Kontakt 5 Full License Key Archives

Kontakt 5 Full License Key Archives

Kontakt 5 Full License Key Archives

Kontakt 5 Full License Key Archives


FAQ: Fluffy Audio Questions



Q: What is the difference between Kontakt and Kontakt Player?

A: Kontakt is the most widespread sampler, produced by Native Instruments. Most of the sample-based instruments available in the market are built up using Native Instrument Kontakt audio engine. A full version of NI Kontakt provides you a complete set of samples’ editing tools and the possibility to run properly all FluffyAudio Libraries. On the other side, NI Kontakt Player is a free application that hosts Native Instruments sample-based instruments as well as many third-party libraries. To know more, check out Native Instruments page here >>> https://www.native-instruments.com/en/products/komplete/samplers/kontakt-5-player/kontakt-player-vs.-kontakt/.

Kontakt is a standalone product bought from Native Instruments or it’s part of the Komplete and Komplete Ultimate bundles.

Q: Am I using NI Kontakt Full version or NI Kontakt Player?

To check if your version of NI Kontakt is the full version rather than the Player open Kontakt and read the name in the title bar: if there is written “Player” after Kontakt, you don’t own the full version of Kontakt (or, if you own it, you could have to authorize it using the Service Center/Native Access application).

In the end, please watch to Mike Greene detailed explanation about the two Kontakt versions >>>

Q:I’m using a FluffyAudio Sample Library in Kontakt but I can’t get out from demo mode!

A: You are probably running your library in Kontakt Player. To run our sample libraries properly you need a full version of Kontakt.

Q: I downloaded the library and i tried to add it to my Kontakt Player but it doesn’t recognizes it as a library. Why?

A: FluffyAudio Libraries run properly only with a full version of Kontakt. It can’t be added as a Library in the libraries panel, but you can load it in many different ways:

  1. By loading one of the NKI files with the “Files” menu;
  2. By dragging a NKI file in the Kontakt window;
  3. By using the quick load menu in Kontakt.

Mike Greene video from Realitone is very helpful about this. Check it out >>>

Q: Why FluffyAudio products do not run in Kontakt Player?

A: According to Native Instruments policy, developers who want their products to run in Kontakt Player need to pay a fee. This fee has to be paid in advance for hundreds of copies of the library.

Right now FluffyAudio Development Team has decided to release only products that run with a full version of Kontakt to avoid charging our customers for the licensing costs of the player .

Q: I do not own Kontakt Full Version. Can I return the Sample Library?

A: According to our EULA, in this case we can’t refund your Sample Library.


Q: I didn’t receive the downloading links.

A: FluffyAudio relies on Fastspring service, that should automatically provide you the download links right after the purchase, but it can take some minutes to get the links. In any case, if after having checked the SPAM folder and waited ten minutes you still haven’t received the download links, tell us using the contact module at the end of the page.

Q:It’s been over seven days since I received the download links, but I still haven’t downloaded my products.

A: If you let expire your downloading links, don’t panic. Write us using the contact module at the end of the page and we will refresh them. You’ll also need the link refreshed after more 4 download attempts and/or downloads from different locations.


Q: I successfully downloaded all the files. What do I need to do now?

A: FluffyAudio Sample Libraries usually comes into a patch file and one or more sample files. So, once downloaded all the the files, you should have something like this:

Product Name” Patch.rar

Product Name” Samples.part01.rar

Product Name” Samples.part02.rar

If you don’t know how to open .rar files, we suggest to download 7zip from www.7-zip.org (windows users) or unrarx from www.unrarx.com (mac users).

Q: How do I install FluffyAudio Sample Library on my computer?

A: After downloading the files, do the following operation with the specified order:

  1. Move all the downloaded files in a folder of your preference;
  2. Extract the Patch file;
  3. Extract the first Samples part file (Usually “Product Name” Samples.part01.rar);
  4. Please note that you don’t need to extract ALL the Samples.partXX.rar, you just need to extract the first one and the extractor will automatically extract the other archives;
  5. Open the NKI extracted file in Kontakt.

You should end with a folder structure like this:

[FOLDER] “Product Name” Samples

Product Name”.nkr

Product Name” .nkc

Product Name”.nki

(In case of instruments like Rinascimento or AURORA, which features more than one single NKI file, the patches will be in a folder like “Product Name” Instruments)

Q: I’ve extracted all the files, but Kontakt complains about missing files, what can I do?

A: Please use the extracts above, for two main reasons:

1.Some RAR extractors don’t support multipart archives, RAR files splitted into many parts, and they can’t extract files correctly from those archives.

2.Some extractors incorrectly create some unnecessary sub-folders folders that unable Kontakt to correctly find the samples. In particular often the “Product Name” Patch.rar ends in a sub folder while it should stay in the main folder of the library.


Q: I’ve bought a library, but I don’t like it. Can I get a refund?

A: Since our libraries are just a collection of samples and not proper software that we can eventually deactivate, we can’t, unfortunately, refund a library once it has been purchased.

Q: I’ve bought a library, but there’s a bug, what can I do?

A: We usually test our libraries deeply, before their release. But it can happen that something doesn’t work as expected. In that case please check the manual before, to see if it’s really an unusual behavior of the instrument and then eventually contact us to report the unwanted behavior.

We can usually provide a fix for the user if it’s a specific need or eventually release an update for a widespread issue or feature wish.



FluffyAudio offers a special EDUcational Discount (EDU) for Students, Professors and Music Educators enrolled in Schools and Universities, operating in music or associated fields. EDUcational discount is a special discount up to 25% for products released more than six months to date. The following products are now eligible for an EDU:

MyKeyGlock; MyVibes; DidgHybridoo; MyPiano; Trio Broz: Solo Violin; Trio Broz: Solo Cello; Trio Broz: Solo Viola; Trio Broz: Solo Strings (Bundle); Stefania Maratti: Solo Flute; John Diamanti Fox: Solo Clarinet; TimeDrops; AURORA 1.2; AURORA + TimeDrops (Bundle); Simple Violin; Michele Fattori: Solo Bassoon; Solo Woodwinds Complete Bundle; Francesco Lovecchio: Solo Oboe; Scoring Piano; Simple Jazz Bass; Rinascimento; Dominus Choir.


– Students and Professors interested in EDUcational Discount need to provide solid evidence of their position, e.g. student ID card, contracts of employment and similar. The documents should be in English, showing with clarity their course of validity. If you speak another language, please consider to get a legal translation of your documents;

– EDU discount can’t be applied retroactively, that means that we won’t apply EDU on products already owned from the user before the special discount was established;

EDU discounts and regular discounts (sales, offers) can’t be combined together.

If you think that you are eligible for an EDUcational Discount, forward your request to us at support (at) FluffyAudio.com with the above mentioned documents, indicating which products you are interested in!

Thank you!

Источник: [https://torrent-igruha.org/3551-portal.html]
, Kontakt 5 Full License Key Archives


  • How To: Stay up to date & Sign up for our newsletter 
Please fill out this form and stay up to date: http://eepurl.com/daU4R1
  • How To: Resolve “Missing Samples” Error in Kontakt

This happens when you unzip the tool kit and then move the folder to a new location and it means that Kontakt is unable to to find the corresponding samples. This is very easy to fix though!

Simply follow these steps to “Batch re-save” the library: http://www.native-instruments.com/en/support/knowledge-base/show/2577/how-to-resolve-issues-with-missing-samples-for-a-kontakt-library-batch-re-save/

  • How To: Resolve freezing instance of Continuata Connect

If Continuata Connect freezes during the download process, you can reset the application by following these steps: 

- Open the application and then press your SHIFT key and hold it down. That will change the Download button to a RESET button. 

- Then, when the browser window opens to select the install location, just select the location for the library. That should resume the download/installation process and allow it to complete.

  • How To: Request and Decompress Manual Download Links

In the event that you do not want to use Continuata Connect, you can also download and extract the .rar files manually. Simply use this online form to request your manual download links: http://continuata.net/manual_links.php 

Once all of the .rar are downloaded, make sure that all files are in the same folder (ideally a folder specifically for that particular product). After that, decompress the first part of the multi-part samples archive and all of the other packages will be decompressed automatically. Once you have decompressed the samples archive, do the same with the instrument .rar and the extras .rar files. Make sure to decompress all of the downloaded .rar files into the same folder, which will ensure that the required folder structure is kept. 

For Windows we recommend WinRar, on macOS we recommend UnRarX.

DFD stands for Direct From Disk and is a technique for playing back large and very large instruments and samples without loading them entirely into RAM. In fact, only the first portion of each sample is loaded into RAM permanently; the rest is read from the computer's hard disk while playing the instrument. RAM is able to react virtually instantly, delivering the first portion of any sample the user requests, while the computer goes to fetch the next portion of that sample from the hard disk. With DFD switched on you can load samples with up to 2 Gigabytes each even with moderately equipped computers.

  • Why did I not get a Native Access serial number with my purchase?

Libraries that are developed for Kontakt Full (open format libraries) do not require authorization via Native Access. That is why these libraries do not come with a Native Access serial number. Unlike Kontakt Player libraries that can be opened via the Library tab in Kontakt, you use Kontakt's "Files" browser to load patches, or even better, Kontakt's Quickload feature: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=krwzsLSNs4A&t.

  • Native Access Error Message: "Library path is not valid. Please browse again."

Please follow the instructions on the Native Instruments support page, found HERE.

  • Do you offer EDU (educational) discounts?

We do indeed offer a 20% EDU discount for students and teachers. To apply for the discount please send us a picture of your valid student/teacher ID to info@audioimperia.com. Please note that EDU discounts cannot be combined with other discounts which includes pre-sale and introductory pricing for new releases. The EDU license shares the same terms with a regular license and are not restricting in any way.

  • How do I upgrade from Nucleus Lite Edition to the full version of Nucleus?

Purchasing Nucleus Lite Edition qualifies you for a credit toward Nucleus (Full Version), if purchased through the www.audioimperia.com website! Simply email us at info@audioimperia.com when you are ready to upgrade (the full purchase amount that you pay for Nucleus Lite Edition would be used as a credit toward that upgrade) and we will send you an invoice with the applied discount right away.

  • Where do I find the manuals?

Areia: View & Download

Cerberus: View & Download

Jaeger: View & Download

Legacy: View & Download

Nucleus: View & Download

Talos: View & Download

Trailer Guitars 2: View & Download

Источник: [https://torrent-igruha.org/3551-portal.html]
Kontakt 5 Full License Key Archives

Free Kontakt Player Libraries

This article features all the free Kontakt Player libraries in one place. If you’re entirely new to Native Instruments Kontakt and Kontakt Player, read our Kontakt Player Demo Timeout article first.

As explained in that article, the majority of third-party Kontakt libraries will only work in demo mode in the free Kontakt Player. However, there are a few free Kontakt libraries that are fully compatible with Kontakt Player. All of those libraries are listed here for your convenience. There are eight of them in total – three from Native Instruments and five from third-party vendors.

If you’ve just installed Kontakt Player, this page is the best place to find free libraries to download. The Kontakt libraries listed here will not work in demo mode in Kontakt Player and there is no fifteen-minute time limit. You can use them for as long as you need, completely free of charge.

Free Kontakt Libraries

Here is the list of free libraries for Kontakt Player:

Find more information about each Kontakt library below. You can also learn how to install third-party Kontakt libraries and how to get a Kontakt crossgrade.

Kontakt Factory Selection (Native Instruments)

I’m stating the obvious here, but you can’t write an article about free Kontakt Player libraries without mentioning the Kontakt Factory Selection. If you’re just starting out with music production, this (in tandem with the Kontakt Player plugin) is one of the first things to add to your digital audio workstation. Available for free download from Native Instruments as part of the Komplete Start bundle, it delivers a surprisingly versatile set of sampled instrument sounds.

Kontakt Factory Selection provides a great starter kit of acoustic and electronic instruments. Of course, there’s the bread and butter stuff like acoustic pianos, organs, acoustic drums, electric guitars, and even some pretty decent sounding bass guitars. You’ll also find a handy set of synthesizer samples, drum machine loops, electric pianos, as well as a collection of sampled world and ethnic instruments. Actually, my favorite part of the Kontakt Factory Selection is the African percussion patch that is perfect for building percussive loops.

To get your free copy of the Kontakt Factory Selection library, simply add Komplete Start to your Native Instruments account. The free Komplete Start bundle contains Kontakt Player, Kontakt Factory Selection, Play Series Selection, and several other music production software goodies.

More info:Komplete Start

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Kontakt Play Selection (Native Instruments)

Kontakt Play Selection is another free Kontakt Player library from Native Instruments. It is based on a selection of presets from three different libraries: Analog Dreams, Ethereal Earth, and Hybrid Keys. Kontakt Play Selection contains 10 presets from each library.

As we already mentioned, the easiest way to get Kontakt Play Selection is to add the Komplete Start bundle to your Native Instruments account. You can then use the Native Access license manager to download and install the library.

More info:Komplete Start

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Kinetic Treats (Native Instruments)

The third free Kontakt library by Native Instruments is called Kinetic Treats. It is based on a collection of toy samples. The sampled source sounds were used to create more complex instruments, with the help of some clever processing powered by the Kontakt engine. The product page on Native Instruments’ website it as a tool to “Create evolving sounds and textures from a library of carefully sampled children’s toys.”

Kinetic Treats comes with three instrument patches: Electric Train Set, Record Player Music Box, and Xylo Polyphones. It is included in the Komplete Start bundle, along with Kontakt Player, Kontakt Factory Selection, and Kontakt Play Selection.

More info:Komplete Start

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The Free Orchestra (ProjectSAM)

The Free Orchestra is a collection of cinematic orchestral samples for the free Kontakt Player plugin. The sounds were handpicked directly from ProjectSAM’s best-selling orchestra libraries.

The free library includes fourteen patches packed into a 1 GB download. It covers a range of orchestra sounds, from string staccatos to brass clusters and symphonic percussion. The library was offered as a freebie for a while, but a recent update introduced Kontakt Player compatibility. This means that you can simply install it and use it with the free Kontakt Player plugin without any workflow restrictions. ProjectSAM states that composers are welcome to use The Free Orchestra in commercial projects, too.

The Free Orchestra comes with a customized user interface for Kontakt Player. It provides a limited set of on-screen controls for the most essential sound engine parameters and performance options. You can quickly fine-tune the volume envelope, the filter, sample reverse, and the built-in effects. The user can also choose whether the dynamics are controlled by the modulation wheel or note velocity.

More info:The Free Orchestra

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Free Stuff (Soniccouture)

Soniccouture is offering a selection of free Kontakt Player libraries in the Free Stuff section of their website. After signing up for a free Soniccouture account, new users will receive the serial numbers required for library activation in Native Access.

At the moment, Sonniccouture is offering six free Kontakt libraries: Choir Horns, RMI Rocksichord, Thunder Drum, Music Boxes, Tube Drum, and Tape Choir. Each library comes with a customized interface for fine-tuning and manipulating the sampled sounds.

The cool thing about Soniccouture freebies for Kontakt Player is that they are based on rare and unusual sound sources. The sampled instruments sound very musical, but also quite odd and original. Soniccouture’s free Kontakt Player libraries are a great way to expand your existing sonic arsenal with unique and inspiring new sounds.

More info:Soniccouture

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DrumMic’a (Sennheiser)

DrumMic’a is a free acoustic drum kit library for Kontakt Player. The library contains over 13,000 individual drum kits, with multiple round-robin variations and dynamic layers for each sampled drum. You also get a fully customized user interface for Kontakt Player. The interface features a fully-fledged virtual mixer with volume, pan, and FX controls for each drum channel. Additionally, the user can customize the instrument’s velocity response and the MIDI mapping for easy integration into any controller setup.

As for the sampled drum kit, it’s a highly versatile acoustic drum that can be used for various styles of rock and pop music. The drums were recorded using state-of-the-art studio gear, including a range of Neumann microphones. Some of the drum elements offer a choice between multiple microphone models. Hover the mouse over the drum kit photo on the interface to access the microphone selection menu.

In addition to the single drum hits, DrumMic’a also offers a selection of recorded drum grooves. The instrument comes with over 1,300 original drum grooves, including a range of rhythms, fills, and intros. The drum loops are organized into music genre categories for easy browsing.


More info:DrumMic’a

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Jay Maas Signature Series Drums LE (Room Audio)

Another free drum kit for Kontakt Player comes from Room Audio. Maas Signature Series Drums LE is the free, lightweight version of Room Audio’s premium acoustic drum collection. Thanks to its modern sound, the recorded drum kit is perfect for use in pop-rock tracks.

The free library contains seven kit pieces (one kick, one snare, two toms, one crash, one ride, and one pair of hats) from the full version of the product. The Kontakt interface features a twelve-channel virtual mixer with a selection of audio effects. Also, the user can adjust the individual kit piece tunings, sustain, volume envelopes, MIDI mappings, and several other performance controls.

Keep in mind that the free version of the Jay Maas signature kit only features seven drum kit pieces from the full library. The kit elements that aren’t included are greyed out on the interface. You get one kick, one snare, two toms, and three cymbals. The free library also doesn’t include multi-out support, microphone bleed, and the groove library that comes with the full version of the kit.

UPDATE: The free LE version of Jay Maas Signature Series Drums is NO LONGER AVAILABLE.

More info:Jay Maas Signature Series Drums LE

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Ferrum – Free Edition (Keepforest)

Ferrum – Free Edition is the freely downloadable version of Keepforests epic Ferrum sound library. It features a collection of modern trailer percussion sounds, including impacts, metal foley, cymbals, and more. It is a great instrument for creating cinematic percussion loops.

Even though the free edition of Ferrum contains a smaller set of samples compared to the full library, it’s still worth the download. You’re getting six octaves of free cinematic percussion sounds and a bunch of tools to help you create trailer percussion loops with ease.

One of Ferrum’s coolest features is the built-in step sequencer. It can be used to modulate the filter, pan, and pitch for each note, adding interest and groove to the generated loops.

More info:Ferrum – Free Edition

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Arcane (Embertone)

Arcane by Embertone is both a game and a sound library. Fully compatible with Kontakt Player, Arcane will require you to play a puzzle game before accessing its sounds. There are five instruments to unlock and one bonus instrument that is offered as a prize after all the puzzles have been solved. This bonus instrument is a beautiful alto vocal legato patch that is well worth unlocking.

Don’t be discouraged by Arcane’s unconventional interface design. While it doesn’t look like an instrument on the inside, the library actually features a massive 2 GB+ collection of high-quality samples. Some of the sounds were sourced from Embertone’s commercial products, and some aren’t available anywhere else. Also, register Arcane to your Native Instruments account, and you will qualify for the Kontakt crossgrade offer (more on later in this article).

SPOILER ALERT: The entire game segment of Arcane can be bypassed by accessing the Individual Patches folder from the Library browser.

More info:Arcane

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Installing Third-Party Kontakt Libraries

Here’s a step by step guide on how to install Kontakt libraries. The process will vary depending on the library vendor. Regardless you should be able to add free libraries to Kontakt Player by following the steps listed below.

  1. Download the Kontakt Player installation files (valid email address required).
  2. Run the Kontakt Player installer. During the installation process, you will also download the Native Access license manager.
  3. Download any third-party Kontakt library you’d like to install. Extract the contents to a folder on your hard drive.
  4. The third-party library vendor will also provide a serial number. Copy that serial number to the clipboard.
  5. Launch the Native Access license manager. Log in to your Native Instruments user account.
  6. Click the Add A Serial button.
  7. Paste the serial number in the box and click Add Serial. Wait for the registration process to complete.
  8. Locate the library in the Not Instaled tab and click the Add Library button.
  9. Navigate to the downloaded Kontakt library folder (the folder containing the .NICNT file) and select it.
  10. Click the Install button to complete the installation process.
  11. Return to step 3 to install and activate additional libraries.

You’re good to go! The installed library should be activated and ready for use in Kontakt Player.

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Kontakt Crossgrade Offer Instructions

We’ve listed the free Kontakt Player libraries on this page, but there are many other libraries that you can use with the full version of Kontakt. However, many users stick to the free Kontakt Player because the full version of the software is expensive. Kontakt is priced at €399, and you can usually get a 50% OFF deal during Native Instruments’ annual sales (usually around Christmas and during summer).

Register and activate a third-party Kontakt Player library to qualify for the Kontakt crossgrade offer.

Luckily, there’s a way to save even more cash when purchasing the full version of Kontakt. Native Instruments have a Kontakt crossgrade offer in place for users who own a third-party Kontakt library in their account. The crossgrade price is €249, and that can be combined with the 50% OFF deal during a sale. So, with the crossgrade offer and the 50% OFF discount combined, you can get a sweet €125 deal. And yes, free third-party libraries also qualify for the crossgrade offer, as long as the library is registered correctly and activated using a valid serial number.

The crossgrade method reportedly works with the Arcane library by Embertone. Multiple users have reported that they were able to access the Kontakt crossgrade offer as soon as Arcane was added to their Native Instruments account. That said, the crossgrade should work, in theory, when you register and activate any of the third-party libraries listed on this page. To check if your Native Instrument account qualifies for the Kontakt crossgrade offer, visit the Kontakt 6 pricing page and verify the price.

More info:Kontakt Player(free) / Kontakt(€399)

Источник: [https://torrent-igruha.org/3551-portal.html]

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