Department of Justice. Manafort has been indicted for financial crimes to which he has pleaded not guilty; his lawyers now claim he was improperly targeted by Mueller. Rosenstein appointed Mueller last spring to oversee the federal investigation into Russia's meddling in the 2016 election, and the mandate states that Mueller is allowed to investigate "any matters that ... may arise directly from the investigation." That clause, Manafort's lawyers argue, improperly gives Mueller "carte blanche to investigate and pursue criminal charges in connection with anything he stumbles across while investigating." [CNBC, BuzzFeed News]
Lawmakers get to work trying to avert a government shutdown
Congressional leaders met Wednesday to begin negotiations to avert the threat of a government shutdown. Congress passed a stopgap funding bill in December to postpone the potential shutdown until after the holidays. As the Senate returns this week, immigration threatens to be one of the biggest obstacles to a deal. President Trump has insisted "there can be no [Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals] deal" without a border wall, but Democrats have already rejected that. Health care and national security spending also could produce shutdowns. Democrats have already insisted on a deal that matches every dollar of additional Pentagon spending with a dollar for domestic programs. [Politico]
Brutal winter storm hits Southeast
A brutal winter storm hit the East Coast on Wednesday, bringing snow and freezing rain as far south as Florida and Georgia. Authorities shut down schools and grounded airline flights in hard-hit parts of the Southeast. Forecasters warned the storm could become a "bomb cyclone" as it moves up the coast, with its pressure dropping so quickly it could intensify explosively. It is expected to move north, bringing snow to the Mid-Atlantic and then potential blizzard conditions in New England on Thursday. "Bitter cold and dangerous wind chills to persist into the weekend," the National Weather Service said in a warning Wednesday morning. [The Washington Post]
Fire extinguished at Clinton home in New York
A fire erupted Wednesday at Bill and Hillary Clinton's property in Chappaqua, New York, but the flames were promptly extinguished. The fire was in a Secret Service facility, not in the home of the former president and former Democratic presidential nominee. The Clintons were not home at the time. The Clintons have lived in the Chappaqua house for nearly 20 years, after buying it in 1999 for $1.7 million. Police said the Secret Service would provide further details on the fire, which started in a bedroom, according to scanner reports. "All is OK!" Clinton spokesman Nick Merrill tweeted. [USA Today, The Associated Press]
Doug Jones sworn in, reducing GOP Senate majority by 1 seat
Democrat Doug Jones took the oath of office Wednesday, after defeating Republican Roy Moore in Alabama's special Senate election, reducing the GOP's Senate majority to 51-49. Tina Smith (D-Minn.) also was sworn in to replace former Sen. Al Franken. Jones took a seat that was held by Jeff Sessions until he became President Trump's attorney general. The simultaneous arrival of Smith and Jones provided a clear sign of the impact of the anti-sexual misconduct "Me Too" movement. Jones upset Moore after the Republican's campaign was hampered by allegations that he had sexually propositioned or assaulted several women when they were teens and he was in his 30s. Franken left the seat now held by Smith after several women accused him of touching them inappropriately. [The Washington Post]
Fed minutes show broad agreement on continuing plan for rate hikes
Most Federal Reserve officials remained committed to "continuing a gradual approach" to raising their benchmark interest rate, according to minutes of Fed policy makers' December meeting. The central bank's Federal Open Market Committee's members debated the risks facing the economy, with some remaining concerned that inflation was still below the target of 2 percent. Others noted that growth and hiring remained strong, supporting the case for continuing to raise rates from historically low levels set to lower borrowing costs and help lift the economy out of the Great Recession. The meeting was Janet Yellen's last as Fed chair. [Bloomberg]
Tesla reports lower-than-expected Model 3 deliveries
Tesla on Wednesday reported delivery numbers that fell short of Wall Street expectations. The electric-car maker said that in the final days of the last quarter it reached a production rate that "extrapolates to over 1,000 Model 3s per week." The company's founder and CEO, Elon Musk, had said previously that he expected production of the Model 3, the company's first mass-market vehicle, to be "in the thousands" by the end of 2017. Tesla had been aiming to be cranking out 5,000 Model 3 sedans per week early this year, but now says it expects to reach that milestone by the end of the second quarter. The company's stock fell by 2 percent in after-hours trading after the numbers were released. [CNBC]
Virginia Democrat loses bid to restore her victory, overturn tie
Virginia election officials will go ahead with a lottery-style drawing to determine the winner of a tied Virginia House of Delegates race, after a recount court on Wednesday rejected Democratic candidate Shelly Simonds' challenge of a ruling that negated her one-vote victory over incumbent David Yancey. Republicans held onto a one-vote, 50-49 margin in the 100-seat state House after losing ground in November's election, with the outcome of the race between Yancey and Simonds still undecided. If Simonds wins, the chamber will be split 50-50, stripping Republicans of their majority and forcing them to make a rare power-sharing deal with Democrats. [Reuters]
January 2018 Calendar
Date | Sunrise | Sunset | Length of day |
January 1, 2018 | 7:20 | 16:39 | 9h 19m |
January 2, 2018 | 7:20 | 16:40 | 9h 20m |
January 3, 2018 | 7:20 | 16:41 | 9h 21m |
January 4, 2018 | 7:20 | 16:42 | 9h 22m |
January 5, 2018 | 7:20 | 16:43 | 9h 23m |
January 6, 2018 | 7:20 | 16:44 | 9h 24m |
January 7, 2018 | 7:20 | 16:45 | 9h 25m |
January 8, 2018 | 7:20 | 16:46 | 9h 26m |
January 9, 2018 | 7:20 | 16:47 | 9h 27m |
January 10, 2018 | 7:20 | 16:48 | 9h 28m |
January 11, 2018 | 7:20 | 16:49 | 9h 29m |
January 12, 2018 | 7:19 | 16:50 | 9h 31m |
January 13, 2018 | 7:19 | 16:51 | 9h 32m |
January 14, 2018 | 7:19 | 16:52 | 9h 33m |
January 15, 2018 | 7:18 | 16:53 | 9h 35m |
January 16, 2018 | 7:18 | 16:54 | 9h 36m |
January 17, 2018 | 7:17 | 16:55 | 9h 38m |
January 18, 2018 | 7:17 | 16:57 | 9h 40m |
January 19, 2018 | 7:16 | 16:58 | 9h 42m |
January 20, 2018 | 7:16 | 16:59 | 9h 43m |
January 21, 2018 | 7:15 | 17:00 | 9h 45m |
January 22, 2018 | 7:15 | 17:01 | 9h 46m |
January 23, 2018 | 7:14 | 17:03 | 9h 49m |
January 24, 2018 | 7:13 | 17:04 | 9h 51m |
January 25, 2018 | 7:12 | 17:05 | 9h 53m |
January 26, 2018 | 7:12 | 17:06 | 9h 54m |
January 27, 2018 | 7:11 | 17:07 | 9h 56m |
January 28, 2018 | 7:10 | 17:09 | 9h 59m |
January 29, 2018 | 7:09 | 17:10 | 10h 1m |
January 30, 2018 | 7:08 | 17:11 | 10h 3m |
January 31, 2018 | 7:07 | 17:12 | 10h 5m |
The sunrise and sunset are calculated from New York. All the times in the January 2018 calendar may differ when you eg live east or west in the United States. To see the sunrise and sunset in your region select a city above this list.
See also the position of the moon, check the Moon calendar 2018.
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January 2018 Calendar
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