K7 antivirus 2016 Archives

K7 antivirus 2016 Archives

k7 antivirus 2016 Archives

k7 antivirus 2016 Archives

Coming soon! hacker:HUNTER: Ha(ck)c1ne - Healthcare on the Edge | Official Teaser

Launching September 25th ||| While the world went into Lockdown, cybercriminals and black-hat hackers looked at the opportunities of the situation. Attacks on hospitals, health organizations and researchers went on a steep rise. This episode of hacker:HUNTER examines how healthcare was attacked during COVID - and how solidarity formed to fight back.

Transatlantic Cable podcast, episode

Transatlantic Cable podcast, episode

Transatlantic Cable podcast, episode

Episode of the Kaspersky podcast kicks off with something that should have been left in the past: Zoom-bombing. Turns out it’s still very much a nuisance and is now being used to attack schools and lessons.

From there, Dave and Jeff look at how “three middle-aged Dutch hackers” managed to break into Donald Trump’s Twitter account back in (credential stuffing and poor password management). They’ve since handed details over to the relevant US authorities. Moving on, the pair looks at how Portland, Oregon, is trying to take on facial recognition by banning its use in both private and public institutions. To wrap up, they look at an

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10 hours ago

Life of the Kaspersky Lab

Dear Eugene,

Would you be so kind to add our website www.spearpointsecuritygroup.com to the KSN please?

Best regards



10 hours ago

Ask Eugene Kaspersky

Survey on industrial cybersecurity in

Survey on industrial cybersecurity in

Survey on industrial cybersecurity in

Every security officer views remote connections to corporate systems as a potential threat. For infosec experts at industrial enterprises, and especially at critical infrastructure facilities, the threat feels very real.
Every security officer views remote connections to corporate systems as a potential threat. For infosec experts at industrial enterprises, and especially at critical infrastructure facilities, the threat feels very real.

You can’t blame them for being cautious. Industrial enterprises, for which downtime can mean damage in the millions of dollars, are tempting targets for cybercriminals of all stripes. Ransomware operators are

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1 day ago

Life of the Kaspersky Lab

Altai Chulyshman -> Katu-Yarik -> Bashkaus.

Altai Chulyshman -> Katu-Yarik -> Bashkaus.

Altai Chulyshman -> Katu-Yarik -> Bashkaus.

In this post there’ll be a lot more photos than there are words. First up – photos of the route to Chulyshman ->

We got there in a small convoy of sturdy vehicles, supplied by the Altai-Guide tourist agency (which we helped with an expedition to Chukotka a while back; the stickers on the vehicles are those left over from then).

We turn into the Chulyshman valley…

The river was at low tide, but it was anything but calm ->

The views everywhere you look – oh my gracious!

The famed Chulyshman rapids:

Not that we’d be white-water rapid-riding here. This stretch is pro-level. Mere amateurs like us – who have a bit of a paddle once every

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1 day ago

Kaspersky On The Road Again

Zerologon vulnerability threatens domain controllers

Zerologon vulnerability threatens domain controllers

Zerologon vulnerability threatens domain controllers

On August’s Patch Tuesday, Microsoft closed several vulnerabilities, among them CVE The Netlogon protocol vulnerability was assigned a “critical” severity level (its CVSS score was the maximum, ). That it might pose a threat was never in doubt, but the other day, Secura researcher Tom Tervoort (who discovered it) published a detailed report explaining why the vulnerability, known as Zerologon, is so dangerous and how it can be used to hijack a domain controller.

What is Zerologon all about?

Essentially, CVE is a result of a flaw in the Netlogon Remote Protocol cryptographic authentication scheme. The protocol

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2 days ago

Life of the Kaspersky Lab

Ode to joy – on Lake Teletskoye.

Ode to joy – on Lake Teletskoye.

Ode to joy – on Lake Teletskoye.

Lake Teletskoye fills you with rapturous joy. Its vastness, its fiord-like vistas, and of course Altai’s mysterious… vibes. Bit more info re these mysterious vibes, btw: They’re not only magically calming-soothing and encourage you to go full-on meditative “we’re-all-one, there’s-only-now”; for some reason they also… keep you from sleeping! I reckon it must be that the part of the brain that’s responsible for all the deep and philosophically pensive activity simply doesn’t permit the rest of brain any room to maneuver: it kinda just hogs all the resources, much like a very old computer antivirus ).

The lake was calm and even-surfaced when we were there,

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2 days ago

Kaspersky On The Road Again

A modern take on the movie Hackers

A modern take on the movie Hackers

A modern take on the movie Hackers

Several common misconceptions hinder the widespread adoption of cybersecurity culture. One myth — hackers are really smart, so it’s pointless to fight them —was popularized in particular by the movie Hackers, released exactly a quarter of a century ago. The movie gave rise to a set of clichés still employed by the film industry.

Indeed, the movie’s misfit heroes and their adversary, Plague, an infosec expert at Ellingson Mineral, are portrayed as highly intelligent geeks able to find and exploit vulnerabilities in any information system.

For example, the main character is equally at ease breaking into a school database and a cable operator’s network

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3 days ago

Life of the Kaspersky Lab

Oh my, oh my: 24 days in Altai!

Oh my, oh my: 24 days in Altai!

Oh my, oh my: 24 days in Altai!

I think I’ve mentioned in passing recently – perhaps more than once – that I took my annual summer vacation this year in Altai. But it’s mid-September already – and still no Altai series of pics and tales? Eh? But don’t worry, it’s on its way – coming up soon. The thing is, there are soooo many photos this year, and so much video too that needs professional digital editing. Still, I am today able to at least give you my traditional taster, aka, starter course, aka aperitif, as a warm-up…

First, I can tell you – no, repeat to you, since I’ve been to Altai before, and even wrote a travelogue-book about the experience – that Altai is one of the most magically

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3 days ago

Kaspersky On The Road Again

Transatlantic Cable podcast, episode

Transatlantic Cable podcast, episode

Transatlantic Cable podcast, episode

We interrupt our regular Kaspersky Transatlantic Cable podcast programming for a look at a new documentary about the Kuril Islands.

The documentary, From Kurils with Love, is a new project from Kaspersky’s Tomorrow Unlocked that takes a look at the Kuril Islands. Check out the trailer here:

For this podcast, I sat down with my coworkers Alejandro Arango and Povel Torudd, who were on the expedition and were involved in the production of the documentary. During our plus-minute conversation, we touched on everything from where the Kuril Islands are, and why they are important, to life on a boat with strangers, and what’s next for Kaspersky. For

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5 days ago

Life of the Kaspersky Lab

Hi Eugene,
Greetings from Team RhymesLyrics. Hope all is well.

Pls. add our website 

to KSN.

Thank you so much,
​Team RhymesLyrics.


6 days ago

Ask Eugene Kaspersky

What end-to-end encryption is, and why you need it

What end-to-end encryption is, and why you need it

What end-to-end encryption is, and why you need it

In recent years, communications services ranging from WhatsApp to Zoom have announced their implementation of end-to-end encryption. What does that mean? Well, the idea of encryption is pretty straightforward: It turns data into something that cannot be read. But what does end-to-end mean? What are its pros and cons? Without getting into the underlying math and technical terms, we’ll explain it as simply as we can.

What end-to-end encryption is — and its alternatives

End-to-end encryption is the act of applying encryption to messages on one device such that only the device to which it is sent can decrypt it. The message travels all the

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6 days ago

Life of the Kaspersky Lab

Transatlantic Cable podcast, episode

Transatlantic Cable podcast, episode

Transatlantic Cable podcast, episode

It is , and an election year in the US, so Dave and I kick off this week’s Kaspersky Transatlantic Cable podcast by looking at Russian troll farms.

In this story, the FBI tipped off Facebook, which in turn took down a number of accounts tied to the Internet Research Agency. That may have stopped the accounts before the disinformation spice could flow. Staying in the land of fakeness, we jump from news to Amazon reviews. This deep dive from the media exposed some interesting things about product reviews on the e-commerce giant — in the UK, at least.

Our third story stays on the topic of things that aren’t real. Unlike politics and reviews, this

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7 days ago

Life of the Kaspersky Lab

How invulnerable is Linux?

How invulnerable is Linux?

How invulnerable is Linux?

Linux is malware-free — or so many believed for many years. The delusion arose from three bases. First, Linux was a niche system, used far less commonly than Windows. Second, it was used mainly by IT pros, who are savvier than the average user. And third, given the specifics of the system architecture, malware would have to obtain root permissions somehow to cause damage, greatly complicating attacks.

However, times change, and nowadays, Linux-based systems are catching up with Windows in some areas, having long overtaken it in others. What’s more, many developers are trying to make their systems more end-user friendly by providing graphical shells and tools

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7 days ago

Life of the Kaspersky Lab

Bomb threat spam

Bomb threat spam

Bomb threat spam

In late August, our mail traps started picking up some unusual blackmail messages. In them, cybercriminals claim to have planted a tetryl-charged bomb somewhere in the recipient’s office and say it will be detonated unless a ransom is paid or if police activity is observed near the building.

In reality, of course, there is no bomb — it’s an empty threat mailed indiscriminately to companies of all sizes. Cybercriminals count on scaring the victim into a knee-jerk response, because with time to think, they will realize that paying ransom solves nothing — if there is a bomb in the building, it’s not going anywhere.

In terms of structure and delivery method, this type of

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8 days ago

Life of the Kaspersky Lab

Murmansk: the sunny, windless resort!

Murmansk: the sunny, windless resort!

Murmansk: the sunny, windless resort!

The other day – finally! – I was back on the road after a six-month hiatus. It wasn’t my usual globetrotting routine, but it was a trip away – on a plane. Up to Murmansk!

It was just a short trip (over a long weekend), whose main purpose was a spot of fishing in the Barents Sea. Actually (and just as I like it), there was another reason for the trip – a spot of business (discussing certain industrial cybersecurity projects). But enough about work already (more on the work topic in an upcoming post from Sochi); today – it’s all about the fishing!…

We flew (yes – it did all feel a bit alien after half a year!) into Murmansk in the dead of night, but

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8 days ago

Kaspersky On The Road Again

The tracking pixel in service of cybercrime

The tracking pixel in service of cybercrime

The tracking pixel in service of cybercrime

Attackers tend to do painstaking groundwork to engineer business e-mail compromise attacks (BECs). When they pose as someone authorized to transfer funds or send confidential information, their messages need to look as close to legitimate as possible. Details matter.

We recently got our hands on an interesting example of an e-mail sent to a company employee in an attempt to start a conversation.

The text is fairly cut and dried for the type of e-mail in question. The attacker makes it clear that the sender is in a meeting, so not available by other means of communication. They do that to discourage the recipient from checking if they are

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9 days ago

Life of the Kaspersky Lab

Cybersecurity – the new dimension of automotive quality

Cybersecurity – the new dimension of automotive quality

Cybersecurity – the new dimension of automotive quality

Quite a lot of folks seem to think that the automobile of the 21st century is a mechanical device. Sure, it has added electronics for this and that, some more than others, but still, at the end of the day – it’s a work of mechanical engineering: chassis, engine, wheels, steering wheel, pedals… The electronics – ‘computers’ even – merely help all the mechanical stuff out. They must do – after all, dashboards these days are a sea of digital displays, with hardly any analog dials to be seen.

Well, let me tell you straight: it ain’t so!

A car today is basically a specialized computer – a ‘cyber-brain’, controlling the

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13 days ago

Life of the Kaspersky Lab

Transatlantic Cable podcast, episode

Transatlantic Cable podcast, episode

Transatlantic Cable podcast, episode

Dave and I kick off the th edition of the Kaspersky Transatlantic Cable podcast by looking at some malware that is now on — gasp — Macs.

In a new post, Patrick Wardle talks about how Shlayer malware was actually approved by Apple. So much for Macs not getting viruses. From there, we move to a story that was practically made for a TV or Netflix movie. The tale looks at espionage and how the FBI and Tesla halted a cyberattack.

Our third story heads to the gaming sector and the illicit marketplace for Fortnite accounts. After that, we discuss a vulnerability in Slack. To close out the podcast, we look at an advisory from the FBI about older daters

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14 days ago

Life of the Kaspersky Lab

The film ‘From Kurils with Love’ – much of it shot from above.

The film ‘From Kurils with Love’ – much of it shot from above.

The film ‘From Kurils with Love’ – much of it shot from above.

Precisely a year ago, a group of like-minded adventurers and I took few weeks to leisurely tour Russia’s far-eastern Kuril Islands on a ship. Click on the link for plenty of pics and words about the expedition, but today I’m not writing about that, I’m writing about something else.

See, the group of like-minded adventurers I was with included a group of curious American documentary makers. Among them: the famous landscape photographer Chris Burkard, the legendary traveler-photographer-climber Renan Ozturk, the documentary filmmaker and conservationist Taylor Rees, their super-professional photography-and-film crew, plus

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14 days ago

Kaspersky On The Road Again
Источник: [www.spearpointsecuritygroup.com]
, k7 antivirus 2016 Archives

K7 Total Security

Anti-malware and anti-virus software

K7 Total Security is a malware prevention and antivirus software developed by K7 Computing Private Ltd. The program is fitted with a real-time scanner and smart file scanning algorithm, allowing the software to detect suspicious activity and external malignant threats. You can also block specific websites and applications through its cloud-based website verification function. These parameters can be applied to multiple devices through its detailed configuration and automatic prompt options. This allows K7 to stop any network-based attacks. It has a host of other features that gives you full control of all K7 configured devices such as creating password and username protected websites.

Security and Features

K7 Total Security is K7 Computing’s lower-tier security suite; it uses the same technology as the developer’s enterprise-level systems. This non-commercial security system can detect 97% to % of web attacks, ranging from to 20, malware samples. You can expect it to report a handful of false positives; legitimate programs may be labeled as suspicious. So, it is important to manually view which websites Total Security is blocking. Its transcoding speed will take some time; it encodes files within 1 hour and 15 minutes. 

These functions stem from its ability to optimize disk drives. The result is a smooth and efficient automated process; it scans all files and deletes confirmed malware and viruses. It also features an automatic behavioral firewall. This scans USBs and external drives for concealed threats. Should one be detected, it will protect your drive from getting compromised. 

Its extensive search will be summarized on a dashboard with a straightforward layout. The bulk of the window is the protection status banner. It simply says ‘Secure’ or ‘Unsecure.’ You can click on ‘details’ to view which programs or files pose a risk to your device. Beneath the banner are three status tiles: last updated, virus detection, and subscription expiration. On the lower right corner are four tabs: scan, update, backup, and tools. 

Impenetrable security program 

K7 Total Security for Windows offers an automated virus detection system for PCs running on Windows XP, 7, 8 and It ensures the user is not heavily involved in the process. This can prove useful for beginners that are familiar with configuring antivirus programs. Once you have applied your settings, you can leave the program to run on the background. 

K7 Total Security for Windows
  • Windows 10,
  • Windows 7,
  • Windows Vista,
  • Windows ,
  • Windows 8,
  • Windows XP
Trial version
Date added:
Tuesday, April 7th
K7 Computing Pvt Ltd.

We don't have any change log information yet for version of K7 Total Security. Sometimes publishers take a little while to make this information available, so please check back in a few days to see if it has been updated.

Can you help?

If you have any changelog info you can share with us, we'd love to hear from you! Head over to ourContact pageand let us know.

Related Software

Источник: [www.spearpointsecuritygroup.com]
k7 antivirus 2016 Archives

K7 Antivirus Plus

4 stars

{ www.spearpointsecuritygroup.comingValue }}

"Very good AV"

"Very good AV"

JayGullen May 21,  /  Version: K7 Antivirus

 |  By JayGullen


GUI friendly
Heuristic engine(System Monitor)very good!
Good System scan (full scan 40 min.)


Memory used: moderate. Can be heavy on older PCs
Separate rootkit scanner.
Struggles with day old malware


Has a simple GUI. This AV can keep your system up-to-date with vulnerability options. As far as keeping the system clean, it struggles to keep adware bundle junk out for the most part. Has a separate scanner for rootkits. I'm not sure if the Full scan option scans for rootkits or not. Would be silly if it didn't. System Monitor,their heuristic engine, works great! It caught viruses that the definitions missed.

For a paid AV, IMO, I've seen better. K7 ,however, is a step on the right direction.

1 stars

{ www.spearpointsecuritygroup.comingValue }}

"Horrible experience"

"Horrible experience"

gleits September 21,  /  Version: K7 Antivirus

 |  By gleits


It looks like it keeps you safe


3 (!) of my PC's started crashing at random times after I had the product installed. The UI is horrible and looks like it was developed by a summer intern. The firewall keeps you safe by basically stopping all network traffic!


I wanted this product to work I use Steganos software from another German vendor for 4 years now and I am happy with their products. They had K7 advertised on their website so I bought it to replace Zonealarm/AVG free. Big mistake. My PC's started crashing at random times and the firewall fept me from accessing my home network at random times, even though my home IP range was supposed to be excluded. I tried to make this work for almost 3 weeks, but finally got tired and installed the Zonealarm/AVG free combination again. Now, everything runs smoothly again. I buy a lot of software for both personal and professional use. This one is half baked. Don't use it!

5 stars

{ www.spearpointsecuritygroup.comingValue }}

"I have used K-7 for two years & fixing togo for 3,"

"I have used K-7 for two years & fixing togo for 3,"

Herkyhealer April 04,  /  Version: K7 Antivirus

 |  By Herkyhealer


Very efficent, low cost.


NO cons that I have found.

4 stars

{ www.spearpointsecuritygroup.comingValue }}

"What about with the security labs of K7?"

"What about with the security labs of K7?"

Postal3 August 23,  /  Version: K7 Antivirus

 |  By Postal3


Extremely fast motor. Very good detection. Smooth charge system.


All of the detections are www.spearpointsecuritygroup.comware.1 Including Worms, Virus, Backdoors Every malware is called by this labs like I say. Please call Worm to a Worm, not www.spearpointsecuritygroup.comware


K7 is very good but without a right database of malware. They ever put www.spearpointsecuritygroup.comware.1

1 stars

{ www.spearpointsecuritygroup.comingValue }}

"worst product in the world."

"worst product in the world."

darshan_ July 31,  /  Version: K7 Antivirus

 |  By darshan_


nothing is good.


manufacturer of this antivirus never reply you if there is any problem, like if auto update not working, after 2 months working on net this software not scan any virus or malware etc


folk, please don't waste your money in this software, it will not protect your pc, this is just for mentally satisfaction that your pc has antivirus, please buy some else antivirus don't go with cheap or free antivirus.

Read reply (1)

Reply by googly_ride on October 22,

Sorry to hear this! I have been using K7 Antivirus for the past 1 year and it worked well. I got a few problem, but when I shot an email to the support team, they responded both via email and called me up in phone and solved the problem. Now I am planning to upgrade the product to K7 Totalsecurity, and tried the trial version its amazing I suggest you to send an email to support @ www.spearpointsecuritygroup.com, I am sure they will respond.

Overall I feel K7 is really doing a good job..

5 stars

{ www.spearpointsecuritygroup.comingValue }}

"Amazing Superb Best"

"Amazing Superb Best"

Vvvvvv5 March 26,  /  Version: K7 Antivirus

 |  By Vvvvvv5


Amazing speed
Superb detection rate
Best Protection


A little bit of low quality GUI but NOTHING ELSE


Though not so popular but according to me if compared with other popular brands it will leave them far behind in performance

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Источник: [www.spearpointsecuritygroup.com]

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